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Team Kentucky
Lets see what anyone has to say about Team Kentucky. What a practice. The boys was in full force tonight. Great first day of practice boys. This could be a very special team. I am feeling a National Championship coming the Ky this year. Who is with me.
Hows the Defense look? What kind of offense will they be running?
Who r the qbs
They was playing 3 different qb's. Casey Co, Farmsley and Belfry Qb's. They passed a lot. Needless to say the defense was great but any time you have an allstar group in football the defense comes together quicker than the offense. As practice went along the offense started moving the ball and the passing game came along. Really was impressed with the line on both sides big and quick. The two safeties are unreal, both of them come up and hit hard. They are from Belfry 10 and Summerset 20. Hope to next week get a team pic when they get their jerseys and maybe try to put a list together of players.
The upcoming opponents for the 8th graders better be ready to get hit...
The D was covering the field and getting to the ball pretty quickly.
Eager to watch them play.

GO TEAM KENTUCKY!!! :Cheerlead
I only caught the end of the 8th grade practice and from what I saw they are going to make people recognize that the state of KY isn't just a basketball state....These boys are going to be Bigger, Stronger, and faster than any one they face...Cant wait to see what they look like next week after a few more practices...
Has there been a roster yet?
From what I've been trying to follow on the posts; Kentucky plans to field a 6th, 7th and 8th team this year. And from the looks of the rosters from previous years it does appear that the eastern part of the state tends to dominate the rosters. And realize that can be due to a number of reasons. Basketball begins, not known, etc.
From some other players I have talked to, the ones not playing, they have said they chose not to play because of basketball, money, or due to being holiday and going out of town.
The thing that has impressed me the most about these guys is unlike most of us they realize the task at hand. They where talking to each other and in less than 1 practice a team bond was formed. Currently the team has approximately 32 young men. The team roster will be set at 35. The team has to specify a player as offensive or defensive and with very little room to change it. These guys have been selfless and have yes sir to everything asked of them. To my knowledge every guy on this roster has played both ways for just about everyteam they have played for. I believe we were given a tough route but those things forged under fire tend to stand the test of time. I am looking forward to all comers. This team will be ready and we are looking forward to showing it on the field.
Game week is upon Team Kentucky!
I am already pumped for it.

GO TEAM KENTUCKY!!! :Cheerlead
the eastwest game is pretty cool but this team ky thing couldnt interest me less im proud of our belfry palyers but this is just too much
bhsuknow92 Wrote:the eastwest game is pretty cool but this team ky thing couldnt interest me less im proud of our belfry palyers but this is just too much

Must interest you enough to post on the thread?
Armchair QB Wrote:Must interest you enough to post on the thread?

QB, I'm guessing that his kid did not make Team Kentucky, but probably made East vs. West. We will never know because he will deny it.
Team KY is lock Loaded and ready to Roll.... Good Luck and have no Mercy on what ever team stands in the the way , on your run for the national title

So why were some teams NO Shows this past weekend in Etown? Will there be no shows in Atlanta? Does not make sense to me? How can a state team fail to show and play in a national tournament?
Just because someone thinks that paying thousands of dollars and traveling hundreds of miles is to much for a 8th grade boy doesn't mean their son didn't make the tean or wasn't ask to join the team , trust me i know of a few that felt that way so you can get of your high horse and stop being arrogant and ignorant
Ole miss rebel I would say some teams might be travel teams and at last minute some key players couldn't make it that happens a lot in travel baseball but honestly I don't know why there were no shows but all teams will be there this weekend locked and loaded
I'm not agreeing with the process, it appears the teams are dominated by individuals from the East; and that is fine. But it is one of several either the players and parents from the Western part of Ky are not interested, or it's just not that well known?
I realize it's a choice parents and kids make. I too think it's ridiculious that parents should have to be asked to raise that much money. I'm very concerned as to how and where all this money is going, and I don't buy the song and dance for travel, etc. etc..... I'd be very curious as to see an opens records on the KYMSFA over it's four year history.
Ole Miss Rebels Wrote:Anotherfootballnut,
I'm not agreeing with the process, it appears the teams are dominated by individuals from the East; and that is fine. But it is one of several either the players and parents from the Western part of Ky are not interested, or it's just not that well known?
I realize it's a choice parents and kids make. I too think it's ridiculious that parents should have to be asked to raise that much money. I'm very concerned as to how and where all this money is going, and I don't buy the song and dance for travel, etc. etc..... I'd be very curious as to see an opens records on the KYMSFA over it's four year history.

wouldnt we all love to see the books
This subject seems to come up yearly with regards to finances. Before it gets to spinning and some of the anonymous Internet experts on here getting too carried away, I will simply reply that the KMSFA is a 501C3 non profit, it is audited annually, and our financial statement IS in fact available to all members. We even discuss with coaches at our annual meeting.

As for the question about participation from the Western end of the state, Region 1 is by far our least populated district member wise. We would love to change that. We have tried to. Our playoff brackets each year reflect the lack of membership from that end of the state. The Board would be willin to travel to any conference meeting down that way if we can and provide a presentation on membership benefits. Please email me with a date and time and will work to be there to discuss with potential member programs.


Again, your response is much appreciated.
You are very welcome.

Going to say that I hope my responses don't read as me being a smart Alec. A lot of times (and for folks that know me, they know my way of carrying on), I try to answer questions as best I can on here for the Association. From the outside looking in, I can see where some folks don't understand things and how we've operated now since 2008.

Was simply trying to head it of before anyone started either implying or outright accusing anyone of anything. It seems like when it comes to money, it brings the worst out in some folks. I'm glad out board goes above and beyond to make sure our checks and balances make us transparent to the members of te KMSFA.
Any news from Atlanta? Team Kentucky
Team Ky lost today

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