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Call of Duty MW3
vundy33 you play 24/7?

Ahh usually play for hours.. I have a friend that is legit 8th prestige I think..
He has no life either though..
One thing I miss about COD is how easy it is to gain levels...alot tougher in BF3. Sometimes people will kick me out of their game because they assume I suck because of my level, when most of the time, I beat their ass.
Ask King360 what happened to him last night LOL..

Rage quit knuckle bitin'.
Someone ask King360 what has happened the past few days >???

He rage quit??

My KDR is now 1.66.. doing work on this game now.
Wildcatk23 has had this game over a month longer than me and I now have more kills than him..
I have legit beast on my friends list and I am #6 in kills on the list, keep rising homieeee...
1.68 kdr

in the higher levels of the 3rd prestige.
1.74 KDR.
Almost 4th Prestige.
kdr 1.80 lol
4th prestige workin on 5th very soon.
ballers add alljordan24!
^Got you bro.

KD/R 1.93

Getting ready to hit the 7th Prestige.
10th Prestige - lower levels.

kd.r 1.94

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