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irs targets conservative voting groups
Under W Bush, the IRS targeted churches that had anti-war sermons. Was that ok?
TheRealVille Wrote:Under W Bush, the IRS targeted churches that had anti-war sermons. Was that ok?

Really? Where is your proof? Now, don't cite one of those left-wing rags. I believe it is time for your boy and his henchman to play the "race card". When in trouble, that silly card is always used. In fact, I believe that you have already used it ad nauseam.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Really? Where is your proof? Now, don't cite one of those left-wing rags. I believe it is time for your boy and his henchman to play the "race card". When in trouble, that silly card is always used. In fact, I believe that you have already used it ad nauseum.

My money is on RV in a food fight. And you're exactly right, the charge will come forth momentarily. They are about to claim that those dirty racist republicans have cooked up all three scandals in an effort to get the Black Man, out of the White House.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Really? Where is your proof? Now, don't cite one of those left-wing rags. I believe it is time for your boy and his henchman to play the "race card". When in trouble, that silly card is always used. In fact, I believe that you have already used it ad nauseam.

TheRealThing Wrote:My money is on RV in a food fight. And you're exactly right, the charge will come forth momentarily. They are about to claim that those dirty racist republicans have cooked up all three scandals in an effort to get the Black Man, out of the White House.
I know it pains you to find out the truth on your beloved W Bush, but he was a coke snorting, lying, crook of the highest degree.
Quote:The latest Republican Obama scandal is starting to fall apart too. The IRS didn’t just target conservative groups. They also questioned the tax exempt status of liberal groups too.

In 2012, The Chicago Tribune reported on the IRS denying tax exempt status to a liberal political group,

The IRS announced in May and June that it took the actions against two groups defined as tax-exempt under the 501©(4) section of the tax code. The IRS on Thursday declined comment on its tax-exempt final rulings. Tax-exempt groups raising money for both major political parties ahead of the Nov. 6 election walk a fine line between promoting “social welfare” for tax-exempt purposes and purely political interests.

A 501©(4) group denied tax-exempt status by the IRS would run afoul of Federal Election Commission rules and could be
required to disclose its donors. Emerge America, a group which helps Democratic women seeking elected office, said it lost it tax-exempt status last October. The IRS invoked the “private benefit doctrine” barring 501©(4) status for any group promoting a candidate or political party. The IRS announced its final decision in May.

In June the IRS said it denied 501©(4) tax-exemption for an unnamed political group also under the private benefit doctrine. The IRS is barred by law from disclosing the group’s name and the group has not publicly identified itself. The group had one objective: to serve the political goals of its founder, the IRS said. A 501©(4) group can spend some funds on political advocacy, but electioneering cannot be its sole reason for existence or comprise a majority of its spending.

It looks like the IRS was not just targeting conservative groups, but was targeting political action groups who may have been violating the tax exemption guidelines. If the IRS wasn’t targeting conservatives, but trying to deal with the surge of dark money groups applying for tax exempt status, this story takes on an entirely different context.

Reuters has obtained part of a yet to be released report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) that confirms that the IRS was targeting groups on the left and right who focused their activities on advocating for expanding or limiting of the size of the government. The report also states that the screening process was not influenced by the Obama administration, and that none of the groups screened were denied tax exempt status.

Without the claims of a partisan witch hunt against conservative groups, this latest Republican fueled Obama scandal is set to lose all of its sizzle.

The real reason why Republicans are desperately trying to drum up a scandal here is because they don’t want the IRS forcing their dark money groups to pay taxes. The IRS is threatening their Citizens United fueled political slush fund, and Republicans want it to stop. Republicans are trying to bully the IRS into backing off.

It turns out that Obama isn’t Richard Nixon after all. He wasn’t using the IRS to attack his enemies. In their own bungling way, the IRS was trying to deal with the problems caused by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. First, Benghazi crashes and burns, and now the IRS scandal could be fading fast.

Republicans will pull from their usual “Obama scandal” playbook and hold lots of hearings, but thing looks to be on the fast track to nowhere. Congressional Republicans will try their best, but the IRS “scandal” could backfire and end up making the case for why we need to get rid of Citizens United ASAP.

TheRealVille Wrote:http://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press...?id=298775

now you should know better that's not FAUX
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I assumed that you know him. You obviously did not become a moderator on merit. Seriously, you should stop the spamming. Activity on this website has been declining and that kind of childish behavior is not helping matters. I have been spending more time on a competitor's website after they got rid of their subscription fees. There are others who have done the same.

you need to go back to work instead of wasting taxpayers $
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are not staff, RV, but you certainly are moderator material on this site. You can spam with the best of them. I would not be surprised if you are not rewarded with a moderator title before long. You and WC23 are on about the same level, and neither of you should take that as a compliment.

spam is that anything like spin? you and therealthing are #1 in that group
TheRealThing Wrote:You do realize you're suggesting a Gore presidency would have been a better choice, right?

we will never know but I don't see how it could got any worse
jetpilot Wrote:Do you know how long the UN drug their feet getting inspectors into Iraq? I could have walked all the wmds out of the country all by myself.

they did not have them but I believe if FAUX would report that Iraq did not have them then I would think a lot of you guys would believe it
jetpilot Wrote:How is Obama fixing the economy. Name one of policies that whould inspire a person to hire someone?

the place where I work at are hiring
TheRealVille Wrote:[Image: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-a...7444_n.jpg]

FAUX'S flock has made him a rich man
vector Wrote:we will never know but I don't see how it could got any worse

unless they would have counted all the votes
vector Wrote:the place where I work at are hiring

jetpilot, just so you know vector's "company" has been "hiring" like mad lately
it's at 50 million people right now
nearly doubled since 2008 Confusednicker:
WideMiddle03 Wrote:jetpilot, just so you know vector's "company" has been "hiring" like mad lately
it's at 50 million people right now
nearly doubled since 2008 Confusednicker:
I hear that they have been recruiting new "employees" south of the border as well.
TheRealVille Wrote:I know it pains you to find out the truth on your beloved W Bush, but he was a coke snorting, lying, crook of the highest degree.

"Cleta Mitchell, one of Washington's most respected elections attorneys, told Newsmax she has tangible proof that high-ranking IRS officials in Washington were fully aware of the agency's campaign to target conservative groups for heightened scrutiny, despite their denials."


I'm actually starting to think that your whole life can be defined by your hatred for George Bush. At least I know what country he's really from, not some shadowy figure from out of Kenyan obscurity, whose agenda is anything but transparent. I know he actually served his country in the armed services. I know those who were closest to him are very good people who think the world of him.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I hear that they have been recruiting new "employees" south of the border as well.

This administration has yet to give us the first explanation about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, or anything else. Heck, I'd still like to know how Candice Crowley knew to have Obama's exact talking point dialed up in debate number 2. Where did that info come from? Administration officials always say "they don't know", which at best is an admission of incompetence.
TheRealThing Wrote:This administration has yet to give us the first explanation about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, or anything else. Heck, I'd still like to know how Candice Crowley knew to have Obama's exact talking point dialed up in debate number 2. Where did that info come from? Administration officials always say "they don't know", which at best is an admission of incompetence.
I agree. Obama should have quit when he was ahead. He was unable to get anything worthwhile done when he had majorities in both houses. Democrats will lose seats in 2014 and Obama will get even less done in his second term than he did in his first. If Republican leadership was even halfway competent, the Democratic Party would be at risk of becoming a bad memory because of Obama. The latest prediction on the "Affordable" Health Care Act is that premiums will rise between 100 and 400 percent.
:biglmao: Morons are a plethora on this board. Even when you are proven to be idiots, it's some kind of government conspiracy against republicans.
Anybody that can read a thread knows that at least two of you republicans have had your ass handed to you last night, and tonight.
TheRealVille Wrote::biglmao: Morons are a plethora on this board. Even when you are proven to be idiots, it's some kind of government conspiracy against republicans.

You need to wait until I use these big words in context before you try it RV.

plethora /ˈpleθ·ər·ə/ n [U]
Definition › a very large amount of something, esp. a larger amount than you need, want, or can deal with:
TheRealThing Wrote:You need to wait until I use these big words in context before you try it RV.

plethora /ˈpleθ·ər·ə/ n [U]
Definition › a very large amount of something, esp. a larger amount than you need, want, or can deal with:
Anybody that sees you post knows you don't have a clue what it means, without looking it up, like you did.
TheRealVille Wrote:Anybody that sees you post knows you don't have a clue what it means, without looking it up, like you did.

Oh yeah, I see what you mean now. You're much more eloquent, especially in the name calling department.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh yeah, I see what you mean now. You're much more eloquent, especially in the name calling department.
Well, being a carpenter, it is obvious some things come slow to you, except driving a nail. It's nothing to be ashamed of, somebody has to do the labor of building a house. America needs them, especially now.
Of course, at 64, you are past your prime and probably can't get your "hammer up", and leave your wife alone while you "play" politics with your computer.
I still dont understand why Bushs name is still brought up today.

Were five years into Obamas presidency and the country is still doing poorly.
So much taking responsibility.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I still dont understand why Bushs name is still brought up today.

Were five years into Obamas presidency and the country is still doing poorly.
So much taking responsibility.
Because you guys blame Obama for the same shit Bush did, but you didn't name it then. We were 7 years into Bush's Presidency, when we took a severe nose dive.
TheRealVille Wrote:Because you guys blame Obama for the same shit Bush did, but you didn't name it then. We were 7 years into Bush's Presidency, when we took a severe nose dive.

IMO, you need to relax. Get yourself a nice drink, (not Kool Aid) and get yourself familiar with what really happened in 2007-2008. I went to the trouble to provide a link to that end. But first here's an appetizer; "The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis, is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in the threat of total collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment


The Bush administration and the American public were dealt a financial one-two punch which proved to be earth shaking in scope. First was 9/11 with over a 3 Trillion dollar price tag and the second was the global economic downturn referenced above. Neither of them were Bush's fault.
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