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Harlan Ind. 24 Leslie Co. 21
The Green Dragons take a hard fought game at home tonight. Very physical game. I hope the players that were injured for LC are ok and can go next week. Good luck to LC the rest of the season.
Backwoods Wrote:The Green Dragons take a hard fought game at home tonight. Very physical game. I hope the players that were injured for LC are ok and can go next week. Good luck to LC the rest of the season.

Harlan won and backwoods has jumped back on the bandwagon. Lol
Good win for Harlan, Leslie County is a pretty good football team. Congrats to the Green Dragons.
wildone89 Wrote:Harlan won and backwoods has jumped back on the bandwagon. Lol
Come on Wildone,you know I'm green through and through. The Dragon's should be 5-1 right now but there not. I got over it just like you and the Bears will. Good luck to HC next week.
Backwoods Wrote:Come on Wildone,you know I'm green through and through. The Dragon's should be 5-1 right now but there not. I got over it just like you and the Bears will. Good luck to HC next week.

JB must have listened to some of your armchair coaching or should I say bluegrassrivals coaching. Lol. Maybe so, who knows?"????????
Knew this one would be close. Congrats Green Dragons.
Sounds like a great win for the Dragons.

Congratulations on the victory!!
im never one to say a ref makes calls in favor of home teams but in this case i am. leslie had one play where it was 2nd and 30!?!? come on now. leslies freshman blake asher caught the ball for around a 30 yrd td and they called it incomplete (looked like a completion) from where i was standing. that would put lc up i think 20-6 before halftime but instead harlan scores. congrats to harlan they are a good team with great athletes but the better team did not win this game
wildone89 Wrote:JB must have listened to some of your armchair coaching or should I say bluegrassrivals coaching. Lol. Maybe so, who knows?"????????

I think that Harlan would be 6-0 if Backwoods was coaching. Heck, we may have beat Knox tonight with him. There's a tough one next though for Harlan. Backwoods will have to read another Idiots Guide to Coaching Manual from Wall Mart and give a heck of an imaginary pep-talk to some empty patio chairs to pull the Dragons through
Bloody Harlan Wrote:I think that Harlan would be 6-0 if Backwoods was coaching. Heck, we may have beat Knox tonight with him. There's a tough one next though for Harlan. Backwoods will have to read another Idiots Guide to Coaching Manual from Wall Mart and give a heck of an imaginary pep-talk to some empty patio chairs to pull the Dragons through

Nah,not even I could have pulled HC through tonight. KC is just the better team this year. But,HC's down this year.You guy's better get ready for Whitley Co.,you may have a tougher row to hoe than Harlan Ind.. You might find yourself 4-3 on the season. It doesn't take an armchair idiot to know that.
THE X FACTOR Wrote:im never one to say a ref makes calls in favor of home teams but in this case i am. leslie had one play where it was 2nd and 30!?!? come on now. leslies freshman blake asher caught the ball for around a 30 yrd td and they called it incomplete (looked like a completion) from where i was standing. that would put lc up i think 20-6 before halftime but instead harlan scores. congrats to harlan they are a good team with great athletes but the better team did not win this game

The officiating was not very good either way. If you want to talk about calls what about the back to back pass interference calls at the end of the game to give Leslie their final score. Harlan had a couple of 2nd and 30's as well. The difference in the game was that Harlan was a little bit better on the offensive line than Leslie county was.

This game was officiated about the same way last year's game was, and I will leave it at that.
Back Judge and white hat are the biggest Harlan Co/IND homers that ref in the state.. That includes the Perry refs...

Harlan is a good team, and this was a very physical game.
THE X FACTOR Wrote:im never one to say a ref makes calls in favor of home teams but in this case i am. leslie had one play where it was 2nd and 30!?!? come on now. leslies freshman blake asher caught the ball for around a 30 yrd td and they called it incomplete (looked like a completion) from where i was standing. that would put lc up i think 20-6 before halftime but instead harlan scores. congrats to harlan they are a good team with great athletes but the better team did not win this game
Both endzone TD passes were incomplete, the kids just dropped em, happens. One bouncers don't count! The Leslie kids had a hard time controlling themselves and got some unsportsmanlike penalties. Both teams had opportunities. Harlan's O line and D line were the difference in the game. The last 2 pass interference penalties on Harlan were at least as terrible as any call last night. Hey, at least we didn't turn the lights off.....Harlan was the better "Team" last night.
Good line play is a staple of a Coach Donahue team. Even when they don't have great athletes the line play keeps them in games. They may be over matched at times but they always come to play.
Last 2 pass interference calls were make-up calls that he knew would not effect the game.
Confusednicker: ok.....
This was the worst officiated game I've ever seen! The officials determined the outcome! The Dragons are a decent team and played well but LC should have won. The bad calls against LC came in the first 3 quaters. The bad calls against the dragons didn't come until there was not enough time on the clock for LC to catch up.

It wasn't all the officials fault. The LC line coaches need to wake up. I was NOT impressed with the new offinsive line. The center had trouble hiking the ball. Horton picked the ball up off the ground several times .....seems like the center was just too tired to play but the coaches used him on defense too! All of Horton's passes were rushed until the very end when LC put some of the original starters back on the line at the end of the 4th quarter. LC had a lot of talent standing on the sideline for most of the game. If the coaches don't make better use of their players, their season will go down hill quickly
Congrats Harlan.
Big River Wrote:This was the worst officiated game I've ever seen! The officials determined the outcome! The Dragons are a decent team and played well but LC should have won. The bad calls against LC came in the first 3 quaters. The bad calls against the dragons didn't come until there was not enough time on the clock for LC to catch up.

It wasn't all the officials fault. The LC line coaches need to wake up. I was NOT impressed with the new offinsive line. The center had trouble hiking the ball. Horton picked the ball up off the ground several times .....seems like the center was just too tired to play but the coaches used him on defense too! All of Horton's passes were rushed until the very end when LC put some of the original starters back on the line at the end of the 4th quarter. LC had a lot of talent standing on the sideline for most of the game. If the coaches don't make better use of their players, their season will go down hill quickly

The LC coaches need to reign in all the personal fouls for LC. The difference in this game was HHS's 230yd's rushing to LC's -25. The Dragon's were able to run the ball between the tackles nearly at will. Had Saragas been more accurate with his passes in the first half the score would have been worse than it was but I attribute much of that to the LC pass rush. I've not seen the final tally on penalty yd's for each team but I'm sure it was fairly even for both. Someone said that LC had a 2nd down and 30 well HHS had that a couple of times. If LC's coaches attribute this loss to bad officials then they will miss an oppurtunity to fix some problems before the playoffs come. LC is a good team and can do well in the playoffs if they fix those personal fouls and those holes in the defensive line. Good luck to them in the rest of the season.
i should not single out refs like i did last night. i guess i was just disappointed but thinking back to it, harlan did get the majority of the calls but in all reality, lc had chances to put the game away. i wish lc still the big boys they had last year like asher 6'5, brewer, hacker,caldwell all 6'3, both maggards 6'1 and so on... lc's line needs some adjusting but thats common when you loose 3 seniors that started 3 if not 4 years. i apologoize if i offended anyone, i never meant to. congrats to both teams and good luck in the playoffs
I actually got to see this game and it was a dandy. The only questionable call that I saw that went against leslie was the false start that looked to me like harlan was offsides. There was a while lot that wasn't called against leslie. Several obvious holds as well as several unnecessary roughness calls where leslie defenders body slammed harlan runners on numerous occasions. As far as the pass interference calls one was legit the other was a bad call. I know from experience that being an official is a tough job and there is no way you can make every call and get each one right. To many timrd officials are an excuse for getting beat by the better team. Leslie couldn't stop harlan's ground game, if they ran the ball in the first half instead of trying to force the pass they are up a score or two at halftime. Leslie could not keep 44 out of the backfield, he is a beast all over the field. Leslie is young at some spots and need to learn to keep there heads and avoid the personal fouls, making excuses for them will not geo. Hard fought game by both teams, was a good game to watch good luck to both.
It aint unnecessary roughness to hit the kid with the football last time i checked.
I Rule The World Wrote:Back Judge and white hat are the biggest Harlan Co/IND homers that ref in the state.. That includes the Perry refs...
Harlan is a good team, and this was a very physical game.

You must not been to a Perry game at home. Confusednicker:

Congrats to the Green Dragons!!!

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