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WWE RAW Preview: Wrestlemania Fallout
Wrestlemania 29 was a disappointing event to say the least and Punk vs Taker was the only exception. The grandest stage saw some predictable victories, with the biggest one being John Cena defeating The Rock for the WWE title. With a lot to catch up with, WWE now needs to make sure that the decision to make the faces win the top three matches is justified. The best time to do that would be RAW tonight.

RAW will be telecast live from IZOD Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey and like every year, the RAW succeeding Wrestlemania is expected to throw in some surprises. Here are a few important events that the WWE will need to answer on RAW this week.

1. A huge surprise from WWE?
Remember last year how WWE brought in Brock Lesnar after Wrestlemania 28? That was a shocker indeed. So is WWE planning something similar this year too? On a personal front, I would love to see Stone Cold return but that seems unlikely, especially since Punk lost to Taker. With claiming that ‘anything can happen after Wrestlemania’, it looks as if WWE is ready to make a wrestler make his unforeseen return.

2. Did Fandango deserve his Wrestlemania win?
Fandango winning over Jericho seemed obvious because WWE wanted to give this new dancer a huge push. WWE seems to have a lot of faith in this wrestler and hence the win, but the question that remains is whether Fandango has lived up to the promise. Has he delivered what was expected of him? Looking at the match I feel there were glimpses of a good wrestler. Looking at how the match ended, I feel Jericho is not done with Fandango and we will see him challenge the dancer once again.

3. Will Mark Henry answer Ryback for the Shell-Shock?
Mark Henry shocked most of us by defeating Ryback. In a match where we expected Ryback to win, Henry somehow managed to come out victorious. But it was seen that Ryback got to have the last word after he landed an impressive Shell-Shock on Henry. Now I’m hoping the World’s Strongest Man will have a few words for Ryback tonight on RAW and the feud to continue.

4. What next for Del Rio and Jack Swagger?
Del Rio finally got his Wrestlemania moment and handled a huge threat in the form of Jack Swagger. Swagger, despite his DUI case and problems, managed to remain the No.1 contender and as expected, lost his World Heavyweight title shot. I guess it is time WWE takes some action against Swagger and temporarily suspends him for his actions. As for Del Rio, let’s hope Ziggler remembers that the MITB briefcase that he is holding is to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion for a title shot. Ziggler is the only legitimate challenger for Del Rio now and RAW this week should tell us more about it.

5. John Cena is the new WWE Champion
John Cena lived up to his promise. He didn’t leave his fans disappointed, though the majority of the fans in WWE seemed to be. Anyway, Cena’s back as the new WWE Champion and now we have to see what he has to say about it on RAW tonight. For long we have waited for a Cena heel turn and still we are expecting WWE to someday make this come true. Does Cena have something special to say to the WWE Universe?

6. What does Undertaker defeating CM Punk mean?
The streak remains. It’s 21-0 and this means there isn’t a wrestler who has had that privilege yet. So this leaves us with two questions that RAW this week needs to answer. Will Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak ever end? And will Taker wrestle at Wrestlemania 30? Wrestlemania 29 apparently wasn’t the right time for the streak to end and CM Punk wasn’t the wrestler to do so. Despite being the longest reigning champion in 25 years, Punk finally found a mountain he couldn’t climb. So Undertaker will go back to his usual self and, if likely, will return before Wrestlemania 30, and Punk will mostly take a much deserved rest and heal his injuries before returning to start a new feud. RAW this week will tell us more.
Let The Undertaker keep his streak at WrestleMania....

And I hope he doesn't sign a "Legends" contract where he will have to 'Job'....... If that happens, it could be one of the biggest blunders in pro wrestling history.
I don't get, having Miz win the IC championship only to lose it back to the same guy 24 hours later...Stupid!!!

Nice to see Dolph finally get his chance with the big title...
Last night's Raw was amazing.

So, so, sooooooo much better than Wrestlemania.
^ It was the best Raw ever! Last night could have been a PPV all by itself
Raw wasn't so much different except for a few points what made it great was the crowd

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