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What's your favorite Fishing?
i like bass and catfish thats what i go after
sorry trout
I do alot of pay pond fishing for catfish and i love to take trips to the ohio river to fish for shovel heads and channel cats... but my favorite type of fishing has definatley got to be for large mouth bass in late spring when their just going on\ comeing off the nest is absolutley my favortite time to use a carolina rig and bring hom the bacon Smile
CATFISHING NUFF SAID......I fish almost every weekend starting in March until around June or July....i dont like to fish when its really hot....but I go to sky lake all the time and im actaully going tomorrow
Well, mine is between bass, catfish, and occasionally trout.
I like to trout fish the first couple of days they stock Dewey or Paintsville.. you can catch your limit prety quick
There isn't anything like bass fishin' on the hoston! (I know...I can't spell)
I like to bass,catfish thats about it but i will take anything that gets on my line lol...

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