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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims
Quote:Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stood by his libertarian beliefs on Sunday, saying that victims of the violent storms and tornadoes that have battered a band of states in the South and Midwest in recent days should not be given emergency financial aid from the federal government.
"There is no such thing as federal money," Paul said, on CNN’s State of the Union. "Federal money is just what they steal from the states and steal from you and me."
"The people who live in tornado alley, just as I live in hurricane alley, they should have insurance," Paul said.
Paul said there was a role for the National Guard to restore order and provide care and shelter in major emergencies, but that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) led to nothing but "frustration and anger."
"To say that any accident that happens in the country, send in FEMA, send in the money, the government has all this money—it is totally out of control and it's not efficient," Paul said.
I searched, FOX doesn't have this story.
^Probably because it's not newsworthy. Ron Paul is a libertarian.
Ohio isn't asking for any Federal money
Hoot Gibson Wrote:^Probably because it's not newsworthy. Ron Paul is a libertarian.
But, he is a senator, running for President, that doesn't want to help the victims of the tornados.
MustangSally Wrote:Ohio isn't asking for any Federal money
You think?
TheRealVille Wrote:But, he is a senator that doesn't want to help the victims of the tornados.
First of all, Ron Paul is not a US Senator. He never has been. Secondly, he is a libertarian. As I said, not newsworthy.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:First of all, Ron Paul is not a US Senator. He never has been. Secondly, he is a libertarian. As I said, not newsworthy.
Well excuse me., I mistyped. He is a Representative. What do you mean it's not newsworthy because he is a libertarian? He is an American politician, running for President, that doesn't want to help people in need.
TheRealVille Wrote:Well excuse me., I mistyped. He is a Representative. What do you mean it's not newsworthy because he is a libertarian?
Because libertarians do not believe in being charitable with other people's money. It does not meant that Ron Paul has no sympathy for the victims or that he would not personally donate money to provide relief. It does mean that nobody who understands libertarian beliefs should be surprised that Rep. Paul is opposed to federal disaster relief for victims of national disasters.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Because libertarians do not believe in being charitable with other people's money. It does not meant that Ron Paul has no sympathy for the victims or that he would not personally donate money to provide relief. It does mean that nobody who understands libertarian beliefs should be surprised that Rep. Paul is opposed to federal disaster relief for victims of national disasters.
You mean helping people that also pay taxes into the government, then needing a little help from those taxes? Probably why we will never see his ilk in the oval room.
TheRealVille Wrote:You mean helping people that also pay taxes into the government, then needing a little help from those taxes? Probably why we will never see his ilk in the oval room.
His ilk would be far preferable to the thief who occupies the Oval Office today. Besides, only 50 percent of the people in this country pay federal income taxes and most of them insure their homes. And then there is the fact that this federal government spends well over $1 trillion a year more than it collects in taxes. The Chinese government will be bailing out people who lost their homes to tornadoes and Obama will claim credit.

As the Iron Lady said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:His ilk would be far preferable to the thief who occupies the Oval Office today. Besides, only 50 percent of the people in this country pay federal income taxes and most of them insure their homes. And then there is the fact that this federal government spends well over $1 trillion a year more than it collects in taxes. The Chinese government will be bailing out people who lost their homes to tornadoes and Obama will claim credit.

As the Iron Lady said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
Maybe you should have been going around to the houses I went to today, and see if you think they could afford insurance.
Then again, you are typical of the majority of the people in your home county. It was a ghost town here as far as help for the tornado area of Johnson goes. Crickets.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe you should have been going around to the houses I went to today, and see if you think they could afford insurance.
Home ownership is a choice and a responsibility. Responsible home owners insure their property.
TheRealVille Wrote:Then again, you are typical of the majority of the people in your home county. It was a ghost town here as far as help for the tornado area of Johnson goes. Crickets.
If you don't like it there, then move.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Home ownership is a choice and a responsibility. Responsible home owners insure their property.
:eyeroll: I won't bring specifics into open forum. We will just stop with you being ignorant of where you were brought up, I guess now that you are a big city boy.
TheRealVille Wrote::eyeroll: I won't bring specifics into open forum. We will just stop with you being ignorant of where you were brought up, I guess now that you are a big city boy.
You started this thread and incorrectly identified the subject of this thread, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, as a U.S. Senator and were clueless as to why he would oppose federal disaster relief. And you call me ignorant? :hilarious:

You really should start reading beyond the headlines of the articles that you post.
TheRealVille Wrote:Then again, you are typical of the majority of the people in your home county. It was a ghost town here as far as help for the tornado area of Johnson goes. Crickets.

Tell anyone that needs clothing and other items to stop by Sheldon CLark High School.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You started this thread and incorrectly identified the subject of this thread, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, as a U.S. Senator and were clueless as to why he would oppose federal disaster relief. And you call me ignorant? :hilarious:

You really should start reading beyond the headlines of the articles that you post.
I guess Mr. Perfect never mistypes. And, I was just pointing out a politician that didn't want to help the hurting with this thread.
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess Mr. Perfect never mistypes. And, I was just pointing out a politician that didn't want to help the hurting with this thread.
Ron Paul's position on federal disaster aid has been consistent and well known for years. The fact that he is a libertarian and does not believe that it is the federal government's role to provide disaster relief does not mean he does not care about the victims of natural disasters. Even if one believes that government has a role to play in providing relief to victims of natural disaster, why does it need to be dispensed at the federal level?

Every state governor commands thousands of national guard troops who can be activated to help with the relief effort and states, which are generally required to balance their budgets, should certainly be able to deliver assistance more efficiently than a bloated federal agency of a federal government that is flat broke. This country survived for 200 years without FEMA and Ron Paul's message is that it would do just fine without FEMA.

I personally believe that the federal government should be directly involved in providing relief from man made disasters, especially when the disasters are caused through the negligence of federal employees or contractors. For example, interstate bridge collapses and failures of dams designed and maintained by the Corps of Engineers. Another area where I believe in federal disaster relief is when the government fails to protects American citizens from terrorist attacks. But people should insure their own property against fire and natural disasters. if they gamble and lose, then they can join tens of millions of other Americans who rent their homes.
The areas that got hit in Kentucky are not in "tornado alley"...
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Ron Paul's position on federal disaster aid has been consistent and well known for years. The fact that he is a libertarian and does not believe that it is the federal government's role to provide disaster relief does not mean he does not care about the victims of natural disasters. Even if one believes that government has a role to play in providing relief to victims of natural disaster, why does it need to be dispensed at the federal level?

Every state governor commands thousands of national guard troops who can be activated to help with the relief effort and states, which are generally required to balance their budgets, should certainly be able to deliver assistance more efficiently than a bloated federal agency of a federal government that is flat broke. This country survived for 200 years without FEMA and Ron Paul's message is that it would do just fine without FEMA.

I personally believe that the federal government should be directly involved in providing relief from man made disasters, especially when the disasters are caused through the negligence of federal employees or contractors. For example, interstate bridge collapses and failures of dams designed and maintained by the Corps of Engineers. Another area where I believe in federal disaster relief is when the government fails to protects American citizens from terrorist attacks. But people should insure their own property against fire and natural disasters. if they gamble and lose, then they can join tens of millions of other Americans who rent their homes.
That's the point Hoot. You know that there are tons of people in this area that live in shacks, or just a little more than that, and can't afford insurance, or rent. Did you forget that during your big city living? It might do you good to come back for a week and drive around Magoffin, Johnson, and Martin. Then maybe you would remember things.
Homeowner insurance doesn't provide instant clothing, food, water, shelter, etc... which is what these people need which is why federal aid is needed in these situations. Saying that federal aid is not available because these people should have home insurance is just plain dumb.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you don't like it there, then move.
I pay tons of taxes to this county. I pay for the right to bitch.
Ron Paul's position on federal disaster aid has been consistent and well known for years. The fact that he is a libertarian and does not believe that it is the federal government's role to provide disaster relief does not mean he does not care about the victims of natural disasters. Even if one believes that government has a role to play in providing relief to victims of natural disaster, why does it need to be dispensed at the federal level?

Every state governor commands thousands of national guard troops who can be activated to help with the relief effort and states, which are generally required to balance their budgets, should certainly be able to deliver assistance more efficiently than a bloated federal agency of a federal government that is flat broke. This country survived for 200 years without FEMA and Ron Paul's message is that it would do just fine without FEMA.

I personally believe that the federal government should be directly involved in providing relief from man made disasters, especially when the disasters are caused through the negligence of federal employees or contractors. For example, interstate bridge collapses and failures of dams designed and maintained by the Corps of Engineers. Another area where I believe in federal disaster relief is when the government fails to protects American citizens from terrorist attacks. But people should insure their own property against fire and natural disasters. if they gamble and lose, then they can join tens of millions of other Americans who rent their homes.

i bet mr paul will not send his big pension check back to the federal
goverment or the medical care he's going to have down the road

i bet he also didn't send his medicare and medicad checks back when
he was being a doctor
judgementday Wrote:Homeowner insurance doesn't provide instant clothing, food, water, shelter, etc... which is what these people need which is why federal aid is needed in these situations. Saying that federal aid is not available because these people should have home insurance is just plain dumb.
I never said that victims of disasters should not receive help. State and local governments, along with churches, neighbors, and private charities provided relieve to victims for 200 years without FEMA. This nation is broke and going deeper into debt by the minute. Whatever can be done below the federal level should be done below the federal level.
I dont exactly know how to break this down into sentence form, so if it looks a little goofy, then I apologize in advance, but a few things on my mind;
Myself, and about 16 people in an organization that myself and another started have worked nonstop since these tornadoes happened, getting donations, supplies, forming a plan on where to take them too, etc..So I called a friend of mine, and we called a few others and put into action a plan. We have bought a total of 120 containers to put into the stores, gas stations, etc, we rounded up four pickup trucks, including my own, plus my Jeep, and after our trucks started getting filled up, I went into the Whitesburg U-Haul place and thankfully, they cut me some very nice discounts, and then we put a boot into our plan's ass and started loading them all down. With the exception of the Parkway Restaurant/Motel, and the Fleming Neon IGA, every store, gas station, Dollar Store, politician, church, motorcycle club, and generally any outlet donated us money, and let us put containers in their place of business. We have busted our asses and today we sent a filled 3/4 to the top U-Haul, and four filled trucks to Salyersville. The point of my story is simple. Our group worked very hard. Other groups have worked very hard. Everybody that has given and worked has worked hard. With the damage and horror I seen today, I cannot fathom the thought of not getting federal help. Only 50% of this country may pay taxes, but that tax money should go to something worth it, because it sure as hell wasnt before. I pay taxes as well, and if I have to pay a little more to help these people, then so be it.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I dont exactly know how to break this down into sentence form, so if it looks a little goofy, then I apologize in advance, but a few things on my mind;
Myself, and about 16 people in an organization that myself and another started have worked nonstop since these tornadoes happened, getting donations, supplies, forming a plan on where to take them too, etc..So I called a friend of mine, and we called a few others and put into action a plan. We have bought a total of 120 containers to put into the stores, gas stations, etc, we rounded up four pickup trucks, including my own, plus my Jeep, and after our trucks started getting filled up, I went into the Whitesburg U-Haul place and thankfully, they cut me some very nice discounts, and then we put a boot into our plan's ass and started loading them all down. With the exception of the Parkway Restaurant/Motel, and the Fleming Neon IGA, every store, gas station, Dollar Store, politician, church, motorcycle club, and generally any outlet donated us money, and let us put containers in their place of business. We have busted our asses and today we sent a filled 3/4 to the top U-Haul, and four filled trucks to Salyersville. The point of my story is simple. Our group worked very hard. Other groups have worked very hard. Everybody that has given and worked has worked hard. With the damage and horror I seen today, I cannot fathom the thought of not getting federal help. Only 50% of this country may pay taxes, but that tax money should go to something worth it, because it sure as hell wasnt before. I pay taxes as well, and if I have to pay a little more to help these people, then so be it.
Like you, I've been there everyday since it happened. You and I have been on the ground in these places and saw the devastation. It's easy for people that haven't been there, and aren't going, to sit and bitch about tax money helping these people. My brother in law lost every single thing he had from his house, except some furniture and some clothes. He had insurance, he will get it all back, and said he felt bad and thought he should give some of his clothes away. Some of those people have nothing, and will get nothing back, except what's given to them.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like you, I've been there everyday since it happened. You and I have been on the ground in these places and saw the devastation. It's easy for people that haven't been there, and aren't going, to sit and bitch about tax money helping these people. My brother in law lost every single thing he had from his house, except some furniture and some clothes. He had insurance, he will get it all back, and said he felt bad and thought he should give some of his clothes away. Some of those people have nothing, and will get nothing back, except what's given to them.
You brought up a good point, in that some people just flat out cant afford homeowners insurance. There are many disabled people (that are legit), and many elderly people that cant afford the high homeowners insurance, and to think that they have lost everything they had, with their only hope coming from donations and someone opening their doors for them, is just sad. With the majority of the homes I seen today, I would bet that the owners wouldnt be able to afford it..Your brother in law was fairly fortunate in that he'll be able to get it back. But it saddens me to think that an elderly person has had to drop their homeowners insurance so they can pay for their medicine and their utilities, and in one horrible minute, everything they've ever worked for, is gone. I hope I never see this again, but as long as people will need our help, we'll be there for them. RV we may rarely agree on politics or religion, but I think we have the humanity part pretty well down..
I have been at Sheldon Clark numerous times helping carry stuff and donated over 200$ myself. Now I know that's not alot for some of you but that emptied my bank account. These people need help from a country that they depend on.

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