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Indiana 73 - (1) Kentucky 72
Calipari said he made it clear in timeout to foul (with two to give). Doesn't understand why no one did.
Teague was the only one that attempted to.
Upon watching a replay of the shot that was hit, I know it was a big shot to win the game, but that was completely classless how the entire Indiana team practically walked over Darius Miller after the shot was hit, who fell while leaping to try to block the shot at the end. I was disappointed in the loss but seeing that, and how some of their fans acted pissed me off.

I hope we beat the shit out of these inbred bastards at Rupp next year.
^ Yeah, they wouldn't want ANYTHING to do with a pissed off UK team on a neutral court.

I wondered at first if Indiana would make the tournament, but now it's pretty likely they will.
They're definitely a top 20 team. They couldn't have played any better and we couldn't have played any worse. Trap game, at Assembly Hall. Just a bad situation for this young UK team.
I still don't understand how the hell we even had a chance with how bad we played.
Aslan Wrote:They're definitely a top 20 team. They couldn't have played any better and we couldn't have played any worse. Trap game, at Assembly Hall. Just a bad situation for this young UK team.

PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:I still don't understand how the hell we even had a chance with how bad we played.

Look, as great as the Wall team was, they were completely embarrassed by a South Carolina team that had ONE player, and that on player beat the entire UK squad! This game was not only winnable, but respectable from the sense that UK did a lot of things right, put themselves in position to win, and could still walk off the floor with respect. To me, this loss was far less embarrassing than the loss to Downey and the Gamecocks. Sure, no one wants to lose to a rival, but it's easier to digest a loss to a rival that is a solid team than when the Cats lost to USC. To me, this team, in such few games, ha a better upside than the GREAT team of two years ago.

Sure, it's always easy to say "we will learn from this". But I truly believe, the Cats will learn from this and be all the better for it. Its games like this that prepare you for the tough games in March. I promise you, in that 3rd or 4th round game in the Tourney, when the Cats need to hit that big free-throw, get out on an open three-point shooter, or foul down the stretch, THEY WILL!

ASSlan (thank you Sparty), I'll take 39-1, 38-2, or 37-3 as long as the last game of the season is a WIN! You know what that means!
Not going to say much about this game...

Game Ball: Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, he was one only player who truly stepped up and had a solid game.

Marquis Teague & Darius Miller, thought they both had really bad 1st halfs, but played very well in the 2nd half.


Terrence Jones, sadly played probably the worse game of his life.
And people were cussing me and telling me i was crazy when i put Indiana in my final four prediction thread before the season.
I knew this joke bunch would beat us after the first possesion.
We played like pure shit, its that simple.

I hope Cal runs there asses off for 14 hours straight.
Davis needs to learn how to play the post position defensively. Sure he looked like an all-american the first 6 games because he was defending forwards who were 7 inches shorter than him. I'm not knocking him either because he hasn't been this tall his whole life. He is playing a totally different game now than he was 2 years ago. But for us to be truly successful someone needs to teach Davis to stay straight up, stand strong, and avoid those fouls. (2 of which were very questionable anyways.) And no I'm not bashing the refs. The home team in a big game like this is always going to get some calls just because of the crowd not to mention the fact that they were the underdog too. Someone said earlier that this was a tough situation for our guys to be in this early in the season and I agree. That place was loud! That place was also filled with idiotic fans. I'm all for cheering on my team but no so much as to tell the opposing fans to **** off. You can't win em all and it's much better to lose now than March. I'm proud of them for fighting back. Go Cats!
It's not hard to see why Indiana beat Kentucky yesterday. (1) Teague did nothing in the first half (2) Jones did nothing the entire game (3) We didn't defend the 3 point line (4) Poor free-throw shooting (5) Not following the coaches' instructions. Eliminate any one of these 5 and we win. Hopefully all 5 are things we can get corrected as the year progresses. This could prove to be a very valuable win. If we win the national championship, it could be that we look back and say that we wouldn't have won it without the loss to Indiana. It hurts but it's better now than on down the road.
^ We will make up for this loss on New Years day when are we are ranked #2 in the nation and knock off the #1 ranked Louisville Cardinals. Now that would more than make up for this loss, giving us two wins over #1 ranked teams...
I had a dream last night that this loss knocked Kentucky all the way back to #9 in the nation
J.W. Wrote:I had a dream last night that this loss knocked Kentucky all the way back to #9 in the nation

Go back to bed, because I think you might still be asleep now! No way UK goes to #9! They lost on the road on a last second shot! Top 5!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:And people were cussing me and telling me i was crazy when i put Indiana in my final four prediction thread before the season.
I knew this joke bunch would beat us after the first possesion.
We played like pure shit, its that simple.

I hope Cal runs there asses off for 14 hours straight.

It would STILL be a huge stretch to pick them for the FF at this point.
it was just a dream lol well more like a nightmare to me, but either way i think uk will not be in the top 5 come tomorrow, #6 at best.
DSRfan Wrote:It would STILL be a huge stretch to pick them for the FF at this point.

There undefeated and just beat the most talented team in the country.
They have just as good of a shot as anyone else IMO.
Strikeout King Wrote:I ain't paranoid. Just stating the truth. Look at the football team they got fined for rushing the field even tho it was by the SEC. IF we was to ever do that in Basketball (win NCAA Championship, have a perfect record, etc. etc.) we'd still get fined.

Go ahead and slap yourself. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You're one of those crybaby "everyone hates us" UK fans aren't you?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Why?
There undefeated and just beat the most talented team in the country.
They have just as good of a shot as anyone else IMO.

lol, you're crazy bro. Indiana is just not ready for the Final Four..or the Elite 8, or the Sweet 16. They don't have the talent, or the experience. If Zeller stays for next year, then they'll be a pretty damn good team. But this year, no.

They're undefeated because they played cupcakes. Until they beat us. I give it to them though...we gave them the game for 35 minutes, and then they tried to give it back to us in the last 5 and then took it right back with about 00.8 to go.

Those damn Indian-givers..
We will be in the Top 5 in the morning. OSU lost, we lost...we will be in the Top 5. Promise.
NOW. that we got all this 40-0 crap over...just playing Aslan. Just relax, this is still a great Kentucky team. It was a poor called game. But Indiana was hot last night from the 3 and thats a reason they won. What was up with Jones. seemed like he didnt even wanna be their.'This Kentucky team will be right there in the end.
I see Kentucky droping no more then 4. I would put it like this:

1. Syracuse- should not be 1, but there next in line.
2. Louisville
4.Ohio St
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Why?
There undefeated and just beat the most talented team in the country.
They have just as good of a shot as anyone else IMO.

Statistically speaking, right now everyone has the same chance of making it !! :biggrin:
vundy33 Wrote:lol, you're crazy bro. Indiana is just not ready for the Final Four..or the Elite 8, or the Sweet 16. They don't have the talent, or the experience. If Zeller stays for next year, then they'll be a pretty damn good team. But this year, no.

They're undefeated because they played cupcakes. Until they beat us. I give it to them though...we gave them the game for 35 minutes, and then they tried to give it back to us in the last 5 and then took it right back with about 00.8 to go.

Those damn Indian-givers..

I bet you would have thought i was crazy if i said VCU was going to the final four last year at this time right?
Well, they did.
Hopefully this lights a fire in Terrence Jones, which I believe it will.
OK, I just finished watching up to the first TV timeout, the 15:15 mark. And after reading this entire thread and looking for things that were said, this is what I have found so far.

- Dick Vitale: UK HOMER. Everyone hates on him for being an ACC guy. All he has done if glorify the Cats. He has said they are hands down the most talented team in the nation and deserve to be the #1 team in the nation. As much as I completely disagree with him, he calls Calipari a "Great Coach". Any coach that can take this level of talent and gel them together is not just a great recruiter but a great coach. So, in the first five minutes, Vitale has been nothing but complimentary.

- Teague - I was impressed with him. He did an incredible job of breaking pressure, making good decisions, and an excellent Oop to Davis! One of the things that people miss in passing is the first pass and not the last pass. The guy who gets the assist is the guy who always gets the credit. I like Hockey where everyone involved gets a piece, because Teague on four occasions in the first five minutes found the open guy, who made the entry pass for the score.

- Jones - Playing HARD! What I saw was INCREDIBLE defensive effort by Watford. You can tell that IU's game plan early on was to eliminate Jones early touches to keep him from getting into a flow. Watford covered Jones like Stink on Poop! Watford had no energy on the offensive side because he expended so much effort on his D, and in the first five minutes it paid off.

- Refs - in the first five Minutes 3 IU fouls to 1 UK. Questionable out of bounds call on Hulls under the basket gave the ball to the Cats where they promptly scored. I saw no early officiating issues against the cats.

- Cats Defense: Two things jumped out at me. Transition D and peeling off screens. The Cats would score on the break, only to give easy baskets right back. And a flaw of the Cats for the past few years, no ability to roll off of screens. You get that playing against experienced teams with such a youthful team. But the cats were BAD. IU was getting easy looks in the first five minutes, too easy.

More observations to come.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I bet you would have thought i was crazy if i said VCU was going to the final four last year at this time right?
Well, they did.

lol...Indiana is much different than VCU.
The refs did not screw UK over.. Those boys lost the game theirself..
I do think this game hurts more than the Wall vs SC game and for a good reason..
This team is still THAT DAMN GOOD!
I was wrong about IU, they do have a good team..
The white boy for IU was lighting up the 3 the whole night...
If UK would have fouled at the end they IU would not be shooting that 3 at the end..
I swear soon as I seen the guy let the ball go, I knew the shot was good..
It sucks but UK really needed a reality check before we go into conference play or even the tourney..
I am for one happy that we are still ranked #3 - I expected us to be out of the top 5..

Good game to IU, Cats keep your head up and keep moving forward.
Free throws!!!!!!!!
Aslan Wrote:They're definitely a top 20 team. They couldn't have played any better and we couldn't have played any worse. Trap game, at Assembly Hall. Just a bad situation for this young UK team.

I for one find this funny. A week ago it didnt matter who UK was playing. They was going to win. They was going 40-0 and even 80-0 in the next 2 seasons. It didnt matter how bad they played these freshmen wasnt typical freshies they were going 40-0 regardless! lmao I personally guarantee you that NO team will go undefeated this season or next season!
Ballers Wrote:The refs did not screw UK over.. Those boys lost the game theirself..
I do think this game hurts more than the Wall vs SC game and for a good reason..
This team is still THAT DAMN GOOD!
I was wrong about IU, they do have a good team..
The white boy for IU was lighting up the 3 the whole night...
If UK would have fouled at the end they IU would not be shooting that 3 at the end..
I swear soon as I seen the guy let the ball go, I knew the shot was good..
It sucks but UK really needed a reality check before we go into conference play or even the tourney..
I am for one happy that we are still ranked #3 - I expected us to be out of the top 5..

Good game to IU, Cats keep your head up and keep moving forward.

Wow! I cant believe im saying this.... I agree with you! lol..... This will do nothing but help UK!
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