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Auburn QB Zeke Pike Arrested
Auburn and former Dixie Heights QB Zeke Pike was arrested for public intoxication Saturday night in Alabama.

Hopefully Pike can get himself together down there. He had some issues at Dixie.
I heard about this though twitter Sunday morning. It's so easy to say "it's no big deal, kids do this all the time", and be correct in saying so. But this young man has had about three years of incidents that have followed him to make this feel like issues are still present.
and auburn needs to address this issue with him now if they want him to stay. he was basically kicked off dixie's team before the playoffs, suspended for getting caught smoking synthetic marijuana, getting ejected from games out of frustration. all of these in high school. im rooting for pike as i do for any nky athlete in college, but this could get bad if he doesn't get help
hope he gets his head straight.
Did not take long for Ex Dixie QB, Zeke Pike, to get into trouble ( like many predicted). He was arrested over the weekend in Alabama for public intoxication. What a surprise!!
I hope he gets his head out of his ass, I really do, but recurring incidents like this don't show light at the end of the tunnel for the kid.
Give the kid a break. He made a poor decision and hopefully he will learn from this mistake. Eighteen and Nineteen year old kids make poor decisions all of the time and part of life is learning from the mistakes you make. Putting news such as this on a message board can only add to the embarrasment this kid is already feeling. Good Luck Zeke and best wishes.
If you never got arrest-worthy drunk in public during college, you probably never did it right. PI's are extremely common in college towns.
Cat Daddy Wrote:Give the kid a break. He made a poor decision and hopefully he will learn from this mistake. Eighteen and Nineteen year old kids make poor decisions all of the time and part of life is learning from the mistakes you make. Putting news such as this on a message board can only add to the embarrasment this kid is already feeling. Good Luck Zeke and best wishes.

I understand what your saying Cat Daddy, but this is not the 1st nor even the 2nd time the kid has brought this spot light on himself. I wish the kid the best of luck also, but putting it out in the public eye could be just what he needs.
He should now understand the portrait he is painting of himself & want to work that much harder to prove to everyone including himself that he is better than this. He should be embarrassed. He should also be trying to do things other than this to put himself in a better spot light.
With those D1 schollys comes lots of media attention.
Cat Daddy Wrote:Give the kid a break. He made a poor decision and hopefully he will learn from this mistake. Eighteen and Nineteen year old kids make poor decisions all of the time and part of life is learning from the mistakes you make. Putting news such as this on a message board can only add to the embarrasment this kid is already feeling. Good Luck Zeke and best wishes.

The kid has been given many breaks over the last several years! I wouldgive any kid a break, but this kid is showing he is a bad apple(what many have said who are close to the program). And it was in the Cincinnati Newspaper today, so me putting it on here is no big deal.
How many chances? This is absurd

here's the story link
Already a thread.

These 2 will be combined. Check the College Football Forum
Dumpster Diving Wrote:If you never got arrest-worthy drunk in public during college, you probably never did it right. PI's are extremely common in college towns.
only in Richmond
Cat Daddy Wrote:Give the kid a break. He made a poor decision and hopefully he will learn from this mistake. Eighteen and Nineteen year old kids make poor decisions all of the time and part of life is learning from the mistakes you make. Putting news such as this on a message board can only add to the embarrasment this kid is already feeling. Good Luck Zeke and best wishes.

Dumpster Diving Wrote:If you never got arrest-worthy drunk in public during college, you probably never did it right. PI's are extremely common in college towns.

This is a continuation of problems dating back to the 7th grade when he was held back for "sports " and has been an annual occurrence since then. If this was a one time occurrence, then you chalk it up to kids just being kids and doing what every college kid does. We are now beginning our 6th fall with a problematic story. So I ask, "when is it time to call a spade, a spade? " Issues that repeat themselves are NOT just honest mistakes.
Not bashing him or anything but I don't think he will last at Auburn. I wish the kid the best in the world but I just don't see him lasting at Auburn especially if these problems continue. We see it just about every year, a player commits to some where big, get's into trouble get's kicked off the team and transfers to a small school, some end up quitting the sport they went to college for
the big issue here isn't that he got in trouble again, but that most of the problems i listed earlier happened within a year. there might be a real problem here and thats what concerns me and many out there that want to see zeke succeed.
I do want to see any kid from KY succeed but I just don't think he'll be at Auburn long. Kids that usually get introuble in high school and some that don't that go to big schools, the trouble follows them and that's when they get introuble at the school and get kicked off the team and eventually transfer to a smaller school like EKU, Mississippi Valley State and other small schools like that
A friend of mine that lives in Alabama said Auburn and Alabama fans are tearing him to shreds down there. This story here says Pike is coming back to NKY for the rest of the summer. Question is, will he go back?
toussaints Wrote:A friend of mine that lives in Alabama said Auburn and Alabama fans are tearing him to shreds down there. This story here says Pike is coming back to NKY for the rest of the summer. Question is, will he go back?
nice link some of those comments are brutal
toussaints Wrote:A friend of mine that lives in Alabama said Auburn and Alabama fans are tearing him to shreds down there. This story here says Pike is coming back to NKY for the rest of the summer. Question is, will he go back?

This is exactly what I was talking about....
Cat Daddy Wrote:Give the kid a break. He made a poor decision and hopefully he will learn from this mistake. Eighteen and Nineteen year old kids make poor decisions all of the time and part of life is learning from the mistakes you make. Putting news such as this on a message board can only add to the embarrasment this kid is already feeling. Good Luck Zeke and best wishes.

Maybe you should give ESPN a call and tell them this also. He is not a kid any more.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I thought their was a twitter post last night that Zeke has been suspended from workouts? Anyone else hear this?
^ I think he's was sent home for the summer
People have problems and make mistakes. Some more than others. I think this kid will recognize that he's not in high school anymore, an he's in the real world now. I wi him nothing but the best.
So sad to see an amazing talent flush his opportunity time after time. I pray he finds a better way to behave in time to save his chance at not having one huge set of regrets to deal with for the rest of his life.

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