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"Basketball Jones" Wrote:Trevor Patton can stand under the goal, no dribble, jump up and 2 handed dunk it.

I'd like to see this.
Are you saying "id like to see this" because you don't think he can do it or you just wanna see somebody do it?
How tall is Trevor Patton?
"Basketball Jones" Wrote:Are you saying "id like to see this" because you don't think he can do it or you just wanna see somebody do it?

I have no clue whether he can do it or not, but i would like to see him do it.
"basketballstar" Wrote:How tall is Trevor Patton?
until i see someone dunk IN a game this year I am gonna say no one they say talk is cheap lets see some action:bounce:
Cade Riddle from SV can go straight up flat-footed and dunk it, I also saw him go straight up and reverse it. If he had a little better footwork he could dunk in games no problem.
"ACE" Wrote:I have no clue whether he can do it or not, but i would like to see him do it.

I saw the Patton kid at the AC Panaroma standing flat footed two hand slamming at will. He probably did it 10-15 times.
Quit lieing i know he cant dunk it....on a 10 foot goal.
lol i saw a guy fro magoffin with the light blonde hair asnd the tattoo jump up and tomahawk it, it was crazy, this guy is only like 6 foot tall, he has mad hops.
But as of this date, no one has dunked in a game yet, or have they? If not, we dont have a best dunker this year. McCarty did last year, I know that. But with broken foot and all, he most likely isnt the best this year.
ethan johnson,and mason hall
"football player" Wrote:ethan johnson,and mason hall
Can they even dunk?
yea they try in warm-ups they just dont make it
justin slone....mad hops
i agree
"football player" Wrote:yea they try in warm-ups they just dont make it
Well, if they just try it and dont make it, then sorry, they are not the best....
i believe that its good cuz atleast they try
no homer it jus makes them look bad....go for a normal lay up if u cant dunk it i swear it counts the same ....i disagree with u homer very badly
I would be tryin 2 tear the rim down it looks a little better than a lay up
im just posting to play games
Josh Martin is AC's center and he can dunk it! he recently had an injury and he si not the type to show off but he can!
dunks do look better i have to admit but these things where they throw the ball up and then grab the rim looks rediculous....what would u even call that??
I agree misfit ........dunk it if u can but if u cant dunk it clean then jus dont try
__________________Trai Witt________________ Junior from Betsy Layne can throw down!!!!!
All I have to say is Big Number 40 KYLE RICE Best in the 15th
Has big number 40 Kyle Rice dunked in a game yet this year?
the best dunker in the 15th is without a doubt Brandon Murray from paintsville
"M.V.P." Wrote:Josh Martin is AC's center and he can dunk it! he recently had an injury and he si not the type to show off but he can!
he tried many times during warmups of the ac-jc game and failed every time!!!

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