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how well of a team do you all think south floyd is goin to be next yr?
Thank you sfhs_raider_girl. And I agree that SF's team does have major potential but they have to come out of the "potential" catagory and step up to follow in the footsteps of the past two teams. I also believe that this group of girls will be as good if not better then the teams before them.
I agree with both of you sfhs_raider_girl and candy cane. SF's team for next year does have alot of potential and I agree 100% that the offseason will make or break the team. Last year the girls were in the weight room by the end of march and I'd reccomend that next year's group get the same headstart. They have pretty big shoes to fill because the 04-05 team and the 05-06 team were great but there's not a doubt in my mind that if the girls set their minds to it and play together as a team and work hard espicaly in the offseason that they will be just as good if not better. within the next two years I'd like to see SF bring home a distirct championship, they have the potential to do it and with not having any seniors next year they defintally have the time do it. Best of luck!
I agree. This group of girls will need to get in the weight room and condition a lot to get ready for the upcoming season. I think that every girl on the team will be dominate and will surprise a lot of people.
Yeah, they defintally need to get in the weight room. Doing some running and stuff wouldn't hurt to do before weight lifting actually starts. The main reason why I'm looking for them to bring home a distirct championship in the next two years is simply because it's a great group of girls who I know will work hard and will be without a doubt as good if not better than the last two teams, they have two years to build up and find a position where they work best and where they all click on all cylinders. In two years this team will be an ansolute joy to watch. I may even come to a game or two myself then.
At the risk of sounding repetitive: Good Luck Girls!
i agree with you candy_cane.. everyone is goin to have to step up and play there hardest
Yea, everyone will have to pull their own weight if the raiders wanna be a winnin team next season...they can go real far next year....they just have to practice and work as hard as they wanna win...but its all up to them...all i can say is GOOD LUCK LADY RAIDERS!!
Why do you say that for #7?
yea y do u say that for
I think Amber Tackett will be the lead player for next year and Steph Slone will help out too. The others are really going to have to step it up and really play like they are capable but I know they can do it. Good luck next year girls. Keep up the tradition!
Good program going on over there and they will not fall to far but do not think much of there chances, need put forth the work in the off season if they want to win in the regular season.
I think they should be alright. Amber Tackett and Stephanie Slone are great players and they will just be juniors.
Amber Tackett Will Go Off!!!
They should be good.
Yupp they should well atleast i think so i mean i know alotta the girls thats returnin to play next year and they are the type of people that play with heart..i say they will go juss as far and last yrs team if not further..
I have only seen two players names. When I attended the games last year Amber was the only girl I saw actually play in the Varsity game that wasn't a senior. Lack of experience always hurts.
The Raiders should do just fine next yr. and should really make some noise the following year.
I agree
Amber Tackett Will Be Awsome!!!
I'm looking for most of the under-classmen 2 come up and dominate as Amber and Steph did this past season.Sam Isaac, Danielle Bates, and Billie Stumbo are looking like they will be very very good this year also. Some under-classmen coming up are:
Trista Damron
Allison Daniels
Danielle Tackett
Bailey Hamilton
Jasmine Isaac
Each of these girls should be extremely good next year but it goes back to the same thing, the offseason and how hard they are willing to push theirselves.
Yea All them girls were really good last year i look foward to c how they play next year..
"sports_lover" Wrote:well my opinion i think steph slone is goin 2 b an outstanding player for the raiders she was awsome until her injury she may look a lil rusty at first then she will b back and better than ever so my opinion steph slone will probley b their best player and they will probley do better than this yr's team if they stick 2gether and give it all they have!

:wtf1: I disagree with this..I rly believe that Amber Tackett will be South FLoyds best player by far..dont get me wrong SF has some very talented players..but ive seen Amber play and what shes capable of..and with some work i really believe that Amber will be untouchable...She is right now a top player, i believe one of the best in District as well as Reg. Steph.S is a good player but i dont believe that she could outplay Amber..Steph. S needs a lot of work to get her game back due to her injury. and as far as this upcoming season being better than last years, i sure hope so..I kno with some hard work that these girls could make it back to the Reg. Tourn.Smile
Dont ever say untouchable that instills the probability of never being touched say unbeatable because touch all u like amber aint goin down without a fight and thats instills the absolutness of never losing.yeah i have no idea what im saying just big words but anyway dont disagree with eachother say that if these two work together along with he rest of the team then theirs a superior chance that sfis going all the way to regionals and beyond.Because the hi hat crazies ae back and crazier than ever and the players are getting pumped off thefan support way hbefore and long after the games.And if i know the volleyball players when the fans come out the game goes up another knotch and it never fails.
"TOUGHGUY" Wrote:I have only seen two players names. When I attended the games last year Amber was the only girl I saw actually play in the Varsity game that wasn't a senior. Lack of experience always hurts.

U dont have to worry about the girls pushing theirselves because when it comes to volleyball all SF's girls have ever knowm is how to drive theriselves and push to the limit evry game and at every practice.ANd also they know how to have fun while playing so they dont burnout on it and get tired after it day after day. :wenumber1
Being Old And Decrepit I Have Had The Opportunity To Talk To Quite A Lot Of People About The Volley Ball Programs Over In Your Neck Of The Woods And This Is What I Hear:
The South Floyd Team Will Probably Finish 3rd In The District Behind AC And PrestonsBurg, And Maybe In Front Of Betsy Layne. They Almost Beat South Floyd In The District Last Year. The Other Teams Are Already In The Weight Room And Practing Individually To Increase Their Playing Skills, But I Am Told The South Floyd Girls Are Just Kind Of Laying Around, Satisfied With The Past Two Years....But Wait...They Didn't Even Win The District The Last Two Years. Looks To Me Like They Are Busy Telling Anyone Who Will Listen How Good They Are Going To Be. Talk Is Cheap. The Question Is...Are They Willing To Put In The Work To Improve Themselves And Their Team....Doesn't Seem So......Too Baaad. Guess They Will Be Watching From The Sidelines This Year. :Skull03: Smile

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