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Harlan County 2013
Belfry0304 Wrote:I know one thing, Harlan Co has the most unique last names over there. I've never heard of Chitwood, Whitehead, or Middleton anywhere around here... I mean Warren, Johnson, Hatfield, Robinson, we keep it pretty simple at Belfry. Lol.

Lets not forget Jones....:yikes:
Have you never heard of Jimmy Chitwood? lol
If not must not know much about black bear football!!! Lol
Will HC be in any weight meets this year? I know we have had some success in the past few years. Our offseason program is VERY good. Along with dedication from the kids.
bear claw Wrote:Will HC be in any weight meets this year? I know we have had some success in the past few years. Our offseason program is VERY good. Along with dedication from the kids.

Heard they won the weight meet at North Laurel this past Sat. Strong a usual I guess. Any speed to go with that strength?
HC should be very fast in the skill positions and very athletic.
What kind of incoming freshman class will we have?
Well baseball is over ready for some football.
bear claw Wrote:HC should be very fast in the skill positions and very athletic.

I understand HC lost one OL. DL took some big losses. Who will step up on DL?
While i didn't miss a game last year, i still can't remember the names of everyone that graduated and the one's returning (Chalk it up to age i suppose lol), anyway i agree they did lose some on the DL but from what i've seen so far (spring game), few practices they have some good one's that will step up for the challenge, i've said it in other post and i'll say it again, FINALLY HC has speed to go with the size and power. Everyone knows HC has always been big and very strong, but lacked in the speed area, but this season people will see a whole new look from the bears. They will still be able to run it down the D's throat, but will have the ability to run around them as well. As for the "D", that speed is gonna be huge for them. Really excited to see this season start...Let's go already. LoL!!!!!
If Harlan County can solidify defensively I have a feeling they will be the best team in EKY this year. That offense is going to be special and they certainly have the pieces in place to be strong on the defensive side once guys get comfortable up front.

My suspicion is we are about to see a lot of rushing yards accumulated when Harlan County and Belfry square off early. Not sure either team will be able to stop the other. Think HCHS will be the favorite though as Belfry seems to have just as many question marks on defense, but more on the offensive line.
I cannot wait for this game, I think it will be one of the best for the entire season.

As far as "names" are concerned belfry0304........you seriously have never heard of a "Middleton"? LOL
Is July 22nd the 1st "official" practice?
I would say that the first official practice is July 8th but it would be nice if they would be showing up on tues and thurs until the dead period starts.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:If Harlan County can solidify defensively I have a feeling they will be the best team in EKY this year. That offense is going to be special and they certainly have the pieces in place to be strong on the defensive side once guys get comfortable up front.

My suspicion is we are about to see a lot of rushing yards accumulated when Harlan County and Belfry square off early. Not sure either team will be able to stop the other. Think HCHS will be the favorite though as Belfry seems to have just as many question marks on defense, but more on the offensive line.
I agree with you on the fact that we will see alot of rushing yards pile up in the Belfry game. Although i do think the bears "D" will be very good this year, again i agree once the D-Line settles in, then look out. The offense will be very good as well especially since Scottie Bailey has a year under his belt at QB, not to mention the speed at the skilled positions. I think Whitehead will have a big year running the ball as well as the speed guys, last year they figured out that whitehead can power the ball up the middle and even after being hit he could still pick up a few more yards with pure strength. Really looking forward to this game..
Rumor is that there were some HC players lost over at the football field. The grass is sooooo high that some kids got lost. It is ridiculous on how this new superintendent is running how the grounds are kept at the high school. Grass is growing over the fence in front of the high school and the weeds are taking over at the NEW football field. Absolutely embarracing. I know academics should come first but sports is what make a school go. Keeps kids occupied and out of trouble AND in school. This new administration could care less about the high school and how it looks. They are all about saving a damn penny. All Harlan Countians should drive over to the football field and around the school and see how this new superintendent has let this beautiful place go. People should be calling their board members. I know I have. Our kids of this county may never get another place like this so please Mr. Superindendent take care of what we have!
I dont understand why the jantors at the school arent keeping the grass cut if its a problem.
I know Whitley always contracted out the elementary schools to be cut every year by the lowest bidder, but the high school grounds have always been maintained by staff.

Could this be a bigger problem financially for HC after spending ll the money on the new school?
A financial problem cutting grass and keep up the campus. Give me a break! It has never been an issue before.
bear claw Wrote:a financial problem cutting grass and keep up the campus. Give me a break! It has never been an issue before.
It must be all the money they lost on the 13th region tournament. LOL Wait a minute I'm from Knox Co. we are probably paying somebodys family member $75000 to mow ours,
Mama Bear Wrote:[attachment=o2805]

LOL. That is what I suggest. Maybe a few goats.
bear claw Wrote:A financial problem cutting grass and keep up the campus. Give me a break! It has never been an issue before.

Well, your the one that said the administrtion was tight....

Maybe the football team can cut it before practice....Maybe thats why they went with turf :biglmao:
Maybe thats why they cant afford to cut the grass is all the money spent on the field lol.
The money is there. Just a change in administration which means not good for sports. A lot of the money for the football field was given to from a gracious coal operater.
I went today to buy some goats but the owner said they can only eat grass that is 4 feet or less, so I didn't buy them cause the grass is too tall.
I just realized what u guys are talking about its awful call the jail they will do it for free!!!!
The money should be there for maintenance purposes plus with the 1.8 million saved thru the cutbacks there should be no reason for it looking that way. Also I'm wondering if they are going to finish the field this summer? I think not having a field house or locker rooms is pathetic with such a nice field, leave it to our school board to screw this new facility up. I've emailed my concerns to the proper people but of course no reply yet, I may just have to walk in and ask in person, it's a shame it really is...
Is the first game at the Roy Kidd bowl with MC held at EKU or MC home field? I'm assuming at EKU but just making sure...
The bowl will be held at Madison Central. They have a new field or remodeled. Really nice.
Fuzzybeardad Wrote:I just realized what u guys are talking about its awful call the jail they will do it for free!!!!

Heck, Corbin has inmates come and paint there 400 year old stadium every year.
HC might as well get a few to cut the grass.
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