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Rail Cities Bowl over for now
Ramcat77 Wrote:How many kids from Russell have gone to Raceland over the years? How many kids from Raceland have gone to Russell over the years? I'm sure it is more than five. So now we are talking about five kids in Raceland's starting lineup, from Russell, that killed the contract? Anytime a high number of kids start transferring from one school to the other, usually it points to a problem within. I've heard stories about the Russell feeder system and how junior high aged kids really don't benefit from within. I don't know how true it is. I'm sure if high quality kids from Raceland were transferring to Russell, McGlone wouldn't be complaining then.

I'm still not going to get into specifics but I can think of only one that left because of the JFL. And I was told that really wasnt the reason he left. The feeder system is fine. Go watch this years freshmen class and the 8th grade class next year and tell me the system is broke. You should be careful who you listen to.

I agree it's not a valid reason to not keep playing. Unfortunately they didn't ask me.
FBALL Wrote:I'm still not going to get into specifics but I can think of only one that left because of the JFL. And I was told that really wasnt the reason he left. The feeder system is fine. Go watch this years freshmen class and the 8th grade class next year and tell me the system is broke. You should be careful who you listen to.

I agree it's not a valid reason to not keep playing. Unfortunately they didn't ask me.

I'm just listening to people from Russell, that's all. I'm also saying this never seemed to be a problem in the past. I played at Raceland in the nineties and I remember a handful of kids coming from Russell to play football at Raceland, granted, the kids I remember coming over were decent players, nothing more, nothing less. That didn't seem to be a problem back then.

Maybe they should've asked you, ha ha.
Ramcat77 Wrote:I'm just listening to people from Russell, that's all. I'm also saying this never seemed to be a problem in the past. I played at Raceland in the nineties and I remember a handful of kids coming from Russell to play football at Raceland, granted, the kids I remember coming over were decent players, nothing more, nothing less. That didn't seem to be a problem back then.

Maybe they should've asked you, ha ha.
The feeder system is the same as it was in the 90's. There are some people that want grade teams. Either way you do it talent is the telling factor. From 2000 to 2007 Russell had a really good run of talent. Right now there is some but not a lot of it. We have had some decent teams thd last few years but not great. Havent been terrible either. Those guys you hear complain are also the sa guys that think we should win a state champpionship every year. If not its got to be somebody's fault.

Like I said, I'm not going to get into specifics on each kid but there were reasons for each. It was a lot all at once and Coach McGlone doesn't like some of the circumstances surrounding it. At least that's the way I understand the reasoning. I don't agree with it but it is where we are at.

And yes they should have asked me first. Lol.

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