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Booster Clubs
Now that the season is over, I'd like to get a discussion started about Booster Clubs.

Evaluate your team's Booster Club by the following criteria

1.) How involved are they? Do they do things to benefit the players and the program or do they do things just so they can get the credit for doing it and hopefully get in a little better with the coach?

2.) What does your team typically eat for their pregame meals? Some teams have pregame meals donated, or the school will fix the meal or in some cases the boosters put together the meal. Are your players given good nutritional meals or are they given pizza, French fries, BBQ...etc?

3.) Does your booster club try to provide your team with plenty of apparel to wear? Basically of all the monies raised or the football program, does your booster club use some of that for t-shirts, hoodies, etc for the players to wear?

4.) What does your booster club do to generate community interest in the program? With that being said, does your booster club do anything to try to get more community involvement from the football team? This doesn't mean that a booster officer hand picks their own kid and a few others to do things to get their picture in the paper and get is an entire team event that everyone is made aware of and had the opportunity to participate.

5.) How many people are consistently involved in your booster club? How many attend meetings and regularly volunteer?

6.) is your booster money used in a manner you would agree is in the best interest of your football program

Any additional comments about your booster club?
Harlan County has some of the Best!
GridIronWarlord Wrote:Now that the season is over, I'd like to get a discussion started about Booster Clubs.

Evaluate your team's Booster Club by the following criteria

1.) How involved are they? Do they do things to benefit the players and the program or do they do things just so they can get the credit for doing it and hopefully get in a little better with the coach?

2.) What does your team typically eat for their pregame meals? Some teams have pregame meals donated, or the school will fix the meal or in some cases the boosters put together the meal. Are your players given good nutritional meals or are they given pizza, French fries, BBQ...etc?

3.) Does your booster club try to provide your team with plenty of apparel to wear? Basically of all the monies raised or the football program, does your booster club use some of that for t-shirts, hoodies, etc for the players to wear?

4.) What does your booster club do to generate community interest in the program? With that being said, does your booster club do anything to try to get more community involvement from the football team? This doesn't mean that a booster officer hand picks their own kid and a few others to do things to get their picture in the paper and get is an entire team event that everyone is made aware of and had the opportunity to participate.

5.) How many people are consistently involved in your booster club? How many attend meetings and regularly volunteer?

6.) is your booster money used in a manner you would agree is in the best interest of your football program

Any additional comments about your booster club?

Why do you ask? Are you starting a booster club?
Not sure of all details but I heard the state is really cracking down on Booster clubs, heard they would be audited by Redbook.
Generally speaking it is the same parents week after week feeding the kids and doing the things that need to be done. Sadly the booster club I work with only has about 10 parents and 5 or 6 others who are involved on a regular basis. They do a great job and make it good for the kids but I would love to see more parents involved.

You are right about being audited by Redbook. This is an effort by the KDE to get full control of all the booster monies, and in some cases that is a LARGE amount of money.
I see some schools and it's sad at the amount of effort booster clubs put forth for their kids. They need to give these kids what ever they want, some do - some don't. It's sad
tradition Wrote:Why do you ask? Are you starting a booster club?

Yeah, and hopefully you'll be the president!!
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:Generally speaking it is the same parents week after week feeding the kids and doing the things that need to be done. Sadly the booster club I work with only has about 10 parents and 5 or 6 others who are involved on a regular basis. They do a great job and make it good for the kids but I would love to see more parents involved.

You are right about being audited by Redbook. This is an effort by the KDE to get full control of all the booster monies, and in some cases that is a LARGE amount of money.

Speaking of only having the same small group of parents who do everything, there are some instances where that small group only wants their small group to volunteer and be seen doing all the work. They will be the same people who gripe and complain that no one helps, but when people try to step up to help, they are shot down pretty quick. Heard some pretty bad horror stories about this. Some booster clubs are so bad that the head football coach keeps himself involved by being the booster president. That makes no sense....
Corbins booster club has to be one of the best in the state, IMO
Not sure but check with the school. Rules maybe changing on how booster clubs are run.
Just what exactly does KHSAA and Title IX say about outside intities raising and giving money to only the football team?
I know of a Booster club where 75% of the members do not have a kid playing football at any level in the county. This Booster club brings in 1.4 million before it's bills and they refuse to have a CPA do their taxes. The Booster president also does construction on the booster hall and gets paid an incredible amount of money. His wife is the secretary and they haven't had a kid playing the last 2 years. Their high school educated treasurer does their books. And they wonder why no other parents volunteer. Booster clubs can be great if done right but when it becomes a good ol boy network watch out. Remember since Booster clubs are tax exempt the IRS doesn't look real hard at them because neither side owes the other any money.
Kentucky is on of the few states that do not require tax exempt agencies to have their books audited. In most states if an agency/club brings in more than $250k a year they must have their books professionally done. Kentucky always has been a little behind the times.
Our pre game meals are usually done by locale churches. Our school really don't do much for the program most of it is done by the boosters. We provide all the meals when the team goes to camp.
New Mexico Wrote:Kentucky is on of the few states that do not require tax exempt agencies to have their books audited. In most states if an agency/club brings in more than $250k a year they must have their books professionally done. Kentucky always has been a little behind the times.

This could read Kentucky prefers to stay ahead of the "revenue-ers" :biggrin: Trinity has no formal booster club for athletics. They do have a Momma Rocks organization made up of mothers of current football team members. They sell merchandise to help pay for feeding the team once a week in the cafeteria. They also feed the kids on road trips and often feed visiting teams who made long roadtrips to Trinity at the Freshmen, JV and Varsity levels. They do an awesome job.:Clap:
thsrocks Wrote:This could read Kentucky prefers to stay ahead of the "revenue-ers" :biggrin: Trinity has no formal booster club for athletics. They do have a Momma Rocks organization made up of mothers of current football team members. They sell merchandise to help pay for feeding the team once a week in the cafeteria. They also feed the kids on road trips and often feed visiting teams who made long roadtrips to Trinity at the Freshmen, JV and Varsity levels. They do an awesome job.:Clap:

How does inner-city kids get to go to a $12,000 a year tuition Trinity?
Hitters_Count Wrote:Just what exactly does KHSAA and Title IX say about outside intities raising and giving money to only the football team?

School should monitor it and keep track; and any football only moneys should be factored in when determining whether Title IX is being complied with. As long as that is being done, the KHSAA is fine.
So, what are the implications of having no formal Booster Club, and forming a group similiar to the Momma Rocks? Also, are there advantages to having an outside group form like this one?
hop24 Wrote:How does inner-city kids get to go to a $12,000 a year tuition Trinity?

Southwestern, use to have one of the best until the last few years. No one wants to work anymore.
wildthang3 Wrote:Southwestern, use to have one of the best until the last few years. No one wants to work anymore.

I agree. The SW booster club was one of the best in the state.

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