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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation
vundy33 Wrote:Looks like we're witnessing the economic death of our home...we can have clean air and water along with coal, it's not impossible.
Obama and his supporters want to take credit for killing the coal industry, Vundy. They have not taken a single action to help the industry over the past four years, despite the recession and weakest recovery since the Great Depression. I remember when air pollution was far worse than it is today. What is going on now has nothing to do with air pollution - it is all about exerting total control over the population without the need to get our consent.

BTW, did you see the story about NYC Mayor Bloomberg denying entry of the National Guard into the city because they were armed? Bloomberg said, "“The NYPD is the only people we want on the street with guns.”

Bloomberg and Obama are cut from the same cloth. They get off on controlling our behavior through big government programs. They are small men with too much power.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you willing to bet one thousand dollars that I don't post under another username? Other that what I have already said about my previous name, that I lost the password to, and haven't used it in years? Put your money where your mouth is.

I was going to bet with you. But i checked all your ip addresses.

Looks like im stuck in pigeon forge this weekend instead of Europe.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you willing to bet one thousand dollars that I don't post under another username? Other that what I have already said about my previous name, that I lost the password to, and haven't used it in years? Put your money where your mouth is.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obama and his supporters want to take credit for killing the coal industry, Vundy. They have not taken a single action to help the industry over the past four years, despite the recession and weakest recovery since the Great Depression. I remember when air pollution was far worse than it is today. What is going on now has nothing to do with air pollution - it is all about exerting total control over the population without the need to get our consent.

BTW, did you see the story about NYC Mayor Bloomberg denying entry of the National Guard into the city because they were armed? Bloomberg said, "“The NYPD is the only people we want on the street with guns.”

Bloomberg and Obama are cut from the same cloth. They get off on controlling our behavior through big government programs. They are small men with too much power.

Yeah, I saw that. Bloomberg is an idiot. I have to say though, a National Guardsman with a weapon is alot more dangerous than a cop, hahahaha! Shouldn't have any impact on them doing their job though...only reason they were armed was to protect themselves and keep what happened after Katrina from happening in NYC.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::hilarious:
Are you?
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you?
Am I what?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Am I what?
You're laughing at the bet post. Are you willing to put up a thousand on that same bet?
TheRealVille Wrote:You're laughing at the bet post. Are you willing to put up a thousand on that same bet?
No, because it is not possible to prove or disprove that anybody is using multiple accounts. The fact that you believe that it is shows your lack of knowledge on the subject. I am laughing at you because of that ignorance. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, because it is not possible to prove or disprove that anybody is using multiple accounts. The fact that you believe that it is shows your lack of knowledge on the subject. I am laughing at you because of that ignorance. Confusednicker:
They can see IP addresses that are the same, or close. And you are wrong. I am banned from a motorcycle site, and no matter what nick I signed up under, the ban caught me in a day or so.
TheRealVille Wrote:They can see IP addresses that are the same, or close. And you are wrong. I am banned from a motorcycle site, and no matter what nick I signed up under, the ban caught me in a day or so.

YOu can use an ip address scrambler. It's what Middle03 was using. There free subscription must have ended since he hasnt been on in awhile.
TheRealVille Wrote:They can see IP addresses that are the same, or close.
I could explain things to you, but I choose not to do so. If you are going to bet, you might want to make sure that you do not bet that you can prove that you are not using multiple accounts, because that would be virtually impossible. A fool and his money are soon parted. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:They can see IP addresses that are the same, or close. And you are wrong. I am banned from a motorcycle site, and no matter what nick I signed up under, the ban caught me in a day or so.
No, you are wrong. You do not know what you are talking about and I am not in the mood to explain why you are wrong. Please continue your blustering.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:YOu can use an ip address scrambler. It's what Middle03 was using. There free subscription must have ended since he hasnt been on in awhile.
Please stay out of this, WC. I want to see Wide take RV's $1,000 on a sucker's bet. :biggrin:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:YOu can use an ip address scrambler. It's what Middle03 was using. There free subscription must have ended since he hasnt been on in awhile.
Hell, I can barely turn on a computer. I can assure everybody that TRV is the only nick I use. There are a couple on here that can vouch for me. I only go to FB, BGR, CNN, and google news feed 99% of the time. I will give the nick that I lost the password to if anybody wants to check me out.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Please stay out of this, WC. I want to see Wide take RV's $1,000 on a sucker's bet. :biggrin:
If WR05 bets me a thousand that I post under anything other nick than TRV, in the last 2-3 years, and don't do any computer wrangling that I can't do, he will lose $1000, the same as you will.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Please stay out of this, WC. I want to see Wide take RV's $1,000 on a sucker's bet. :biggrin:

Seeing how we could not prove that he does or does not have multiple accounts unless he messes up and logs in on the same ip. Neither could win the bet.

But i went through and checked Yours, TRV, Wides, Segar, And Grannybear.

And Wide And Segar was the only ones that have had multiple users logged on from same ip addresses. Common with Schools and Such.
TheRealVille Wrote:If WR05 bets me a thousand that I post under anything other than TRV, in the last 2-3 years, he will lose $1000.
If you bet him $1,000 that you can prove that you do not post under two accounts, then you will lose $1,000. It does not matter whether you do or don't, you would be unable to prove the negative.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you bet him $1,000 that you can prove that you do not post under two accounts, then you will lose $1,000. It does not matter whether you do or don't, you would be unable to prove the negative.

I can go to his house and check his computer.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Seeing how we could not prove that he does or does not have multiple accounts unless he messes up and logs in on the same ip. Neither could win the bet.

But i went through and checked Yours, TRV, Wides, Segar, And Grannybear.

And Wide And Segar was the only ones that have had multiple users logged on from same ip addresses. Common with Schools and Such.
Exactly. If people have some knowledge of how ip addresses are assigned and do not make a blunder, then you have no way of proving that one person has two accounts. I really don't understand why people want to go to that trouble and worry about slipping up and proving themselves to be dishonest, but people do it.
I'll give each of you $10 if you will shut up. :moon:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Seeing how we could not prove that he does or does not have multiple accounts unless he messes up and logs in on the same ip. Neither could win the bet.

But i went through and checked Yours, TRV, Wides, Segar, And Grannybear.

And Wide And Segar was the only ones that have had multiple users logged on from same ip addresses. Common with Schools and Such.
In the last 2-3 years, I have only used TRV, and will give my real name and address at anytime. I always would. If BGR had the option(like they use to), I would change my name to my real name. I've got nothing to hide. Anybody on here that knows my real name will tell anybody that I don't hide it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you insinuating that the majority want dirty coal, dirty air, and dirty water? Coal jobs don't represent but about .12% of the US jobs.

Pardon me your honor. Does the fact that we already have clean air, and clean water make any difference? We'll always be able to do better and I'm sure we will. But, you wouldn't open all the doors and windows during a blizzard in sub zero weather in an effort to get a fly out of your house, when the fly swatter was hanging there. Our pollution problems are a minor nuisance compared to the pollution issues of the past.

The real issue here is that there has always been a secret agenda to close coal fired generating stations. Oh they blame aging equipment and cite what they claim to be cheaper natural gas prices. But, that's just cover. (Benghazi demonstrates how big they are on cover.) The real thrust here is carbon emissions and how they theoretically relate to the global warming hypothesis. This administration doesn't give a flip about the people, when compared to their intent to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in America. The rest of the planet would naturally ramp up their own usage to make up for our lunacy in that department but, when one lives in la-la land, he can imagine reality any way he wants to. If Obama had any concern for Americans suffering from high energy prices he would okay the Canadian pipeline. We know that's not going to happen either.

Just one more morning to wake up in Bizarro World and then, election day. I want to make sure I catch as much of the effort to move Obama's stuff out of the White House on TV as I can. That will be some great entertainment.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I can go to his house and check his computer.
How can you prove that he has not logged in using another computer in the past 2 or 3 years? Or a tablet from a public hotspot? Or a cell phone on a 3G network? It is not a provable thing. It is a waste of time pretending that it is. People who are determined to cheat the system will cheat.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you bet him $1,000 that you can prove that you do not post under two accounts, then you will lose $1,000. It does not matter whether you do or don't, you would be unable to prove the negative.
Same as he can't.
TheRealThing Wrote:Pardon me your honor. Does the fact that we already have clean air, and clean water make any difference? We'll always be able to do better and I'm sure we will. But, you wouldn't open all the doors and windows during a blizzard in sub zero weather in an effort to get a fly out of your house, when the fly swatter was hanging there. Our pollution problems are a minor nuisance compared to the pollution issues of the past.

The real issue here is that there has always been a secret agenda to close coal fired generating stations. Oh they blame aging equipment and cite what they claim to be cheaper natural gas prices. But, that's just cover. (Benghazi demonstrates how big they are on cover.) The real thrust here is carbon emissions and how they theoretically relate to the global warming hypothesis. This administration doesn't give a flip about the people, when compared to their intent to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in America. The rest of the planet would naturally ramp up their own usage to make up for our lunacy in that department but, when one lives in la-la land, he can imagine reality any way he wants to. If Obama had any concern for Americans suffering from high energy prices he would okay the Canadian pipeline. We know that's not going to happen either.

Just one more morning to wake up in Bizarro World and then, election day. I want to make sure I catch as much of the effort to move Obama's stuff out of the White House on TV as I can. That will be some great entertainment.

I'm just going to laugh at this one and finish making bourbon chicken.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How can you prove that he has not logged in using another computer in the past 2 or 3 years? Or a tablet from a public hotspot? Or a cell phone on a 3G network? It is not a provable thing. It is a waste of time pretending that it is. People who are determined to cheat the system will cheat.

Were not taking about Romneys taxes.

But sadly i agree with you.

I know its impossible.
TheRealVille Wrote:Same as he can't.
I never said that he could. I knew better. You did not. Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:Pardon me your honor. Does the fact that we already have clean air, and clean water make any difference? We'll always be able to do better and I'm sure we will. But, you wouldn't open all the doors and windows during a blizzard in sub zero weather in an effort to get a fly out of your house, when the fly swatter was hanging there. Our pollution problems are a minor nuisance compared to the pollution issues of the past.

The real issue here is that there has always been a secret agenda to close coal fired generating stations. Oh they blame aging equipment and cite what they claim to be cheaper natural gas prices. But, that's just cover. (Benghazi demonstrates how big they are on cover.) The real thrust here is carbon emissions and how they theoretically relate to the global warming hypothesis. This administration doesn't give a flip about the people, when compared to their intent to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in America. The rest of the planet would naturally ramp up their own usage to make up for our lunacy in that department but, when one lives in la-la land, he can imagine reality any way he wants to. If Obama had any concern for Americans suffering from high energy prices he would okay the Canadian pipeline. We know that's not going to happen either.

Just one more morning to wake up in Bizarro World and then, election day. I want to make sure I catch as much of the effort to move Obama's stuff out of the White House on TV as I can. That will be some great entertainment.
What are all the filter plants that are being built right now in KY and WV cleaning? They are filtering selenium out of pond water going into streams. I just finished one in Rum Creek, in Logan WV, for Patriot Coal. There are, I think 9 on the books being ready to be built as we speak.

Quote: Toxicity
Although selenium is an essential trace element, it is toxic if taken in excess. Exceeding the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of 400 micrograms per day can lead to selenosis.[84] This 400 microgram (µg) Tolerable Upper Intake Level is based primarily on a 1986 study of five Chinese patients who exhibited overt signs of selenosis and a follow up study on the same five people in 1992.[85] The 1992 study actually found the maximum safe dietary Se intake to be approximately 800 micrograms per day (15 micrograms per kilogram body weight), but suggested 400 micrograms per day to not only avoid toxicity, but also to avoid creating an imbalance of nutrients in the diet and to account for data from other countries.[86] In China, people who ingested corn grown in extremely selenium-rich stony coal (carbonaceous shale) have suffered from selenium toxicity. This coal was shown to have selenium content as high as 9.1%, the highest concentration in coal ever recorded in literature.[87]
Symptoms of selenosis include a garlic odor on the breath, gastrointestinal disorders, hair loss, sloughing of nails, fatigue, irritability, and neurological damage. Extreme cases of selenosis can result in cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary edema, and death.[88] Elemental selenium and most metallic selenides have relatively low toxicities because of their low bioavailability. By contrast, selenates and selenites are very toxic, having an oxidant mode of action similar to that of arsenic trioxide. The chronic toxic dose of selenite for humans is about 2400 to 3000 micrograms of selenium per day for a long time.[89] Hydrogen selenide is an extremely toxic, corrosive gas.[90] Selenium also occurs in organic compounds, such as dimethyl selenide, selenomethionine, selenocysteine and methylselenocysteine, all of which have high bioavailability and are toxic in large doses.
On 19 April 2009, 21 polo ponies died shortly before a match in the United States Polo Open. Three days later, a pharmacy released a statement explaining that the horses had received an incorrect dose of one of the ingredients used in a vitamin/mineral supplement compound that had been incorrectly compounded by a compounding pharmacy. Analysis of blood levels of inorganic compounds in the supplement indicated the selenium concentrations were ten to fifteen times higher than normal in the horses' blood samples, and 15 to 20 times higher than normal in their liver samples. It was later confirmed that selenium was the ingredient in question.[91]
Selenium poisoning of water systems may result whenever new agricultural runoff courses through normally dry, undeveloped lands. This process leaches natural soluble selenium compounds (such as selenates) into the water, which may then be concentrated in new "wetlands" as the water evaporates. High selenium levels produced in this fashion have been found to have caused certain congenital disorders in wetland birds.[92]
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Seeing how we could not prove that he does or does not have multiple accounts unless he messes up and logs in on the same ip. Neither could win the bet.

But i went through and checked Yours, TRV, Wides, Segar, And Grannybear.

And Wide And Segar was the only ones that have had multiple users logged on from same ip addresses. Common with Schools and Such.

I dont exactly know what you are trying to imply, because I can guarantee that I only have one user account. I do however have many computers at many different locations.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I never said that he could. I knew better. You did not. Confusednicker:
You know my real name the same as WR05 does. I don't have to hide to say what's on my mind.

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