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What team should be playing better and why aren't they?
This might have people thinking I should be committed or it just might **** off a few. But, I don't really care.

Paintsville is a team that has not played to it's potential. Yes, they ARE shooting the ball pretty good. But, they make way too many mental errors and allow too many easy lay ups. At times, they play very good defense. Other times, opposing teams can score easily 7 or 8 straight times down the floor.

Another thing, they were handicapped early in the year because Jarrell was not allowed to start running until a week before the season started because of her knee. She still isn't in the best of shape.

They're 13-4 right now and most people might think they don't belong on this thread. But, they lost 2 district games in which they played awful in. In the Magoffin game, they came out nervous and did not play or shoot well. They missed wide open baskets all night and only shot 33%. This from a team that is shooting 45% for the year and is in the top 10 in the state for shooting %.

In the JCHS game, they let JCHS control the tempo. PHS shot 43%, but had 16 turnovers and put JCHS on the free throw line 31 times. They also got very frustrated, AGAIN, because of the double and triple teams on Jarrell. Well, they should be used to it by now.

The Silver Lining: PHS has not even come close to peaking. They have improved a little each game over the last 4 or 5 games. Jarrell is starting to get in better shape. Remember, it was this time last year when she started to dominate the region. Jesikah Russell has played solid all year. But, she has not shot well all year. In fact, if you take her shooting stats out, PHS would be shooting at a 56% clip for a team. Katie Adams has gotten better every game. Laura and Kendra Carroll are both solid players. This team passes the ball real well.

The IFS:If Jarrell can continue to step up her game, IF PHS would stop forcing things, IF PHS can limit opposing teams lay ups (which is at 7-10 per game), and IF the Lady Tigers could just have the one little thing happen to them to get them over the hump, then.....

PHS needs to take care of Prestonsburg Thursday night and then go to the All A State and win the first 2 games. That's a start and then we'll go from there.
Oh, BTW, if you don't believe me, ask Pup. He's a good coach. He knows how close Paintsville is to getting over the hump. He's been to Paintsville's last 5 games. When PHS plays and MCHS doesn't, he's at PHS's game. Hell, PHS fans now consider him one of our fans:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

I'll bet he'll be watching the All A State scores real close and he'll be hoping PHS doesn't advance. Because he knows what will happen if PHS goes down there and wins 2-3 games.
Players make the team, not the coaches.
South Floyd can't be entirely hindered by coaches..the players just don't have the experience. They are a very young team. The next couple of years will be rebuilding years for them. They lost all of their major talent in the past 2 years and these young girls will have to grow mentally and physically to fill those shoes.
ER....I think there in a slump right now mostly due to there attitudes..they all walk around like there "GODS" or something..which there NOT!!!.. if they all got attitude ajustments and played better team ball instead of being worried about who has the most points then they would be better..yeah its ok to have confidence but having to much isn't good!!!..Wink ....Pike Central could be alot better if there coach would relize who to play at the right times..........
"sharpshooter3" Wrote:ER....I think there in a slump right now mostly due to there attitudes..they all walk around like there "GODS" or something..which there NOT!!!.. if they all got attitude ajustments and played better team ball instead of being worried about who has the most points then they would be better..yeah its ok to have confidence but having to much isn't good!!!..Wink ....Pike Central could be alot better if there coach would relize who to play at the right times..........

In regards to PC - who should play? It's not as if that team has a strong bench. Half that team is 8th and 9th graders. He's only got about 5 or 6 strong players. Just curious to see who you think doesn't get playing time that should ~
"sharpshooter3" Wrote:ER....I think there in a slump right now mostly due to there attitudes..they all walk around like there "GODS" or something..which there NOT!!!.. if they all got attitude ajustments and played better team ball instead of being worried about who has the most points then they would be better..yeah its ok to have confidence but having to much isn't good!!!..Wink ....Pike Central could be alot better if there coach would relize who to play at the right times..........

:wtf1: Where the hell do you get that they walk around like they're Gods? Nobody gives a **** about points. What team do you play for? You have no need to get on here and bash ER. So don't. This isn't a bashing site.
"sharpshooter3" Wrote:ER....I think there in a slump right now mostly due to there attitudes..they all walk around like there "GODS" or something..which there NOT!!!.. if they all got attitude ajustments and played better team ball instead of being worried about who has the most points then they would be better..yeah its ok to have confidence but having to much isn't good!!!..Wink ....Pike Central could be alot better if there coach would relize who to play at the right times..........

I know the whole team personally and I will be the one to tell you that none of these girls walk around like they are gods. They are normal teenagers who practice hard and give their all in games. They don't go around acting any better or any differently than anyone else at school. I highly doubt that they are worrying about who has the points on the team. All the girls have pretty even numbers in the scoring department if you ask me. When Conley, Smith, and Hogston all have around 18 or so points, how is that not playing ball for worrying about point issues? It is good for people to have confidence because they play better if they believe in themselves and feel that others around them believe in them as well. No one at East Ridge worships or idolizes any teams so you have no need to say that they have big heads. They are down to earth and as normal as normal can get. In fact, they actually lack a social life sometimes for practices and games..I don't think that any of them have bad attitudes or are overly confident. I would love to know where you get your information from.
People keep saying that ER is in a slump..
but they have been saying that all year.
If they were just in a slump wouldn't they be pulling out of it by now..
I mean it's been 2-3 months..
SF coaches shouldnt take all the blame because their are alot of young players on that team and they need to mature some.but give it a few yrs and they'll be right on the money again and showing us that raider basketball that everyone in hi hat was once so proud of.also lets me make my point clear i still believe the coaches must atke most of the blame because they dont know basketball at all much less how to coach a team of basketball players.given a coach change or a head coach change and a yr or two to rebuild and mature and were looking at one great basketball team for the lady raiders.Show us that old raider ball girls make us proud once again to call ourselves fans,not only us but all the other schools make them show u respect by earning it on the court and off of it.written by a true die hard raider fan!
"The Dork" Wrote:People keep saying that ER is in a slump..
but they have been saying that all year.
If they were just in a slump wouldn't they be pulling out of it by now..
I mean it's been 2-3 months..

You're wrong. ER started out very well this season and didn't get into a sump until around Christmas.
"champ321" Wrote:You're wrong. ER started out very well this season and didn't get into a sump until around Christmas.

East Ridge was 4-5 before Christmas, and 2-2 since Christmas...They've been consistant...
"alfus21" Wrote:East Ridge was 4-5 before Christmas, and 2-2 since Christmas...They've been consistant...

Thank you alfus. Input from an outsider. I try to tell people that I am not being biased in saying what I do about my team but as a fan of the Warriors, they think that I just pull this stuff out of my ass in order to make them look better. The girls can play, deny it if you want to people. They haven't even shown full potential yet. Conley had over 40 points last year against a very strong Belfry team...she and the other girls have yet to reveal the hand they have been dealt.
"thetribe" Wrote:Players make the team, not the coaches.
South Floyd can't be entirely hindered by coaches..the players just don't have the experience. They are a very young team. The next couple of years will be rebuilding years for them. They lost all of their major talent in the past 2 years and these young girls will have to grow mentally and physically to fill those shoes.

players and coaches make the team. Coaches dictate the direction of the team. The potenial for a better team is there, but the closest game SF had in the district was an 18 pt lose to another young & inexperienced team. Some of the loses shouldn't have been, some of the loses shouldn't have been so embarassing. Plus if the players make the team, then who needs coaches, & why would they?
If it was such a great game why did they lose.
"BleedsBlue" Wrote:You attended the last game??

I assume you mean the last home game, right???? - which was before Christmas......

Lady Hawks have been on the road all month (9 games straight) - let's see - were you at JCHS on the 16th? Don't recall seeing you there, but then again I'm too busy watching the game to see the people around me, but I'm pretty sure I would have noticed you and your "pep" section.......which for some reason just never shows up when needed for the Lady's games. You missed a good one at Belfry tonight - but yet you claim to be such the PC fan -
"tballer" Wrote:If it was such a great game why did they lose.

Because that is part of the ESSENCE of sports. In EVERY great game, someone H-A-S to lose. Unfortunately for PC fans, in this particular game that team would be the Hawks.
You got that right.
"WeisGuy" Wrote:Because that is part of the ESSENCE of sports. In EVERY great game, someone H-A-S to lose. Unfortunately for PC fans, in this particular game that team would be the Hawks.
I wander what PCC does at practice? And if they work on things to help them improve. Because you know practice makes perfect and they just don't have it yet.
"tballer" Wrote:I wander what PCC does at practice? And if they work on things to help them improve. Because you know practice makes perfect and they just don't have it yet.

Whatever they are doing, it must be having some effect. They just narrowed the gap against LCC from 30 to 4. You can complain about the way Butcher subs all you want, but it's hard to argue trimming that much of a HUGE deficit....especially when it happened on the road and without two of the players who some wanted to be starting before they left.
"spectator4bball" Wrote:players and coaches make the team. Coaches dictate the direction of the team. The potenial for a better team is there, but the closest game SF had in the district was an 18 pt lose to another young & inexperienced team. Some of the loses shouldn't have been, some of the loses shouldn't have been so embarassing. Plus if the players make the team, then who needs coaches, & why would they?

Players have the talent and skill to actually control the basketball game. The coaches are needed to help make decisions. From what I see, sometimes controlling plays is left up to the guards and coaches just sit back and take it all in. It's not that coaches are not needed but coaches can't make the girl's shot go in, make her jump higher, or make her run faster. All they can do is TRY to get them in better shape physically and mentally. They can introduce them to plays, rules, and help them grow in knowledge but they can't come off from the bench and win the game for them. Games are won by the players, the coaches can only do so much. Like I said, South Floyd will be rebuilding their girls team for a couple of years to come. They do have potential but that's not going to come out very soon. The girls are just young. They are being exposed to the Varsity level this year and now they know what to expect. If they are dedicated then they will work in the off season to grow stronger, run faster, and they may grow some. People will be able to tell who worked during the summer and who did not. When they come back next year, if they are better conditioned and experienced, then they have the chance of winning some games but as it stands right now they might as well just use their games for practice and getting some playing time under their belt. Best of luck to the girls.
East Ridge... I know that those girls have the potential they need to be successful in the tourneys and these past few games they have shown a sign of coming together and by district I think they will leave it on the court.
south floyd could be doing way better this year however alfus 21 its not because of their lack of skills its because theyre loss of heart...these girls are very young and they have a long way to go but they have amazing talent...i know all of these girls personally and i have watched them play in middle school...u used to be able to c the fire in their eyes when they play and u could c how bad they wanted it...their problem is that they have lost so much they just want 2 give up...girls know that no matter what theres a whole lot more people then what u think that still believe in you and always will...c'mon girls make us proud again!!!
"thetribe" Wrote:Players have the talent and skill to actually control the basketball game. The coaches are needed to help make decisions. From what I see, sometimes controlling plays is left up to the guards and coaches just sit back and take it all in. It's not that coaches are not needed but coaches can't make the girl's shot go in, make her jump higher, or make her run faster. All they can do is TRY to get them in better shape physically and mentally. They can introduce them to plays, rules, and help them grow in knowledge but they can't come off from the bench and win the game for them. Games are won by the players, the coaches can only do so much. Like I said, South Floyd will be rebuilding their girls team for a couple of years to come. They do have potential but that's not going to come out very soon. The girls are just young. They are being exposed to the Varsity level this year and now they know what to expect. If they are dedicated then they will work in the off season to grow stronger, run faster, and they may grow some. People will be able to tell who worked during the summer and who did not. When they come back next year, if they are better conditioned and experienced, then they have the chance of winning some games but as it stands right now they might as well just use their games for practice and getting some playing time under their belt. Best of luck to the girls.
Coaches control the game by how well he or she teaches the game. Coaches make the decisions from the sidelines by calling plays whether the game is in progress or by the way of timeouts & halftime. Coaches control who plays, how long they play, & who don't play. Coaches control who's on the team & who's not, & if you seen guards controlling plays on the court, then you've seen a coach doing his or her job of teaching their players to make decisios.
Skills is a word that I'm glad you threw into the mix. Curiosity asks, who gets hired & paid to teach the skills essential to play the game? Who's job is it to hone the skills the players learn; to shoot, pass, dribble, & rebound better, manuver themselves better with or without the ball & make good decisions?
And as far as dedication goes, coaches should dedicate themselves to teach better, inspire, & motivate. And if they can't, they should step aside & let someone else have the job.

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