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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is the Martin/Zimmerman trial a military trial?
No, but Obama running his mouth before. he had the facts was a major factor in Zimmerman getting charged with a crime against the better judgment of local authorities. Thanks to Obama's big mouth, two members of the Navy no longer have to worry about receiving Bad Conduct discharges if a military panel finds them guilty of sexual harassment charges. I see a pattern here, do you? And let us not forget the "Beer Summit," which was the result of Obama unfairly labeling a white policeman as a racist in another case. I think that we all know people who falsely accuse others of racism to make political points, don't we, RV?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is the Martin/Zimmerman trial a military trial? Are you defending all the sexual assaults that are being brought to life in the military?
I am doing no such thing. I am criticizing Obama for being careless with his words and potentially allowing people accused of sexual harrassment to avoid BCDs. He is the Commander-in-Chief but he is not exempt from the UCMJ. The JAG Corps operates independently of the normal chain of command and it is against military regulations for a Commander to exert influence over the members of a military panel or a military judge, in cases that are heard by a judge alone.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You know, it would not matter whether I called you a liar or not. It is obvious to everybody who spends much time reading these threads. Unlike you, I can back up my claims with facts. You get so frustrated in these political threads, you resort to name calling. I am sure that you are as much a liar in person as you are on the screen, but that is not my problem.

You would do much better here if you would simply tell the truth and stick to the topic. You still might not win any debates, but at least people would respect you.
Hoot(No Nuts) Gibson. The people might respect you, if you had nuts.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, but Obama running his mouth before. he had the facts was a major factor in Zimmerman getting charged with a crime against the better judgment of local authorities. Thanks to Obama's big mouth, two members of the Navy no longer have to worry about receiving Bad Conduct discharges if a military panel finds them guilty of sexual harassment charges. I see a pattern here, do you? And let us not forget the "Beer Summit," which was the result of Obama unfairly labeling a white policeman as a racist in another case. I think that we all know people who falsely accuse others of racism to make political points, don't we, RV?
And this has what to do with the Zimmerman/Martin trial?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am doing no such thing. I am criticizing Obama for being careless with his words and potentially allowing people accused of sexual harrassment to avoid BCDs. He is the Commander-in-Chief but he is not exempt from the UCMJ. The JAG Corps operates independently of the normal chain of command and it is against military regulations for a Commander to exert influence over the members of a military panel or a military judge, in cases that are heard by a judge alone.
Is this pertinent to the Zimmerman/Martin trial?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is this pertinent to the Zimmerman/Martin trial?
It is more relevant than your rambling and lying about a totally unrelated two-year old thread and PM post after post. Without Obama fueling racist outrage against Zimmerman, there would be no trial. He is proving that he is a slow learner, as he now has been found guilty of exercising undue influence on the trials of two members of our military. Suddenly, you seem to be uninterested in "patterns."
We would be better served to smoke some weed, and listen to David Gilmore.

[YOUTUBE="David Gilmore"]4N82TLB03Vk&feature[/YOUTUBE]
^ You need to light up, and lighten up Hoot.
Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Reagen's study lied.

[YOUTUBE="The Union: The business of getting high."]zrFctR0G0fY[/YOUTUBE]
TheRealVille Wrote:Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

LOL, you remind me of a rock skipping off the face of a pond. You get a little wet but you only hit the surface. God warns not to use drugs. He also said this, Matthew 13:40-43 (KJV)
40 "As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."
^ Yea, the contradictions are a stickling point for you guys. Your guy can't make his mind up.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, you remind me of a rock skipping off the face of a pond. You get a little wet but you only hit the surface. God warns not to use drugs. He also said this, Matthew 13:40-43 (KJV)
40 "As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."
Did it ever occur to you that I might play with your bible knowledge, or lack thereof, you KJOist? Confusednicker: If I wanted to, I could school you in bible knowledge.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did it ever occur to you that I might play with your bible knowledge, or lack thereof, you KJOist? Confusednicker: If I wanted to, I could school you in bible knowledge.

No, that never occurred to me. You weren't talking to me, you were talking to Hoot when you said that. All of that aside. Take your best shot at schooling me, I welcome it. Nobody who has a glimmer about the power of God and the terror of the judgment, would ever say, much less put down in written word, what you did about the One and only true God.
Now that the trial is under way, it is interesting to look at how the prosecution and defense are doing.

Observers need to keep in mind that our system of jurisprudence dictates that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. That means found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by the entire jury. No majority rules- unanimous.

The burden of proof is entirely on the prosecution. It must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each and every juror. The defense must merely "muddy the water" (so to speak) to create reasonable doubt in at least one juror.

So far, it is reasonable to conclude that the prosecution has not done a very effective job. Its own witnesses raise doubt as to what happened.

In a sane, unbiased trial, it doesn't look too good for the prosecution at this juncture. However, I honestly don't see this as a sane, unbiased trial. I don't think the main issue is guilt or innocence. I think there is the awareness that anything but a conviction will, almost certainly, result in civil unrest and destruction in and around Sanford, Florida and, possibly, in other cities in our country.

You can see it on the cable networks. Fox News is rooting for Zimmerman. The rest, particularly HLN, are slanting everything in favor of Martin. Many blacks, like in most everything, see this as a racial (charges of racism are always in the forefront) event.

Sadly, justice will almost certainly not be the end result. Coercion will win out. In this time in our history and when dealing with race, coercion usually wins. Just wait and see.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Now that the trial is under way, it is interesting to look at how the prosecution and defense are doing.

Observers need to keep in mind that our system of jurisprudence dictates that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. That means found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by the entire jury. No majority rules- unanimous.

The burden of proof is entirely on the prosecution. It must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt to each and every juror. The defense must merely "muddy the water" (so to speak) to create reasonable doubt in at least one juror.

So far, it is reasonable to conclude that the prosecution has not done a very effective job. Its own witnesses raise doubt as to what happened.

In a sane, unbiased trial, it doesn't look too good for the prosecution at this juncture. However, I honestly don't see this as a sane, unbiased trial. I don't think the main issue is guilt or innocence. I think there is the awareness that anything but a conviction will, almost certainly, result in civil unrest and destruction in and around Sanford, Florida and, possibly, in other cities in our country.

You can see it on the cable networks. Fox News is rooting for Zimmerman. The rest, particularly HLN, are slanting everything in favor of Martin. Many blacks, like in most everything, see this as a racial (charges of racism are always in the forefront) event.

Sadly, justice will almost certainly not be the end result. Coercion will win out. In this time in our history and when dealing with race, coercion usually wins. Just wait and see.

How far off would I be to assume that the jurors, all women, are single, upwardly mobile and self dependent liberals?
TheRealThing Wrote:How far off would I be to assume that the jurors, all women, are single, upwardly mobile and self dependent liberals?

They are keeping most of the information about the jurors confidential. Five are allegedly white and a sixth part Hispanic and part black. Of course, some news media types are saying all six jurors are white. Of course, the reason for this is to further the race angle.

It has been reported that at least a few of the jurors are single and several are not native to Florida having moved there from the north. One is from Chicago. Little else is known.

I watched HLN some this evening just to see if the coverage is slanted. Slanted would be a mild description. Everything is pro Martin and anti Zimmerman. The racial component is at the heart of the whole discussion. Pictures of Martin in "touchy, feely" situations are shown over and over. This is the worst propaganda I have ever seen on an allegedly responsible television program. The hosts are leading the deception. Nancy Grace is a parasite with an obvious agenda and that agenda has nothing to do with truth and justice.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:They are keeping most of the information about the jurors confidential. Five are allegedly white and a sixth part Hispanic and part black. Of course, some news media types are saying all six jurors are white. Of course, the reason for this is to further the race angle.

It has been reported that at least a few of the jurors are single and several are not native to Florida having moved there from the north. One is from Chicago. Little else is known.

I watched HLN some this evening just to see if the coverage is slanted. Slanted would be a mild description. Everything is pro Martin and anti Zimmerman. The racial component is at the heart of the whole discussion. Pictures of Martin in "touchy, feely" situations are shown over and over. This is the worst propaganda I have ever seen on an allegedly responsible television program. The hosts are leading the deception. Nancy Grace is a parasite with an obvious agenda and that agenda has nothing to do with truth and justice.

The prosecution were looking for jurors they believe to be the heart and soul of the liberal base. People willing to ignore reality to make a political finding which, reflects the bias of the left. The only hope Zimmerman has, is if at least one juror has part of a conscience left and is unwilling to capitulate.
TheRealThing Wrote:The prosecution were looking for jurors they believe to be the heart and soul of the liberal base. People willing to ignore reality to make a political finding which, reflects the bias of the left. The only hope Zimmerman has, is if at least one juror has part of a conscience left and is unwilling to capitulate.

If the jury were made up of Nancy Grace and the "legal experts" on HLN, there would be no need for a trial. Zimmerman would be convicted, Martin would be canonized, and Rachel (the "star witness") would be heralded as symbolizing all that is honest, innocent, and refreshing about this country. And, of course, the Martin family would be awarded great riches for wrongful death of their model citizen son.

There is absolutely no effort to report the truth. The script has been written according to their personal prejudices.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If the jury were made up of Nancy Grace and the "legal experts" on HLN, there would be no need for a trial. Zimmerman would be convicted, Martin would be canonized, and Rachel (the "star witness") would be heralded as symbolizing all that is honest, innocent, and refreshing about this country. And, of course, the Martin family would be awarded great riches for wrongful death of their model citizen son.

There is absolutely no effort to report the truth. The script has been written according to their personal prejudices.

I'm hearing the prosecution's case is taking on a lot of backwater. Prosecution witness Jonathan Good testified that he saw Zimmerman on the bottom being pummeled by Martin, Mixed Martial Arts Style and that Zimmerman was the one yelling for help.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'm hearing the prosecution's case is taking on a lot of backwater. Prosecution witness Jonathan Good testified that he saw Zimmerman on the bottom being pummeled by Martin, Mixed Martial Arts Style and that Zimmerman was the one yelling for help.

Any unbiased observer would conclude that, at very best, the prosecution and the defense are operating somewhat even so far. That should be devastating for the prosecution. Since the burden of proof is on the prosecution, all witnesses so far are its witnesses. If the prosecution can't do any better than, at best, break even with its witnesses, it should be in real trouble.

At present, I see no way whatsoever from the evidence, that Zimmerman could or should be convicted. However, keep in mind what I posted above. The verdict in this case will most likely have little or nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Unfortunately, the real threat of burning buildings, looted stores, and general mayhem will carry the day.

It is sad that this country had digressed to that level. But, we all know that that is the case.
I really believe the prosecution is throwing this on purpose. It was clear that this was politically motivated from the start and maybe the prosecutor realizes that.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:I really believe the prosecution is throwing this on purpose. It was clear that this was politically motivated from the start and maybe the prosecutor realizes that.
The prosecution will do everything possible to convict Zimmerman of something. It just looks like they are not trying because their case is so weak. I would not be surprised to see the prosecution still offer Zimmerman a deal in an effort to minimize the rioting that will take place if he is acquitted of all charges.
I wonder exactly how many of those would be "rioters" receive government assistance?
I actually took an entire day out of my vacation just to listen to the prosecuting's "star witness"....the lady on the phone with Martin just before he was shot.

I'm having difficulty finding the words now.....let's just say that I was shocked; totally incredible!!
Granny Bear Wrote:I actually took an entire day out of my vacation just to listen to the prosecuting's "star witness"....the lady on the phone with Martin just before he was shot.

I'm having difficulty finding the words now.....let's just say that I was shocked; totally incredible!!
Hard to imagine that she speaks 3 languages fluently.
TheRealVille Wrote:Hard to imagine that she speaks 3 languages fluently.
Do you speak three languages fluently? If not, then how do you know that she does?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you speak three languages fluently? If not, then how do you know that she does?
Just reporting what was told about her.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just reporting what was told about her.
I have been too busy with work to watch any of the trial but the video clips that I have watched this morning don't indicate that Rachel Jeantel speaks English fluently. Maybe she should have testified in Creole or Spanish through an interpreter.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you speak three languages fluently? If not, then how do you know that she does?

This is all ridiculous. Rachel is a human being and is deserving of the respect that we should afford all human beings as, in most of our eyes, God's creation.

However, the attempts of the liberal media to paint her as something that she is clearly not is insulting. For whatever reason(s), and we all have our opinions, Rachel is not an intelligent, gifted, model citizen with great potential. She is much, much closer to the opposite. You can blame the government education system, you can blame poverty, you can blame racism, or you can blame George W. Bush. However, the reality is that she is what she is and that is it.

I took Spanish, French, German, and Latin in high school and/or college. Does that, along with English, make me fluent in five languages since I know a number words and phrases in all five languages? Of course not.

To be honest, a missing commodity in the media, intellectually Rachel isn't fluent in anything. She can neither read nor write cursively. We don't really know about her ability, if any, with printing. Sadly, her appearance and demeanor fit the stereotype that many have of many in the minority community. The media knows this and is going to dishonest lengths to "rehabilitate" her to make her appear to be what she clearly is not.

That is wrong. Rachel is what she appears to be. Nothing more and nothing less. She deserves our respect as a fellow human being but does not deserve a complete makeover into what the liberal media wishes she were. In the end, it is really demeaning to Rachel and an insult to the rest of us.
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