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Cordia Hype - Rising Again.
You're probably right. I mean, of course these students from 1000 miles away would WANT to move to a place like Cordia for their fine academics and winning seasons for the better opportunity. And of course no one that owns the school and pays a coach out of the 21st Century after school program would ever think about paying for him to have his friends from back home encourage players to come, and supply to money to send to those friends for the help. All schools have an employee run down the road to McDonalds to bring lunch for the transfer ball players so they don't have to eat in the lunchroom with regular students. And obviously no one would ever put those family up in homes they own next to the school so they can come visit a couple of times a season to watch them play, while providing their travel. I'm sure you know what you're talking about.

This is why some people get tired of even looking on these forums. Some people who actually know stuff and just want to talk about it get bombarded with rudish remarks from a choice few others who think they know what they are talking about. Unless you actually work with the schools, like and "Insider", then you're just trying to talk big to make yourself feel better about not really knowing. Sad really. I'll just not respond to your next attempt to make yourself sound knowledgeable since that's what you really want. For anyone else, let's talk sports guys.
^What are you even talking about????
"Holy jumped up Jesus Palomino" it's Gary Busey spouting off "Buseyisms" (Google It) . Haven't you had enough of me yet? No? Okay, here we go! I do agree with your first sentence but that's all. I'm glad you have finally come to that conclusion. Now...let me break this down fer ye AGAIN !!!

#1- Better opportunities can come in many different forms. For example: receiving an education in an environment that is conducive (look it up) to learning (as opposed to a dangerous inner city school environment)

#2- a better "opportunity" to graduate from high school (as opposed to attending a school with less than a 60% graduation rate)

#3- a better "opportunity" to attend college because you were able to graduate and be fortunate enough to attend one of the few high schools that offer a scholarship program

#4- to have the "opportunity" to play sports under a coach who played in the NBA. He probably knows a little something about his sport !

#5- Now hold onto your shorts...the "opportunity " for Cultural Diversity....okay, okay, we won't get into this one tonight, I know it's over your head.

Notice in the lesson I used the word "opportunity" to address multiple different scenarios!

Now, as for your " I'm the insider, I'm in the know " B.S. Then u also know that the "school employee" that went to get McDonalds was the boys "legal guardian" and that would mean, under the law, she is the same as a parent ( now, I don't know about u, but I have been known to run my kid a burger every once in awhile ) - just a might not want to be spouting off at the mouth about how good the "transfer" students were treated, you wouldn't want to blow Hudson's eligibility! SssshhhhhConfusedhh: Of Course, you're " in the know" so u already knew about that :Shaking:

Dude, seriously, stop embarrassing yourself by posting your "in the know" on a public forum. You tell half the story and expect no one to question you! Really ? I'm starting to feel bad for you...:Sad04: well, not really but anyway. Everyone on here knows that anyone can get on here and say stuff like, " they got his mommy a job at the pavilion", "they moved his mommy here and paid for her apt.", " they told him they would buy him a car" etc,etc. , but that doesn't make it TRUE ! Now does it Confusednicker: Here's another example: "you're a genius" See anyone can get on here and lie ! :lmao:

Okay, here's your homework to ponder on tonight: now your gonna have to think outside of the "local insider " box , but I have confidence in u :eyeroll:

Some parents want a better "opportunity" for their children. I know your biggest worry is if u gonna have cone bread wit dem soup beans but, you need to broaden your horizons and think about the bigger picture!

Now that we have concluded tonight's lesson, I believe I will retire for the evening.
As the late great Michael Jackson once said, " eh, hee " :rockon:
Peace Out !
Nice use of icons, you obviously spend lots of time chatting. I do so appreciate you telling me "what fer" and stuff. You obviously feel much better after that attempt at a rant. Let's see if I can click on something on the side of the page too.:Thumbs: Yep.:Clap: Oh, that is fun. Thanks.:notworthy
Guess your name on here being "Taint" was appropriate. Again, thanks for showing me the use of the icons on here.
Oh yeah!
I thought you weren't talking to me anymore ?!?!? I'm glad you figured out how to use the icons. I'm impressed ! I won't need to include that in your lesson tomorrow. Now , if you're done getting your ass spanked for the evening I'm going to bed. I have to work tomorrow so u can get your check in a couple of weeks :hilarious:
Oh yeah!!!
I appreciate that "Taint". But today if I drive thru remember that I want fries with my order. Thanks "Taint".

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