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Fairview Additions
Eagles2012 Wrote:I don't speculate who would win fairview or Ashland, don't play don't care. And they come to fairview we don't go get them. Stop bitching. Also we won our district so every single a team making the playoffs is irrevelant. fact is a fact fairview is the only team in this area that in the two previous years that was played in regional championships. End of story.
You should probably reread my post cause I never said anything about any kid ending up at fairview. I said it kills me when fairview fans think there team is better or more successful than Ashland cause they beat weaker competition not one time did the words recruiting or cheating leave my lips.
^How about your finger tips?
FBALL Wrote:^How about your finger tips?

Nope not there either. I am actually glad fairview is having success. Just hearing them say how they're better than programs like Ashland or Russell is gets old. If they stepped up and scheduled those schools or better schools and won I'd concede they were better. But running the score up on Greenup county proves nothing.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Man it kills me when you fairview people gloat over Ashland. One if fairview had to play the northern Kentucky schools like Ashland does. They woul get waxed. Second every team in 1A qualifies for the playoffs even if they lose every game. Third Ashland would beat fairview by 50 in a head to head game and everyone knows it.
4 the toughest team fairview played last year was pikeville which got beat badly by belfry who only beat ashland by 1 point in a controversial game at that. So enjoy your success for a 1a school but don't act like your big dog in the area cause you beat up on Greenup county,Casey county, Paintsville,east carter,phelps,Jenkins etc... Cause your not in the same league talent wise as Ashland or Ashlands competition.

At the skill positions they are probably better than Ashland Blazer.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Nope not there either. I am actually glad fairview is having success. Just hearing them say how they're better than programs like Ashland or Russell is gets old. If they stepped up and scheduled those schools or better schools and won I'd concede they were better. But running the score up on Greenup county proves nothing.

As a program they aren't close yet. They have some great individual talent right now though.

Consistency over time will tell where they are as a program.
FBALL Wrote:At the skill positions they are probably better than Ashland Blazer.

Maybe so I would call it about even and if either team has an advantage it is slight at best but defensively and in the trenches Ashland would be more than good enough to make up the difference.
Along the line of scrimmage Blazer has a decided advantage. It's not close.
FBALL Wrote:At the skill positions they are probably better than Ashland Blazer.

Seen the cats and eagles play.
The tomcats qb is lots better.
And the frosh. Back Baker is as good and has three more years.
PrObAbLy not!!
Baker is not as good as king yet. Probably will be. Add in Turner. Brewer and Rutherford and ill take Fairview's skill guys.

Blazer has depth at every position though. S far as teams go Blazer is better.
Eagles2012 Wrote:I don't speculate who would win fairview or Ashland, don't play don't care. And they come to fairview we don't go get them. Stop bitching. Also we won our district so every single a team making the playoffs is irrevelant. fact is a fact fairview is the only team in this area that in the two previous years that was played in regional championships. End of story.

From their administration to their coaching staff, Fairview constantly reminds us that they have absolutely no regard for morals or ethics in high school sports. Just look at the kids they are trying to get eligible.. They are fighting to get players eligible that have been kicked out of another school for beating up a fellow student. That right there shows Fairviews mindset, they dont care to bring bad kids into their school and community as long as they can produce on the football field. Raceland, Ashland, and Russell might get some transfers but I promise they arent taking in kids that could have a negative effect on their school district. McPeek wonders why he cant gain respect in this area.. its sad that he cant see it. You dont build a program by going out and getting expelled athletes from other schools to come in and help you win for one season aganist an incredibly weak schedule. Its hilarious that he thinks he deserves respect, he hasnt built anything at Fairview besides a second chance progam for huntington kids when they mess up. Fairview has been a sorry program for so long that now they are willing to literally do anything to win games.
Does all this really matter? Isn't like KCU plays any SEC teams. Not Ashland, Russell, Boyd or even Rambutt77 would be complaining if those kids transferred into your school and don't say you wouldn't take them because you would.

The McPeeks and the rest of the coaching staff has nothing to do with recruitment of these kids. You need to dig deeper. If a person is not a coach, teacher or employee of a school and decides to go and seek out troubled kids to give them a second chance to make both their life better and the school better, how is that immoral, unethical and illegal?

So, I guess when a child/teen makes a bad decision they should not be given a second chance? Glad to know that you "NoPicks" are not part of the equation in that childs life. Maybe you and Patchy Boy can script out your BITW Manifesto and report it to the KHSAA. Or maybe you can do a food ministry or clothing ministry and help our kids out in the (W) Hood.
This whole thing has gotten way out of hand. But I see both sides. In reference to Clint Eastwoods post, I agree and disagree. I agree that there should be nothing wrong with trying to provide kids with a second chance to better themselves. But if the rumors or statements about these kids being expelled because of wrong doing at their former school, I do not feel its a second chance. I feel it becomes a "get out of jail free card"...."in trouble where you play football? NO PROBLEM!...come on down!". In regaurd to the coaches/school officials having nothing to do with parents going and trying to find these kids, I cry foul. If you are the coach of a team, YOU are responsible for the teams behavior.

And stating, "The McPeeks and the rest of the coaching staff has nothing to do with recruitment of these kids." Doesn't really help the argument of "Fairview is not recruiting". But as I mentioned, I am all for giving a kid a second chance, I just don't feel its just, to let them get kicked out of one school, then have them come to another school with the only punishment being few games being missed while the injunction is taken care of.

But my family has known the McPeeks for a long time, I have trouble getting myself to believe some of the statements that have been made, though many things do seem to have alot of fact to them.
Clint Westwood Wrote:Does all this really matter? Isn't like KCU plays any SEC teams. Not Ashland, Russell, Boyd or even Rambutt77 would be complaining if those kids transferred into your school and don't say you wouldn't take them because you would.

The McPeeks and the rest of the coaching staff has nothing to do with recruitment of these kids. You need to dig deeper. If a person is not a coach, teacher or employee of a school and decides to go and seek out troubled kids to give them a second chance to make both their life better and the school better, how is that immoral, unethical and illegal?

So, I guess when a child/teen makes a bad decision they should not be given a second chance? Glad to know that you "NoPicks" are not part of the equation in that childs life. Maybe you and Patchy Boy can script out your BITW Manifesto and report it to the KHSAA. Or maybe you can do a food ministry or clothing ministry and help our kids out in the (W) Hood.

The kids that have made bad decisions. Do they have to have qualifications. Say, speed, good hands, size, can jump, shoot, throw, block ect..Or does this person/persons help bring in kids that can't play sports. Say, are smart and can help the academic team. This school does graduate 100% of its kids!
Good Point Football. If this is the case, I believe you wouldn't hear the complaining. Of course people are taking notice and bothered because Fairview is winning. But the fact of the matter is, that due to the weakness of that schedule, they would be likely to be in the same situation record-wise as they are right now. Granted the scores wouldn't have been as lopsided as they have been, but in one aspect, I can see why they have scored so many points in the last few weeks. With the new players, I'm sure they are trying to establish them in the offense. But obviously, if not for King, this team is nowhere near what they are now. I think its very possible that Raceland or Fairview will see a deep run into the playoffs this year. Though its still a hard road ahead with teams like Williamsburg and Beechwood. Don't let their record fool you. Beechwood is still THE WOOD in the state of Kentucky.
football 105 Wrote:The kids that have made bad decisions. Do they have to have qualifications. Say, speed, good hands, size, can jump, shoot, throw, block ect..Or does this person/persons help bring in kids that can't play sports. Say, are smart and can help the academic team. This school does graduate 100% of its kids!

There have been a handful of kids come to Fairview in the last 2 years from a troubled past that never played sports but wanted/needed a second chance. All kids are welcome at Fairview!

Many have come for sports, so what? If the move is legit and the administration, coaches, teachers had nothing to do with it...then again....so what?

Until truth is unveiled, shared and exposed then all outsiders like yourself will have negative biased opinion of how things are handle at Fairview, and thats okay! Thats our freedoms being exercised. But there are some on here that like to bash kids and the ones in the know... we know your multiple screen names.

As for Nate, I wouldn't schedule any team either that won't play a two year home and away on contract. People want to gripe about parking. Well we use the cross country course for that. People want to complain about seating.....well it's getting better all the time. Nate is not scheduling these team to pad his resume' or that he is scared of losing to an Ashland or Ironton.
Clint Westwood Wrote:Does all this really matter? Isn't like KCU plays any SEC teams. Not Ashland, Russell, Boyd or even Rambutt77 would be complaining if those kids transferred into your school and don't say you wouldn't take them because you would.

The McPeeks and the rest of the coaching staff has nothing to do with recruitment of these kids. You need to dig deeper. If a person is not a coach, teacher or employee of a school and decides to go and seek out troubled kids to give them a second chance to make both their life better and the school better, how is that immoral, unethical and illegal?

So, I guess when a child/teen makes a bad decision they should not be given a second chance? Glad to know that you "NoPicks" are not part of the equation in that childs life. Maybe you and Patchy Boy can script out your BITW Manifesto and report it to the KHSAA. Or maybe you can do a food ministry or clothing ministry and help our kids out in the (W) Hood.

It is "Patch", not Patchy Boy, but I guess reading is not your forte, just like making an intelligent response to someone is hard on you as well. And if the person bringing them in is not involved with the school then why are they getting special treatment and you know exactly what I and others are talking about. Putting you head in the sand or up your rear end either one doesn't keep you from seeing what is going on there. Go ahead, make excuses and keep on BITW, we will see how many are fans when Fairview gets their just punishment in the future for the lies they have told and the rules they break on a daily basis.
Oh, I don't think they need any help with food, clothing, video games, housing, etc....I am sure all the believers in the wood takes VERY good care of their wants and needs, LOL
NoPicks Wrote:From their administration to their coaching staff, Fairview constantly reminds us that they have absolutely no regard for morals or ethics in high school sports. Just look at the kids they are trying to get eligible.. They are fighting to get players eligible that have been kicked out of another school for beating up a fellow student. That right there shows Fairviews mindset, they dont care to bring bad kids into their school and community as long as they can produce on the football field. Raceland, Ashland, and Russell might get some transfers but I promise they arent taking in kids that could have a negative effect on their school district. McPeek wonders why he cant gain respect in this area.. its sad that he cant see it. You dont build a program by going out and getting expelled athletes from other schools to come in and help you win for one season aganist an incredibly weak schedule. Its hilarious that he thinks he deserves respect, he hasnt built anything at Fairview besides a second chance progam for huntington kids when they mess up. Fairview has been a sorry program for so long that now they are willing to literally do anything to win games.
Dumbest thing I've ever heard plus your buddies liked the post making then dumbest people alive! This gets old you should be sued for that landish remarks!
football 105 Wrote:I'm one of these Ram faithful. Beating the tomcats's and the devils is only area bragging rights. Winning the district and then the regional is what its all about. I for one wouldn't mind giving back all the wins to the tomcats and devils for a couple regional championship. It's great to beat them. And I cherish everyone of them. But to do what Russell did in 2010 is what its all about. I want my kids playing for the regional and state championships.. Nothing less will make me totally happy. I do believe this team has a chance to go deep in the playoffs. And the next few years are looking awesome for the RAMs.
The devils should feel good about what they accomplished in those two years. Those were even down years. Nobody thought the devils would go that far. ... Except maybe the players and coaches!!
You are right on the money. The coaches and parents were the only ones that believed in us that we could do it. Everyone else had written us off from the time we were freshman, when we went winless, saying that we were the worst group athletically in Russell history. I was told repeatedly by several people that we were going to do nothing and that we would have the worst team in Russell football history. That made our whole team strive harder for success to prove people wrong and I feel that we did so. We only had three or four guys who saw a significant amount of time coming back and we had our ups and downs, but coming back against Pike County Central and Sheldon Clark the way that we did, I would never trade that for any other football experience that I have had in my life. It was just simply awesome to come from behind and beat both of those teams, one of which (PCC) recruited a player or multiple players. To beat them in the first round like we did and then beating Sheldon Clark a year after they hammered us and knocked us out of the first round for the first time since 1999, that was special and something I will never forget. I am glad I got to share it with the people I was able to share it with, including my parents, teammates, coaches, and the fans who were behind us for the entire year.
The truth is, only a few people know what the REAL circumstances are that surround this WV--->Westwood pipeline. Out of all the schools for a guy to transfer, Fairview wouldn't exactly be in my top 5. I'm sure McPeeks connections in Huntington have nothing to do with it. Keep turning your head Eagles.
If the KHSAA approved the two seniors who transferred in from Huntington over the summer, then how come Fairview had to file a court injunction? A kid can not transfer from one school to another for the sole purpose of playing sports. The manner in which Fairview has achieved success in the short term is not sustainable over a long term basis.
russellpride Wrote:You are an idiot ! Dumbest thing I've ever heard plus your buddies liked the post making then dumbest people alive! This gets old you should be sued for that landish remarks!

Its funny how the only justification for Fairviews actions comes from within the Fairview program itself.. Everyone else in the area and around the state is aware of how they are "building a program" in Westwood. That my friend is called denial, or maybe just ignorance but either way they will never see nor admit how they bend the rules in order to get the athletes in each year to fill specific position needs.
Ramcat77 Wrote:If the KHSAA approved the two seniors who transferred in from Huntington over the summer, then how come Fairview had to file a court injunction? A kid can not transfer from one school to another for the sole purpose of playing sports. The manner in which Fairview has achieved success in the short term is not sustainable over a long term basis.

October 12th will be here soon...should be a great game between Messer's recruits for Raceland and the Cabell Pipeline for the Wood. Talk about pot calling the kettle black. You ams have recruited the future of Devil Land and now TJ cant get his alma mater on the schedule. Whats that I'm hearing....."BBV.....BBV.....Bring Back Vanderhoof".......

On much more serious note...Ramcat77, you posted a highly intelligent sentence, structured with grammatical bliss.....very proud of you and your post. Most of your post is like Patchy Boys' but this post was very well thought out and well written.

Go talk to your empty chair Clint, it will have just as much to say as you do. And we all know what Fairview is doing is wrong, you just justify it because you are the type that has always been a win at all cost person, no matter what rules you have to break or who you have to do wrong. So next time you take one of your little trips down 23, spend some time thinking about how it can't always be everyone's fault, a lot of the time it is yours. I am not at Walmart much or any beauty college to see you, but damn, sure do wish I would.
I'd like to hear what Beechwood has to say about Fairview now refering themselves as "The Wood"...
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:I'd like to hear what Beechwood has to say about Fairview now refering themselves as "The Wood"...

I'm a supporter of Beechwood. No one should ever confuse the great accomplishments of Beechwood with the non-achievements of Fairview. They shouldn't be named in the same paragraph.
russellpride Wrote:You are an idiot ! Dumbest thing I've ever heard plus your buddies liked the post making then dumbest people alive! This gets old you should be sued for that landish remarks!

Someone's getting in your head! Confusednicker:
Memo Luna Wrote:I'm a supporter of Beechwood. No one should ever confuse the great accomplishments of Beechwood with the non-achievements of Fairview. They shouldn't be named in the same paragraph.

I agree 100%. very few teams from our area have that right.
How many region/state championships does Fairview have? I don't know much about the program, but it would be hard to rank any EKY school on Beechwood's, or even NCC's level (as much as I hate to say it about NCC lol).
WideRight05 Wrote:How many region/state championships does Fairview have? I don't know much about the program, but it would be hard to rank any EKY school on Beechwood's, or even NCC's level (as much as I hate to say it about NCC lol).
Zero region or state titles.
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