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Playoff stats for first round
Here's some numbers I heard on the radio yesterday.

49 first round games with victory margin of 30+ points.
39 with victory margin at 40+ points.
17 with 50+ point margin
4 with 60+ point margin
2 with 70+ point margin

that's TWO games that were won by over SEVENTY points.

And folks, how many of these games had running clocks
most of the second half. heck there was a 78-0 shutout.

Oh yeah 1 #4 seed beat at 1st seed, Louisville Male over
Lafayette. That would be the #4 out of TRINITY's district.

Yep, these 4 teams per district playoffs are a wonderful thing.
yeah a lot of blowouts are they any thing else you want to cry about deal with it these kids are getting to play thats the most important thing.
And there will be more running clocks this week. There were running clocks in the last two class 5A state championship games. Blowouts happen elsewhere too. That is the way it is, get over it.
Did you count the 14 or 15 games in the first round that were decided by 10 points or less?

Your argument is useless and i seriously doubt the KHSAA gives a crap about what a poster on this site wants.

Please quit starting these threads. There are 400 of them already, and we will start merging them all together.
My message to you whiners would be the same GET OVER IT.

This situation is horrible, and should be posted ad nauseum,
raised in KHSAA board meetings, editorialized in the states
newspaperes, and whatever else until some sanity is brought
to bear.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Did you count the 14 or 15 games in the first round that were decided by 10 points or less?

Your argument is useless and i seriously doubt the KHSAA gives a crap about what a poster on this site wants.

Please quit starting these threads. There are 400 of them already, and we will start merging them all together.

Forgot to mention how incredibly STUPID your first line was.
14 or 15 games by 10 or less? That's what you WANT ALL
THE GAMES to be in a perfect world. And without looking it
up, you can feel pretty safe in bettting that except for
Male/Lafayette, NONE of them were in 4 vs 1 games.
Observing Wrote:Forgot to mention how incredibly STUPID your first line was.
14 or 15 games by 10 or less? That's what you WANT ALL
THE GAMES to be in a perfect world. And without looking it
up, you can feel pretty safe in bettting that except for
Male/Lafayette, NONE of them were in 4 vs 1 games.

Correction sir. The #1 seed Prestonsburg vs #4 Middlesboro was 36-33 Prestonsburg.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Correction sir. The #1 seed Prestonsburg vs #4 Middlesboro was 36-33 Prestonsburg.

Guess I'd lose that bet and win the other 14, think I'd still be well
in the black. The point here is that the OVERWHELMING majority
of these 1-4 matchups are BLOWOUTS. The RARE exception
doesn't disprove the rule.
Well,,, Everyone has an opinion. And, it's not up to us. The players need to be polled.

It has been my experience that it is the parents and fans that make a bigger deal over
this issue. I Coach Softball and took a team to a guaranteed 5 game tournament. First
game, we got beat 22 -0. Second game was 33 - 2 in second inning and the opposing
team was bunting and jumping off base to get out. My team's parents went bolistic. I
had to break up a parent fist fight in the parking lot.

Here is the kicker!!! With parents gathered around, the girls and I talked about the games,
and I asked the girls if they were ready to hang it up and go home. Not one of them wanted to leave....
They just wanted to play ball so we stayed and got creamed 3 more games. In the end, the
girls had a blast; they talked about almost making this play or that play.

It's not about winning or losing!!! A true athlete/competitor wants to compete even if its
in a lopsided defeat..I personally would love to be young and able to get back on the
field even in a blowout game..

Having a son on Garrard's Team, and Friend's with sons or family members playing for
Anderson, Whitley, Mercer and Danville.. Plus a few in Tennessee and Texas. I posed
this question to them... 15 out of 17 said they would play knowing they were going to
get blown out. The other 2 said that they didn't care, and when I asked why, they said
that they don't start now and probably wouldn't play anyway.

So I say let the kids decide and not try to impose our opinion/decision on them......
jw4914 Wrote:Well,,, Everyone has an opinion. And, it's not up to us. The players need to be polled.

It has been my experience that it is the parents and fans that make a bigger deal over
this issue. I Coach Softball and took a team to a guaranteed 5 game tournament. First
game, we got beat 22 -0. Second game was 33 - 2 in second inning and the opposing
team was bunting and jumping off base to get out. My team's parents went bolistic. I
had to break up a parent fist fight in the parking lot.

Here is the kicker!!! With parents gathered around, the girls and I talked about the games,
and I asked the girls if they were ready to hang it up and go home. Not one of them wanted to leave....
They just wanted to play ball so we stayed and got creamed 3 more games. In the end, the
girls had a blast; they talked about almost making this play or that play.

It's not about winning or losing!!! A true athlete/competitor wants to compete even if its
in a lopsided defeat..I personally would love to be young and able to get back on the
field even in a blowout game..

Having a son on Garrard's Team, and Friend's with sons or family members playing for
Anderson, Whitley, Mercer and Danville.. Plus a few in Tennessee and Texas. I posed
this question to them... 15 out of 17 said they would play knowing they were going to
get blown out. The other 2 said that they didn't care, and when I asked why, they said
that they don't start now and probably wouldn't play anyway.

So I say let the kids decide and not try to impose our opinion/decision on them......

Actually this is a case where the ADULTS need to step up and behave
like ADULTS. Kids don't make responsible decisions, and here
we NEED the adults to START making responsible decisions
and do what's best for the kids and the sport. What we've got
right now AIN'T THAT.
Observing Wrote:Actually this is a case where the ADULTS need to step up and behave
like ADULTS. Kids don't make responsible decisions, and here
we NEED the adults to START making responsible decisions
and do what's best for the kids and the sport. What we've got
right now AIN'T THAT.

I would have to disagree. The adults are not playing the game the kids are. I dont think it would be putting to much on a kids shoulders on making a decision of whether they wanted to play a game or not.

The adults are the ones acting like kids saying the kids shouldnt play because they will get beat to bad. To me thats setting a bad example to the kids.


Hey little johnny your team can not play with that team, so no need to play the game. Just go home.
Hey mom or dad i want to at least try and give my best this could me the last time i ever play the game i love. I dont care if i lose. I just want to play one more time and hey you never no we just might pull the cinderella story.

I dont know about you, but i never want a kid of mine to back down from a challenge just because it is difficult.
Playoff games generate $$$$..... plus never forget Appalachian State at Michigan in 2007 in front of 100,000 fans or Stanford over # 1 USC 24-23 in 2007, Let the kids play.
Guys, it's still something the kids from these #4 seed schools have to look forward to. I bet if you ask them, they would not want their seasons to be over the last week of the regular season. Yes, we blew out Caverna, but they had that one drive that they will hang their hats on for the season or the seniors will for their lives. I never saw them quit playing, they acted as though right down to the whistle blowing, they were still fighting to get another possession of the ball. Put yourselves in their shoes, you know you probably can't win but you dont want your season or career to be over. You play as hard as you can and still loose, but your coach tells you how proud he is of you anyway. Then you wake up the next morning to get on line to see some a** telling everyone you shouldn't have even been given that chance.
I am a coach. This thread reminds me of something that happened this past year. We were blowing out a team and their coach decided to lose it. He went OFF! After the game I had parents come up to me to say thanks for not acting like that when we were getting blown out. They just want their kids, who have chosen to play the sport of their choice, to have fun. Whether it is one play or a final score, let the players enjoy the rewards of all their hard work in practice.
I was there, he acted like an a##, I started to critique him on his throw, when he took the game ball and threw it into the outfield. I started to tell him he dropped to 3/4 arm and didn't follow through. I thought that was about the worst way he could have ended those kids season. I bet they will remember that every time they think about baseball and most likely it will cause them to stop. That is my point. We really can effect the way these kids think about the sport, by the things that we say, the kids do read this stuff. I have had several come to me and say something about what they saw on here.

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