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Whitley Co. 28 - Rockcastle Co. 0
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I forgot to add that, due to interstate work, Rock didnt even arrive on campus until close to 7 oclock. IMO, it made for a very sluggish first qtr. I cant believe nobody informed Rocks bus driver that he may want to take 25 as it was severely backed up, my bro said it took him an hour and a half to get from london to corbin today.

Pappy Bear brought the grandkids down from Lexington to our game last night; and they left around 2:00 p.m. ....they were late for our game and it started at 7:30.

Anyway, congrats to Whitley Co on their first win!
Impressive win for WC last night! Can Rock recover or is this going to be a tough year for them?
Congrats Whitley ,, the player that impressed me on Whitley was #4
Not surprised at all that Whitley played well! The score did surprise me. Whitley is a GOOD team that will be even better as young players get more expierence! I know that we got a big win at WC last week, but anyone who was paying attention could tell that Whitley had talent as well as good coaching...RIUTG should have a fun year this year...including a few big upsets...hope they get one next week.
I intentionally waited until now to post. I was disgusted. As many of you know, I am Scott Parkey's biggest fan as a teacher and as a person. I am not and have not been his biggest fan as a high school coach. I've never understood the play calling, but I have been fair: when the team won 9 games and a district title, I still questioned the play calling.

Now I am going to do something that I never thought I would do. I am astounded to think that Tony Saylor is on this coaching staff. How can the defense be as bad as it has been with him on staff? Is he calling the defensive plays and schemes? Or is he just advising "Big Dad"? I hope he is not the d-coordinator right now.

I will give the coaches a small break because the majority of this team just does not seem to have the speed necessary to compete for a Regional or even a district title this season. We were beaten by Frankfort because we did not make the adjustments necessary and also because we did not have the speed to match up properly. Whitley County is a better team, so a loss is supposed to happen, BUT I felt like I was watching the 2000 Bourbon County or Letcher County Central teams because I actually cheered when Rock crossed the 50 yard line and it almost make me sick.

I give Corey the QB a break tonight. He played as well as anyone could but his WR's were covered all night and I don't think he missed anyone all night. He does have to learn to find a better way to get rid of the ball when he is pressured to the sidelines. On both Intentional Grounding calls a RB was in the area, but if you are running out of bounds away from defenders and you throw it directly in front of you as you are going out, you will ALWAYS get that call. Cannot lay that at the refs feet to help you out there.

Whitley County had some TD's called back but the did commit penalties on all of them. Often times when a big play happens, it is because of the illegal block or the holding call. However, it made it worse that the Colonels ran the same play at LEAST twice in a row and maybe even three times in a row and scored. Rock fans watched a 50-0 game, even though the final score was correct of the game due to committed penalties. It sure felt like a 50-0 game though.

I will continue to support this team and I will continue to support Coach Parkey while he is the leader. I think Big Tom's team might have spoiled me to a certain expectation of Rockcastle County football, and I can accept that we are not going to be Regional title contenders in this current format, but it will certainly take some getting used to.

I hope that Rock can beat Clay, I wont be able to stomach a last place finish. With that said, anything can happen. Games are played on the field, not paper. On paper, Rock might be a 4-5 win team, BUT you play to win the game and every game starts 0-0. I am pulling for the Rock and the fans are still behind everyone involved. Some of us are just sad because we know how good you can be. Prove it! Prove that the Rock is hard because the State is starting to question it. Play for pride, play for each other, play to win.
It's hard for the defense to stop anyone when they are put on the field so much in bad field positioning and never having momentum coming from the offense ,, not once this year have I seen a power formation from rockcastle just to play smashmouth but hey I just a guy watching but I know if I can see what needs to be done that head coach can see too
As bad as I hate to say it, it's time for a change at the Rock! They need to look outside former players for coach's. They need to start fresh with new schemes. Just for an example; in the off season they still lift legs and upper body every day to get stronger. Anyone who knows anything about lifting knows this is wrong but since thats how they been doing it for 30 years they refuse to change it. I hope for the kids that things get better but I don't see it happening. I wish the best for the Rock but it is painful to watch and even more painful to hear people talk about how Rock has fallen off!
Rusty brought up a good point.
Whitley did very well at putting Rock in bad field position every single possesion. Rock had to work there butts off just to cross the 50. It reminded me of how Whitley had to start on the 20 every possesion last week against Russell.
On the first series, Rock was held at around the 12 yard line and had to punt, and Mills returned it for a TD, but it was called back. I know the Rock faithful had to be very dissapointed when in the 3rd qtr we ran a play from around the 50 and Mills scored but it was called back, then we ran the same play but with Nichols and he scored, but it was called back for holding, and then on the third chance we gave it to Hooper i believe and he then scored.
The first qtr wasnt pretty at all, but what a coming out party for Mills. This kid is going to be very good, and he's just a frosh. I feel we have so many more options this year that we dont have to give it to Bryant everytime we need yards.

I know Black wanted to work on the passing game last night, but we were way off and it never really clicked except for the TD pass to Hooper. Ysidro has to learn not to throw off his back foot, or back across the field, or a jump pass, he just doesnt have the arm strength yet, but he's got plenty of time to work on it, hes just a soph.

The highlight for us was definitly our defense. I heard Rock's stud had ran for over 400 yards in his first two games, and Whitley held Rock for 48 yards as a team, and somewhere around a hundred overall. If we can imagine to pull off a defensive stand like that against Bell, we could have a shot.
I hope McDaniel is alright. Late in the first, he started walking with his shoulder slumping down.
McDaniel is robocop with all his braces n tape he tough
I don't care how good or bad a team is when you hang the "Bull Nuts" on them you have done well defensively.

This was a huge confidence builder for the Whitley defensive unit which has struggled and really been the difference between Whitley being a very good football team and just a competitive football team.

Rock did play with great effort till Whitley kind of put the hex on them by scoring on three plays straight. (I agree that the calls were not bad calls, although two of them had no impact on the play. I would rather see the officials call them, that way the kid learns not to make that mistake again when it might actually have an effect on the game itself.) After that the wind seemed to leave the Rock sails.

I think Rock completely and totally sold out to stop Boston Bryant and gave absolutely no thought to the fact that Whitley might have other options on offense. Last year they did not have those other options, but that is not the case this year and Rock paid the price, they could not even begin to stop the other players who carried the ball for the Colonels.

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