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Romney is a bully!
Do you honestly think i do not know this?
I read reports everyday. This is what i do for a living.
Things are slow due to the mild winter and spring because of the lesser use of electricity and also the staggering low prices of natural gas, however, it's still more of a problem that we cant do anything without the EPA being where they do not belong. They continually overstpe their boundaries. If coal couldnt sale right now why is it that a certain comapny close to here, owned by canadians is the top running company going right now? Its because they can move it. They dont have to worry about it. There self sufficient to where they use it themselves so they can overstep the government when it comes to A LOT of things.
I will agree the weather has put a hurting on the coal industry this year, causing record low profits for a lot of companies, however, there is still enough burning to keep places from shutting down. When i entered the coal business with the mining company i work for, i knew from the start that the coal business was risky and it was an up and down business, but this is ridicolous, and it's costing all of Kentucky.
Throw articles and ads at me all you want. It's all you people on the political forum do, but when you the one working in an industry directly affected by government regulations, on a daily basis, then you'll see where im coming from.

i have worked in it 34 years
JP Morgan's losses hurt its shareholders. That is how capitalism works. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

On the other hand, Solyndra's losses hurt the taxpayers. The deal was even set up by the Obamaites so that the taxpayers got a low priority position on repayment so that some Obama partisans could be paid back first. And, they were paid back first.

In JP Morgan, the taxpayers lost nothing. In Solyndra, and the other nut green deals, the taxpayers suffered all the loss.

I've often said that Obama is dangerous and that, if reelected, you will see the real socialist/citizen of the world at work. I will also add that he is a hypocrite.

If you pathetic socialist/liberal/appeasers don't like capitalism, move to Kenya or one of those enlightened venues where everyone is on a "level playing field"- all live in poverty.
TheRealVille Wrote:Who would have guessed? This type of attitude is why coal is in the mess it's in right now.

Your kind of attitude is the reason we have a complete dumbass for a President.
vector Wrote:Do you honestly think i do not know this?
I read reports everyday. This is what i do for a living.
Things are slow due to the mild winter and spring because of the lesser use of electricity and also the staggering low prices of natural gas, however, it's still more of a problem that we cant do anything without the EPA being where they do not belong. They continually overstpe their boundaries. If coal couldnt sale right now why is it that a certain comapny close to here, owned by canadians is the top running company going right now? Its because they can move it. They dont have to worry about it. There self sufficient to where they use it themselves so they can overstep the government when it comes to A LOT of things.
I will agree the weather has put a hurting on the coal industry this year, causing record low profits for a lot of companies, however, there is still enough burning to keep places from shutting down. When i entered the coal business with the mining company i work for, i knew from the start that the coal business was risky and it was an up and down business, but this is ridicolous, and it's costing all of Kentucky.
Throw articles and ads at me all you want. It's all you people on the political forum do, but when you the one working in an industry directly affected by government regulations, on a daily basis, then you'll see where im coming from.

i have worked in it 34 years

How convienient.
You would not be a liberal far left democrat if that was the case, unless you dont want to have a job and work which makes sense, since thats the democratic way.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Your kind of attitude is the reason we have a complete dumbass for a President.
After your guy screwed up the 8 years prior to Obama beyond belief, it would have snowed in hell before a republican would have gotten elected.
TheRealVille Wrote:After your guy screwed up the 8 years prior to Obama beyond belief, it would have snowed in hell before a republican would have gotten elected.

Who's my guy?
I have no political sides.
I vote for the best candidate possible.
In 04 it was Bush. Ill admit that.
It turned out a lot better than Kerry would have.
I most coincide with Republicans and Conservatives as there ideas and opinions greatly go with mine. The Democrats have gotten so Liberal, and quite frankly Gay, that im not sure ill ever vote for a Dem again.
Its a shame to, at one time the Democrat party was a good party.
How convienient.
You would not be a liberal far left democrat if that was the case, unless you dont want to have a job and work which makes sense, since thats the democratic way.

you just don't get it coal cannot compete with NATURAL GAS
vector Wrote:How convienient.
You would not be a liberal far left democrat if that was the case, unless you dont want to have a job and work which makes sense, since thats the democratic way.

you just don't get it coal cannot compete with NATURAL GAS
This is not the first time that the price of natural gas has dropped sharply and made it cheaper than coal. Coal has competed with natural gas in the past, and absent an unsustainable regulatory burden, it will compete with natural gas in the future.

Natural gas prices are not threatening the future of the coal industry, Obama and his War on Coal are. As a fossil fuel, people who are working in the natural gas industry should not get too comfortable. The federal government will not allow them to prosper in peace.
TheRealVille Wrote:After your guy screwed up the 8 years prior to Obama beyond belief, it would have snowed in hell before a republican would have gotten elected.

It only took four years of obama to do triple the damage done during the Bush era.
WideRight05 Wrote:It only took four years of obama to do triple the damage done during the Bush era.
You watch too much Faux News, and spend too much time being Hoot and TRT's lap dog.
TheRealVille Wrote:You watch too much Faux News, and spend too much time being Hoot and TRT's lap dog.
Life was pretty good during Bush's tenure for more than 7 of his 8 years in office. Under Obama, half of today's recent college graduates can't find jobs. Employment has been a mess under Obama for more than 3 years. Whatever you use for your source of news, I suggest that you broaden your horizons because your factual accuracy during this campaign has been about even with Obama's. But that can be expected when you actually quote his campaign website as a factual source. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Life was pretty good during Bush's tenure for more than 7 of his 8 years in office. Under Obama, half of today's recent college graduates can't find jobs. Employment has been a mess under Obama for more than 3 years. Whatever you use for your source of news, I suggest that you broaden your horizons because your factual accuracy during this campaign has been about even with Obama's. But that can be expected when you actually quote his campaign website as a factual source. :lmao:
:hilarious:Confusednicker::eyeroll::biglmao::please: :Clap: :please: He single handedly ran this country straight into the ground. Beside the fact that he was an idiot.
This is not the first time that the price of natural gas has dropped sharply and made it cheaper than coal. Coal has competed with natural gas in the past, and absent an unsustainable regulatory burden, it will compete with natural gas in the future.
Natural gas prices are not threatening the future of the coal industry, Obama and his War on Coal are. As a fossil fuel, people who are working in the natural gas industry should not get too comfortable. The federal government will not allow them to prosper in peace.

with new technology like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling
and the oil company's behind the scene coal cannot compete with gas
TheRealVille Wrote:You watch too much Faux News, and spend too much time being Hoot and TRT's lap dog.

At least we don't waste our life with our heads buried in the sand. How effective do you think your antics really are to people like me and Hoot? Hello, is anybody home? I lived through the Bush era, and the Carter era, and the Clinton era and now, :igiveup: the Obama era. I can tell you with real conviction that my household costs have "skyrocketed", just like Obama promised. It's going to take a more honest effort by the liberal la-la's out there, than the threadbare Peewee Hermanesque, "I know you are but what am I" strategy, that folks short on credibility, like to lean on. All you can do is laugh and say Bush was an idiot, because the facts prove otherwise.

FWIW, you and vector hang in there.
you guy's need to stop watchin FAUX NEWS
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Life was pretty good during Bush's tenure for more than 7 of his 8 years in office. Under Obama, half of today's recent college graduates can't find jobs. Employment has been a mess under Obama for more than 3 years. Whatever you use for your source of news, I suggest that you broaden your horizons because your factual accuracy during this campaign has been about even with Obama's. But that can be expected when you actually quote his campaign website as a factual source. :lmao:

The avalanche of evidence piling up against the loserville Obama administration, eclipses even that of Warren G Harding. When Harding was elected, he 'gifted' many of his friends (known as the Ohio Gang) with prominent political positions. Many of whom, used their power to rob the government. Like in the Solyndra scandal At any rate, even Jimmy Carter had the distinction of honesty. The legacy of deceit, which has come to define Mr Obama's presidency is historically unparalleled. Even though the cronyism is strikingly similar as he has continued to promote friends to high positions. Thus, they've had to circle the wagons so tightly, the only sources remaining to them to be used in support, is their own propaganda. In this case, Obama's campaign site.
vector Wrote:you guy's need to stop watchin FAUX NEWS

You go ahead and watch Ed and Rachel, I prefer a little less malice with my news du-jour.
WideRight05 Wrote:It only took four years of obama to do triple the damage done during the Bush era.

TheRealVille Wrote::hilarious:Confusednicker::eyeroll::biglmao::please: :Clap: :please: He single handedly ran this country straight into the ground. Beside the fact that he was an idiot.

By this day in 2016 IF Obama is reelected, the national debt will be $21,830,246,690,467.00, at current pricing and rates. It was just passing 10 trillion as Obama took the oath of office. They say Nero played his fiddle as he watched Rome burn. See anything familiar in that WideRight? Bush was a near criminal because he added what, 3 trillion?, if you talk to the liberals among us for a perspective. Yet, Obama's debt numbers have already jumped into hyperdrive, and we don't hear a whimper. "Believing the lie, they are wilfully ignorant", or as Al Gore puts it, "an inconvenient truth"
When george w was in it went up over 100%
TheRealVille Wrote::hilarious:Confusednicker::eyeroll::biglmao::please: :Clap: :please: He single handedly ran this country straight into the ground. Beside the fact that he was an idiot.
Compare and contrast:

1. Bush's share of the national debt, which was accumulated over 8 years to Obama's share of the national debt, which will be accumulated over a single 4-year term.

2. Average unemployment rate during Bush's presidency versus the average under Obama.

Obama has done nothing but make matters worse since taking over the White House. The Supreme Court will likely rule the only notable "accomplishment" of Obama's presidency unconstitutional in a few weeks. Obama's legacy is so lacking that he has resorted to inserting himself into the biographical profiles of great presidents of the past.

Anybody who supports Obama after his first term and calls Bush an idiot is obviously not a qualified judge of anybody else's intellect. There are good reasons why Obama has hidden all of his academic records behind a cloak of secrecy. Like John Kerry, Obama is a faux intellectual whose record will not stand close scrutiny.
vector Wrote:When george w was in it went up over 100%

It took George W 8 years to increase the national debt by 5 trillion dollars. It has taken your hero 3-1/2 years to increase the national debt by 5 trillion. And as I said, if Obama is reelected the debt will go to at least 22 trillion by the end of his second term. So I guess I'm having a little trouble understanding what you're so proud about.
It took George W 8 years to increase the national debt by 5 trillion dollars. It has taken your hero 3-1/2 years to increase the national debt by 5 trillion. And as I said, if Obama is reelected the debt will go to at least 22 trillion by the end of his second term. So I guess I'm having a little trouble understanding what you're so proud about.

the debt under obama has went up 50% went through the biggest recison in history 2009 year was bush's budget that's his baby it run's from oct
to oct since then the debt has went down every year you got to rember
obama is stuck with the interest on the debt for about 11 trillon this debt was coming no matter who was president
vector Wrote:This is not the first time that the price of natural gas has dropped sharply and made it cheaper than coal. Coal has competed with natural gas in the past, and absent an unsustainable regulatory burden, it will compete with natural gas in the future.
Natural gas prices are not threatening the future of the coal industry, Obama and his War on Coal are. As a fossil fuel, people who are working in the natural gas industry should not get too comfortable. The federal government will not allow them to prosper in peace.

with new technology like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling
and the oil company's behind the scene coal cannot compete with gas
Environmental extremists have already forced changes to regulations regarding hydraulic fracking. The politicians who you support will not stop until they force the rest of us into smaller homes and tiny cars. Cheap gas will not last because like gasoline and coal, it is a fossil fuel capable of generating a mountain of new taxes. Democrats will find reasons to demonize natural gas and then "punish" companies that sell it, just as they have done to the oil and coal industries.
ronald reagan is rhe one who started the big deficit
trickle down economics it don't work
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Compare and contrast:

1. Bush's share of the national debt, which was accumulated over 8 years to Obama's share of the national debt, which will be accumulated over a single 4-year term.

2. Average unemployment rate during Bush's presidency versus the average under Obama.

Obama has done nothing but make matters worse since taking over the White House. The Supreme Court will likely rule the only notable "accomplishment" of Obama's presidency unconstitutional in a few weeks. Obama's legacy is so lacking that he has resorted to inserting himself into the biographical profiles of great presidents of the past.

Anybody who supports Obama after his first term and calls Bush an idiot is obviously not a qualified judge of anybody else's intellect. There are good reasons why Obama has hidden all of his academic records behind a cloak of secrecy. Like John Kerry, Obama is a faux intellectual whose record will not stand close scrutiny.

I'd still like to see his gpa at Occidental and Harvard. For that matter, I'd still like to see his real birth cirtificate. But since this thread was started to slam Romney for being a bully; then little Barry, growing up in Jakarta, Indonesia must be abusive.

"According to Bandung Winardijanto, Barry Soetoro was "naughty," particularly to much so that he was once tied to a tree as a means of restraint"
The main reason I am voting for Romney is because he wears magic underwear. You don't mess with anybody that wears magic underwear.
vector Wrote:Jimmy Carter is rhe one who started the big deficit
trickle down economics it don't work

There ya go, I fixed that for you.
vector Wrote:ronald reagan is rhe one who started the big deficit
trickle down economics it don't work
Do you think that the policies of Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have "worked" better than Reagan's? There is a mountain of evidence that says otherwise.
TheRealThing Wrote:There ya go, I fixed that for you.
Trickle down economics beats trickle up poverty every time.
TheRealThing Wrote:There ya go, I fixed that for you.
Don't change people's posts. It's not your right.

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