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Hazard 7 Williamsburg 0
^ LOL S/O to past Hazard QB's Tyler Olinger and Jon Combs for making the pic..
Congrats Hazard, great win!
Congrats Wburg, great season with significant improvement and a young team will grow for next year and build on it, good luck
Avery, the best thing you've said all year. I tried stating this before and got ridiculed. Hazard should be #1 until someone beats them. Now they are 1 of only 4 teams left, now maybe you guys will listen. I personally don't think we were bashing your team just stating a fact. I also in my posts said many weeks ago to 64 that y'all's team will be there next yr or the yr after, I stand by those statements. Good luck and we hope to see the bulldogs at state if we can get by bwood. I will be at the wood next wk.
hitemup Wrote:Couldn't of happened to a cockier fan base. Glad to see WBurg lose. I guess you got your wish with your chants of "We Want Hazard."

Really? We Jackets just call that support. We DO want Hazard, we want them again next year, too. It's a step toward Bowling Green for us-so yeah, we want our shot at it again next year. And you say that as if Hazard beat us into the ground. If that was the game you were watching, you were at a different field. It was a pretty good match I'd say. Next year could have a different outcome.

Our fan base isn't cocky. They are supportive and they try to show our teams that they have confidence in them. There's a difference. The loudest, biggest voice from the WHS pep club section is a Sophomore who loves his Jacket Brothers out on the field and is a pretty terrific kid not to mention a fine Christian boy. At least our fans weren't standing directly behind your players drunk and using vulgar profanity. I was there, I heard several drunk men yelling at us and calling us "Motherbeepers". My 11 year old son is a towel boy and was standing right in front of one of the Hazard fans who attempted to educate him in the very fine art of profane insulting. In case you don't understand that, it means, your drunk fan didn't seem to care if kids were around or not-true class.
Looking at the stats hazard posted on scoreboard..

Hazard had 195 rushing yards and 83 passing yards the QB was 4-7.. 1 Catch to Jones for 2 yards and 3 catches for 81 yards to Jordan Olinger

Hazard defense allowed 45 rushing yards and 136 passing yards.. Also picked size more off 3 times..
Jacket Fanatic Wrote:Really? We Jackets just call that support. We DO want Hazard, we want them again next year, too. It's a step toward Bowling Green for us-so yeah, we want our shot at it again next year. And you say that as if Hazard beat us into the ground. If that was the game you were watching, you were at a different field. It was a pretty good match I'd say. Next year could have a different outcome.

Our fan base isn't cocky. They are supportive and they try to show our teams that they have confidence in them. There's a difference. The loudest, biggest voice from the WHS pep club section is a Sophomore who loves his Jacket Brothers out on the field and is a pretty terrific kid not to mention a fine Christian boy. At least our fans weren't standing directly behind your players drunk and using vulgar profanity. I was there, I heard several drunk men yelling at us and calling us "Motherbeepers". My 11 year old son is a towel boy and was standing right in front of one of the Hazard fans who attempted to educate him in the very fine art of profane insulting. In case you don't understand that, it means, your drunk fan didn't seem to care if kids were around or not-true class.

I hate that there are fans like that, but you find them everywhere !! I am a Hazard fan and and really sorry you had to listen to that. Congrats to your team for a good season !!
To the fine upsatanding Hazard fan who drew a penis and balls on my wifes car in the car paint on the window. You showed real class.......wish we could meet!!!
64 is a true fan not matter if his team is 0-10 or 15-0 he will stand tall with them that a real fan my hat off to ya
Jacket Fanatic Wrote:Really? We Jackets just call that support. We DO want Hazard, we want them again next year, too. It's a step toward Bowling Green for us-so yeah, we want our shot at it again next year. And you say that as if Hazard beat us into the ground. If that was the game you were watching, you were at a different field. It was a pretty good match I'd say. Next year could have a different outcome.

Our fan base isn't cocky. They are supportive and they try to show our teams that they have confidence in them. There's a difference. The loudest, biggest voice from the WHS pep club section is a Sophomore who loves his Jacket Brothers out on the field and is a pretty terrific kid not to mention a fine Christian boy. At least our fans weren't standing directly behind your players drunk and using vulgar profanity. I was there, I heard several drunk men yelling at us and calling us "Motherbeepers". My 11 year old son is a towel boy and was standing right in front of one of the Hazard fans who attempted to educate him in the very fine art of profane insulting. In case you don't understand that, it means, your drunk fan didn't seem to care if kids were around or not-true class.
What about your kids on the side lines that cussed the chain crew. And the girls that cussed the hazard fans after the game. And that's just two of the many that I could tell you about.
pork Wrote:What about your kids on the side lines that cussed the chain crew. And the girls that cussed the hazard fans after the game. And that's just two of the many that I could tell you about.

This will be the last thing I will say about the fan issue. I was standing on the sideline when one exchange happened with two of our college kids that help coach. Hey we're talking to each other about a no call that they thought should have been called. Thee chain crew butted into their conversation. If those boys cussed the chain crew hey shouldn't have but he chain crew should also not have addressed them. I don't know About the lady that cussed fans but I do know hat fans that were standing on the fence on our sideline where horrible and using the f word very loud and frequent. I also know that I had no more stepped onto the sidelines when a man started yelling at me and all I did was turn and look back to see who was saying something. He proceeded to b very rude to me and tell me he owned that field. There were also fans from the top of the Jill yelling for us to go f ourselves after the game was over. Not to mention the signs he student section had saying that one of our players was gay. I know hat a school doesn't control all of the fans but some of this was uncalled for and if we had fans that did some of those things to then they are out of line too.
EKFF I do not understand how you can say before coach dixon took over that the hazard football program was a joke !! Before KY Football had 6 classes hazard was always there but never could get that big win !!! Lynn Camp was always really good then and Pikeville was also and they were in the same district as Hazard !! Dont get me wrong mark has done a great job but come on now a JOKE ??? Marks Brother was just as good a coach as he is!!
Sorry for all the typos in my last post. A small phone screen doesn't make it very easy to proof.
coach23 Wrote:EKFF I do not understand how you can say before coach dixon took over that the hazard football program was a joke !! Before KY Football had 6 classes hazard was always there but never could get that big win !!! Lynn Camp was always really good then and Pikeville was also and they were in the same district as Hazard !! Dont get me wrong mark has done a great job but come on now a JOKE ??? Marks Brother was just as good a coach as he is!!

Trust me, I was in High School when Mark Dixon took over and right before he came it was a BIG joke. No one cared.... Not saying the players were jokes because they had talent but the program was a joke. Players and Community wasn't buying into football like they are now.

In 2002, if u would have told me Hazard Football would have a Turf field, big pep rallies all the time, tail-gating everyone, and a new $50,000 weight room.... I would have laughed in ur face..
If u want to see some bad language go on twitter and see some of the things the williamsburg players were putting on there.
EKFF . A Joke program is one who does not every win !! Hazard has always had good teams with winning seasons ! Now when Mark came he did get everyone more involved and got the football team what winning teams should get great field and weight room! I am not from Hazard buy some of my family is and all i ever hear about is how great the Hazard Tradition is .
Jacket4Life Wrote:This will be the last thing I will say about the fan issue. I was standing on the sideline when one exchange happened with two of our college kids that help coach. Hey we're talking to each other about a no call that they thought should have been called. Thee chain crew butted into their conversation. If those boys cussed the chain crew hey shouldn't have but he chain crew should also not have addressed them. I don't know About the lady that cussed fans but I do know hat fans that were standing on the fence on our sideline where horrible and using the f word very loud and frequent. I also know that I had no more stepped onto the sidelines when a man started yelling at me and all I did was turn and look back to see who was saying something. He proceeded to b very rude to me and tell me he owned that field. There were also fans from the top of the Jill yelling for us to go f ourselves after the game was over. Not to mention the signs he student section had saying that one of our players was gay. I know hat a school doesn't control all of the fans but some of this was uncalled for and if we had fans that did some of those things to then they are out of line too.

Well when your college kids on the side lines tell the chain crew to shut the F up !!!! When they was talking between them selves is a little much don't you think !!!! Trust me I know what I am talking about
As for dropping it I'm with you becouse we both can bring things up and it will never stop. It was a great game and ether team could have won.
64 please come back !!!! This place is not the same
I did find the fans in the student section and behind Williamsburg's bench to cross the line a little bit, but those things happen. In fairness I do think there were probably some Williamsburg fans that crossed the line as well. I do not think it is indicitive of Hazard's fan base as a whole. As far as the rushing yards for Hazard. I wonder if those stats include the negative plays like the fumble of the quarterback that lost about 20 yards? I do knot know for sure. I find that the stats on the KHSAA website are usually inflated, and do not include sacks and such. I will say that 70 of the rushing yards were on one play, and the Olinger kid strapped his team on his back on that play. There were three times on that run I thought Williamsburg had him down. He refused to lose that ball game, and it was a very impressive run by a talented young man.
Jordon Olinger's TD run was truly awesome!! He is a great young man who represents himself, his parents, brothers, and school well. I think the #3 that he was wearing, in honor of a teammate, Austin Johnson, inspired him!!! Great win Bulldogs!!!
pork Wrote:What about your kids on the side lines that cussed the chain crew. And the girls that cussed the hazard fans after the game. And that's just two of the many that I could tell you about.

Actually I observed both incidences and there was no cussing to the chain crew. When you work the chain crew, you are actually supposed to keep your opinions to yourself as you are supposed to be neutral. The conversation in question began with one of our assistant coaches-not a kid-saying "he pushed him out of bounds" and a member of the chain crew said, "hey that's just football" that was completely out of line. There were a few words, but no cussing.

As for the girls after the game, Hazard fans were telling them to pack up and go home that they were Losers. There were a few cuss words EXCHANGED and our Adult put a stop to it. Not nearly the same as GROWN MEN cussing OUR BOYS on OUR SIDELINES.

Over all, I believe our fans exemplified class. In my opinion, Hazard fans should not be allowed to stand directly behind our players with out some staff or admin there to monitor actions and language.

Further, I found it very rude that your students yelled to our fans to "get the 'blank' off our 'beeping' field!" when we went out to support our team with our sign. What hospitality?! We'll not be returning the favor next year, because our necks just aren't that shade of red and we believe in doing unto others as we would have them do unto us,- not what they did to us.
pork Wrote:Well when your college kids on the side lines tell the chain crew to shut the F up !!!! When they was talking between them selves is a little much don't you think !!!! Trust me I know what I am talking about
As for dropping it I'm with you becouse we both can bring things up and it will never stop. It was a great game and ether team could have won.

Well, I say I don't believe that was said, because one of those boys was my nephew and I was standing beside him. I didn't hear that and I don't believe that he would ever say anything like that since he doesn't even say something "sucks", he says "stinks". I'm assuming you were one of the chain gang, so it is best to end this conversation, because no matter what was said in rebuttle, no comments should have been made to our sideline in contradiction to a statement made in conversation that the chain gang was uninvited to join.-in other words, when you're working the chains-be quiet.Wi

Hazard won this game, Williamsburg lost-end of the story for this year. Next year we will be back hungrier than ever, let's hope ALL fans can conduct themselves appropriately and with class.
pork Wrote:Well when your college kids on the side lines tell the chain crew to shut the F up !!!! When they was talking between them selves is a little much don't you think !!!! Trust me I know what I am talking about
As for dropping it I'm with you becouse we both can bring things up and it will never stop. It was a great game and ether team could have won.

KENTUCKY10 Wrote:If u want to see some bad language go on twitter and see some of the things the williamsburg players were putting on there.

We weren't talking about what our players said. I'm sure on twitter, fb or especially out on that field-both teams had plenty to say and probably most of it was inappropriate.
To all Jacket fans and Jacket fanatic, I am sorry if some Hazard fans acted the way they did at the game. I stood at the fence behind your team and I never saw anything myself because I was probably to absorbed in the game. But as for our fans standing there, thats how it has been for at least the last 15 years. That will never change and if I saw something happening like that has been described I would put a stop to it because I know everyone that was standing there. I always do my best to represent our community with class and it really sucks when someone ruins a good reputation with ignorance. As for your fan base, I thought they acted with class. Just as they always have even when I played a few years back. I had a bad experience with a lady wearing a Williamsburg sweatshirt at the end of the game. I was standing with my dad at the place where the team was walking off the field, and before I knew it I was nose to nose with this woman who said "why don't you just smile some more you son of a b@#$%." I just marked it up as emotion because i'm sure she was someones mom that played and she was hurting for her son like my mom would've been for me in that situation (my mother doesn't talk like that). So I just laughed it off because her words do not represent her as a person and everyone else with orange. The point is, people can act terrible no matter what their shirt says and I'm sorry for what our fans did. I hope we can play again next year this is going to be a good rivalry.
Jacket Fanatic Wrote:Well, I say I don't believe that was said, because one of those boys was my nephew and I was standing beside him. I didn't hear that and I don't believe that he would ever say anything like that since he doesn't even say something "sucks", he says "stinks". I'm assuming you were one of the chain gang, so it is best to end this conversation, because no matter what was said in rebuttle, no comments should have been made to our sideline in contradiction to a statement made in conversation that the chain gang was uninvited to join.-in other words, when you're working the chains-be quiet.Wi

Hazard won this game, Williamsburg lost-end of the story for this year. Next year we will be back hungrier than ever, let's hope ALL fans can conduct themselves appropriately and with class.

I guess we will agree to disagree on this. That's fine with me !!! It was a great game that I wish was still going on. I will say this after the game I talk to skyler (not sure the spelling ) great young man and showed a lot of class!! As for next year it should be a great one also.
I must have been at a different part of the stadium. Both sides showed class and treated each other with respect. Hazard has great facilities and were very hospitable. This was a great game with the teams being very even. Take Olinger's run out of the stats and they are almost dead even. Olinger made a run for the ages and showed the heart of a champion. If these two teams were to play next Friday it would be a toss up. Congrats to Hazard and I hope you get Olinger another ring. He deserves it.
Congrats to both teams on very great game. Olinger made one helluva run for the only score in the game.

I was expecting a shoot out in this one, as i'm sure everyone else was also. What i seen was 2 teams who was very well prepared for each other. Great defensive effort by both teams.

I know some of you seen something wrong with the Jackets fans saying they wanted Hazard all year. You should take that as respect for your program. We all want to play the best and beat the best. IMO thats all it was.

I also think this Williamsburg team was a lot better than most thought because of their schedule. Congrats to the Jackets on a well played game.

Bulldogs, congrats on the win and good luck with Fairview this week. I know a couple players on the Hazard team and will be pulling for you guys all the way.

64Sur come back and pull for these Dawgs. You always want the team who beat you to win it all.
64SUR will be back for basketball. He is really a basketball guy who just watches football to kill time until basketball gets here. He was sedate during football. He will get serious for basketball. I appreciate his support of Williamsburg during football season.
E's Army Wrote:64SUR will be back for basketball. He is really a basketball guy who just watches football to kill time until basketball gets here. He was sedate during football. He will get serious for basketball. I appreciate his support of Williamsburg during football season.

He is back
Lets get back on the topic of the game.

Weve heard enough about fan interactions. The game is over and what the fans said obviously doesnt matter anymore. Keep it about the football game.

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