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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation
Win or lose, Barack Obama intends to do as much damage to the coal industry as possible before he leaves office. Obama could not care less about what Congress wants or what the majority of Americans want. He is anything but a little "d" democrat.

Quote:November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation

President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency has devoted an unprecedented number of bureaucrats to finalizing new anti-coal regulations that are set to be released at the end of November, according to a source inside the EPA.

More than 50 EPA staff are now crashing to finish greenhouse gas emission standards that would essentially ban all construction of new coal-fired power plants. Never before have so many EPA resources been devoted to a single regulation. The independent and non-partisan Manhattan Institute estimates that the EPA’s greenhouse gas coal regulation will cost the U.S. economy $700 billion.

The rush is a major sign of panic by environmentalists inside the Obama administration. If Obama wins, the EPA would have another four full years to implement their anti-fossil fuel agenda. But if Romney wins, regulators will have a very narrow window to enact a select few costly regulations that would then be very hard for a President Romney to undo.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Win or lose, Barack Obama intends to do as much damage to the coal industry as possible before he leaves office. Obama could not care less about what Congress wants or what the majority of Americans want. He is anything but a little "d" democrat.

The majority of Americans want clean air, clean water, and clean coal. Just sayin.....
I am really afraid of what Obama may do during the next three months if he loses this election. On the otherhand I scared of what he will do during the next four years if he wins re-election.

IMO, another four years of an Obama EPA will do damage to more than the coal industry.
TheRealVille Wrote:The majority of Americans want clean air, clean water, and clean coal. Just sayin.....
I don't know anybody who does not want those things but not everybody is a radical environmentalist who sees the existence of human beings on this planet as a threat to the environment. We are a part of the environment and what Obama intends to do is to regulate the coal industry out of existence.

Do you support additional regulations on coal-fired power plants, regardless of their cost or technological feasibility? Coal is cleanest when it remains in the ground and that seems to be Obama's goal.
TheRealVille Wrote:The majority of Americans want clean air, clean water, and clean coal. Just sayin.....

You always call us out for not using links. Care to back up your claims with a link?
I just love how Hoot posts links from the Washington Examiner, and Breitbart, then laughs at people that post stuff from the Daily Kos. :hilarious:
Old School Wrote:I am really afraid of what Obama may do during the next three months if he loses this election. On the otherhand I scared of what he will do during the next four years if he wins re-election.

IMO, another four years of an Obama EPA will do damage to more than the coal industry.
I agree, Old School. Obama is our first anti-American president and if he wins a second term, he will probably not be our last.
WideRight05 Wrote:You always call us out for not using links. Care to back up your claims with a link?
Kentucky and West Virginia coal miners don't represent the majority of Americans.:biggrin: Simple common sense will tell you that. ABC, 123.
TheRealVille Wrote:Kentucky and West Virginia coal miners don't represent the majority of Americans.:biggrin:

LOL, as usual, not backing up your claims...
TheRealVille Wrote:i just love how Hoot posts link from the Washington Examiner, and Breitbart, then laughs at people that post stuff from the Daily Kos. :hilarious:
The Washington Examiner is a widely read newspaper in the DC area. If you don't like it, then feel free not to participate in the thread. You lost all credibility when you started posting links directly to Obama's campaign web site. You have some nerve criticizing anybody else's links. Confusednicker:
WideRight05 Wrote:LOL, as usual, not backing up your claims...

Quote:There are approximately 174,000 blue-collar, full-time, permanent jobs related to coal in the U.S.: mining (83,000), transportation (31,000), and power plant employment (60,000). (See below for details on each sector.) The U.S. civilian labor force totaled 141,730,000 workers in 2005; thus, permanent blue-collar coal industry employees represent 0.12% of the U.S. workforce.[1] (Compare this percentage with the 1.89% of U.S. workers who worked in coal mining alone in 1920.)
This total does not include indirect employment - workers who are not directly employed in the coal industry, but whose jobs are supported by that industry. It is entirely possible that thousands - even tens of thousands - of workers are indirectly supported entirely by the coal industry. However, the National Coal Association's 1994 estimate that the coal industry directly and indirectly employs around 1.5 million people[2] seems exaggerated. The level of indirect employment is in the low hundreds of thousands - not in the millions.

TheRealVille Wrote:


LOL, your claim was that the majority of Americans would want the bullshit EPA regulations.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Washington Examiner is a widely read newspaper in the DC area. If you don't like it, then feel free not to participate in the thread. You lost all credibility when you started posting links directly to Obama's campaign web site. You have some nerve criticizing anybody else's links. Confusednicker:
I'll participate anywhere I please. You have zero authority here. Are you saying a majority of Washington reads a right wing paper, or is right wing?
WideRight05 Wrote:LOL, your claim was that the majority of Americans would want the bullshit EPA regulations.
Are you insinuating that the majority want dirty coal, dirty air, and dirty water? Coal jobs don't represent but about .12% of the US jobs.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll participate anywhere I please. You have zero authority here. Are you saying a majority of Washington reads a right wing paper?
I said what I said. Re-read it if you did not understand it the first time. You have made it clear that you do not support the coal industry in any way, shape, or form. You were wrong when you spoke as an expert on the Big Sandy power plant and assured everybody that there were no plans to close it, despite published information to the contrary. You are wrong on many of the "facts" that you post.

Maybe you should consider some new sources for your information so that you do not end up having to change subjects so often when you are proven wrong. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I said what I said. Re-read it if you did not understand it the first time. You have made it clear that you do not support the coal industry in any way, shape, or form. You were wrong when you spoke as an expert on the Big Sandy power plant and assured everybody that there were no plans to close it, despite published information to the contrary. You are wrong on many of the "facts" that you post.

Maybe you should consider some new sources for your information so that you do not end up having to change subjects so often when you are proven wrong. Confusednicker:
Like I said, I'll participate anywhere I please, if you don't like my posts don't respond, or do, I could care less. When Big Sandy closes get back to me.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I said, I'll participate anywhere I please, if you don't like my posts don't respond, or do, I could care less.
Rest assured, I will continue to respond. I enjoy correcting your mistakes.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Rest assured, I will continue to respond. I enjoy correcting your mistakes.
It's a good thing it's free. They deliver it free to 300,00 people, LOL. People even complain about not being able to unsubscribe. LOL. Are they hacks?

Quote:The newspaper is supported entirely by advertisements[citation needed] and is distributed in the Washington, DC, area. The paper is available at most Washington Metro subway stations. It is delivered to 300,000 houses on Thursdays and 250,000 on Sundays. It is printed in a compact format. The Examiner covers world, national, and local news and sports. The Examiner's executive editor is Stephen G. Smith. The newspaper employs staff writers, news services, syndicated writers, and freelance writers.

In the past, some people complained of difficulty unsubscribing from the paper, despite in many cases never having subscribed.[7] In response to more than 100 citizens' complaints, Alexandria, Virginia initially proposed a "Do Not Deliver" list in 2006,[8] but that measure was deemed unworkable or possibly in violation of the First Amendment. In March 2009, the Alexandria City Council, at the urging of the City Manager's Office, passed Alexandria City Code §9-14,[9] as a Model Newspaper Delivery Ordinance.[10]

Quote:When Anschutz started the Examiner in its current format, he envisioned creating a conservative competitor to The Washington Post. According to Politico, "When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz’s instructions were explicit — he 'wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,' said one former employee." The Examiner's conservative writers include Byron York (National Review), Michael Barone (American Enterprise Institute, Fox News), and David Freddoso (National Review, author of The Case Against Barack Obama).[4]
The paper endorsed John McCain in the 2008 presidential election[11] and Adrian Fenty in the Democratic primary for mayor in 2010.[12] On December 14, 2011, it endorsed Mitt Romney for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, saying he was the only Republican who could beat Barack Obama in the general election.[13]
^ I can't tell you how many professors don't like wikipedia as a source. Most will take points off your paper if you use it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you insinuating that the majority want dirty coal, dirty air, and dirty water? Coal jobs don't represent but about .12% of the US jobs.

You know what you meant by saying that. So what if coal jobs represent .12% of the U.S. jobs? You're saying that just because they represent a low % of jobs they should be punished for it?
WideRight05 Wrote:You know what you meant by saying that. So what if coal jobs represent .12% of the U.S. jobs? You're saying that just because they represent a low % of jobs they should be punished for it?
Are you saying the majority of Americans want dirty air, dirty water, and dirty coal? I'm saying the majority of Americans don't represent what coal wants.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you saying the majority of Americans want dirty air, dirty water, and dirty coal? I'm saying the majority of Americans don't represent what coal wants.

I'm saying you're full of shit. You say that, yet the only thing you can prove is that there is a low % of coal jobs. Not that Americans don't represent what coal wants.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's a good thing it's free. They deliver it free to 300,00 people, LOL. People even complain about not being able to unsubscribe. LOL
Another threadjacking, RV? I think so. You do not seem able to debate the merits of any of Obama's unpopular end runs around the U.S. Constitution intelligently. It looks like you have decided to just stop trying.

All Americans should be outraged at what Obama is trying to with regulatory agencies because he cannot work with Democrats or Republicans in Congress. Yet, here you are, cheerleading his every move.
WideRight05 Wrote:I'm saying you're full of shit. You say that, yet the only thing you can prove is that there is a low % of coal jobs. Not that Americans don't represent what coal wants.
He can't make his mind up, Wide. It seems like only a few weeks ago he was telling everybody how plentiful jobs in the coal mining industry are and that all unemployed miners needed to do was to send in an application to Logan County, WV, and they would be back to work. Now he is saying not many jobs would be impacted if Obama kills the industry. He is clearly of two minds on this issue. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:He can't make his mind up, Wide. It seems like only a few weeks ago he was telling everybody how plentiful jobs in the coal mining industry are and that all unemployed miners needed to do was to send in an application to Logan County, WV, and they would be back to work. Now he is saying not many jobs would be impacted if Obama kills the industry. He is clearly of two minds on this issue. Confusednicker:

He must be on the wrong username again. Confusednicker:
Looks like we're witnessing the economic death of our home...we can have clean air and water along with coal, it's not impossible.
WideRight05 Wrote:I'm saying you're full of shit. You say that, yet the only thing you can prove is that there is a low % of coal jobs. Not that Americans don't represent what coal wants.
A one, at the most, two time voter. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:He can't make his mind up, Wide. It seems like only a few weeks ago he was telling everybody how plentiful jobs in the coal mining industry are and that all unemployed miners needed to do was to send in an application to Logan County, WV, and they would be back to work. Now he is saying not many jobs would be impacted if Obama kills the industry. He is clearly of two minds on this issue. Confusednicker:
I'm saying that coal jobs only represent .12% of American jobs. The two sentences you post are not representative of each other. Coal can be hiring people, yet still only represent a small number of national jobs.
vundy33 Wrote:Looks like we're witnessing the economic death of our home...we can have clean air and water along with coal, it's not impossible.

Which is why this guy will be voting for romney. Really hoping for a mining boost around here. Friends and Family need it.

And if things go all to shit all over again, Dinner is on me TRV.
WideRight05 Wrote:He must be on the wrong username again. Confusednicker:
Are you willing to bet one thousand dollars that I don't post under another username? Other that what I have already said about my previous name, that I lost the password to, and haven't used it in years? Put your money where your mouth is.

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