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Harlan job opens
Not that it really matters, but I don't agree with the idea that last year's team was the worst at Harlan.
The worst team was Casey Lester's first in 2003 when the Dragons were 3-23. It wasn't his fault because it was basically a freshman team and Harlan did get better each of the next couple of years.
Harlan also won only six games in 2008 and seven in 2010.
Last year's team actually beat Pineville late in the year, and Pineville beat Barbourville and beat Corbin and made it to the regional semifinals. Harlan also beat Middlesboro, which won the district championship. I know Rojas will say it's because the region is so weak, and he may be right, but the Dragons played hard and were competitive most nights. I think if the point guard hadn't left to focus on football, Harlan probably would have won over half its games and had a very good shot in the All "A."

I liked all the candidates for the job. Parks' teams were almost always competitive at Evarts and the 52nd District was absolutely brutal during a good portion of the time he was there. In the mid 80s you had Mike Jones at Cawood, Billy Hicks at Harlan and Ralph Roberts at Cumberland. In the mid 90s, Harlan had a state powerhouse team under Jones and four or five all-staters and Evarts actually beat them a few times.
As usual very well stated HDE.
I must have just caught them on a couple bad nights HDE.
Scott County has a way of helping teams have very bad nights.
Since when does the A.D. hire coaches? I'm pretty sure they have nothing to do with the hiring process other than making a recommendation. And with that being said, when Akal applied for the job at Harlan, the A.D's recommendation was totally for Tiffany Hamm, not Akal, so I doubt he made Akal any promises to take over the boys program when he was hired. Why does the fact that Akal didn't get hired and Parks did have to have some shady reason behind it? Why can't it be that the school simply hired Parks and kept Akal so they would have two great coaches for both programs?
I thought Tommy had the players playing hard and got better as the year went along. They just did not have a lot of mature talent.

Parks has a lot of political and $ ties in Harlan. Also has a couple of talented youngsters coming up.

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