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01-08-2013, 12:22 PM
Ever had to explain to someone about whether it is important to go to church? Ever been challenged by someone from another faith? I for my entire life have lived by a philosophy that puts Jesus first and man's word last! I have always put my faith in Christ, not in the words of the man speaking of Christ. Please do not take my words out of context. I believe that God conveys him message through man, and his inspiration can be heard through the lips our our minsters and priests. However, I do not get hung up in the building that is called Church, but rest my soul in the Bible's description that the Church is Christ!
This means a lot to me. I grew up in the Church of God, my Wife in the Catholic Church. After many discussions, debates, and arguments, we have been led to the fact that Christ is the way and the way does not have to go through a particular building. Going to Church does not make us a Christian. But accepting Christ does! I believe that the Church allows us to fellowship and to be in Gods presence. But please don't get lost in the fact that you are ALWAYS in Gods presence.
I pray that each of you receive something from this video.
This means a lot to me. I grew up in the Church of God, my Wife in the Catholic Church. After many discussions, debates, and arguments, we have been led to the fact that Christ is the way and the way does not have to go through a particular building. Going to Church does not make us a Christian. But accepting Christ does! I believe that the Church allows us to fellowship and to be in Gods presence. But please don't get lost in the fact that you are ALWAYS in Gods presence.
I pray that each of you receive something from this video.
01-08-2013, 12:33 PM
It's like somebody stole my thoughts, made them legible and spoke them in this video.
Thanks Dusty.
It's like somebody stole my thoughts, made them legible and spoke them in this video.
Thanks Dusty.
01-08-2013, 01:38 PM
When I use to go to church, I never really understood why people went every Sunday. I realize that it sounds ignorant but I learned more about the Bible on my own than I did sitting through a sermon. I began to worship on my own and if I didn't understand something I researched it or asked. Church almost seemed like a social gathering and I was there to get something not to gossip about current events. Because of this I would only go to the Wednesday night Bible Study. It seemed to be the only avenue in which I could learn.
I was bombarded by church members and the minister as to why I never come to "church". Yet I was studying the Bible every Wednesday and doing studies at home as well as praying. I began to feel like I didn't belong anymore so I quit going all together.
This ultimately led to me no longer walking down that path.
IMO, Churches have just become buildings or tradition. I learned so much by sitting and talking with a minister on a mission trip than I did sitting in a pew.
The county I live in has roughly 15K people but yet 23 churches. Doesn't make much sense to me.
This may be a little off from what your post was meaning but I just wanted to share what I was thinking.
I was bombarded by church members and the minister as to why I never come to "church". Yet I was studying the Bible every Wednesday and doing studies at home as well as praying. I began to feel like I didn't belong anymore so I quit going all together.
This ultimately led to me no longer walking down that path.
IMO, Churches have just become buildings or tradition. I learned so much by sitting and talking with a minister on a mission trip than I did sitting in a pew.
The county I live in has roughly 15K people but yet 23 churches. Doesn't make much sense to me.
This may be a little off from what your post was meaning but I just wanted to share what I was thinking.
01-08-2013, 04:00 PM
Stardust Wrote:Ever had to explain to someone about whether it is important to go to church? Ever been challenged by someone from another faith? I for my entire life have lived by a philosophy that puts Jesus first and man's word last! I have always put my faith in Christ, not in the words of the man speaking of Christ. Please do not take my words out of context. I believe that God conveys him message through man, and his inspiration can be heard through the lips our our minsters and priests. However, I do not get hung up in the building that is called Church, but rest my soul in the Bible's description that the Church is Christ!
This means a lot to me. I grew up in the Church of God, my Wife in the Catholic Church. After many discussions, debates, and arguments, we have been led to the fact that Christ is the way and the way does not have to go through a particular building. Going to Church does not make us a Christian. But accepting Christ does! I believe that the Church allows us to fellowship and to be in Gods presence. But please don't get lost in the fact that you are ALWAYS in Gods presence.
I pray that each of you receive something from this video.
I certainly respect and agree with you Dusty, and it is my sincere hope you have a bible based church to attend. If not, your welcome to visit the Spirit100 families church "building." We're a bunch of scallywags and scoundrels walking with Jesus Christ and working on making life better for others through our walks and sometimes runs.
And one of the reasons we chose to become members of this church is because I saw this clip at our now church :Thumbs:!
Feel free to pm me if you're in a season that may fit you and yours walk to visit our building

I told you that to tell you gets busy, the enemy distracts us, tempts us, and wants to get us detoured off the "holy highway." He wants us isolated and separated from fellow believers. Don't let that happen folks. Your never alone with Christ and the enemy can't touch you when you're in the word.
Don't allow the imperfect church buildings to scare you away. You'll never find the perfect church, just like you'll never find the perfect spouse. You can find one that makes you better, looks out for your best interests, and challenges you to grow. You also have to tolerate hurts, hangups, and other issues as we all do everyday. When the Lord brought me to this awareness I was able to make peace with a lot of luggage and simply let it go. The way doesn't have to go through a building I agree. It can and does though all the time.
It can go through bgr also :Thumbs:. I apologize for the long response...the holy spirit made me do it

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
-Mahatma Gandhi
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
-Mahatma Gandhi
01-11-2013, 04:22 PM
What the person in the video and some of you have shared is one of my biggest fears as a pastor. If a person comes and just doesn't enjoy the service that is fine. I have been in a service or two that I didn't enjoy. However, what I fear so vividly is that someone may get burned by a church and never give another a chance.
"We have not been given a spirit of fear...." so I do not fear but I do pray that the congregation in which I pastor does not burn anyone to the amazing grace of our dear Lord and His desire that we gather in one heart and one mind and one accord to worship His name and seek His face.
To me, a church is not about the building but more about the cornerstone. Not about the materials is built upon but about the solid rock of Jesus Christ that it is founded upon. Not every person that enters the doors will enjoy a prayer, 4 songs, a sermon and an altar call (just for example) but I hope they find peace, hope, love and refuge in the arms of Jesus. I hope that local congregations can be a place that embodies the love of Jesus. I hope that the place of worship that you attend or that you seek may be found taking seriously the call to be like shining with the light of the world and lit like a city on a hill. Far too many are brightened with artificial light and the true darkness of their efforts come to the light. Let your love flow. Be genuine. Allow your place of worship to be a place where we can all come and be broken.
One of my favorite things about the church I pastor now are their two mottos. (They were in place before I came, so I cannot take any credit and would receive none anyway) "A place where it is okay to not be okay" and "Healing for the past, help for the present, hope for the future".
"We have not been given a spirit of fear...." so I do not fear but I do pray that the congregation in which I pastor does not burn anyone to the amazing grace of our dear Lord and His desire that we gather in one heart and one mind and one accord to worship His name and seek His face.
To me, a church is not about the building but more about the cornerstone. Not about the materials is built upon but about the solid rock of Jesus Christ that it is founded upon. Not every person that enters the doors will enjoy a prayer, 4 songs, a sermon and an altar call (just for example) but I hope they find peace, hope, love and refuge in the arms of Jesus. I hope that local congregations can be a place that embodies the love of Jesus. I hope that the place of worship that you attend or that you seek may be found taking seriously the call to be like shining with the light of the world and lit like a city on a hill. Far too many are brightened with artificial light and the true darkness of their efforts come to the light. Let your love flow. Be genuine. Allow your place of worship to be a place where we can all come and be broken.
One of my favorite things about the church I pastor now are their two mottos. (They were in place before I came, so I cannot take any credit and would receive none anyway) "A place where it is okay to not be okay" and "Healing for the past, help for the present, hope for the future".
01-11-2013, 09:37 PM
I my personal experience, the church is a double edge sword. If you go to the wrong one, the congregation can drive someone away for a long time or forever. I had that experience as a child in church by my Sunday school teacher who judged a member of my family that she did not know personally. I was angry, felt judged, I did not ever want to see the inside of a church or associate with the people from church because I did not want people judging me.
It was also because people in the church that I found my way back. At my wife's urging, she begged me to go because she never really went to church as a child. She knew that I had been and she wanted me to go to be her security blanket. The people in that church were so warm and welcoming. I felt like that I was accepted and not judged. I ultimately got baptized and taught Sunday school for a year and a half until I moved to North Carolina. IDK how good of teacher I was because I was learning the Bible myself. Ultimately, my goal for the kids was to not want to quit church because of their Sunday school teacher. I felt if they learned the Bible and had a relationship with God they would eventually get baptized and serve God.
Lately I have not been as good as I should be about learning and having a relationship with God. Lot of it is because that I have not been teaching kids on Sunday and have gotten lazy. I haven't really been teaching my own kids anything anymore, we used to have about a 5 minute lesson just before dinner. It is nobodys fault by my own. I know things will change. We now attend a great church in NC one the most warm and diverse places you would ever go. I am the only one who make that change in me.
I don't think my answer really fit the topic of the thread. I just started typing. Sorry for such a long response.
It was also because people in the church that I found my way back. At my wife's urging, she begged me to go because she never really went to church as a child. She knew that I had been and she wanted me to go to be her security blanket. The people in that church were so warm and welcoming. I felt like that I was accepted and not judged. I ultimately got baptized and taught Sunday school for a year and a half until I moved to North Carolina. IDK how good of teacher I was because I was learning the Bible myself. Ultimately, my goal for the kids was to not want to quit church because of their Sunday school teacher. I felt if they learned the Bible and had a relationship with God they would eventually get baptized and serve God.
Lately I have not been as good as I should be about learning and having a relationship with God. Lot of it is because that I have not been teaching kids on Sunday and have gotten lazy. I haven't really been teaching my own kids anything anymore, we used to have about a 5 minute lesson just before dinner. It is nobodys fault by my own. I know things will change. We now attend a great church in NC one the most warm and diverse places you would ever go. I am the only one who make that change in me.
I don't think my answer really fit the topic of the thread. I just started typing. Sorry for such a long response.
01-12-2013, 01:21 AM
^No apology necessary. I love openness.
01-12-2013, 10:04 AM
Exactly LWC!! I didn't think your post was "long" Jarons, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
I can actually empathize a great deal with a couple of posts on here. I am extremely reluctant to comment on certain topics when it comes to "religion" and associated items.
Stardust's original post reached way down and stirred a lot of emotions and feelings that I have long since buried. Then Spirit had to come along and spark the same feelings. Both Jarons and LWC touched on similiar positions.
I could post a few hundred pages of descriptions of church related experiences, good and bad, and speak from personal experience for all of them. Bottom line, I don't have a traditional "church family ". As long as I can remember, my mom and dad took us to church. They also took an active roll in church services, from being an elder in our particuliar church to choir to young people's meetings. We went to church on Sunday mornngs and evenings and to Bible study on Wednesdays. I am so grateful for that foundation!! I rely on it several times each and every day.
I've never been a "traditional" anything.....most of the time, I question practices and beliefs and doctrine, and search for what God wants me to believe as the "truth" (thanks Mom!!!!) And I don't settle. Because I believe my eternal soul rests on this.
There's a LOT of beliefs that I have retained as fundamental and true, at least for/to me, for the past 60+ years, and even more that I have come to find, are doctrine and "accepted" because it's unseemly to question what is presented by a particuliar church. Hogwash!!
I won't post the several hundred pages that I mentioned earlier
I don't know why that God has brought me to the place where I am this particular time in my life. I have; however, learend that if God brings me here, He will see me through. Perhaps that's why I've had such a tumultuous life. I needed to learn "how" to lean on God and "how" to listen.
I've learned my lesson well.
Exactly LWC!! I didn't think your post was "long" Jarons, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
I can actually empathize a great deal with a couple of posts on here. I am extremely reluctant to comment on certain topics when it comes to "religion" and associated items.
Stardust's original post reached way down and stirred a lot of emotions and feelings that I have long since buried. Then Spirit had to come along and spark the same feelings. Both Jarons and LWC touched on similiar positions.
I could post a few hundred pages of descriptions of church related experiences, good and bad, and speak from personal experience for all of them. Bottom line, I don't have a traditional "church family ". As long as I can remember, my mom and dad took us to church. They also took an active roll in church services, from being an elder in our particuliar church to choir to young people's meetings. We went to church on Sunday mornngs and evenings and to Bible study on Wednesdays. I am so grateful for that foundation!! I rely on it several times each and every day.
I've never been a "traditional" anything.....most of the time, I question practices and beliefs and doctrine, and search for what God wants me to believe as the "truth" (thanks Mom!!!!) And I don't settle. Because I believe my eternal soul rests on this.
There's a LOT of beliefs that I have retained as fundamental and true, at least for/to me, for the past 60+ years, and even more that I have come to find, are doctrine and "accepted" because it's unseemly to question what is presented by a particuliar church. Hogwash!!
I won't post the several hundred pages that I mentioned earlier

I don't know why that God has brought me to the place where I am this particular time in my life. I have; however, learend that if God brings me here, He will see me through. Perhaps that's why I've had such a tumultuous life. I needed to learn "how" to lean on God and "how" to listen.
I've learned my lesson well.
01-13-2013, 03:53 AM
I think you can have church right in your own living room with Jesus and a bible that can match anything you will see in a church house but, if you can find a good church to your liking it is also very enjoyable to share your faith with others.
01-13-2013, 01:20 PM
Matthew 18:20
I personally believe that "two" refers to me and God. That may not be correct for anyone else, but it is right for me.
I personally believe that "two" refers to me and God. That may not be correct for anyone else, but it is right for me.
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