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Gun control
^ding, ding, ding, ding, red alert, red alert, red alert!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
^^good finds GUT....this ideally will and should turn into a Paul Revere moment, however, their already here and in power!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:[Image:]

Quote:The "Hitler" Quote That Wouldn't Die: "1935 Will Go Down In History!"

"This year* will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
---Falsely attributed to Adolf Hitler, "Abschied vom Hessenland!" ["Farewell to Hessia!"], ['Berlin Daily' (Loose English Translation)], April 15th, 1935, Page 3 Article 2, Einleitung Von Eberhard Beckmann [Introduction by Eberhard Beckmann].
This quotation, often seen without any date or citation at all, suffers from several credibility problems, the most significant of which is that the date given (*in alternate versions, the words "This year..." are replaced by "1935..." has no correlation with any legislative effort by the Nazis for gun registration, nor would there have been a need for the Nazis to pass such a law, since gun registration laws passed by the Weimar government were already in effect. The Nazi Weapons Law (or Waffengesetz) which further restricted the possession of militarily useful weapons and forbade trade in weapons without a government-issued license was passed on March 18, 1938.
The citation usually given for this quote is a jumbled mess, and has only three major clues from which to work. The first is the date, which does not correspond (even approximately) to a date on which Hitler made a public speech, and a check of the texts of Hitler's speeches does not reveal a quotation resembling this (which is easily understandable when you realize that "Hitler" is commenting on a non-existent law). The second clue is the newspaper reference, which if translated into German resembles the title of a newspaper called Berliner Tageblatt, and a check of the issue for that date reveals that the page and column references given are to the arts and culture page! No Hitler speech appears in the pages of Berliner Tageblatt on that date, or dates close to it, because there was no such speech to report.

Finally, the citation includes a proper name "Eberhard Beckmann," which is sometimes cited as "by Einleitung Von Eberhard Beckmann," which is an important clue itself, because it reveals that the citation was fabricated by someone who had so little knowledge of the German language that they were unaware that "Einleitung" isn't the fellow's first name! The only "Eberhard Beckmann" which has been uncovered thus far did indeed write introductions, but he was a journalist for a German broadcasting company after WWII, and he wrote several introductions to photography books, one of which was photos of the German state of Hesse (or Hessia), which may be the source of the curious phrase "Abschied vom Hessenland!" which appears in the citation. This quotation, however effective it may be as propaganda, is a fraud.

I had vowed to leave BGR, but upon returning to just catch up on what lies were being told, I ran across this one first. It was easy to find that it is a lie. I return you conservatives to your regularly scheduled lies. I knew taking a look would make me sick. Cyas.
^ door, hind end, objectivity, sense of humor, the truth...have been slacking on word association....not sorry to offend!

Checks and balances is a beautiful thing. Yes, regardless of shock value ( the original intent ), a disarmed America may become the above picture.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
TheRealVille Wrote:

I had vowed to leave BGR, but upon returning to just catch up on what lies were being told, I ran across this one first. It was easy to find that it is a lie. I return you conservatives to your regularly scheduled lies. I knew taking a look would make me sick. Cyas.

Its always funny when someone vowes to leave only to return.
It never fails.
So i guess the one about the train is true then huh? Confusednicker:

When they take your guns, they take your freedom to defend yourself.

But keep telling yourself you dont need them. Maybe youll be the first to get a new type of gas tested on you.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:So i guess the one about the train is true then huh? Confusednicker:

When they take your guns, they take your freedom to defend yourself.

But keep telling yourself you dont need them. Maybe youll be the first to get a new type of gas tested on you.
Maybe you'll back your rock truck over a high wall. Smile

I'm all for gun rights. I have a pistol in every room of my house, for easy access. I see no use for average people to have military guns, with 30, 50, or 100 round clips. But, as a responsible gun owner I see no use in posting lies to support gun rights.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe you'll back your rock truck over a high wall. Smile

I'm all for gun rights. I have a pistol in every room of my house, for easy access. I see no use for average people to have military guns, with 30, 50, or 100 round clips. But, as a responsible gun owner I see no use in posting lies to support gun rights.

I get your thinking but do you think if they could get all the assault rifles and stuff like that off the street(and I don't think they can) that this will stop people who are crazy enough to do something like this. How long do you think it will take for someone to go on a killing spree with a shotgun or hunting rifle or handgun and then guess what they will start calling for a ban of.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe you'll back your rock truck over a high wall. Smile

I'm all for gun rights. I have a pistol in every room of my house, for easy access. I see no use for average people to have military guns, with 30, 50, or 100 round clips. But, as a responsible gun owner I see no use in posting lies to support gun rights.

Would you care to explain how many rounds a responsible gun owner should have in their magazine, and why?

Most "military guns" have semi, burst and fully auto options. Very few "average people" have those.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe you'll back your rock truck over a high wall. Smile

I'm all for gun rights. I have a pistol in every room of my house, for easy access. I see no use for average people to have military guns, with 30, 50, or 100 round clips. But, as a responsible gun owner I see no use in posting lies to support gun rights.

Its almost happened to me on several occasions while doing demos :biggrin:

However, its not the guns im worried about. Im fine with a 12 gauge. Its when the government tells you that you cannot have something your constitutionally entitled to. This arent WMD's or something tanks. These are rifles. Assault weapons or not, weve learnt over time that when the government once to take something, they end up going to the fullest extent. Look at everything thats been takin way to far over the last few years.

You jumped on my first quote, however guns dont kill people. People kille people. We didnt have this problem 30 years ago. Have the guns changed? Or the people? China has strict gun laws and so they just cut peoples throats with knifes instead.

I can understand the rationale that normal citizens shouldnt be allowed to have automatic weapons or assault rifles, but you have to have a liscense to own one anyways, and if you look at the crimes all of these guys had them illegally, what would change that from happening?
The Sandyhook parents have been lobbying DC all week. As much as my heart breaks for these folks and the journey they will endure, criminals will always be able to find the guns they want or need to achieve their goals.

I did see that a community college shooting came to a faster end yesterday due to the heroics of an off duty security guard. Think he used a pea shooter to subdue the perp?

Interesting to me that there has been no mention of mental health and logical parenting skills mentioned during the gun control grandstanding this week.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Because it's logical and makes perfect sense.

My daddy bought me my first gun for Christmas after I turned 9. He took me "shooting" the next day. We made 2 trips to the mountains before I was allowed to load. He was pretty strict about gun safety.

That probably sounds crazy to some folks, I still think it was one of the best gifts he ever gave me.

I still have that .22 rifle, too!
I would at least like to have background checks for gun purchases. It won't stop the problem, but maybe it will help. I don't care one bit to register a gun when I buy it. All my guns are registered, and I have had extensive federal background checks done on me. Like most responsible gun owners, my record is clean, and I have nothing to hide. Background checks, and registering guns doesn't go against the 2nd.

My story is about like yours, Granny Bear, except mine was a shotgun. I too, still have that gun.
Good memories; I cherish the time as the best part of that gift.

My record is clean, too. Our family was investigated by NASA a few years back. I don't even have a traffic citation. That means nothing when registering a gun. The registration process only identifies honest folks who want to buy a gun; it does nothing to staunch the violence. At least in my opinion.
TheRealVille Wrote:I would at least like to have background checks for gun purchases. It won't stop the problem, but maybe it will help. I don't care one bit to register a gun when I buy it. All my guns are registered, and I have had extensive federal background checks done on me. Like most responsible gun owners, my record is clean, and I have nothing to hide. Background checks, and registering guns doesn't go against the 2nd.

My story is about like yours, Granny Bear, except mine was a shotgun. I too, still have that gun.
don't we already do this?
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns and explosives fall into the wrong hands. It also ensures the timely transfer of firearms to eligible gun buyers.
Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase. More than 100 million such checks have been made in the last decade, leading to more than 700,000 denials.
nky Wrote:don't we already do this?
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns and explosives fall into the wrong hands. It also ensures the timely transfer of firearms to eligible gun buyers.
Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase. More than 100 million such checks have been made in the last decade, leading to more than 700,000 denials.
How can I walk into a gun shop, which I have, and be gone in 10 minutes if they do a background check?
^ I remember when it took several days to buy a gun. That's not the case anymore.
^ so just because a shop doesn't follow the current laws we need more?
Maybe we should just ban mental health issues so everybody is normal.
We could fit it in with all of the other imaginary stuff in obamacare.
nky Wrote:^ so just because a shop doesn't follow the current laws we need more?
Who said they aren't following the laws? Did you read the link? It's the same as when I buy one anywhere. They can fill out the form, lie like a dog, pay for the gun, and walk out the door.

Quote:To buy one, I would need to fill out a 4473 -- a six-page form from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

I'd have to write my name and address. My Social Security Number is optional. And there's half a page of "yes or no" questions.

"Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation?"

"Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?"

Arthur has to write down the type of gun -- the make and model and the serial number. Then, he calls the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division, in Clarksburg, W.V., and he gives them only the most basic information: name, address, driver's license number.

"They give me a 'yay' or 'nay,' and out the door you go," he says. "It's quick and easy. And we take credit cards."

That form, the 4473, won't go anywhere. By law, Arthur has to hold onto it for 20 years. That means, the FBI doesn't have anything close to a complete record of what guns are sold.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Maybe we should just ban mental health issues so everybody is normal.
We could fit it in with all of the other imaginary stuff in obamacare.
I don't see how any law abiding gun owner could not agree with extensive background checks.
TheRealVille Wrote:Who said they aren't following the laws? Did you read the link? It's the same as when I buy one anywhere. They can fill out the form, lie like a dog, pay for the gun, and walk out the door.
so how would new laws change this? Criminals lie you know
nky Wrote::biggrin::biggrin:
so how would new laws change this? Criminals lie you know
It could go back to the 3 day wait, while they check your record out, before you take the gun out of the store. "Extensive background check" are the operative words here.
and this will stop crazy people from shooting up places or gang bangers from killing each other
nky Wrote:and this will stop crazy people from shooting up places or gang bangers from killing each other
It will help keep guns out of the hands of those people, especially if there is a wait period while they check someone's record.
^Bottom line, you are going to disagree with any thought on how to help stop some of the gun violence, at any cost.
not really but what's being talked about on gun control is fluff and will not solve the issue.
70% of all gun deaths come from hand guns with the majority bought illegally. All cases of mass shooting the shooter was mentally ill unless something is done with the mental health issues these mass shooting will continue. Plus as we've seen last week even a crazy person will use an exacto knife to attack people on a college campus
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't see how any law abiding gun owner could not agree with extensive background checks.

Im not disagreeing with background checks.
You already do that anyways more or less.
In Tennessee, which has there own TBI to investigate and run background checks seems to work fine.

However, you know as well as anyone else, if you give a little, they take a lot. It happens everyday with ridicolous issues liberal push upon us.
Im not gun loving enthusiast, and actually only have a couple of shotguns, however, what it leads to after the big stuff is what most people are concerned with.
You should not have to have a background check to own a shotgun or even small caliber handguns, but im fine with checks on semi automatics weapons.
TheRealVille Wrote:It will help keep guns out of the hands of those people, especially if there is a wait period while they check someone's record.

Your never gonna keep guns away from someone who wants one bad enough.
Weve been fighting for years to keep drugs from crossing the border and it happens everyday, which is another reason we should stop the ridicolous immigration "issue" and shut down the borders, especially in times like these.

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