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Top 10 Matches That Define The Attitude Era ('98-'01)

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker
First Blood Match for the WWE Championship (Fully Loaded 1999)[/SIZE]

Full Match:

This match. This match right here. It's not the best match in the world. It's one of the most thrilling ones. This match right here represents everything that was amazing about the Attitude ERA.

Check this out, you have a villan in Undertaker that was so hated purely because he sided with one of the biggest heels of all time, Vince McMahon. Then you have the biggest babyface antihero wrestling has ever seen in Stone Cold, who merely a month ago, was the CEO of the company. He lost in weird fashion at King of the Ring. This was the retribution match with all the stakes involved. McMahon and Austin couldn't stand each other and it was time for the feud to come to a close. So they settled to finish it in an "End of an ERA" match.

The match had certain stipulations involved.

. It was a First Blood Match
. If Undertaker loses, McMahon steps down as Chairman of the company.
. If Austin loses, he loses the Championship and leaves the WWE.

So "in an interest of fairness," what does The Undertaker do? He busts Austin wide open on Sunday Night Heat, an hour before the PPV started. This advantage was awesome because it put even more pressure on Steve. Later on the show, Austin gets Taker back and cuts him up as well. So now we're even where the match is even more sensitive because both guys can easily get cut up now.

The match features your usual ME craziness from that ERA. It starts with McMahon getting up on crutches to attack Stone Cold. Takers takes control until X-Pac comes out and kicks Taker while he's holding a steel chair. Austin then gets a $100,000 camera and beats Taker in the head with it to end the match.

Post-match is just as ridiculous but I recommend you just watching it.
I tried to embed the actual match, but I have 0 clue how to do it.

Maybe Dusty would be nice enough to do it.
[YOUTUBE="Steve Austin vs Undertaker - WWF Championship - Fully Loaded 1999"]WrHFdFAMcYM[/YOUTUBE]
Anyone? Thoughts?
How about this one

^ That match is actually not in my list...

Good match tho.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Dude Love
WWE Championship Match (Over The Edge 1998)[/SIZE]

Full Match: (Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)


If the last match resemble the craziness that was 1999 WWE, then this is the match that started it all. This match was the beginning of the Main Event sequences that you would see in PPV during those times. From refs being knocked down, to interferences, to interferences of those interferences, WWE had a formula that worked for the most part if only for so long. This match was pretty crazy. Just watch it, the crowd reaction for Stone Cold Steve Austin was just unreal. One of the bigger Austin pops from that Era.

The storyline is that Vince McMahon sees Dude Love as his corporate champion. Mick Foley was Dude Love here and he remodeled himself to look as corporate as possible to appease McMahon. Gone was the tie-dyed colors and in was a tie, hair comb back, and a suit. Together they unite to get the WWE championship off of Austin. Mick Foley was fired the next night on RAW and came back as a corporate looking Mankind.

McMahon did a great promo where he made it seem almost impossible for Austin to retain. He added stipulations where...

. Gerald Brisco was a timekeeper
. Pat Patterson was the ring announcer
. Mr. McMahon was the special guest referee
. Through out the match, Pat Paterson would change the stipulations from NO DQ match to Falls Count Anywhere match.

Without McMahon pinning the count, how could Austin win? Well, Undertaker ended up just making himself the special enforcer just because he could. The match was over the top. Everyone played their roles perfectly. Little things that Austin did is really what made him the best wrestler of that time. For example, Austin stomps on Dude Love's artificial teeth after punching it out of his mouth. Him flipping off McMahon at every chance he could get.

This match is a classic and one of the first of its kind. They take it to the entrance ramp. Possibly one of the best looking entrances in a PPV ever, they brawl and throw one another over beaten up cars. True car wreck of a match this but in a great way. Even Patterson and Brisco get chokeslammed thru a table back then when they didn't take off the TVs. Quite possibly one of the biggest pops of all time. Real fun match.

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship (Royal Rumble 2001)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


I don't think I've watched much Benoit matches post-murder/suicide. Actually, I've probably watched 3 of his matches at most. When I do watch them, I get sucked in. Benoit as a wrestler was a MASTER.

2000 was a strange year for both Jericho and Benoit. Both were being experimented on with fake title victories. Jericho over HHH and Benoit over The Rock. It seem like both men were having kind of a hard time adjusting to the WWE style of wrestling. This match ended all of that and led the skeptics to shame. This is one of the best ladder matches of all time. Right from the start, these two Canadians go at it and never stop until the bell rings. They start with awesome technical wrestling and within 6 minutes, Benoit dives out of the ring only for him to smacked HARD with a steel chair. Benoit lands like a champ to the floor. It's pretty amazing just seeing him get hit so hard and still land almost perfectly on the floor.

This match doesn't have your usual craziness that almost every match in the WWE had. Straight up brawling. Jericho calls this match one of his favorites and supposedly was bummed out at the fact that it couldn't be included in his DVD compilation. Completely understandable but rightfully so, this match still stand the test of time. It also features the Walls of Jericho Ladder spot that Chris Benoit came up with.

Both proved their worth in this match. Jericho would end up having a successful 2001 as he feuded with the likes of RVD, The Rock, Austin, and capture the WCW title as well as becoming the first ever Undisputed Champion of the world. Benoit got injured mid-2001 but had he been cleared the wrestle, Benoit would've probably had a MONSTROUS 2001. This is the same Benoit that year alone had ****+ matches such as:

. Benoit vs. Angle WM 17.
. Benoit vs. Angle Submissions match Backlash
. Benoit & Jericho vs. Austin & HHH for the Tag titles
. Benoit vs. Austin at Smackdown!
. TLC match against The Dudleyz, Edge and Christian, and The Hardyz

And this was all pre-June! Benoit figured out how to wrestle WWE style and used to get over HUGE. Come to think of it, 2001 is a pretty great year in terms of wrestling matches. They probably had some of the best wrestling ever in that year. Perhaps there will be a list for it in the future.

The Rock vs. Triple H
Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship (Summerslam 1998)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


What is it about ladder matches with the Intercontinental Championship on the line? Make no mistake about it. This match MADE both guy's careers. Not like these guys weren't destined for greatness anyways. In a world where, for the most part, 1998 was headlined by Austin, Taker, Mankind, and Kane... this match broke the glass ceiling and started the new trend of main events to come.

This match and overall PPV is a personal favorite of mine. It was during one of the rare times of his career where HHH was ACTUALLY on a losing streak. I remember being 14 watching the feud and this match. I so desperately wanted HHH to win. I thought he deserved a break.

These two guys had an amazing feud in 1998. Better than years to come I feel. you had dX vs. The Nation. DX comes out dressed as the Nation and embarrasses them in a parody that is now seen as a classic. Obviously The Rock has great displeasure from seeing it so what does he do? He interferes in a match between HHH and D-Lo Brown and cost HHH the European title, giving the belt to The Nation. Not only that but The Rock also defeated HHH to qualify for the KOTR tournament. Both guys settled the score in a 2 out of 3 falls match at Fully Loaded 98 but just when HHH was about to win, time expired and the match was a declared a draw. The Nation and DX then faced each other in a street fight on RAW in which totally killed HHH. The Rock couldn't be more of a heel here.

Because of everything that had transpired, this match got HUGE heat. The crowd was eating everything up. Watch the match. Watch the ending when HHH gets the title. That's one of the loudest pops of all time. This match changed the crowd from chanting "ROCKY SUCKS!" to chanting "ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!" Sadly, HHH didn't end up having a good IC reign. He had to forfeit it after being injured a month later. Consider that Rocky was so over as a heel and HHH as a face, it really shows WWE using great use to their characters.

Both men ended up having successful careers.

The Rock...

. Ended up winning the title later that year.
. Would end up headlining 3 WrestleManias in a row.
. Become one of the greatest of all time


. Married the boss' daughter and ruled WWE as a whole

The Rock vs. Mankind
"I Quit" Match for the WWE Championship (Royal Rumble 1999)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


This match is a big deal. Quite possibly one of the most frightening matches of all time. That's only because we saw what was happening backstage. We saw the fear of Foley's wife and kids crying because they thought their daddy was being seriously killed here. We saw the huge gap that Rock left Foley on the TOP OF HIS HEAD and watched it being stitched up. Most importantly, we saw one of the rawest matches of all time.

Wrestlers go to extreme lengths in order to express their art. It's not just Benoit. It's Foley. It's Austin. It's Taker. The list just goes on. This was an ERA where wrestlers wrestled very dangerously. Unprotected chair shots have damaged lives and ended many careers young. Perhaps this match resembled the start of that trend. I'm not sure why. If you see any footage of Foley being stitched up after the match, you can tell that he's in great pain. You would think the company would use it as an example to be more careful. No wonder Foley retired a year later. What was going on with The Rock's mind? Well whatever it was, Foley was drinking the same juice. Both were stiff as hell in this match. You don't see that kind fo stiffness these days.

Matches like these are just amazing forms of storyline. That's something TNA STILL can't get right. Whereas they think random run-ins and mass chaos would be good visuals, when it happened in the Attitude ERA, It at least made sense. The handcuffs part was perfect for the match. Foley totally playing the Jesus role here. And seriously, has there been a more brilliant way then winning a title and keeping both men smart here? The next night on raw, it was revealed that Foley was set up and they used a pre-recorded soundbyte that had Foley saying "I Quit." I remember when Foley said it live. He was pretending he was The Rock but the most important thing of it all was Shane McMahon. After Foley said those words, there was a close-up on Shane with a big time smirk on his face. Foreshadowing during the Attitude era ruled because despite it's wildness, everything made perfect sense.

This match had a lot of first for the WWE...

. One of the first times where handcuffs were involved.
. One of the first times where a wrestler trash talked instead of saying "NOOO!"
. One of the first times a wrestler used an audible or a clever way to win a World Championship. Edge and Christian have perfected it since then

Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz
Ladder Match (No Mercy 1999)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


WWE likes to talk about Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Ladder match at WM X as being the most innovative match. While that match is great in its own right, it really doesn't stand the test of time. And why's that? Because this Tag Team ladder match set the barrier as a layout for future ladder matches to come. This is first real innovative ladder match.

Believe it or not, ladder matches weren't that common in the WWE back in the day. You had HBK in the first 2 ladder matches and it wouldn't be until 3 years later that there would be another one. This match MADE ladder matches common for the Attitude ERA and years to come.

This match not only did that but it worked wonders for the careers of these men. Three out of four men ended up as World champions. Edge is slated to be in the HOF this year. Most important of all, this match gave these guys an identity. The Hardyz were known as the New Brood and before that Edge and Christian were known as The Brood. Both teams were just lost in the transition as Gangrel's bitches while New Age Outlaws were running the Tag Team division. As soon as this match was over, the New Age Outlaws were an after-thought. This was the new age of tag team division and quite possibly the golden era for tag teams.

The storyline here was that The Hardyz and Edge and Christian were having a best of 5 series for the services of Terri Runnels. Just think about it. This match was for Terri Runnel's services. Her services lasted like 5 months and did NOTHING for The Hardyz. This match wasn't suppose to be important but their creative flare for making matches exciting made it work. This match was highlight after highlight back then when these guys were young and fast. No one has ever seen this before. The crowd loved every second of it. The next night on RAW, both teams received a standing ovation.

Christian talks about how the first big pop is when he trapped one of the Hardyz on a ladder and drop kicked him. After that, the spots kept coming and coming. These guys weren't spot monkeys. They just knew how to make a crowd work. Jeff Hardy and Edge are masters of it.

There's so many things that the audience have never seen before this match. Way too many to even list them. Even camera tricks such as the overhead view was a first for the WWE. So I'm going to show more youtube videos about this match.

. Here are both teams talking about their experience in the match. Very interesting.

. The next night on Raw where both teams recieve a standing ovation. Matt Hardy seriously looked like he was about cry.

[YOUTUBE="WWF Over the Edge 1998: Stone Cold vs Dude Love: Part 1"]K1dZpCp2prk[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="Chris Benoit Vs Chris Jericho in a Ladder Match for the I.C. Championship"]3t8SYIeUCM0[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="The Rock Vs Triple H Ladder Match I.C. Title "]BA5LvvmLKCk[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="The Rock VS Mankind- "I Quit Match" WWF Royal Rumble 1999 (FULL) "]CtpwWVTsU-Y[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="WWF No Mercy 1999 Tag Team Ladder Match The Hardy Boyz Vs Edge & Christian "]UiYFALkiZB8[/YOUTUBE]

Triple H vs. Cactus Jack
Street Fight for the WWE Championship (Royal Rumble 2000)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


One of the best feuds in the Attitude ERA. What an amazing story. HHH's match with The Rock at SummerSlam may have helped boost HHH's career, but this match is what really cemented it. HHH was not going anywhere. He was one of the Gods. And it's all thanks to this match. I'm surprise Hunter doesn't think highly of him. Actually, I'm not but I do think its absurd. Foley is one hell of a talent. He should be getting inducted into the Hall of Fame.

2000 was such a great year of the WWE. If you look into their 2000 catalog, most of the those PPVs were worth seeing. The WWE had gotten it right. They had compelling characters and amazing talent to entertain the best of both worlds: entertainment and wrestling.

This is one of those brutal matches in WWE. Foley introduced a lot here.

. The introduction to the barbed wire bat
. First wrestler to eat it face first into thumbstacks
. One of the rarest times, a heel would win cleanly EVER!!!

An what a compelling story this was. You see, this feud all started around December Christmas Eve. HHH had just beaten Vince McMahon in a match at Armageddon 1999, so he and Stephanie McMahon claimed it the McMahon/Helmsley ERA. Of course, they power trip and force Mick Foley and The Rock to fight in a Pink slip on a Pole match. Mick lost and he was therefore fired. To add further to the humility, HHH starts putting hilarious promos of Mideon acting as Mick Foley. That was hilarious. They were funny enough to make you laugh and yet still sympathy for poor old Mick Foley. He was kinda great like that.

The Rock comes out the following with the whole roster and promises that they'll walk out unless they reinstate Mick Foley. HHH gave him in The Rock also added the condition that they face each other at The Royal Rumble. HHH takes advantage lays an ass whooping on Foley. Mick knows he's no good. He decides not to wrestle but to offer a substitute instead. CACTUS JACK!

HHH knows something about Cactus Jack. They first met in 1997, ironically enough, in a street fight. That was Cactus Jack debut. Even more ironic, this match was Cactus Jack's finale with the same opponent..... until he came back four years later. This is wrestling, people. C'mon. What did you expect?
Needless to say, HHH was pretty petrified and he knew he was going to be in the fight of his life. He knew. Mick knew. We all knew.

HHH, like a boss, comes out with Steph and then he sends her to the back because he does not want her to see this. HHH brawled nasty here. This was just the beginning for HHH brawls. He's actually pretty good at them. Just watch the match. It tells the whole story. Fake Mankind-Mideon and all. HHH does his best impression of Jesus ala Passion of the Christ. One of the nastiest bladejobs ever. It actually looks like Kane's career mask. He even gets a gash on his leg from the barbed wired. Cactus delivered on his word and gave HHH one of the biggest fights of his life. I even love that he tries to recreate the handcuff thing ala Rumble 99. He was so desperate in trying out what could work to keep him down, but Cactus kept coming back.

HHH may have been world champion about 3 times by that time but he still wasn't being taken seriously. HHH prevailed and pinned Cactus CLEAN. CLEAN! WHO DID THAT? NO ONE! It showed that HHH was the real deal and he was here to stay. He could compete with the greats. He was now one of them. It was all thanks to Mick.

Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley's
Tables, Ladders & Chairs II for the WWE Tag Team Championship (Wrestlemania 17)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


What can I say? This match is awesome. Is it safe to say that these men kinda revolutionized wrestling for the years to come? Fast forward 11 years later and you have TLC as a PPV extravaganza. Countless and countless TLC's have occurred. None as memorable as this one. Not even the first.

This match is very choreographed and everyone does their stuff perfectly. I remember WWE making a DVD compilation called Tables, Ladders, and Chairs before there was ever such a concept. I just knew they would do that kind of match sooner or later. At SummerSlam, they did just that and would only have a rematch 8 months later in the greatest PPV of all time, WM 17. This match is huge reason for that too. The match had some symbolism to it. Among it, you have certain representations for each team.

. Spike Dudley & Tables = Dudley Boyz
. Lita & Ladders = The Hardyz
. Rhyno & Chairs = Edge & Christian

This match revolutionized gimmick matches to come. Now these days, TLC matches are mainly used for singles action. I think these men set the bar so high that no one has been able to top it. They did anything possible to have one of the best wreck less fun spot matches of all time. From fun spots, to cameos, to tributes for other tag teams (Dudleyz doing the doomsday device) this match had every element to be as fun as possible. Looking back, Jeff Hardy is pretty insane isn't he? That spot with Edge spear Jeff while holding onto the belts is unbelievable. The four table spot. You know how many times that spot has been used now? I think the only person who has used the ladder to his advantage since has been Shelton Benjamin. This match set the trend.
Originally, one of these 2 matches was going to be #1. However, I watched a match recently that made me change that. So #2 is a tie

[SIZE="3"]#2 (Tie)

Mankind vs. The Undertaker
Hell in a Cell (King of the Ring 1998)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


Dude. This match. This match right here is probably the most watched Attitude match of all time. At least the most replayed. If there was anything that everyone knew about wrestling, it would be two things. Stone Cold is a bad ass. Mick Foley is a crazy ass.

Just re-watching this match, I can't believe Taker thought it was a bright idea to do a choke slam. Not only that, but the retard bring a steel chair just to place it on the ground. He didn't even bother to use it. When Mick Foley got choke slammed, he went through the cell and the steel chair hit him straight in the mouth. Who knew that Taker didn't turn out to be some dumb big man wrestler. He sure showed it in here. On top of that, I can't believe Taker let Mick give him a piledriver onto a steel chair while Mick was dazed out.

The match itself isn't really impressive. It's more of a spectacle then anything else. In fact, this match was not meant to be a classic. Taker/Mick were barely feuding. They were just put in a match and added a random stipulation because they had wrestled countless times already. This is probably one of the most insane things any wrestler has done for the WWE. The match certainly got Mick Foley noticed, as he would be put on Main Event storylines until he retired. This match probably did great damage to Mick's physical body and career length.

Even though this match was all about Mick, you do have to give credit to Undertaker. He wrestled this match with a BROKEN FOOT and he climbed up the cage faster and better than Mick Foley. Apparently, Mick was K.O legit after the chokeslam and knocked out a tooth that went up his nose. He probably was not prepared to take the move. I guess you learn with trial and error. He sure worked hard here as he put over the thumbtacks. It was the first time in history that the WWE showed thumbtacks. Mick worked his ass off more than any play in history.




[SIZE="3"]#2 (Tie)

Stone Cold Steven Austin vs. The Rock
NoDQ Match for the WWE Championship (Wrestlemania 17)

First, just watch this:

Isn't that one of the best build-up promo package you've ever seen?

Full Match:


Pretty much one of the greatest rivalries in the history of the WWE. Had this match not ended the Attitude Era, it would surely be number one. It is defining in a sense that it was a very well fitting end to a great time in wrestling but it sure isn't the defining moment of what the Attitude Era is about. This match had it all. Wrestling, entertainment, blood, personal vendettas, heel turn, and amazing storytelling.

Austin was pretty relentless in this match. One of the first I ever seen him use his knee brace as a weapon. He showed Rock no remorse with definite heel tendencies. He wrestles very heel here and despite this gets cheered like crazy. The Rock fights back too and shows his side of retribution by busting Austin wide open. This was about who is getting the top spot. This match is one of the best pieces of storytelling in a wrestling match ever. You know Stone Cold is desperate for the gold. He does every tactic in the book to try and win. From taking off a turnbuckle, to using the ring bell, to EVEN doing a million dollar dream hold, as well as teaming with his mortal enemy. Austin's frustration grows more and more obvious within the match. That's what I love about it. That it makes it so easy to catch that.

The Rock vs. Triple H
WWE Championship (Backlash 2000)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


Yea... This match takes the cake. This is the match that should've headlined WrestleMania. It's one of wrestling's most forgotten gems so much that it wasn't even on this list but I saw it again recently. One of the funnest matches to ever see because you feel like you're a part of it. The crowd is so insane.

For those of you that haven't seen this match or can't remember, I urge you... watch the whole video from beginning to end. The promo package explains everything.

Basically, the WWE was trying really hard to put over HHH as a prime time player. The company pushed HHH down our throats. Only difference was that he was actually REALLY ENJOYABLE to watch during this era. HHH worked his ass off in 2000 and for sure it was his year. He was having stellar matches more than anyone not named Chris Benoit. WWE pushed this guy so hard that he was the first heel to leave WrestleMania as World Champion.

The storyline here is that Vince McMahon turned on his sponsored pick, The Rock, and sided with the McMahon/Helmsey's @ WM 2000. The Rock, pissed off and rightfully so, kicked Vince's ass and demanded a rematch. So by the orders of McMahon, The Rock had to earn his spot by defeating Bull Buchcanon and Boss Man in a cage. He succeeded but ended up getting his ass handed to him by HHH. If it wasn't even more personal before, it was dead serious now.

This is a classic story of a face overcoming the odds. Every McMahon except for Linda turned their backs of the people they sided with and aligned themselves with HHH. Even though, The Rock had his rematch, he still had to over come the odds. The Rock got his rematch alright but only under the McMahon's terms.

. McMahon stated that he would be in HHH's corner.
. McMahon appointed his own son, Shane McMahon, as the special guest referee.

The Rock seemed screwed right? Luckily for him, Linda McMahon came and even everything out by saying Stone Cold Steve Austin would be in The Rock's corner. Mind you, Austin hadn't been on TV since he got ran over in November 1999 so that was like 5 months which is like a 2893648732 years in WWE land. The masses were skeptical. The McMahons weren't worried. They were sure that Austin would not show up. Ohhhh McMahons.

Aside from this massive storyline, HHH had his own mini storyline going into this too. See, HHH was ego tripping on RAW and Jericho challenged him to a match. The result was a classic moment on RAW where Jericho won the WWE Championship only for the decision to be overturned and causing Earl Hebner to be fired. No love for Hebner as HHH beats the shit out of him too.

This is Rock's most electrifying match ever. They wrestled such a perfect match. Everyone fits their role perfectly. Everyone. Not a single second was the crowd silent. Not one. This match was Austin symbolically passing the torch to The Rock while he was recovering. Just keeping it warm for him after The Rock decided to be a movie star. This match just had everything. Great wrestling. Hot crowd. Face having to overcome the odds. DOUBLE ROCK BOTTOM ONTO A TABLE! A cameo from Steve Austin. One of the best endings ever where Linda McMahon reinstates Earl Hebner and makes the decision making count for the match. Just an overall, blast to watch. Here from some keys moments from the match that I recommend.

. 9:31 The Rock's entrance pop.
. 24:30 Vince's priceless face after the DOUBLE ROCKBOTTOM! DOUBLE ROCKBOTTOM!
. 28:20 Arrive.
. 28:37 Raise Hell.
. 29:10 Leave.
. 30:15 Loudest Pop of all time.
. 32:51 and on LOL
[YOUTUBE="Triple H vs Cactus Jack Street Fight"]faKn_NR3uOs[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz at Wrestlemania 17"]jlfCLgUG90k[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="The Undertaker Vs Mankind Hell In A Cell"]Xz-3qp5ejXM[/YOUTUBE]
[YOUTUBE="The Rock Vs Triple H Backlash 2000 (Full Match)"]WKPY4QYA7gk[/YOUTUBE]
Hope you guy's enjoy the blast from the past.
Those are REALLY great matches!

Benoit vs. Jericho and the TLC matches are some of my favorites.
^ I'm glad you said it. I feel bad for giving any credit towards Benoit for anything in his career, but that would be like saying OJ Simpson was not a great football player. I guess it's just personal, but hearing it from you makes me feel better acknowledging credit to Benoit's in-ring ability.
I figured SK would be all over this thread.

^ LOL, you are right, this is HIS period Wink

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