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02-23-2012, 12:31 AM
I agree, I'm not trying to bash the Daniels kid. He's a good player and the whole paintsville team is going to be pretty hard to stop in the next couple of years. They play with heart and played the cards close. Good game to both teams.
02-23-2012, 12:31 AM
Secret Agent 007 Wrote:I was at this game, Johnson played awfully amazing. I seen him do the cut throat sign and yea it was a little over board but I can say he didn't do it to an 8th grader. He looked at the crowd when he did it and said, "IT'S OVER." Dont get jealous because he made a poster out of Kash Daniels.
He did look into the crowd when he did that. Nothing to make a big deal of!
02-23-2012, 12:41 AM
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:There were three oppurtunities for SC to receive Technicals, and the throat slashing is a BIG no-no. Especially at a friggin 8th grader. The third was a elbow thrown by little #3 (cant remember his name) At Trimble.
Paintsville never does anything wrong do they unless it suits who your trying to impress. You go through these threads and agree with or disagree with however the posts are going. You need to go one way or the other. your posts are mirroring the football threads when it concerns Paintsville.
02-23-2012, 12:42 AM
LOL, come on Paintsville supporters. Your team turns in a brilliant effort and you turn to hating on a kid for getting caught up in the moment after a monster plus 1 play, in the district tournament? He didn't direct it toward a player from PHS! I guess you've never set an watched a UK game and shook your head "yes" at Cousins or Jones when they get hyped up after a big play. Unbelievable game plan/effort from Paintsville and hats off to that squad. Moore was no where near the 75-80%, like we had hoped but he gutted through it and performed about as well as anyone could ask.
02-23-2012, 12:45 AM
vundy33 Wrote:Hate this for Paintsville..
And how tall and what grade is Johnson?
6'5- 6'6 soph. Tons of small D-1 interest already, and even a few under the table offers maybe:biggrin:
02-23-2012, 12:48 AM
Joker Wrote:Paintsville never does anything wrong do they unless it suits who your trying to impress. You go through these threads and agree with or disagree with however the posts are going. You need to go one way or the other. your posts are mirroring the football threads when it concerns Paintsville.
Your post count tells me you have not been on this site near long enough to be a judge of how I go on issues. As I have said before this is a sports website taking this stuff to seriously is absolutely retarded. I defend My school at every turn but if they do something wrong I will be the first to point it out. About the only thing I take really seriously on this site is UK sports, and recruiting for mountain kids. If you want to see what that looks like go read the football threads for uk this year.
As for the Techs I am a fan of not calling them unless absolutely necesarry I just said there were oppurtunities for them to be called.
02-23-2012, 12:49 AM
D IT UP Wrote:6'5- 6'6 soph. Tons of small D-1 interest already, and even a few under the table offers maybe:biggrin:
Id love to see the kid wearing Kentucky Blue in a couple of years.
02-23-2012, 12:52 AM
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Your post count tells me you have not been on this site near long enough to be a judge of how I go on issues. As I have said before this is a sports website taking this stuff to seriously is absolutely retarded. I defend My school at every turn but if they do something wrong I will be the first to point it out.
As for the Techs I am a fan of not calling them unless absolutely necesarry I just said there were oppurtunities for them to be called.
On both sides or just SC? As someone posted earlier, how many coaches are allowed half way out on the court. at halftime you had Paintsville coaches following REFS to the door.
02-23-2012, 12:52 AM
Believe it or not, I also know Johnson's parents really well. He's 15 year old sophomore and wont turn 16 until spring.
02-23-2012, 12:56 AM
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Your post count tells me you have not been on this site near long enough to be a judge of how I go on issues. As I have said before this is a sports website taking this stuff to seriously is absolutely retarded. I defend My school at every turn but if they do something wrong I will be the first to point it out. About the only thing I take really seriously on this site is UK sports, and recruiting for mountain kids. If you want to see what that looks like go read the football threads for uk this year.
As for the Techs I am a fan of not calling them unless absolutely necesarry I just said there were oppurtunities for them to be called.
As far as amount of posts i guess you have more time than I do.
02-23-2012, 12:59 AM
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Id love to see the kid wearing Kentucky Blue in a couple of years.
He grows 3 more inches and that's a strong possibility. Very young for a 10th grader and his best growing years are still ahead of him.
02-23-2012, 01:07 AM
Him being 15 is huge I did not know that. He definitely has a couple more inches of growth. He wont be a 5 at that level but he really doesnt play it much now, he is more of a 3-4 which is what he will translate too in college.
02-23-2012, 01:08 AM
paintsvilletigerfan Wrote:your post count tells me you have not been on this site near long enough to be a judge of how i go on issues. As i have said before this is a sports website taking this stuff to seriously is absolutely retarded. I defend my school at every turn but if they do something wrong i will be the first to point it out. About the only thing i take really seriously on this site is uk sports, and recruiting for mountain kids. If you want to see what that looks like go read the football threads for uk this year.
As for the techs i am a fan of not calling them unless absolutely necesarry i just said there were oppurtunities for them to be called.
don"t like college football. I guess your real knowledgeable about that also.
02-23-2012, 01:08 AM
Secret Agent 007 Wrote:I was at this game, Johnson played awfully amazing. I seen him do the cut throat sign and yea it was a little over board but I can say he didn't do it to an 8th grader. He looked at the crowd when he did it and said, "IT'S OVER." Dont get jealous because he made a poster out of Kash Daniels.
Johnson is a good player but 19 points isn't amazing for a player that was guarded by an eighth grader and was IMO INTIMIDATED by his physical tone and effort. Good thing he had the down and up screen to free him or he may have been in the wall and would have had a handful after that moment. Case in point was the malicious foul he comitted and he(johnson) was then held back by his teammates. 6'7" vs 6'0" not an amazing night for potential D-1 prospect, the kid had 8 and Trimble had 8 as well in the paint.
02-23-2012, 01:09 AM
Joker Wrote:As far as amount of posts i guess you have more time than I do.
It shows I have been on this site a long time, after about a year I got tired of dealing with things in a serious manner that do not deserve it. I speak my mind on issues.
02-23-2012, 01:13 AM
Wow just think of it.Two more years of a now 8th grader vs. current Soph. After the older kid grads then perhaps the cards will show a starting 8th grader with the then Soph. to be.Then the song plays again. Ya know that's just great cause most 8th graders don't see the floor much.
02-23-2012, 01:16 AM
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:It shows I have been on this site a long time, after about a year I got tired of dealing with things in a serious manner that do not deserve it. I speak my mind on issues.
I will commend you on being a faithful TIGER FAN. Sorry not to many more feel that way since they can't even fill the stands. GOOD JOB CARDS AND CARD FANS.
02-23-2012, 01:18 AM
I'm sorry TigerBlues but how old is that 8th grader? He's probably the same age as Johnson or Maybe a little younger. How can you be itimidated and still score 19? That's sounds like a good game to me. The 8th grader didn't do anything with Johnson but flop when he did a spin move. If anyone was itimidated it was him.
02-23-2012, 01:20 AM
D IT UP Wrote:6'5- 6'6 soph. Tons of small D-1 interest already, and even a few under the table offers maybe:biggrin:
02-23-2012, 01:20 AM
02-23-2012, 01:25 AM
I have to agree with most of you that the neck slash thing isn't a few deal. They're high school kids, young men...they get excited. It's not ideal in a highschool matchup, but it certainly certainly wasn't directed at an 8th grader and not a big deal.
02-23-2012, 01:28 AM
Considering the fact he managed to use a team starting three 8th graders, and almost pull off a huge upset over the far and away region favorites yes it did. Remember sc destroyed Paintsville both times in the regular season.
02-23-2012, 01:29 AM
Secret Agent 007 Wrote:I'm sorry TigerBlues but how old is that 8th grader? He's probably the same age as Johnson or Maybe a little younger. How can you be itimidated and still score 19? That's sounds like a good game to me. The 8th grader didn't do anything with Johnson but flop when he did a spin move. If anyone was itimidated it was him.
Daniels is 14 i believe. True 8th grader.
02-23-2012, 01:38 AM
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Considering the fact he managed to use a team starting three 8th graders, and almost pull off a huge upset over the far and away region favorites yes it did. Remember sc destroyed Paintsville both times in the regular season.
I think it was a smart choice in starting the younger players. As everyone has always said about Paintsville, they have some good talent coming up, but are the right people in charge to see it go further. A great eighth grader palying against above average juniors and seniors dont always work out. The eighth grader is getting older but a freshman and sophomore maybe maturing and getting better also.
02-23-2012, 01:41 AM
To add to above post, this has been said about Paintsville for the last few years since BMR left and KINNER was over the football team.
02-23-2012, 02:00 AM
vundy33 Wrote:Wow, started THREE 8th graders?! Damn..
Yes along with 3 or four freshman that will contribute big time in a couple of years, Paintsville is looking good for the future.
02-23-2012, 02:12 AM
I have never seen Daniel's or Johnson play the game of basketball. Some observations regarding the matter: From reading the posts, as well the the local newspapers for what thats worth, Johnson is a very nice player with a great deal of potential.Daniel's is obviously going to be a nice player as well. Being an 8th grader on the floor and productive in the process speaks to this situation. For the record Johnson is appreciated in the 57th for sure (many positive comments and nice stats),the 15th and to a large degree much of E-Ky.This eval .comes from most who post on here.Daniels is an excellent athlete and will make a huge noise in whatever sport he suits up in. There is no need to defend either kid for they do that themselves quite nicely, with their performances on game night. Now as to some of the poster brothers;some spout expertise in a number of areas, Two of the brothers togather have been liked twice in two posts and have posted a little over a hundred,cumulatively. I'm betting that both basketball players have better stats. than that. We have another brother who evidently works with the Bureau of Vital Statitics or perhaps the IRS. To know the ages and dates of all players is quite an accomplishment. Man ain't life with sports great.:biggrin:
02-23-2012, 02:12 AM
Secret Agent 007 Wrote:I'm sorry TigerBlues but how old is that 8th grader? He's probably the same age as Johnson or Maybe a little younger. How can you be itimidated and still score 19? That's sounds like a good game to me. The 8th grader didn't do anything with Johnson but flop when he did a spin move. If anyone was itimidated it was him.
IDK how old he is, looks a lot younger than Johnson. Good game is more like it, amazing no. His dunks were though giving the kid props for that. Intimidated didn't pass the test on your reply but hey, it's an opinion just like mine and people standing around said the same thing, he was being pushed around by a smaller player. Congrats on a good win. The flop reply doesn't hold water either, never saw that just good defense cause he didn't have anywhere to go but straight ahead into him. Good luck the rest of the way
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