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Romney is a bully!
Quote:Mitt Romney apologized Thursday for "stupid" high school pranks that may have gone too far and moved quickly to stamp out any notion that he bullied schoolmates because they were gay. His swift response reflected the Republican presidential candidate's recognition that his record on gay rights is under heightened scrutiny following President Barack Obama's embrace of gay marriage.
One day after gay rights moved to the center of the presidential race with Obama's announcement on same-sex marriage, a Washington Post report about Romney's high school escapades nearly 50 years ago added a personal dimension to Democrats' claim that he's out of step on the sensitive topic.
The newspaper reported that in one case, Romney and several schoolmates held down classmate John Lauber and cut off his bleached blond hair after seeking him out in his dorm room at their boarding school in the wealthy Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills, Mich. The Post said Lauber was "perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality" and that he screamed for help as Romney held him down. The paper recounted another incident in which Romney shouted "atta girl" to a different student at the all-boys' school who, years later, came out as gay.

Quote:May 10 (Bloomberg) -- Mitt Romney apologized today for high school pranks that may have pushed the boundaries into bullying, including an incident where he led a group of young men in pushing down a screaming fellow student who frequently was taunted about his suspected homosexuality.

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Bill Ayers
He was in high school for crying out loud...nothing would have been said had obama done the same thing. Who didn't do stupid stuff, bullying, drinking, etc. in high school? Nobody.

I do hope he bullies his way through the election though. To run against obama/the liberal media, we need someone that is going to wreck havoc and be a tough guy in the election.
WideRight05 Wrote:He was in high school for crying out loud...nothing would have been said had obama done the same thing. Who didn't do stupid stuff, bullying, drinking, etc. in high school? Nobody.

I do hope he bullies his way through the election though. To run against obama/the liberal media, we need someone that is going to wreck havoc and be a tough guy in the election.
He didn't. That's the core difference in a democrat and a republican. You all think you have right to control the lives of everybody, and every thing they do, when you think it's immoral according to your bible. In the words of Bob Seger(of this forum), they are just "queers".
TheRealVille Wrote:He didn't. That's the core difference in a democrat and a republican. You all think you have right to control the lives of everybody, and every thing they do, when you think it's immoral according to your bible. In the words of Bob Seger(of this forum), they are just "queers".

TheRealVille Wrote:He didn't. That's the core difference in a democrat and a republican. You all think you have right to control the lives of everybody, and every thing they do, when you think it's immoral according to your bible. In the words of Bob Seger(of this forum), they are just "queers".

First off, I have never claimed to be a Republican. While I am voting for Romney, if you think I am completely happy with being on their side you are wrong. I am choosing the lesser of two evils.

I don't know what obama did in high school - but you cannot tell me he didn't do anything stupid. That's where you get all of your "stupid" side out...high school and college. Of course obama didn't "bully" gay people in high school, because the liberal media that worships him wouldn't ever let it out if he did.

Finally, I do think it is funny that you call out the Republicans for trying to take control of everybody. After all, it is a good majority of the democratic party that is looking to shove the health care bill down our throats, force Churches to offer things such as birth control, and is trying to use force to get Arizona to change the immigration law they passed. There has never been a party that has put our country in so much danger as a good majority of the democratic party, led by obama, pelosi, and reid. George Bush is nearly 4 years gone now. It is well past the point that he can no longer be used as an excuse.
WideRight05 Wrote:First off, I have never claimed to be a Republican. While I am voting for Romney, if you think I am completely happy with being on their side you are wrong. I am choosing the lesser of two evils.

I don't know what obama did in high school - but you cannot tell me he didn't do anything stupid. That's where you get all of your "stupid" side out...high school and college. Of course obama didn't "bully" gay people in high school, because the liberal media that worships him wouldn't ever let it out if he did.

Finally, I do think it is funny that you call out the Republicans for trying to take control of everybody. After all, it is a good majority of the democratic party that is looking to shove the health care bill down our throats, force Churches to offer things such as birth control, and is trying to use force to get Arizona to change the immigration law they passed. There has never been a party that has put our country in so much danger as a good majority of the democratic party, led by obama, pelosi, and reid. George Bush is nearly 4 years gone now. It is well past the point that he can no longer be used as an excuse.
You might be surprised that the biggest majority of America wants healthcare reform.
TheRealVille Wrote:You might be surprised that the biggest majority of America wants healthcare reform.

But they don't want ObamaCare do they?
Bob Seger Wrote:But they don't want ObamaCare do they?
TheRealVille Wrote:He didn't. That's the core difference in a democrat and a republican. You all think you have right to control the lives of everybody, and every thing they do, when you think it's immoral according to your bible. In the words of Bob Seger(of this forum), they are just "queers".

If you were right that would be a real zinger. The laws on the books of the federal and state codes that have been the 'way of life' in America since her birth are only now being changed. How you can keep going on about Republicans trying to control everybody is about the most shallow argument you've come up with yet. The fact is, it's the Democrats that want to change everything and the way they want to do it is by LEGISLATING everybody that does not agree with their extreme left agenda, which by the way is the vast majority of the US population, into submission in the courts. You'll never convert the conservative, so you resort to forcing them submit to ill concieved and Godless changes in law which in most cases have protected our freedoms for over 200 years. The Republicans want to control people? You need to think about that one for a few minutes.
Bob Seger Wrote:But they don't want ObamaCare do they?

Stole the words right from my mouth.
TheRealVille Wrote:Sure.

No they dont and you know it and everybody else knows it. Do you honestly think anybody is buying that??
TheRealVille Wrote:He didn't. That's the core difference in a democrat and a republican. You all think you have right to control the lives of everybody, and every thing they do, when you think it's immoral according to your bible. In the words of Bob Seger(of this forum), they are just "queers".

The democrats want to control everything, halthcare-Obama care, education- no school choice, the car i drive-obama green crap
Bob Seger Wrote:No they dont and you know it and everybody else knows it. Do you honestly think anybody is buying that??
I'm not doing your homework for you.

BTW, it's my bedtime. Night.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not doing your homework for you.

BTW, it's my bedtime. Night.

Do my homework????? is no homework to do. I know better, and honestly you do too.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not doing your homework for you.

BTW, it's my bedtime. Night.

I asked you this in another thread, and you dodged it - but what is it about obama and this congress that gives you the confidence that they are going to turn this big mess around in 4 years, after digging a deeper hole in their first four?
Some time ago I predicted the 'gadget' advertised on the Progressive Insurance comercials would be mandated for every car in country, you know the ones with Flo extolling the virtues of the little plug in-device for your car dash, that supposedly "records" your safe driving habits and therefore qualifies you for a discount on your premium? It seems by 2015 every car rolling off the assembly lines both home and abroad will indeed have such a device permanently installed.

Every time you get in your car, how far you go and where you go. How long it took you to get there and how long you stayed there. Your speed every last detail of your trip going and coming will be available to the government. That means every citizen will be taxed in a progressive bracket for their driving habits. In other words your freedom to come and go will be regulated. Another special little invasion into your right to privacy by the left extremists. Republicans are trying to fight to keep the rights we have left, the only cure for all this is to put Obama out and Romney in.
^ I have heard a little bit about that. A friend of mine mentioned something about there possibly being something flying around that detects your speed...then you get your ticket mailed to you. Didn't go into detail about it but that's what I gathered.
WideRight05 Wrote:^ I have heard a little bit about that. A friend of mine mentioned something about there possibly being something flying around that detects your speed...then you get your ticket mailed to you. Didn't go into detail about it but that's what I gathered.

Nothing so grandiose. Same technology that pin points your location via cell phone. Global Positioning Satelites, totally impossible to escape their gaze. You don't have to be moving or the car doesn't even need to be running.

These guys that still cling to the passe notions of graddaddy's democrats that just love the working man, will get their bell rang hard enough before long and begin to wake up. Just hope it's not AFTER an Obama reelection, cause I really think it might be too late by then to make a difference.
TheRealThing Wrote:Nothing so grandiose. Same technology that pin points your location via cell phone. Global Positioning Satelites, totally impossible to escape their gaze. You don't have to be moving or the car doesn't even need to be running.

These guys that still cling to the passe notions of graddaddy's democrats that just love the working man, will get their bell rang hard enough before long and begin to wake up. Just hope it's not AFTER an Obama reelection, cause I really think it might be too late by then to make a difference.

That's nuts...hard to even count the number of crimes/abuse of power that would be done through that.
TheRealThing Wrote:Some time ago I predicted the 'gadget' advertised on the Progressive Insurance comercials would be mandated for every car in country, you know the ones with Flo extolling the virtues of the little plug in-device for your car dash, that supposedly "records" your safe driving habits and therefore qualifies you for a discount on your premium? It seems by 2015 every car rolling off the assembly lines both home and abroad will indeed have such a device permanently installed.

Every time you get in your car, how far you go and where you go. How long it took you to get there and how long you stayed there. Your speed every last detail of your trip going and coming will be available to the government. That means every citizen will be taxed in a progressive bracket for their driving habits. In other words your freedom to come and go will be regulated. Another special little invasion into your right to privacy by the left extremists. Republicans are trying to fight to keep the rights we have left, the only cure for all this is to put Obama out and Romney in.
The technology has been in place for awhile. They are commonly installed in commercial trucks. The home office can even see everything their drivers up to 500 feet away from their trucks through satellite surveilance. Although it's just being monitored by the trucking companies, rather than Uncle Sam right now, it can be made readily available any time they want to mandate something like this. A good example is something like On Starr.
And to all of them i say ill keep driving my 97 model dodge diesel spittin out diesel fumes everywhere and burning up imaginary climate changing things as well as having no tracker.
This is just another example of Obama running from his record and trying to make this a campaign for senior class president. That kind of campaign worked before he had a record but I don't think that enough people will be fooled again to allow him a second term.
Some may sympathize with Romney and appreciate his apologies for his high school bullying. Or, with bullying being such a big issue right now, some may see him as a non-supporter of anti-bullying laws and may sway voters IMO.
If Romney is a bully so is President Obama, from his book-
[INDENT]“I’m not her boyfriend!” I shouted. I ran up to Coretta and gave her a slight shove; she staggered back and looked up at me, but still said nothing. “Leave me alone!” I shouted again. And suddenly Coretta was running, faster and faster, until she disappeared from sight. Appreciative laughs rose around me. Then the bell rang, and the teachers appeared to round us back to class.

nky Wrote:If Romney is a bully so is President Obama, from his book-
[INDENT]“I’m not her boyfriend!” I shouted. I ran up to Coretta and gave her a slight shove; she staggered back and looked up at me, but still said nothing. “Leave me alone!” I shouted again. And suddenly Coretta was running, faster and faster, until she disappeared from sight. Appreciative laughs rose around me. Then the bell rang, and the teachers appeared to round us back to class.

In that context, The Washington Post raises the pre-emptive question of the senator's direct confession (in his intimate memoir, "Dreams of My Father") that he used cocaine and marijuana in high school and college.

Maybe Romney was on cocaine and doesn't remember.
the other guy Wrote:In that context, The Washington Post raises the pre-emptive question of the senator's direct confession (in his intimate memoir, "Dreams of My Father") that he used cocaine and marijuana in high school and college.
Maybe Romney was on cocaine and doesn't remember.

And then again he may have just said something like that in order to sound cool while on a college visit to rustle up that "MTV Crowd" vote. ....Point is you will never know because you cant believe one word the guy says.
nky Wrote:If Romney is a bully so is President Obama, from his book-
[INDENT]“I’m not her boyfriend!” I shouted. I ran up to Coretta and gave her a slight shove; she staggered back and looked up at me, but still said nothing. “Leave me alone!” I shouted again. And suddenly Coretta was running, faster and faster, until she disappeared from sight. Appreciative laughs rose around me. Then the bell rang, and the teachers appeared to round us back to class.


LOL, Obama ain't no Ernest Hemingway and Romney falls quite a bit shy of Rambo. Going all the way back to high school looking for a 'smudge' of dirt on on candidate Romney, while overlooking enough of it to metaphorically 'fill up the grand canyon' on incumbent Obama is straight off page #3 of the liberal play book. At least Romney doesn't have advisors that use to blow up government buildings, and that to this very day, call for the violent overthrow of the US government. Heck, Obama has been caught on tape asking Russia, of all countries, to be patient until after his reelection so that he can be more free to violate the people's trust even further, indicating he will entertain steps to weaken our military sted, by yet more concessions intended to favor RUSSIA.
It's not that Romney did something in high school that he shouldn't have. It's that he still appears the same way today. "I like to fire people." "I'm not concerned about the poor." "Corporations are people too." Strapping his dog to the roof of the car.

Romney is now -- and always has been -- an entitled, elite, bully used to getting what he wants. I suspect he is a caring, maybe even compassionate person to his family and those close to him. But, if you aren't like Mitt -- maybe it's just that your hair is too long -- he will belittle and step on you. He has poor character. He doesn't stand up for what he believes in because he has to leave room to "believe" whatever it takes to get what he wants.
^ Does not matter. A wet carrot has more character than what currently occupies the white house.

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