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administrators of this site messing with profiles
Midee An administrator on this Website Likes to illegally change Edit posters profiles on this website Just because he doesn't like what someone is posting. It must be illeagal to do that. And i will be contacting a lawyer to find out if it is. If so we will see what we can do to have this website fined or possibly shut down. I like this website very much but for an administrator to purposely altar or change someones profile without their permission is not right.
Do we really want to start a public thread for this?

You have PM'd me about this issue and I have spoken my peace.
I guess you get what you pay for
Exactly. Illeagally changing profiles is a crime.
I personally am not a fan of it, but there are always repercussions of threatening another poster. I believe your exact words were "close their eye"

Who would have the worse sentence if found guilty threatening someone or changing their info?
Yes it was. Ban me or get off my back!
Is it? KRS statue or Federal? Have you suffered any financial loss because of this? Are you forced to use this site? or are you here voluntarily?
^Is that a request? JUST KIDDING

Seriously, what I recommend, since everyone thinks you are a bully is to stop posting on the current account. Then create another account to start over.

Somehow, you broke one of the few remaining BGR rules. You cannot threaten someone else. He shouldn't have changed your user title but I do not know if there is a rule against it. That is a judgement call and he made it. That is up to him as far as I know. We do not really have a handbook to go by, that is just a judgement call.
I guess I am to controversial for this site. I can't be dealt with by witty intellegent people. I have to be sneak attacked by an administrator. I ask you general public.....Is this fair? Nay I think not. Give me liberty or give me death!! "Patrick Henry". Didn't want to take credit for that or Midee might put plegarist under my name.
RAMBAIT Wrote:I guess I am to controversial for this site. I can't be dealt with by witty intellegent people. I have to be sneak attacked by an administrator. I ask you general public.....Is this fair? Nay I think not. Give me liberty or give me death!! "Patrick Henry". Didn't want to take credit for that or Midee might put plegarist under my name.

It had nothing to do with controversy. It was all in fun. It's nothing that hadn't been done tons in the past but I will have to say that you are the first that has reacted that way to a little fun.

I will have to ask how you came to the conclusion that I was the one that changed anything or were you just assuming?
I 'm still having fun Midee. This is the best sight ever!! I don't even know a lawyer. I actually belly laughed when i seen that under my name but thought i would try to have a little fun with it. I can be a little sadistic that way.
RAMBAIT Wrote:Exactly. Illeagally changing profiles is a crime.

Illegally???? :moon:C'mon, are you SERIOUS!!! This is a voluntary member site, and the members of this site have ZERO legal rights to the content of discretion of this site or it's content! It is 100% VOLUNTARY! You subject yourself to Social Media, thus you have voluntarily agreed to no rights on this site. The only right that you have is participation, and the ridicule that you are BOUND to get because of this post.....:biggrin:
Oh wow, lol.
Not my dog fight but sometimes you just gotta let it go.
I've been banned by Blackcatalum for saying wiseass... and I even bleeped it out..

Don't let your panties get in a wad, just take it and move on bro.
Vagina. Go cry somewhere else.
Ballers Wrote:Not my dog fight but sometimes you just gotta let it go.
I've been banned by Blackcatalum for saying wiseass... and I even bleeped it out..

Don't let your panties get in a wad, just take it and move on bro.
Wiseass. :lolrage:
RAMBAIT Wrote:Exactly. Illeagally changing profiles is a crime.

No it's not.

I have a feeling you're old. Am I correct?
They do it all in fun RAMBAIT. I've had my post count took back to 0 before. lol
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Trust me, you dont want this site to go back to the way it was. You would of already been banned by 5 different mods.

What was the fight over anyway?
I just don't care.
lol, hell I laughed when he said he was gonna contact a lawyer for Midee changing his profile. Eric C Conn to the rescue!!!!
TidesHoss32 Wrote:lol, hell I laughed when he said he was gonna contact a lawyer for Midee changing his profile. Eric C Conn to the rescue!!!!

He never left... :ChairHit:

RAMBAIT Wrote:I 'm still having fun Midee. This is the best sight ever!! I don't even know a lawyer. I actually belly laughed when i seen that under my name but thought i would try to have a little fun with it. I can be a little sadistic that way.

He said he was just playin...

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