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Should coaches make their players lift weights year around
They sould lift year round. Remember that old saying if you dont use it you'll lose it.
if you want to win you have to be strong and fast work for it .
i guess i have 2 veiws personnaly on the subject... yes, it is great to see players lifting year round... but i dont think it is exactly the best thing to make players that play more than just football lift constantly
all teams should lift 4 days a week

*monday- upperbody
*tuesday- lower body
*wednesday- upper body
*thursday- lower body
focus on certain mucles certain days and then get the rest of the week to recover. this is if u want to get good
Lifting is excellent mental and physical exercise.
Coaches shouldnt have to make their players do anything. Palyers should have enough drive heart and love for the game and want to go in at 140 bp and 400 lp and surprise the other teams next year with a new strength of 200 bp and almosst 600 lp. You dont love the sport unless you are the sport. So be a sport and show us what ur made of
Ahh yes but Kids need the time to be kids, you all are acting like kids are machines, Kids are kids they want to have fun, I myself am a Kid, and I've seen from personal expericene that kids grow up to fast. I myself want to stay as young as I can.

These kids should do stuff like eb kids get out of the house adn run around and be kids. Play some school yard ball. get out Have fun be kids. but as soon as your dead period is over kids should get into the weight room for 1 hour to an hour and a half 3 times a week.
The Cheem Wrote:Play some school yard ball. get out Have fun be kids. but as soon as your dead period is over kids should get into the weight room for 1 hour to an hour and a half 3 times a week.

Sounds like a great off-season workout plan...for a CHURCH-LEAGUE team!

Sorry, but if you want to be COMPETITIVE against other SCHOOLS, and those other schools LIFT year-round, how could you EVER hope to compete by doing what you said (which I read as "do whatever you want from the end of the season until July 9th every year...then start lifting 3 times a week)???
Football24_7 Wrote:Sounds like a great off-season workout plan...for a CHURCH-LEAGUE team!

Sorry, but if you want to be COMPETITIVE against other SCHOOLS, and those other schools LIFT year-round, how could you EVER hope to compete by doing what you said (which I read as "do whatever you want from the end of the season until July 9th every year...then start lifting 3 times a week)???

You can do this if you are ok being mediocre at best.

24 7, you are exactly right. If you want to compete, you must train every aspect of training.

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