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Since When?
WideMiddle03 Wrote:whats it matter that i cant spell
you sertainly have no problem with vector or 4 real's spelling
if you can comprehend the point that is good enough
once again you fail too address the points and just take cheap shots

and just what argument r u presenting
im yet to see you present anything other than cheap shots
another clone perhaps

I have a difficult time believing that you are being serious at this point. It's like you are trying to mess up words and sentences on purpose.

Like I said before, it is unfortunate to see what has happened to this system of education under Obama's Administration.
Disco Stu Wrote:I have a difficult time believing that you are being serious at this point. It's like you are trying to mess up words and sentences on purpose.

Like I said before, it is unfortunate to see what has happened to this system of education under Obama's Administration.

duck and dodge, again
your exactly right about our education you're posts are a great reflection of that
Disco Stu Wrote:I have a difficult time believing that you are being serious at this point. It's like you are trying to mess up words and sentences on purpose.

Like I said before, it is unfortunate to see what has happened to this system of education under Obama's Administration.
It's called "messing up on purpose, so you can't tie me to another BGR nick", but most here already know who he really is. It's pretty ironic that WM03 accused you of being a clone. LOL
TheRealVille Wrote:It's called "messing up on purpose, so you can't tie me to another BGR nick", but most here already know who he really is. It's pretty ironic that WM03 accused you of being a clone. LOL

what about you're clone account :biglmao:
you liberals "swim as a school, but could hold class in a phone booth"
WideMiddle03 Wrote:what about you're clone account :biglmao:
you liberals "swim as a school, but could hold class in a phone booth"
It's already been proven that I don't have a clone account, and only post on this nick. I don't have to hide to say what's on my mind. Anybody that has ever asked me who I really was on BRG, has found out. That's fact. Anybody on this board that "knows" me, knows that I hide from no one. Never have.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's already been proven that I don't have a clone account, and only post on this nick. I don't have to hide to say what's on my mind. Anybody that has ever asked me who I really was on BRG, has found out. That's fact. Anybody on this board that "knows" me, knows that I hide from no one. Never have.

Very true. A few of us have met most members.

I dont know why middle stopped using right for.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Very true. A few of us have met most members.

I dont know why middle stopped using right for.
No it is not very true. There is no way to prove that one person does not have multiple accounts do not belong to the same person. To state otherwise, as RV did, is dishonest.
The only way to know if someone is using multiple accounts is for mods to do an ip search. Its very quick and easy. But anyone who is even half way computer savvy knows how to proxy around that, and its also hard for us to tell because you can use your phone, which would be a different ip than your home pc.

Its no secret, and most people in todays world know how easy this is, but having two accounts is against the rules. We can just trust the veterans of the site, and good contributors follow those rules.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The only way to know if someone is using multiple accounts is for mods to do an ip search. Its very quick and easy. But anyone who is even half way computer savvy knows how to proxy around that, and its also hard for us to tell because you can use your phone, which would be a different ip than your home pc.

Its no secret, and most people in todays world know how easy this is, but having two accounts is against the rules. We can just trust the veterans of the site, and good contributors follow those rules.
Anybody with a little imagination willing to spend a little bit of money could make it impossible for any moderator to distinguish between two accounts belonging to different people and two belonging to one individual. It's not worth the effort but it is certainly possible and does not take much technical know-how.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The only way to know if someone is using multiple accounts is for mods to do an ip search. Its very quick and easy. But anyone who is even half way computer savvy knows how to proxy around that, and its also hard for us to tell because you can use your phone, which would be a different ip than your home pc.

Its no secret, and most people in todays world know how easy this is, but having two accounts is against the rules. We can just trust the veterans of the site, and good contributors follow those rules.
Which has been done with me. I barely can turn on a computer, and have no computer skills whatsoever. That's fact. I post under one nick only. That's fact. Anybody that has conversed with me very long on here knows I will never hide behind a computer, especially under a clone nick to hide what I want to say.

And I do. I have stated publicly that I had another nick I posted under, years ago, and forgot the password, and started this one. StillanMCFan was my old nick, and anybody can see that I haven't used it in years.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No it is not very true. There is no way to prove that one person does not have multiple accounts do not belong to the same person. To state otherwise, as RV did, is dishonest.
I have no idea how to do the fancy stuff with which you speak, and you have already stated you don't think I post under another nick, so why make it look like I'm trying to be dishonest?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The only way to know if someone is using multiple accounts is for mods to do an ip search. Its very quick and easy. But anyone who is even half way computer savvy knows how to proxy around that, and its also hard for us to tell because you can use your phone, which would be a different ip than your home pc.

Its no secret, and most people in todays world know how easy this is, but having two accounts is against the rules. We can just trust the veterans of the site, and good contributors follow those rules.

so I would be consider 1 of the veterans
TheRealVille Wrote:I have no idea how to do the fancy stuff with which you speak, and you have already stated you don't think I post under another nick, so why make it look like I'm trying to be dishonest?
You said it has been proven that you have only one account. That is not true of you, of me, or of any other member. We can all say that we only use one account but to say that it has been proven is not honest once you know the truth, and this ground has been plowed before in this forum.
vector Wrote:so I would be consider 1 of the veterans
Maybe - you certainly could not be considered a good contributor or a noob. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You said it has been proven that you have only one account. That is not true of you, of me, or of any other member. We can all say that we only use one account but to say that it has been proven is not honest once you know the truth, and this ground has been plowed before in this forum.
WC23 has stated something about searching my ip and I only post under one nick, or something to that effect. I can't remember the exact wording. But, I can assure anybody here, and you know this,(if for no other reason than you know my personality from BGR)that I only post under TRV. If you were honest, you would state that. Exactly the same as I can say, knowing your personality, it can be assured that you only post under Hoot. To state otherwise is being dishonest, and you know it.

It's a sticking point for me because I've never hid from any man in my life, as attested to me giving you my address once.
TheRealVille Wrote:WC23 has stated something about searching my ip and I only post under one nick, or something to that effect. I can't remember the exact wording. But, I can assure anybody here, and you know this,(if for no other reason than you know my personality from BGR)that I only post under TRV. If you were honest, you would state that. Exactly the same as I can say, knowing your personality, it can be assured that you only post under Hoot. To state otherwise is being dishonest, and you know it.

It's a sticking point for me because I've never hid from any man in my life, as attested to me giving you my address once.
You can claim to post under one name. I can claim the same. If either of us claims that a moderator has proven that our claim is true, then we are not being honest. I post under one name but I will never claim that anybody else has certified that my claim is true. If you perform a search, then you will find that WC conceded than an IP search cannot prove that somebody is posting under a single name.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You can claim to post under one name. I can claim the same. If either of us claims that a moderator has proven that our claim is true, then we are not being honest. I post under one name but I will never claim that anybody else has certified that my claim is true. If you perform a search, then you will find that WC conceded than an IP search cannot prove that somebody is posting under a single name.
Not honest, or not knowing? If someone is not computer savvy, how can it be classified dishonest? He searched something on me. I don't have a clue what it was.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No it is not very true. There is no way to prove that one person does not have multiple accounts do not belong to the same person. To state otherwise, as RV did, is dishonest.

You misunderstood my very true statement. The very true was pointing to some of us members meeting.

We have been through this before. IT is impossible to prove that one person does not have a seperate account with todays IP changers and other software.,

You can however prove when someone has a separate account coming from the same IP, unless its a local or school IP.
TheRealVille Wrote:He searched something on me. I don't have a clue what it was.
Moderators can search for the source of your IP address. Each internet provider is given a range of IP addresses, which they assign to their subscribers. Hypothetically, if you logged in to a different account over a cell phone or 4G or 3G tablet connecting through a cell phone network, then there is no way that a moderator could say that the two accounts were related in any way (short of subpoenas to both the cell phone company and your cable or DSL provider to divulge the owner of the accounts). They can, under those circumstances determine that the user of those accounts are posting from the same general geographic area.

With a little more imagination, you could easily appear to be posting from two different locations separated by hundreds of miles. It is really a waste of time for free websites like this one to spend much time trying to determine who has multiple accounts. They can make it more difficult by doing things like disallowing the use of free email accounts for registration, but they cannot catch somebody who is determined to break the rules without resorting to the courts.

I believe you when you say that you only use one account, but I never fully trust anybody that I am only acquainted through the internet. It helps to keep me safe from Nigerian scam artists.:biglmao:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:You misunderstood my very true statement. The very true was pointing to some of us members meeting.

We have been through this before. IT is impossible to prove that one person does not have a seperate account with todays IP changers and other software.,

You can however prove when someone has a separate account coming from the same IP, unless its a local or school IP.
One never knows when some of these guys have had lunch together.:Thumbs:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Very true. A few of us have met most members.

I dont know why middle stopped using right for.
I actually like "both" of those guys, though we differ on almost everything. I think both are good people.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Moderators can search for the source of your IP address. Each internet provider is given a range of IP addresses, which they assign to their subscribers. Hypothetically, if you logged in to a different account over a cell phone or 4G or 3G tablet connecting through a cell phone network, then there is no way that a moderator could say that the two accounts were related in any way (short of subpoenas to both the cell phone company and your cable or DSL provider to divulge the owner of the accounts). They can, under those circumstances determine that the user of those accounts are posting from the same general geographic area.

With a little more imagination, you could easily appear to be posting from two different locations separated by hundreds of miles. It is really a waste of time for free websites like this one to spend much time trying to determine who has multiple accounts. They can make it more difficult by doing things like disallowing the use of free email accounts for registration, but they cannot catch somebody who is determined to break the rules without resorting to the courts.

I believe you when you say that you only use one account, but I never fully trust anybody that I am only acquainted through the internet. It helps to keep me safe from Nigerian scam artists.:biglmao:
I actually had one of those type guys try to scam me once when I was trying to sell a motorcycle on the net. He wanted to write me a check for the bike, and another 9k dollar check for shipping, which he wanted wired to a "shipping" company. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:I actually had one of those type guys try to scam me once when I was trying to sell a motorcycle on the net. He wanted to write me a check for the bike, and another 9k dollar check for shipping, which he wanted wired to a "shipping" company. Confusednicker:

Get them all the time on craigslist.
TheRealVille Wrote:I actually had one of those type guys try to scam me once when I was trying to sell a motorcycle on the net. He wanted to write me a check for the bike, and another 9k dollar check for shipping, which he wanted wired to a "shipping" company. Confusednicker:
I don't use a spam filter on one of my email accounts and I have seen every kind of phishing and Nigerian-type scams out there. They contact millions of people and it only takes a few suckers to make it worth their while. My favorite is the Nigerian black money scam, which predates computers.

Supposedly, a trunk full of American money is to be dyed black and smuggled out of the country. They just need money to bribe customs agents, etc. If they get the mark to meet them in the U.S., they demonstrate the solution that will remove the dye on a few bills in the trunk. The catch is, the dye is very expensive, and by the time a victim reaches that point, they believe that they have already violated American and Nigerian laws and they are too embarrassed to admit that they fell for such a lame scheme. I am sure that many people have bought a big bottle of money cleaner only to find out that the trunk is full of worthless strips of black paper.

Good night, RV. I was at my desk at 6 AM the past few days and it has been a long week.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Get them all the time on craigslist.
I don't remember where my wife found the ad - it may have been on Craigslist, but a woman tried to rent her a house in Arlington that had a realtor's sign in the yard. The rent was way, way to reasonable and I told my wife it was a scam but she was still curious. Of course, the woman claimed to be a diplomat in London and nobody in the U.S. had a key to the apartment (she claimed to have had a falling out with the realtor). She wanted a deposit and references before arranging to get a key to us. But she said it was fine to go look through the windows. :biggrin: Those Nigerians seem to think Americans are all idiots.

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