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Area 51
I purchased a documentary of UFO's a few days ago. Look up a guy named Bob Lazar. From what I understood of most of it, he actually worked in Area 51 for 9 months. He spoke about seeing flying saucers that he claimed where definitely from other planets and or universes.

He also went on to talk about how the government has found more elements than the ones previously printed on the periodic table. The flying disk actually use the Element called "Element 115".. I'm sure you guys can find some stuff through about it. Figured I'd share some info.

He also said he has never encountered an alien or living creature from another world, but the crafts he worked on was not made by humans.
History channel has Bob Lazar on very often when they're doing their UFO documentaries. I've seen the youtube video stuff.
my only problem with Area 51 is that in today's day and age when no one can keep a secret - how in the world is the UFO stuff(if true) is kept hidden
I personally do not believe in UFO's and feel that Area 51 is just a military training/development base.
nky Wrote:my only problem with Area 51 is that in today's day and age when no one can keep a secret - how in the world is the UFO stuff(if true) is kept hidden

They actually have had some people come forth that used to work at Area 51. You can also google that as well. When they came forward they told that their families where threatened if they where to leak any information out about Area 51.
I for one believe that there is something fishy going on about it.
They say its to test weapons to protect America, but what is so secret about it that cannot be told to the public or the civilians?

I think they have found something and in my honest opinion, are probably doing some kind of reverse-engineering to see how it works, power sources, so on and so forth.
To be honest, i hope so.
I couldnt imagine a dead end world.
While it may not be right, i think one would have to be very naive to believe were the only living things in the universe.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
To be honest, i hope so.
I couldnt imagine a dead end world.
While it may not be right, i think one would have to be very naive to believe were the only living things in the universe.

Then call me naive...
^You're naive.
Its already been proven that life has once existed on places like Mars where it once looked like Earth, Correct?
Multiple planets, multiple solar systems, multiple galaxies perhaps even multiple universes....and one planet out of billions perhaps even trillions that supports life?
I just can't buy it. I'm probably wrong, but I don't think we're alone.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Its already been proven that life has once existed on places like Mars where it once looked like Earth, Correct?

I guess we have to define what type of "life" is being referred to...

Yes, space bacteria has been found but in regards to an actual "being", no I do not think they exist.
I wasn't referring to space bacteria. I was referring to intelligent life.
And yes, I'm probably crazy but it's a lot more fun than being sane.
judgementday Wrote:I guess we have to define what type of "life" is being referred to...

Yes, space bacteria has been found but in regards to an actual "being", no I do not think they exist.

True, but we know not what existed on Mars then.
With the new rover landing, it would be something else to see it find bones or something of some kind.
Talk about crazy.
Granny Bear Wrote:I wasn't referring to space bacteria. I was referring to intelligent life.
And yes, I'm probably crazy but it's a lot more fun than being sane.

I don't think we're going to find intelligent "beings" in our galaxy. But I absolutely do think there's intelligent beings out there somewhere.
Thats what im getting out.
A lot of people dont understand that were in the milky way and have never traveled outside of that, but there are probably an infinite number or other galaxies out there.
They snap photos of other galaxies all the time.

My biggest question is.....if we do find another planet that can sustain life, how long beofre we create something that can make it there in a reasonable amount of time, or can we?
^whether i believe in other life forms or not, the thought of finding other life forms is exciting.

IMO if another plant exists like earth, it is contained outside of our galaxy. Maybe for each galaxy there is 1 sun and 1 earth.

With that being said, no, I do not think we will ever colonize or visit another planet. I just think it is too far fetch.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Thats what im getting out.
A lot of people dont understand that were in the milky way and have never traveled outside of that, but there are probably an infinite number or other galaxies out there.
They snap photos of other galaxies all the time.

My biggest question is.....if we do find another planet that can sustain life, how long beofre we create something that can make it there in a reasonable amount of time, or can we?

Not with rocket propulsion or any other means of travel that we currently use. I would speculate, but I'm afraid judgementday would never speak to me again!!
Granny Bear Wrote:Not with rocket propulsion or any other means of travel that we currently use. I would speculate, but I'm afraid judgementday would never speak to me again!!

I believe "speculating" should be fine in a conspiracy thread lol.

Maybe the great minds of Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hoffsteiter (sp?) will someday figure out the who time travel and parrallel universe thing.

Do we even have anything on this earth that would come close to being reasonable in the form of space travel, meaning i wonder what we could use other than the things we already do.
Time travel; bending space and time. I think we're headed in the right direction, but it'll be years before we get there. If the population continues to grow at the current rate, we may not EVER get there.

We could use the miniature time machine that Leonard bought....maybe even the hungry monsters that tried to eat Sheldon would be there.
Are we really talking about time travel?
Sort of.....
lol,it would definitely be a start.

There are several other RIUTG's in different universes out there.
There has to be atleast one thats a loser, but i doubt more than one. Look how cool i am.
BUt if trime travel was possible wouldn't it already have been invented?
That's the paradox nky! You can discuss this from so many angles, it is mind boggling!
It's also fun, too.
Nothing is impossible.
Technology takes a step everyday.
I know in such a big universe it seems unlikely that we're the only ones...

But I don't think any of us understand, me included, everything that goes into sustaining life.

I read once that if we were one degree closer to the sun the earth would be too hot to sustain life.
One degree further away, too cold.

Our Sun is a small star so I'd imagine most stars put off too much energy.
Most planets are made of gas or ice.

But then again we've got mars and earth in our solar system that look possible to sustain some form of life.
zaga_fan Wrote:I know in such a big universe it seems unlikely that we're the only ones...

But I don't think any of us understand, me included, everything that goes into sustaining life.
I read once that if we were one degree closer to the sun the earth would be too hot to sustain life.
One degree further away, too cold.

Our Sun is a small star so I'd imagine most stars put off too much energy.
Most planets are made of gas or ice.

But then again we've got mars and earth in our solar system that look possible to sustain some form of life.

To me, that bolded statement is quite profound and complex.

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