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Unaffordable care act
^ nice website by the way vector
Walleye Wrote:[COLOR="Black"]

Who will pay for the massive Medicade ( entitlement ) expansion?

Exactly, and I've been asking the same question for two years now. The republicans asked how government could spend the same tax dollars twice, (since they are earmarked for both medicare and ObamaCare). And, folks like vector, can't understand that money doesn't grow on trees, or come down the Keynesian conveyor belt without end. ObamaCare is basically a situation where everybody in the nation has been ordered by the federal government to purchase health insurance. That is, everybody except those already classified as the so-called poor. Those folks will again, by order of the federal government, be awarded 'free insurance' and free health care, with zero copays. So who then, will pay for the estimated 30 million or so who will be entitled to the very best care available? Well let me ask a very simple question, where is the only place the government can get money? From taxpayers. And as for the medicare shortfall, we are seeing the beginnings of the euthanization of America's seniors, by the government sanctioned welching of her responsibilities to them. In the ultimate twist of irony and treachery, a new version of the US federal government, which has grown completely comfortable with the murder of the unborn innocents, now has turned her sights on the very ones to which she owes the most. Those of the generation that actually built the infrastructure which is America, served her in time of war and raised familiies in the picture of personal responsibility, are now on the liberal hit list. Replacing them are the more highly favored non-productive pets, which populate the dem's roster of 'voter serfs'.

As in any program the feds run, there will be hell to pay if patients recieving free care, were to file a complaint against a doctor or hospital. From the day the SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of ObamaCare, care givers began to live in fear of being landed on by the government, therefore, not only will the poor get the very best of it, they will be treated like gold. In exactly the same way folks now run for cover when the mere threat of being charged with discrimination if the race card were to be played. The precious and favored voter-serfs will have the unlimited power of the federal government at their beck and call. That is why I have said they will not only get care as good as anybody who actually has to pay for their insurance, they will get better, and get it sooner. For paying folks, the line will form to the rear, because poor folks will run straight to the feds with any complaint of percieved inequities by health care providers.

None of these universal health care advocates actually cares about people like other guy. He worked his whole life until he fell ill. He should be among the favored few to recieve health care because he was insured when he got sick, but, at least in part because Obama has openly announced he will be taking 740 billion tax dollars out of medicare to initially have the money to fund ObamaCare, he is forced to free fall for two years without health insurance. The other half of his problem is insurance premiums have recently massively and unfairly jumped to levels he can no longer afford. Vector can't or won't admit that even though his hero promised every American their health insurance rates were to have already dropped $2,500 dollars a year, they have instead raised by much more. A boat I share with other guy FWIW. There is no way for Obama to order me to buy insurance, while at the same time ordering insurance companies to drop the bottom out of the cost of my premiums and simultaneously take on the costs of paying for over 30 million non-paying new customers. Obama can't just make everything good for everybody, and his failure to control the very recent upward thrust of insurance costs are the perfect example of that failure.

Not to say that the vectors out there can't go to some left loon website and find glowing attributes for the virtues of ObamaCare. But, aside from the glassy-eyed hopes and dreams of the left, is the unfortunate reality of the 'unaffordable' health care act. The dominos have already started to fall, leaving folks like other guy in their wake and yet, the true believers will not see the truth.
TheRealThing Wrote:Exactly, and I've been asking the same question for two years now. The republicans asked how government could spend the same tax dollars twice, (since they are earmarked for both medicare and ObamaCare). And, folks like vector, can't understand that money doesn't grow on trees, or come down the Keynesian conveyor belt without end. ObamaCare is basically a situation where everybody in the nation has been ordered by the federal government to purchase health insurance. That is, everybody except those already classified as the so-called poor. Those folks will again, by order of the federal government, be awarded 'free insurance' and free health care, with zero copays. So who then, will pay for the estimated 30 million or so who will be entitled to the very best care available? Well let me ask a very simple question, where is the only place the government can get money? From taxpayers. And as for the medicare shortfall, we are seeing the beginnings of the euthanization of America's seniors, by the government sanctioned welching of her responsibilities to them. In the ultimate twist of irony and treachery, a new version of the US federal government, which has grown completely comfortable with the murder of the unborn innocents, now has turned her sights on the very ones to which she owes the most. Those of the generation that actually built the infrastructure which is America, served her in time of war and raised familiies in the picture of personal responsibility, are now on the liberal hit list. Replacing them are the more highly favored non-productive pets, which populate the dem's roster of 'voter serfs'.

As in any program the feds run, there will be hell to pay if patients recieving free care, were to file a complaint against a doctor or hospital. From the day the SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of ObamaCare, care givers began to live in fear of being landed on by the government, therefore, not only will the poor get the very best of it, they will be treated like gold. In exactly the same way folks now run for cover when the mere threat of being charged with discrimination if the race card were to be played. The precious and favored voter-serfs will have the unlimited power of the federal government at their beck and call. That is why I have said they will not only get care as good as anybody who actually has to pay for their insurance, they will get better, and get it sooner. For paying folks, the line will form to the rear, because poor folks will run straight to the feds with any complaint of percieved inequities by health care providers.

None of these universal health care advocates actually cares about people like other guy. He worked his whole life until he fell ill. He should be among the favored few to recieve health care because he was insured when he got sick, but, at least in part because Obama has openly announced he will be taking 740 billion tax dollars out of medicare to initially have the money to fund ObamaCare, he is forced to free fall for two years without health insurance. The other half of his problem is insurance premiums have recently massively and unfairly jumped to levels he can no longer afford. Vector can't or won't admit that even though his hero promised every American their health insurance rates were to have already dropped $2,500 dollars a year, they have instead raised by much more. A boat I share with other guy FWIW. There is no way for Obama to order me to buy insurance, while at the same time ordering insurance companies to drop the bottom out of the cost of my premiums and simultaneously take on the costs of paying for over 30 million non-paying new customers. Obama can't just make everything good for everybody, and his failure to control the very recent upward thrust of insurance costs are the perfect example of that failure.

Not to say that the vectors out there can't go to some left loon website and find glowing attributes for the virtues of ObamaCare. But, aside from the glassy-eyed hopes and dreams of the left, is the unfortunate reality of the 'unaffordable' health care act. The dominos have already started to fall, leaving folks like other guy in their wake and yet, the true believers will not see the truth.
since TRT and fellow tea party people don't like fact's
vector Wrote:since TRT and fellow tea party people don't like fact's

The AARP is bought and paid for by the dems, they support only democrats for office and never, and I mean never, have any issue whatever with the dem's legislative goals. Additionally, there is a vast difference between facts and speculation. It has probably escaped you vector, but the economic guru's of our nation have already been identified, and, none of them work for the AARP. Confusednicker: BTW, the AARP uses the dues they charge members to play politics and buy favor with, exactly the same way organized labor does, therefore, though I was once a member myself, they got the last of my money some several years ago.
TheRealThing Wrote::please:
The AARP is bought and paid for by the dems, they support only democrats for office and never, and I mean never, have any issue whatever with the dem's legislative goals. Additionally, there is a vast difference between facts and speculation. It has probably escaped you vector, but the economic guru's of our nation have already been identified, and, none of them work for the AARP. Confusednicker: BTW, the AARP uses the dues they charge members to play politics and buy favor with, exactly the same way organized labor does, therefore, though I was once a member myself, they got the last of my money some several years ago.

what's that got to do with the fact's ?
vector Wrote:what's that got to do with the fact's ?

Your honor, the prosecution rests. :thanks:
vector Wrote:what's that got to do with the fact's ?

wut does ur post have to do with fact's
the aarp is a libral organazation
will do nething to support their master
[quote=vector]since TRT and fellow tea party people don't like fact's

Here is my idea of facts. At a rally in Virginia in June 2008, Obama said: “In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year.”
“We’ll do it by investing in disease prevention, not just disease management; by investing in a paperless health care system to reduce administrative costs; and by covering every single American and making sure that they can take their health care with them if they lose their job,” he said at the time. “We’ll also reduce costs for business and their workers by picking up the tab for some of the most expensive illnesses.

“We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

Take your best shot and explain this one away.
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=vector]since TRT and fellow tea party people don't like fact's

Here is my idea of facts. At a rally in Virginia in June 2008, Obama said: “In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year.”
“We’ll do it by investing in disease prevention, not just disease management; by investing in a paperless health care system to reduce administrative costs; and by covering every single American and making sure that they can take their health care with them if they lose their job,” he said at the time. “We’ll also reduce costs for business and their workers by picking up the tab for some of the most expensive illnesses.

“We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

Take your best shot and explain this one away.

just 1 ? was your health insurance grandfather in
vector Wrote:[quote=TheRealThing]

just 1 ? was your health insurance grandfather in

What does my insurance situation have to do with the fact that Obama lies like a rug about everything from health insurance premiums to the Benghazi scandal? Just address the issue I brought up. You are on here consoling other guy telling him as the direct result of ObamaCare, things will better after 2014. Since I have provided acid sure proof that all the evidence goes to the contrary, sourced from one of your favorite liberal news outlets no less, I asked for you to explain your statement to other guy, in light of the fact that just the 'build-up' to ObamaCare coming online in full force, has resulted in skyrocketing premium increases. This was proven to you and Beetle in the following article excerpt I posted complete with the link to back up my point. "Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jonathan Gruber — one of the architects of Obamacare — has studied the law’s effect on premiums in the individual market in three states. In each, he found substantial increases in premiums — a 30-percent hike in Wisconsin, 29 percent in Minnesota, and 19 percent in Colorado.

"Since Obamacare’s passage, the cost of health care has continued its upward march unabated. Only by repealing this monstrosity and replacing it with patient-centered reforms — with proven cost-control track records — can we make the American healthcare system work for everyone."

But, the lie I asked you to explain was this one--- "we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

You can't explain it because there is no way to defend an exposed lie, all you can do is dodge it or ignore it.

My health insurance has been in effect since the mid 70's. How could it be grandfathered? LOL, I am the grandfather.
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=vector]

What does my insurance situation have to do with the fact that Obama lies like a rug about everything from health insurance premiums to the Benghazi scandal? Just address the issue I brought up. You are on here consoling other guy telling him as the direct result of ObamaCare, things will better after 2014. Since I have provided acid sure proof that all the evidence goes to the contrary, sourced from one of your favorite liberal news outlets no less, I asked for you to explain your statement to other guy, in light of the fact that just the 'build-up' to ObamaCare coming online in full force, has resulted in skyrocketing premium increases. This was proven to you and Beetle in the following article excerpt I posted complete with the link to back up my point. "Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jonathan Gruber — one of the architects of Obamacare — has studied the law’s effect on premiums in the individual market in three states. In each, he found substantial increases in premiums — a 30-percent hike in Wisconsin, 29 percent in Minnesota, and 19 percent in Colorado.

"Since Obamacare’s passage, the cost of health care has continued its upward march unabated. Only by repealing this monstrosity and replacing it with patient-centered reforms — with proven cost-control track records — can we make the American healthcare system work for everyone."

But, the lie I asked you to explain was this one--- "we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

You can't explain it because there is no way to defend an exposed lie, all you can do is dodge it or ignore it.

My health insurance has been in effect since the mid 70's. How could it be grandfathered? LOL, I am the grandfather.

politicans say alot of things let me refresh your memory




and a link where he admitted there was no WMDS very expensive mistake,00.html
vector Wrote:[quote=TheRealThing]

politicans say alot of things let me refresh your memory




and a link where he admitted there was no WMDS very expensive mistake,00.html

r u trying to post a pictuer b/c it shows you having tried 2 post 3 pictures but none of them are coming up
nothing about ur post provez that costs r going 2 go down under obamacare
vector Wrote:[quote=TheRealThing]

politicans say alot of things let me refresh your memory




and a link where he admitted there was no WMDS very expensive mistake,00.html

I'm not going to go around the mulberry bush with you vector. Your blind allegiance to anything the liberals come up with is clear, and defending their lies is your choice to make. None the less, you have failed to mount any kind of a defense to refute the thrill ride like rise of health insurance premiums since ObamaCare was rammed through in 2010. FWIW, we've already debated your 'beat a dead horse issue' in the thread entitled "A Very Special Thread Dedicated to Wildcat23-"Syrian WMDs Came From Iraq" dated July 22, 2012, ad nauseum, you couldn't come up with anything of substance there either. nky posted pictures of the WMD's headed for Syria via a convoy of at least 50 trucks. I mean, if we can read a license plate from the satellite it's going to be a little bit of a challenge to hide a 50 truck convoy, wouldn't you agree?
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=vector]

I'm not going to go around the mulberry bush with you vector. Your blind allegiance to anything the liberals come up with is clear, and defending their lies is your choice to make. None the less, you have failed to mount any kind of a defense to refute the thrill ride like rise of health insurance premiums since ObamaCare was rammed through in 2010. FWIW, we've already debated your 'beat a dead horse issue' in the thread entitled "A Very Special Thread Dedicated to Wildcat23-"Syrian WMDs Came From Iraq" dated July 22, 2012, ad nauseum, you couldn't come up with anything of substance there either. nky posted pictures of the WMD's headed for Syria via a convoy of at least 50 trucks. I mean, if we can read a license plate from the satellite it's going to be a little bit of a challenge to hide a 50 truck convoy, wouldn't you agree?

even you got to admitt that was a pretty bad mistake
vector Wrote:[quote=TheRealThing]

even you got to admitt that was a pretty bad mistake

Will you admit that that mistake was made not only by George W but, also by Pelosi, John Kerry, and many other prominent senate and house dems who were all for the invasion of Iraq? The senate intelligence committee that misinterpreted the situation in Iraq reported to George W and the senate at large, along with the House of Representatives. Everybody in the federal government believed the wmd's were still in Iraq. George W. is not the only one who believed the intel, in fact the same process by which military joint chiefs advised W is the very same process used to advise Obama.
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=vector]

Will you admit that that mistake was made not only by George W but, also by Pelosi, John Kerry, and many other prominent senate and house dems who were all for the invasion of Iraq? The senate intelligence committee that misinterpreted the situation in Iraq reported to George W and the senate at large, along with the House of Representatives. Everybody in the federal government believed the wmd's were still in Iraq. George W. is not the only one who believed the intel, in fact the same process by which military joint chiefs advised W is the very same process used to advise Obama.

my boy obama did not vote for the WAR :biglmao:
vector Wrote:[quote=TheRealThing]

my boy obama did not vote for the WAR :biglmao:

No, your Obama boy didn't have the stomach for that, he said this though, "we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

I've been hearing that Obama during his second term will be concerned about his legacy. I can help with that one, he will go down as the lyingest president ever. (even eclipsing the father of lies, Bill Clinton) And you can just keep on defending him, I'm fine with that arrangement. :biggrin:

He and Hill are real good at dodging their responsibility of office too, as is in evidence in the Benghazi scandals.

No, your Obama boy didn't have the stomach for that, he said this though, "we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

I've been hearing that Obama during his second term will be concerned about his legacy. I can help with that one, he will go down as the lyingest president ever. (even eclipsing the father of lies, Bill Clinton) And you can just keep on defending him, I'm fine with that arrangement. :biggrin:

He and Hill are real good at dodging their responsibility of office too, as is in evidence in the Benghazi scandals.[/QUOT

no but he had the balls to finish it and got he guy who bomb the buildings

let me see 2 wars cost somewere in the ballpark 1 and half trillon $ thousands of lifes or your 2500 $ insurance premium be hard 2 choose from
vector Wrote:[quote=TheRealThing][quote=vector]

No, your Obama boy didn't have the stomach for that, he said this though, "we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. We won’t do all this twenty years from now, or ten years from now,” he said. “We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.”

I've been hearing that Obama during his second term will be concerned about his legacy. I can help with that one, he will go down as the lyingest president ever. (even eclipsing the father of lies, Bill Clinton) And you can just keep on defending him, I'm fine with that arrangement. :biggrin:

He and Hill are real good at dodging their responsibility of office too, as is in evidence in the Benghazi scandals.[/QUOT

no but he had the balls to finish it and got he guy who bomb the buildings

let me see 2 wars cost somewere in the ballpark 1 and half trillon $ thousands of lifes or your 2500 $ insurance premium be hard 2 choose from

:lmao: dood look at what this health care bill is going to do over time

it will probubly acumulatte way more 2 the deficit than the war.
WideRight05 Wrote:[quote=vector][quote=TheRealThing]

:lmao: dood look at what this health care bill is going to do over time

it will probubly acumulatte way more 2 the deficit than the war.

you sure about that :lmao:
vector Wrote:[quote=WideRight05][quote=vector]

you sure about that :lmao:

:biglmao: are YOU surre DA
vector quote---
"no but he had the balls to finish it and got he guy who bomb the buildings

let me see 2 wars cost somewere in the ballpark 1 and half trillon $ thousands of lifes or your 2500 $ insurance premium be hard 2 choose from"


LOL, that quote button is still kicking your butt I see. Why don't we just boil it all down and say this. No matter what the debate topic may be, your automatic and canned response will be the missing WMD's, the wars, and how much they cost the taxpayers, fair enough?
TheRealThing Wrote:vector quote---
"no but he had the balls to finish it and got he guy who bomb the buildings

let me see 2 wars cost somewere in the ballpark 1 and half trillon $ thousands of lifes or your 2500 $ insurance premium be hard 2 choose from"


LOL, that quote button is still kicking your butt I see. Why don't we just boil it all down and say this. No matter what the debate topic may be, your automatic and canned response will be the missing WMD's, the wars, and how much they cost the taxpayers, fair enough?

fair enough
Just heard on the news that the Congressional Budget Office has once again been forced to reassess it's forecasted schedule of costs, associated with the implementation of ObamaCare.

- The CBO now estimates at least 7 MILLION will lose their job provided health care by 2016.

- Children under 26 will find themselves uninsured and forced off of their parent's policy as the result recent funding shortfall revelations as well.

- Health insurance premiums will skyrocket to about $20,000 dollars a year by 2016 for the average family under ObamaCare.

The whole mess is a nightmarish in epic proportion. I am reminded of Benjamin Franklin's quote "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves, nor will he receive, either" That's what happened the last two elections, the lazy and the la-la's tried to cast a vote for security. Kind of like the ultimate insurance policy that costs one nothing more than a vote for Obama. He came into office promising everybody everything and he hasn't lost sight of how well the strategy works. It's hard to believe folks buy into this absurdity. Of all the fools gold stories in 'blather infamy', the idea of the endless free lunch, has to top the list. John Lennon strikes again,

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

I mean, how perfectly simple minded can folks actually become? Businesses are shutting their doors all across America because of the lunacy of ObamaCare. People are losing their jobs and health insurance will be a thing of the past by the end of Obama's second term. You can't just vote yourself a carefree life. Forgive me for one more Ben Franklin quote; ... "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Ben was a brilliant man, he understood something that modern liberals do not. This nation is not indestructible or incapable of fall. Like the farmer who ate his own seed, we have used up every last store we had put back and are asking the world to loan us over 40 cents of every dollar we spend. What brilliant economic policy making!
As of Feb. 1st I no longer have insurance, just could no longer afford it. But I would have lost cobra anyway in a few months. You can only carry it for 18 months although you can't receive Medicare from disabilities until after 24 months. I guess it's hope for the best untill then.
Paying for insurance for 3 months then attempted a routine medical checkup and insurance company denied my visit because they said I did not not have insurance with them. Have my card, been paying it, proof in check stubs. This is what's wrong with medical insurance. Its freaking fraud. From top to bottom.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Paying for insurance for 3 months then attempted a routine medical checkup and insurance company denied my visit because they said I did not not have insurance with them. Have my card, been paying it, proof in check stubs. This is what's wrong with medical insurance. Its freaking fraud. From top to bottom.

I feel your pain. My insurance denied a claim for a test my wife had to have recently. When I checked on the reason why, (I totally hate spending my day on the phone with my insurance provider BTW) they said I had not as yet filled out a form verifying we did not gain a second source of medical insurance last year. I've had insurance in force for over 20 years continuously and still have to wrestle with these bozos.

Dealing with insurance companies is always bothersome but, dealing with government is light years more painful and unrewarding yet. And that is the argument sort of boiled down. Folks are making a huge mistake in thinking the federal government will hold insurance companies feet to the fire. That isn't what ObamaCare is about, not by a very long shot. All that will happen is insurance as we know it will disappear, only to be replaced by something much worse that costs nearly six times as much when compared to pre-ObamaCare. No, ObamaCare will force insurance companies to function only for the rich, if at all. The only option left to us at that point will be government health care. Now, anybody who has ever dealt with the government knows that prospect will mean endless hair pulling for all involved. Then there is the avalanche of regulations that nobody really understands fully, that your doctor is forced to deal with and therefore pass the costs down to you. In other words, if the system has it's flaws, putting the federal government in control of our medical destiny is like pouring gas on a fire in your kitchen. The once bothersome inconveniences will become insurmountable barriers backed by the full faith and authority of the federal government.

Again, it is the same argument. Can or should government, try to provide things like universal medical care? The answer is no. "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves, nor will he receive, either" Some things just can't be voted for. We can't vote for a wonderful life or a wonderful world. Obama thinks the federal government can legislate a liberal uttopia here in America but, history proves we cannot.
the other guy Wrote:As of Feb. 1st I no longer have insurance, just could no longer afford it. But I would have lost cobra anyway in a few months. You can only carry it for 18 months although you can't receive Medicare from disabilities until after 24 months. I guess it's hope for the best untill then.

You're being done wrong other guy. Your's is a perfect example of some things that could be changed by common sense efforts to overhaul the system. Government left it's hands off the medical system for our nation's entire history, until liberals siezed an opportunity for government to gain more control of our lives by pointing out and vowing to eliminate flaws in the system. Republicans have said, hey, if the people want government to get involved there are common sense ways to do it that don't require the governmental take over of the entire medical system. That idea however, is not good enough for the liberals who have long dreamed of government provided universal health care. The only problem is that the liberal's la-la land imaginations of government provided health care, will be a joke compared to the world's leading health care community which, is presently embodied here in the US.

BTW, every time Obama gets up and starts talking about how we are the apple of the world's eye when it comes to energy, the medical field, industry, economy (or the memory of it in our case), our military might or any other glowing attributes of our great land. All those things are the vision and provision of conservative American ideals. And, certainly had nary a thing to do with the notions of social justice.
TheRealThing Wrote:Just heard on the news that the Congressional Budget Office has once again been forced to reassess it's forecasted schedule of costs, associated with the implementation of ObamaCare.

- The CBO now estimates at least 7 MILLION will lose their job provided health care by 2016.

- Children under 26 will find themselves uninsured and forced off of their parent's policy as the result recent funding shortfall revelations as well.

- Health insurance premiums will skyrocket to about $20,000 dollars a year by 2016 for the average family under ObamaCare.

The whole mess is a nightmarish in epic proportion. I am reminded of Benjamin Franklin's quote "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves, nor will he receive, either" That's what happened the last two elections, the lazy and the la-la's tried to cast a vote for security. Kind of like the ultimate insurance policy that costs one nothing more than a vote for Obama. He came into office promising everybody everything and he hasn't lost sight of how well the strategy works. It's hard to believe folks buy into this absurdity. Of all the fools gold stories in 'blather infamy', the idea of the endless free lunch, has to top the list. John Lennon strikes again,

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

I mean, how perfectly simple minded can folks actually become? Businesses are shutting their doors all across America because of the lunacy of ObamaCare. People are losing their jobs and health insurance will be a thing of the past by the end of Obama's second term. You can't just vote yourself a carefree life. Forgive me for one more Ben Franklin quote; ... "[B]When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." [/B] Ben was a brilliant man, he understood something that modern liberals do not. This nation is not indestructible or incapable of fall. Like the farmer who ate his own seed, we have used up every last store we had put back and are asking the world to loan us over 40 cents of every dollar we spend. What brilliant economic policy making!

I have been saying this for years. It is alright for big business to do this, but when a small guy tries... there goes the neighborhood!!!

I am for the tax structure of Dwight D. Eisnhower!!! He was a republican!!! I could stand with him on his policy of taxing as well as the military.

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