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Frankfort 42 -Rockcastle county 27

Frankfort 42

Rockcastle County 27
This one seems interesting any stats
I wasn't able to be at the game but got updates through text.

FHS threw for 309 yards and had 4 touchdowns called back. Only rush for 67 yards. The defense gave up some big runs but forced some kiey turnovers.

Key to this one is speed kills.

According to folks I know at the game says no one on Rock can run a 4.4
From what I gathered Frankfort had one WR that was burning everybody. Other than that, Rock had no problems with anyone else.

Rock has had problems for years with athletic and quick WR's, they haven't had a WR/CB with size AND speed since Shawn Childress.

I hope the Frankfort series can find a way to continue. Rock won last year, Frankfort wins this year. Got to have at least one more game to settle it.
worst Rock game i ever seen. DB were unprepared, most of rocks players have played major varsity minutes before but looked like they have never played the game. At one point everyone in the stands knew what Frankfort was gonna do, yet Rock didn't make any adjustments on defense. Its gut check for rock next week. Whitley is good team, and another night like tonight it will be over early. But with that said, Frankfort just came out and kicked but. Congrats to them. Frankforts QB also playing as a DE. thats what you call a football player.
anytime when an opponent gathers over 300 yards passing on pass defense, generally that means is that we got some major problems. This perhaps if ROCKSOLID can correct me if Im wrong but we havent this much give up of passing yardage in a game since Lexington Catholic back in 2005 when Justin Burke was the QB. Major game film must be a attendance to those that need those fundamentals worked on. Whitley in the road is nt, they're one of ROCK's longest rivals in history....this will be meet #26 for ROCK and Whitley (2nd longest rival behind Bell and Knox).
As I said, if you can throw you have a chance, but Rock will stop the run. I'm surprised at the score and yes the kid was supposed to run a 4.4
Frankfort used different kids last night to make plays. #10 Aaron Jackson stood out the most because caught some long balls. But #7 jalen Washington took several short passes to the house. Rock could not match the speed. Even with their DBs playing 20 yards off the ball. Frankfort gave up some big plays, but Rock is to predictable. Ran to the right side 90% of the time. Two of FHS Tds called back were BS. The offensive pass interference call might have been the worse! Hawkins did a nice job of keeping plays alive and only had 1 int.

Rock did a nice job of slowing FHS running game down. They are physical.

Wish Rock the best?
Someone said the penalties were like 14-1 against Frankfort. Is that true?
Yes it is 14-1
Congrats to Frankfort. An excellent passing attack. Not much good to say about Rockcastle's performance except that they didn't lay completely down when things were going bad in the first quarter and kept fighting. We won't even discuss the play calling/preparation online, but, this isn't just the kids fault. Here's to hoping that things turn around.
FMSbball Wrote:Yes it is 14-1

I don't know what the final stats were last week when we played Grant County, but, we felt the same way about the reffing then against Rockcastle. Good luck the rest of the season to you in Frankfort.
I agree this one wasn't all on the kids , I know one kid that was dying to run the ball to get tough yards but he never got too ,, I just hope they put this one behind them quick n get ready for Boston bryant at Whitley
How many turnovers did Rockcastle have??
rocket01 Wrote:anytime when an opponent gathers over 300 yards passing on pass defense, generally that means is that we got some major problems. This perhaps if ROCKSOLID can correct me if Im wrong but we havent this much give up of passing yardage in a game since Lexington Catholic back in 2005 when Justin Burke was the QB. Major game film must be a attendance to those that need those fundamentals worked on. Whitley in the road is nt, they're one of ROCK's longest rivals in history....this will be meet #26 for ROCK and Whitley (2nd longest rival behind Bell and Knox).
I was pulling for Rock in this one and felt they would win. Surprised for sure. But know that Rock will right the ship. In this day of film study I wonder if teams have not found the KC film from last year and see a weakness in pass defense? I can't recall the exact number but Barger had around or over 400 yards passing in that game.
^That was an unbelievable game. Everyone in the stands said something to the effect of: "What in the world?!!" lol
LWC Wrote:^That was an unbelievable game. Everyone in the stands said something to the effect of: "What in the world?!!" lol

The difference between this game and the KC game last year is that in that game everyone was "What in the world?" and during this game against Frankfort the comment was "Why in the world?". Another difference between the two games was the kids didn't lay down like they did overall last year against KC.

Everyone knew Frankfort's MO. You knew the homerun ball was coming. The attempts to block PAT's and punts was a given. Against KC last year it was a shocker that they spread out like that to pass. That is why I commented on preparation/ play calling in my earlier post. Again, let's hope that things turn around at Rock...I have faith that it can, but, that faith took a hit last night.
Rock will be fine, fans must understand that sometimes things just don't go your way. As for play calling, no idea, but according to some it was bad. But I wasn't there and have no clue. I still think rock rebounds and whips whoever is next.
West 80 Wrote:Rock will be fine, fans must understand that sometimes things just don't go your way. As for play calling, no idea, but according to some it was bad. But I wasn't there and have no clue. I still think rock rebounds and whips whoever is next.

They play Whitley next and this will be a very tough game for them.
papagrit Wrote:The difference between this game and the KC game last year is that in that game everyone was "What in the world?" and during this game against Frankfort the comment was "Why in the world?". Another difference between the two games was the kids didn't lay down like they did overall last year against KC.

Everyone knew Frankfort's MO. You knew the homerun ball was coming. The attempts to block PAT's and punts was a given. Against KC last year it was a shocker that they spread out like that to pass. That is why I commented on preparation/ play calling in my earlier post. Again, let's hope that things turn around at Rock...I have faith that it can, but, that faith took a hit last night.

I agree. Last year KC was a running tems who came out with 5 wideouts to start the game. we never saw that coming. Last night I can remember saying watch this 7 is going on streak on there he goes. This game behind us. got to work hard for Whitley.
West 80 Wrote:Rock will be fine, fans must understand that sometimes things just don't go your way. As for play calling, no idea, but according to some it was bad. But I wasn't there and have no clue. I still think rock rebounds and whips whoever is next.

Dosent get any easier we have a solid Whitley Co. team. but thanks west 80
West 80 Wrote:Rock will be fine, fans must understand that sometimes things just don't go your way. As for play calling, no idea, but according to some it was bad. But I wasn't there and have no clue. I still think rock rebounds and whips whoever is next.

Things don't go your way? You had a 14-1 penalty advantage, including having 4 touchdowns for the opponents called back. Sounds to me like Frankfort won in spite of a lot of things not going their way.
I find it funny that you can have run/pass stats are are so overwhelming to the passing side but boast about shutting down the run. Why in the world would Frankfort do anything but pass the ball if Rock had not stopped it. My guess is they ran it to keep rock honest, but passing is their game. So did rock stop Frankfort from running the ball or did Frankfort not really want to run it because they could throw it.

Also as a side note, what do you think teams are going to do when you take one part of their offense away? continue to try to do it? Common sense tells me that when you take away one attack they are going to go to the other.. Am I wrong?
Talking with one of the Frankfort Coaches today. He said they want to be 50/50 on offense. But will take what the defense gives them. They did say the game plan was to throw the football. One reason was because on Film they never seen Rock's secondary in the picture, so they knew they could throw short passes for big gains.

The coaches did say they ran the ball 10 times and that was just trying to shorten the game some.

Also seems like Rock folks don't want to give Frankfort credit for taking their team to the wood shed. If you add those other score and the Rocks would have given up 60 points at home. If I recall someone said that is a place they don't lose!
All the Rock fans were told this was coming. You guys beat the worst Frankfort team in 10 years last year. You pounded your chest and talked about how great you are. This was no surprise to us. Look at the post from before the game I told you about Aaron Jackson and Jalen Washington.
I knew this was gonna happen, gentleman........ROCK is way dooowwwwwnnn. Frankfort is the real deal, have a ton of size to go with the speed this year. TITLE year maybe for them.
I am as exited as the next guy, but let's not get over or ski's. Gotta love enthusiasm!

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