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? on not playing teams in district
Ok, though I have now lived the majority of my adult life in KY, I have a question on districts. Now, realize, I did not grow up here and played my hs basketball in a different state (NC) where we belonged to a conference. My question is, how many districts routinely don't play other teams in their district during the year? My understanding is, they don't have to, is this correct? Or are they required to in certian districts and not in others?

To me, and this is just me, I would think you should be required to play every team in your district twice. Some would argue against that, saying they might have a historically weak/bad team in their district that their respective team would crush every year. May be, but I would argue thats just how the cookie crumbles.

When I played high school ball in NC, we belonged to a 9 team conference, the old Triad 3A (no longer exists I don't think, at least not in the form I remember it). With that, we had 16...count em, 16 locked in games we had to play every year, and that didn't include the conference tournament. Didn't leave us with a lot of flexibility in our scheduling (which actually kid of sucked, would have loved to have played a more varied schedule every year), but there was usually little doubt at the end of the year who the best team was. Conference regular season champ and runner up advanced to first round of playoffs, conference tournament winner if someone other than the top two teams also advanced, possibility of 3 teams from our conference, which happend my jr. year.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having so much fleibility in a schedule, but it just seems to me you should play everyone in your district at least once, and I think twice (regular season, not including district tournament).

Any thoughts or am I stepping on tradition/toes here? Also not bashing KY high school basketball, far from it, I love it, just trying to gain a little perspective here since I have always wondered about this.

I also notice there are some schools, I will use Burgin as an exapmle, that recognize a "conference" they play in with other, it appears similiarly sized schools? How does that work?
It should be a rule from the KHSAA that every District seeds...
This all depends on if your district seeds its post-season tournament or not. The teams are not required to play one another during the season to be eligible for post-season play. If the schools in the district do vote to seed their tournament, then each school is required to play each other district school twice for seeding purposes. It's a patchwork across the state of what districts seed and what districts do not. Obviously, each school votes according to what it hopes will happen - traditionally strong programs will vote for seeding to play weaker opponents in the first round of the district, while weaker programs will vote for the random draw in hopes they'll be paired with another weak program in the first round of the tournament, all with the hopes of making it into the regional tournament as a district winner OR runner-up.

The conferences are an ancient relic from the old days when school did indeed play in conferences. These are basically just loose arrangements between schools to play one another now, often with a "conference tournament" that's basically just another in-season tournament for the involved school. These have no bearing on anything; they're entirely voluntary. Hope that clears it up a little.
I love the seeding. Hate the blind draw.
The 56th district teams are seeded and locked into playing 2 games with each other during the season. No way out of that. Our school is the smallest enrollment of the 4 schools, but was the school that first proposed a seeded district back in the early 1980's. We've held our own pretty good since then, winning the district 10 times. Seeding is the best way to go because it makes the regular season games so much more meaningful.
Back a few years ago, Williamsburg refused to play other teams in the 50th district. When it came time for the tourney though, they would play.They also got mad at the times tribune and told them to quit covering them in there paper though Confusednicker:
I think they were mad they had to play schools a lot bigger than them.

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