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Kids not in age group?
Ok, here is the situation. You have a 5/6 grade combined team. You contact school A, asking for a 5/6 grade game, they say great. School A shows up at your place, takes the floor and starts warming up. You think "wow" as school A's team is a lot bigger than yours and looks quite a bit more mature, but hey, that happens sometimes. As the game goes on, some parents in the crowd start talking to other parents from school A, everything very friendly, and the parents learn that all the starters from school A are 7th graders. Turns out, supposedly, school A has no 5th graders on the team, they have a 6/7 combined team, while on your team you start no fewer than three 5th graders. Good 5th graders, but 5th graders all the same.

My question this situation, is the coach or AD from school A obliged to tell you their status when you schedule the game, that they actually don't have 5th graders and may possibly start all 7th graders on a 6/7 combined team? I say yes, it's just the right thing to do, and I have done that very thing before when having to drop a kid down just to have enough to play...full disclosure if you will.

This happend recently, and though it would have made no difference in scheduling school A had it been known up front, I think full disclosure is the best and most upfront way to handle this situation. I mean, the possibility exists where you could have true 5th graders playing againt two or three 7th grade hold backs. That could be three years difference. Thats a HUGE gap within that age group. Heck, just two years is a huge gap. Maybe the scheduling team asking for the game would think it better not to schedule the game with school A if they had known the situation (as stated though, it would have been scheduled regardless). I just think it's the scheduling teams right to know that information up front and school A should have shared it.

What do you think?

And if you're wondering, yes, school A won (though not by much), and the losing team very much looks forward to playing them again as they relish the challange.
A lot of parents say they were told by others that a team is older...
It happens almost game in middle school, someone always days they have a older team... Middle School teams always say they have been cheated!

Not saying ur case ain't true, but too many ppl in middle school cry wolf...

Ask for prove of grades/ages...
Ok, erased and completly changed my post, here's my do over. Lets just assume for arguments sake the sceniro above is accurate and true (and I'm 97.5% sure it is). Not hearsay, not rumor, lets just say it's a fact. Should school A have dsiclosed the fact they have no 5th grade program/players, they have a 6/7 combined team and mostly 7th graders starting/playing when asked if they would like to schedule a 5/6 grade game?

My answer is yes, and I would have done so if the situation was reversed.

No one is mad or upset, it was a good game and everyone shook hands and went on their merry way, but the conversation and question did come up which is why I'm asking it here.
It will help your kids much more than the older kids.
Middle school is grade not age. The state tournament is great example of age differences between teams.

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