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Estill County 51 - Lee County 49
Estill beat lee by a couple in a really good game down in Irvine. They will play Powell for the 56th crown!
Last time I listened in on the radio Lee had a 2 point lead and the basketball with about 1:30 left. I was in my vehicle and when I came in the house I couldn't get the radio to pick up the Stanton station. Thought Lee might hang on. The radio people announced at halftime that Lee's coach was stepping down from coaching following this season.
Lee was up by 4 with right around 3-4 minutes to play. Estill made some huge plays down the stretch and came out on top. Lee had 2 chances at the buzzer and air balled both shots.

Morris lead all scoring with 20 points. Evans had 12 for Lee
Estill Co. 51
Lee Co. 49

Lee Co. 12 11 15 11 49
Estill Co. 8 14 13 16 51

56th District at Estill Co.

Lee Co. (14-10) -- Cornelius 3, Gilbert 10, Gabbard 16, Cox 6, Evans 12, Mays 2.
Estill Co. (13-18) -- King 2, Baber 8, Dennis 10, Jenkins 11, Morris 20.

Read more here:

I wish nothing but the best for the Lee County seniors, Evans, Gilbert, Cox, Cornelius, Gabbard they all are very tremendous players and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. I wish Coach Wright the best in whatever he decides to do after the season.
Why is Coach Wright stepping down?
Congrats Coach Bentley/ Estill Co.
MVP2 Wrote:Why is Coach Wright stepping down?

Something about wanting to spend more time with family or something to that nature is what I heard. These rumors about Coach Wright seem to come up every year and they turn out to be just that, rumors, so who knows!
Estill didn't hit a single 3 or an and1
estill played awesome they played short handed with Jenkins being out for the game and there 1;10 kid did not dress hurt in a car wreak but they just put it together and come up with a great win.GO ESTILL. so for so good i picked Estill and Powell to meent on thur. By the way i have Estill winning the dist.
Twitter is really crazy right now
Congrats to the Engineers on a great win!!!
Im old school. But i never seen such a classless celebration after a first round district game. You would have thought they had won the state title or something. But thats Estill for you. Hopefully they over look Powell and get beat.
Sounds to me like Lee County is butt hurt because they lost. Lee County has done some pretty crazy stuff after winning games too. If Lee would have won and celebrated, none of this would have been said.
Estill is by far the most classless/arrogant bunch not only fans but also players in the 14th. What goes around comes around though. Ill be cheering for Powell thursday night!
Really? What about when Lee won the districts back at Estill and they poured water all over coach Wright, which ended up on the floor causing people to get hurt or when Lee shot a 3 at the buzzer after they had a 4 point lead to 7? Typical Lee Countians, whine and complain after getting beat, do it in basketball, baseball, it's wonders they don't do it in softball
Mountain man 14 Wrote:Estill is by far the most classless/arrogant bunch not only fans but also players in the 14th. What goes around comes around though. Ill be cheering for Powell thursday night!

I don't normally post on here but after reading the post by mountain man I felt I had too. Estill's celebration was nothing against Lee it was because after losing 3 of our staring players. To come back and win was a great accomplishment for them. So go ahead and cheer for Powell a least if they win I don't see them dumping a cooler of ice and water on the gym floor like the classy boys from Lee did when they won district at Estill...Proud of our guys good luck against Powell Thursday.:redboxer:
And I would be cheering for Lee had they won.
Why dont you just stay home mountain man you sound like a very unhappy person.Cry me a river.1 more thing want to talk about class? Look at your coach is that what you call class? HAHAHA
Well First off SK when the lee county players poured the water on Coach Wright they had just one the district title. They never did that after a first round game. And i promise you no one was in danger of getting hurt. And do you think Estill would have let up if they would have been up by 4?? Estill county when they get beat are the most pathetic sore losers in the world, and when they win there even sore winners when they win. Like when there fans through balls at the Lee County players, and when Estill stayed on the floor 45 min after the game still taking pictures with kids hanging in the rim. And when Morris goes through the line after the game screaming and yelling. Estill is just a bunch of Punks and i hope Powell sends there student section and players home crying thursday night.
I have no dog in the fight but Mtn Man you sound like you could use some cheese to go with your whine. Estill lost, move on. You have the OPINION that their players are punks and fans are arrogant, this may be true. But you undoubtedly are proving you are a sore loser and harbor bitterness that is unhealthy over a high school game. If you are old school then you would hold your head up high after a loss instead of finding reasons to degrade the victors. Have no clue of your age but you sound like a bitter old person who resents all things estill. Have some class and maturity about yourself then just maybe you would have better ground to stand on when you judge others for the same.

PS even if they won the district who dumps water/gatorade over the coach in the spport of basketball...especially at an away floor?

Congrats Estill...better luck next year Lee
WOW really? What about the time that Lee celebrated after just claiming the 1 seed at Estill a few years ago? or celebrated after Pittman hit the 3 at the buzzer to push the score on up? Or when they poured water over Coach Wright, people walk that way, incase you hadn't notice....Do you ever see, them running down the court to shoot the ball after their up with like a sec or so to go? Did they last night after they got the rebound off the Gilbert miss or did they sit there and hold it? Sounds to me like Lee is just a bunch of sore losers and needs to get over it already. As for walking through the cheerleaders? After a district win, Estill always done it, is their anything really wrong with that? Lee County does it, Powell County does it, Owsley does it.

If Estill was to upset Breathitt in football would you see the Estill players pour water over Coach Jones? No. Do you see them pouring water over Coach Sparks or Coach Beard in baseball and softball? No. Lee County is the only one that does that. Owsley doesn't do it, Powell didn't do it last year. As for the ball throwing? Your really gonna whine and complain about those little white in-flattable balls the little kids had? They brought those from home.

As for the fans? Really? It's called STUDENT SECTION...they all do the same exact thing..Powell, Lee, Estill, Owsley, they cheer for their team, are they not suppose to/allowed to do so?
First of all we can just quit talking about the water thing from Districts three years ago thats irrelevant to the game last night. I just think its funny how everyone in the district hates Estill. Just take a look at twitter from last night and you will see. I really dont care what you think about SK your just like any other Estill County fan, if they would have lost you would be on here whining( your still complaining about the water thing from years ago) I think it would be great if Estill just switched districts because everyone in the 56th hates them. You guys still got a game to play tomorrow night and what goes around comes around...I hope all them idiots in the student section get what they deserve tomorrow night.
Same Ol' Same Bobcat fans!!! Congrats Estill on the victory!!!

I remember on time when Lee beat Owsley on a 60 foot shot during the reagular season! Lee Co. stormed the like they had won the NCAA tournament!!!
^^^ I think we need Clay Co. & Jackson Co. in our district Mountain Man!!!
Mountain man 14 Wrote:First of all we can just quit talking about the water thing from Districts three years ago thats irrelevant to the game last night. I just think its funny how everyone in the district hates Estill. Just take a look at twitter from last night and you will see. I really dont care what you think about SK your just like any other Estill County fan, if they would have lost you would be on here whining( your still complaining about the water thing from years ago) I think it would be great if Estill just switched districts because everyone in the 56th hates them. You guys still got a game to play tomorrow night and what goes around comes around...I hope all them idiots in the student section get what they deserve tomorrow night.

I'm not whining about the water incident but your complaing about Estill celebrating and I was just re-freshing your memory. You say Estill does crazy stuff, Lee has too. Celebrating after claiming the 1 seed at Estill, the water incident, Pittman shooting a 3 at the buzzer, we can go on and on if you would like. The times that Estill lost this year, did you once see me say anything? Did I not congratulate the other teams on the wins? Did I not congratulate Lee when they beat us a few weeks back?

As for the Student sectons? Lee is just as bad so don't even go there. Wasn't it Lee that walked in with sings and everything last night? Estill had signs but one side said yes the other side said no...Estill fans does this at every game..

Your just too funny..all your doing is making Lee look stupid by getting on a message board and whining and complaining...I don't think your coach would like that since your a BALL PLAYER. We may lose tomorrow night but there won't be any complaining by none from Estill....Also, Last time I checked, we offered to feed your teams but you all were so ready to get back home you just left.
Strikeout king you have no room to complain about what anyone says on this thread you knew when u posted this that an instant flame war would start and are probably sitting and laughing about it right now!! Lee county may have brought signs and other stuff to show support but so did estill and they brought MUCH more than you imply. Also we did not disrespect individual players with foul language and inappropriate behavior!
Strikeout King Wrote:Sounds to me like Lee County is butt hurt because they lost. Lee County has done some pretty crazy stuff after winning games too. If Lee would have won and celebrated, none of this would have been said.
SWk let me start by saying that usually you and I enjoy a good discourse, but the balls being thrown on the floor after the game at players and the lee fans was terrible, what does that have to do with celebrating which i think Estill should celebrate the solid game they played, but there fans throwing balls at lee players and hitting three people right in front of me. 2 were little kids and one adult. the adult was hit in the face. i understand that people get excited but this was a provoking attempt to start a trouble. we spoke with superintendant today and his response was poor at best, his comment was we cant control what people do at these games. GUESS WHAT IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILTY TO ENSURE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT. The sad part is the parents of the little ones has now called an attorney and as we all know attorneys can make a mountain out of a molehill. I hope this is goes away but it was not neccesary. I usually always cheer for Estill when they play someone else and probally still will. lets just play ball and not have these silly fights at games. Good Luck Thursday
Strikeout King Wrote:I'm not whining about the water incident but your complaing about Estill celebrating and I was just re-freshing your memory. You say Estill does crazy stuff, Lee has too. Celebrating after claiming the 1 seed at Estill, the water incident, Pittman shooting a 3 at the buzzer, we can go on and on if you would like. The times that Estill lost this year, did you once see me say anything? Did I not congratulate the other teams on the wins? Did I not congratulate Lee when they beat us a few weeks back?

As for the Student sectons? Lee is just as bad so don't even go there. Wasn't it Lee that walked in with sings and everything last night? Estill had signs but one side said yes the other side said no...Estill fans does this at every game..

Your just too funny..all your doing is making Lee look stupid by getting on a message board and whining and complaining...I don't think your coach would like that since your a BALL PLAYER. We may lose tomorrow night but there won't be any complaining by none from Estill....Also, Last time I checked, we offered to feed your teams but you all were so ready to get back home you just left.
As far as feeding the team, that is a tradition at all district tournaments so it was nothing special. Hospitality is always at tournaments.
JOBAKKA Wrote:SWk let me start by saying that usually you and I enjoy a good discourse, but the balls being thrown on the floor after the game at players and the lee fans was terrible, what does that have to do with celebrating which i think Estill should celebrate the solid game they played, but there fans throwing balls at lee players and hitting three people right in front of me. 2 were little kids and one adult. the adult was hit in the face. i understand that people get excited but this was a provoking attempt to start a trouble. we spoke with superintendant today and his response was poor at best, his comment was we cant control what people do at these games. GUESS WHAT IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILTY TO ENSURE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT. The sad part is the parents of the little ones has now called an attorney and as we all know attorneys can make a mountain out of a molehill. I hope this is goes away but it was not neccesary. I usually always cheer for Estill when they play someone else and probally still will. lets just play ball and not have these silly fights at games. Good Luck Thursday

Their is several Lee County fans on here I like, you, LeeCountyUKFan, mountain man, theirs some that don't get on here any more that I liked. The ball throwing must have happened after I had went up to the locker room unless your talking about during the game, in which a team that's going out of bounds will try and throw the ball of an opponent to keep from losing possession. I thought Lee County played extremely well. It had my heart racing that last little bit. I do wish all the Lee SR's the best in what they do after high school, You know, Evans, Cox, Gabbard, Gilbert, you know they are all good players, they will make fine college players, if they chose to go that route and play college ball. I like Coach Wright I think he's a nice guy, good coach, I wish him the best in whatever he decides to do.
JOBAKKA Wrote:SWk let me start by saying that usually you and I enjoy a good discourse, but the balls being thrown on the floor after the game at players and the lee fans was terrible, what does that have to do with celebrating which i think Estill should celebrate the solid game they played, but there fans throwing balls at lee players and hitting three people right in front of me. 2 were little kids and one adult. the adult was hit in the face. i understand that people get excited but this was a provoking attempt to start a trouble. we spoke with superintendant today and his response was poor at best, his comment was we cant control what people do at these games. GUESS WHAT IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILTY TO ENSURE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT. The sad part is the parents of the little ones has now called an attorney and as we all know attorneys can make a mountain out of a molehill. I hope this is goes away but it was not neccesary. I usually always cheer for Estill when they play someone else and probally still will. lets just play ball and not have these silly fights at games. Good Luck Thursday
The only people I saw we're little kids with the little white balls.....a lawyer really

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