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Anyone been pulled over lately?
has anybody been pulled over recently i actually was pulled over about an hour ago i was doing 55 in a 35 and got out with a warning lol but the thing that got me was every1 was passing me and he said i was passing people not 2 mention i 4got my liscence at home
Whew, Lol, I've only been pulled over twice, once i was doing 69 in a 55 (total crap) I had my mom, Mamaw and Papaw were there to talk for me, and another time I got lost on my way back from south floyd took a wrong turn and like went to wide in a turn and totally messed up. Got off on the 2nd one though with a sob story though.
lol dont tell 2 many people at school
Got pulled doing 72 in a 55 on a day that I was supposed to be in school.
lol i 4got 2 mention i almost got my liscence taken away till im 21 that would have sucked big time
I was [--] far away from it too. I don't even have my license so I would have had to not made them until 21.
lol wat were u doing driving then you rebel
Mom was with me. Going to a friend's house and she was going to work.
I got a ticket in the summer in Wolfe County for 74 in a 55..
My car has a magnet for cops or something lol, one of my two tickets is to bad to even mention.
Haha, I hear that UK.

One the way home from Pikeville last week I swear I saw about 7 total, that is crazy.
The whole county is lucky to have 9 patrolling cars, not including the Pikeville City cops.
My son has an uncanny ability to get tickets and get out of them. He had 4 in 3 months and ended up only paying 1 and getting out of all the others. He is scheduled to go to court on 01-11-06 (The day after his 18th birthday) but he as already talked to the judge (he's good friends with his step daughter + they won the state championship) So I figure he'll get out of that one as well. It's good for my insurance but I don't think that it has tought him anything.:HitWall:
I got out of mine but it was very hard to do in Wolfe County.. hopefully I won't get anymore
I almost always get them..Thank god for some certain ppl
Wolfe County is very tough to get out of a ticket. It is the only 1 I have ever had to pay. Got pulled in Salyersville a few months ago and had my car searched. I wasn't speeding but it was late at night and the Magoffin Deputy Sheriff said I was slowing up and speeding up a lot which was bogus. They told me they had a lot of people taking drugs up and down the Mtn. Parkway and I had nothing to hide so I let them search my car. About 5 cars(not other policemen)pulled up and started talking to the cops about what was going on....that was a 1st I had never seen that done before. Finally a State Trooper pulled up and apoligized to me on the Deputys behalf and told the cops to let me go on my way. The cops were total pricks and Barney Fife wannabes and they need to understand that during a traffic stop they shouldn't allow people that are "cruising town" to stop and play detective.
I got mine in wolfe county. its crazy I wasn't even goign that fast.
Well i have to disagree with most of you, if you were pulled over there was a reason that you were pulled over! As far as the deal in Magoffin Co. yea they shouldnt have let them stop. But they are not Barney Fyffes. They have guidelines they have to pass called (P.O.P.S - Peace Officer Professional Standards)
So these officers work there butts off just to get hired not to mention the Police Academy they have to attend, and then they have to take the P.O.P.S. test again before they can graduate the Academy, and have to show improvement on the P.O.P.S. testing in order to pass. and here are some of the guidelines just to get hired before you even goto the academy, and yea I was a police officer for 15 years and pulled my far share of people over. was even the officer of the year for 2004. So i take it a little personal when people put down Police Officers. Yea there are a few of them out there that give the rest a bad name, just like any other job in the US.

503 KAR 1:140. Peace officer professional standards.

Section 4. Suitability Minimum Requirements: The following minimum requirements and procedures are established for KLEC testing:

(1) The background investigation as specified in KRS 15.382(12) shall consist of the following minimum requirements:

(a) Biographical history;

(b) Family history;

© Education;

(d) Employment history;

(e) Interview with the applicant’s references;

(f) Criminal history including domestic violence protective orders; and

(g) Credit history.

(2) Fingerprinting. An applicant shall be fingerprinted and a criminal background check shall be conducted as specified in KRS 15.382(5) through the following procedure: The agency shall submit two (2) completed FD 258 FBI Fingerprint Cards and all required fees to the Kentucky State Police, who shall complete a state records check, then forward the card to the FBI. The FBI shall forward the results of its records check to the employing agency. Final certification shall not be issued until results consistent with certification requirements and acceptable to the agency are received from the FBI. The agency may employ the peace officer contingent upon the pending FBI results.

(3) Psychological screening as specified in KRS 15.382(15) shall consist of the following minimum requirements:

(a) Screening shall measure a broad spectrum of abilities, personality characteristics, and related constructs, including integrity, conscientiousness, and vocational preference, which are relevant to job related duties;

(b) Screening shall contain a minimum of two (2) independent and objectively scored psychometric measures which shall be constructed and validated in accordance with the "Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing", Part IV - Standards for Administrative Procedures, (1985 Edition), American Psychological Association;

© Assessment results and predictions shall include a recommendation and summary statement regarding the applicant’s overall suitability for employment as a peace officer. The summary statement shall classify applicants as "suitable", "not suitable", or borderline. In the case of borderline and not suitable the report shall contain specific concerns and negative indicators for investigation and reconciliation by the employing agency; and

(d) Screening shall be administered in accordance with the "Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing", Part IV - Standards for Administrative Procedures, (1985 Edition), American Psychological Association.

(4) Physical agility testing as specified in KRS 15.382(16) shall consist of the following minimum requirements:

(a) The applicant shall successfully complete each of the following events as instructed and evaluated by KLEC personnel who shall administer the test in conformity with the Validation of Physical Fitness Standards for the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training, Appendix I - Procedures for Physical Fitness Testing Procedures for Mandatory Physical Fitness Tests, September 25, 1998, Fitness Intervention Technologies:

1. One and five-tenths (1.5) mile run in seventeen (17) minutes, twelve (12) seconds;

2. 300 meter run in sixty-five (65) seconds;

3. Twenty (20) push ups;

4. One (1) bench press equal to sixty-four (64) percent of the applicant’s body weight; and

5. Eighteen (18) sit ups in one (1) minute.

(b) If an applicant passes all events when participating in the physical agility test in its entirety, he shall have met the physical agility minimum requirements.

© If an applicant passes at least one (1) event when participating in the physical agility test in its entirety:

1. He may retest in the failed events no sooner than forty-eight (48) hours and no later than sixty (60) days from the date of the initial test.

2. All failed events shall be retested on the same date.

3. If the applicant passes all previously failed events on the date of the retest, he shall have met the physical agility minimum requirements.

4. If the applicant does not pass all previously failed events on the date of the retest, he shall repeat the physical agility test in its entirety and shall receive no credit for events which were passed during previous tests or retests. The applicant may repeat the physical agility test no sooner than forty-eight (48) hours from the date of the retest.

(d) If an applicant fails all events when participating in the physical agility test in its entirety, he shall repeat the physical agility test in its entirety and shall receive no credit for events which were passed during previous tests or retests.

(e) An applicant may participate in the physical agility test in its entirety, four (4) times in a one (1) year period, which shall be calculated from the first date of testing.

(f) An applicant may participate in one (1) physical agility retest for each physical agility test taken in its entirety.

(5) Medical screening as specified in KRS 15.382(10) shall consist of the following minimum requirements: The applicant shall complete KLEC POPS Form G-2, Medical History Statement, which along with KLEC POPS Form G-3, Medical Guidelines Implementation Manual, shall be provided to the physician, duly licensed to practice in the commonwealth of Kentucky, who shall examine the applicant in conformity with the guidelines. The physician shall complete KLEC POPS Form G-1, Medical Examination Report and forward it to the employing agency.

(6) Drug screening as specified in KRS 15.382(11) shall consist of the following minimum requirements: The applicant shall execute KLEC POPS Form K-1 and submit a urine sample that shall be screened for: marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, propoxyphene, methadone, and methaqualone. The integrity of the urine sample shall be do***ented on KLEC POPS Form K-2, Drug Screening Chain of Custody. The testing shall be done in compliance with Federal DOT Work Place Standards, 49 C.F.R. §40, subparts A and B.

(7) Polygraph examination as specified in KRS 15.382(17) shall consist of the following minimum requirements: The applicant shall complete KLEC POPS Form I-1, Polygraph Waiver, and KLEC POPS Form I-2, Polygraph Applicant Questionnaire, which shall be provided to the polygraph examiner, duly licensed in the commonwealth of Kentucky, who shall perform a polygraph examination of the applicant consisting of the questions as listed in KLEC POPS Form I-3, Polygraph Test Questions.

Section 5. KLEC Administered Testing Procedures. (1) An applicant shall execute all releases required for KLEC testing, including KLEC POPS Forms I-1 - Consent for Preemployment Polygraph Examination; K-1 - Drug Screening Applicant Consent Form; T-1 - Medical Release - Phase I Testing, and T-2 - Health Confirmation - Phase I Testing.

(2) Testing schedule. POPS shall mail to all law enforcement agencies in the commonwealth a list of sites and dates for KLEC administered testing. Testing sites shall be statewide and accommodations shall be made where reasonable to insure testing sites are accessible based upon need. Advance notice of the schedule shall be made public at least three (3) months prior to the testing. KLEC shall reschedule testing if cancellation is necessary due to inclement weather or other unforeseen cir***stances. Emergency testing shall be made available if possible at the Richmond POPS office as needed.

(3) Registration for KLEC administered testing. POPS shall receive KLEC POPS Forms A from the employing agency at least five (5) business days prior to testing.

(a) Applicants shall provide current photographic identification at the time of testing.

(b) Applicants shall bring a completed copy of KLEC POPS Form H-2 at time of psychological testing.

© POPS shall receive the completed polygraph questionnaire KLEC POPS Form I-2 at the time of testing.

Section 6. Test Reporting by KLEC. (1) Results of drug and psychological screening provided through KLEC shall be forwarded directly to the employing agency head by the entity administering the test. All other tests provided by or through KLEC will be forwarded to the employing agency head by POPS.

(2) The agency shall certify that the applicant has met all suitability requirements by submitting KLEC POPS Form D. The information from the completed form shall be provided to DOCJT for Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund and training authorization purposes.

(3) Length of test result validity.

(a) Physical agility: results shall be considered current and valid one (1) year from the passing date of the test.

(b) Psychological screening: results shall be considered current and valid for one (1) year from the date of the screening. If the applicant experiences a significant life change during the one (1) year period, the applicant shall notify the employing agency who shall schedule a new psychological screening for the applicant.

© Polygraph examination: results shall be considered current and valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of the examination. If the applicant experiences a significant life change during the one (1) year period, the applicant shall notify the employing agency who shall schedule a new polygraph examination for the applicant.

(d) Drug screening: results shall be considered current and valid only for the agency that requested or performed the test and only during that employment process. An applicant that leaves and reenters the testing process for preselection screening shall be required to submit to another drug screening.

(4) Updating test results. It shall be the responsibility of the employing agency to update test results if necessary by submitting KLEC POPS Form D to POPS.

(5) Agency access to prior test results. It shall be at the applicant and individual agency’s discretion to allow another employing agency access and use of the initial agency’s certification testing which is still current and valid. If agencies enter into such an agreement with the written permission of the applicant, the new employing agency shall receive the medical, psychological, and polygraph results directly from the entity administering the examination. Costs incurred for duplicate KLEC test results shall be the responsibility of the agency obtaining the results.

Section 7. Test Reporting by Agency. (1) An agency that performs physical agility testing based upon the requirements in Section 4(4)(a) of this administrative regulation shall report all test results by submitting a POPS Form PT-1 - Physical Agility Test Session Report to the KLEC within ten (10) days of administering the test.

(2) An agency that performs physical agility testing based upon its own validated job task analysis in accordance with KRS 15.382(16), shall report the test results of every applicant tested in writing to the KLEC within ten (10) days of administering the test.

(3) Physical agility test results shall be reported to the KLEC regardless of whether the applicant:

(a) Passes or fails the test; or

(b) Performs or completes every component of the physical agility test.

Section 8. KLEC Administered Testing Costs. (1) The employing agency shall reimburse KLEC within sixty (60) days of receipt of the invoice for the cost of KLEC administered testing provided at the agency’s request as follows:

(a) Sixty-five (65) dollars for each psychological screening;

(b) $100 for each polygraph examination; and

© Sixteen (16) dollars for each drug screening.

(2) If an agency has scheduled KLEC testing for an applicant who fails to appear or complete the testing, the agency shall be responsible for fifty (50) percent of the cost of the test had it been completed.

(3) Financial hardship.

(a) Application. An employing agency may apply for a waiver of costs for KLEC testing pursuant to KRS 15.384(1) by demonstrating undue financial hardship. The agency shall submit to POPS the actual approved budget of the governmental unit for the current and the preceding year, the number of certification applicants for the current and preceding year, the actual revenue receipts of the governmental unit for the current and the preceding year, and a detailed explanation of why the governmental unit cannot meet the cost of providing the testing, including the reason that inadequate funding was not budgeted to cover the cost of testing.

(b) Initial review. Within five (5) business days of receipt of the application POPS shall mail a notification to the agency that either:

1. The application has been received and is complete; or

2. The application is incomplete and the specific information which shall be supplemented in order to process the application. POPS shall receive the necessary information within ten (10) business days of the agency’s receipt of the notice of insufficiency. If the agency fails to submit the supplementary information within the specified time period, the application shall be considered abandoned and the agency shall resubmit an application for financial hardship.

© Recommendation. Within thirty (30) days of their receipt of the completed application, POPS shall forward the application to KLEC, along with a recommendation to approve or reject the application for financial hardship, and the specific reasons supporting a recommendation to reject.

(d) KLEC review. The KLEC Committee on Certification shall review the application and POPS’ recommendation and forward their recommendation to KLEC for final review. Within sixty (60) days of their receipt of the application KLEC shall issue written notice to the agency indicating whether the application has been approved or rejected, and the specific reasons supporting the rejection.

(e) Appeal. An agency may appeal a decision made by KLEC to reject an agency’s application for financial hardship by filing a written notice of appeal to the Secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet. The notice shall be filed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of rejection. The notice of appeal shall be submitted on KLEC POPS Form S with a copy of the notice of rejection of financial hardship attached. A copy of the notice of appeal shall be delivered to POPS by certified mail. The Secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet shall render an opinion within sixty (60) days of receipt of the notice of appeal.

(4) If an agency knowingly employs or appoints a person who fails to meet minimum certification standards pursuant to KRS 15.396(1) POPS shall immediately notify DOCJT.

Section 9. Employment Changes. (1) Pursuant to KRS 15.392, when a certified peace officer leaves an agency, the agency shall submit KLEC POPS Form F. If the officer is reemployed by another agency as a peace officer the employing agency shall submit KLEC POPS Form F within five (5) business days of the employment or appointment. Information from completed KLEC POPS Forms F shall be provided to DOCJT for Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund and training authorization purposes.

(2) A peace officer who retires pursuant to KRS 61.637, and is reemployed as a peace officer with the same agency no later than twelve (12) months from the initial retirement date, shall be considered to have remained in continuous employment of that agency. The peace officer shall have 180 days from the date of reemployment to correct any in-service training deficiency resulting from the retirement period.

Section 10. Records. (1) Records retention. KLEC shall retain all certification records in electronic or original medium consistent with the Records Retention Schedule established by the Kentucky Department of Library and Archives, pursuant to 725 KAR 1:030. KLEC shall devise and maintain a database management system that organizes records adequately to the tasks of associated with certification.

(2) Security. KLEC and employing agencies shall maintain records in a manner to insure their security. In order to properly maintain the confidentiality of certification records as required by KRS 15.400(3), a law enforcement agency shall:

(a) Keep all records relating to an officer’s certification in a file separate from any personnel file maintained by the hiring authority; and

(b) For KLEC audit purposes, an agency that has a separate human resources or personnel department may complete and maintain in an officer’s agency file a "Certification of Peace Officer Professional Standards Testing Procedures" form indicating that the following testing procedures have been completed:

1. Polygraph;

2. Suitability screening;

3. Drug screen; and

4. Medical examination or history statement.

(3) Agencies shall retain all do***entation pertaining to certification for five (5) years following the cessation of certification of the peace officer, regardless of where the certified peace officer is employed in the commonwealth.
I'm sorry the above reply is long but i had to take some of the nonimportant content out, but you can go to there web site and lookat the entire thing.
A lot of info there Bat...I didn't mean it too look like I don't have respect for the law or those that enforce the law because I have a ton of respect for both. However, I was very upset that me getting pulled over became a public show for everyone and that the cops were talking and telling a lot of info(like why I was stopped and telling them they were searching my car for drugs)to people there other than the police. Usually when I get pulled over I deserve it but not that time and then all the other things that happened really got me pretty ticked off.
and its like i said that they should not have done that, and you didnt tick me off i was just putting info out there before someone said something they didnt know what they was talking about.
Batpuff Wrote:and its like i said that they should not have done that, and you didnt tick me off i was just putting info out there before someone said something they didnt know what they was talking about.

Cool my bad...
No Big deal.
PHSFAN Wrote:A lot of info there Bat...I didn't mean it too look like I don't have respect for the law or those that enforce the law because I have a ton of respect for both. However, I was very upset that me getting pulled over became a public show for everyone and that the cops were talking and telling a lot of info(like why I was stopped and telling them they were searching my car for drugs)to people there other than the police. Usually when I get pulled over I deserve it but not that time and then all the other things that happened really got me pretty ticked off.

I would agree there. Under NO cir***stances should law enforcement officials ever disclose personal information. They aren't even supposed to talk about the instance after it has happened much less as it is going on. People being all around the scene could potentially compromise an investigation if something was found. IF you HAD had drugs in the car, for just an example purpose, and you were arrested and taken to court you could have used the people stopping by to your benefit and the unintellegent cops too. Sorry that it was made a public display and I would imagine that to be embarassing and it would have ****ed me off as well. But, nothing happened, you were let go and maybe next time they will be a little bit wiser in the laws that they enforce.

Thanks for the info Bat.
I got pulled over back in the summer on my moterbike for going 72 in a 55... i got off with a warning because I told him I was trying to get home before I got cought in the rain again. All my clothes in my saddle bags were soaked. I guess he felt sorry for me and let me go.
My 1st ticket I ever got was a improper turning ticket. I was trying to get to school on time and there was a long line of cars in front of Pikeville High. I turned in the exit way(which a ton of people did all the time and I bet still do today)and there was a city cop sitting in the prking lot and he pulled behind my car after I parked and flipped on the lights. The cop got about 5 or so students and a teacher that morning.
Yeah if you get one in Wolfe co. you can just about gaurantee you will have to pay it. I only know of one person that has gotten one taken care of there....

Yesterday down in P-burg there was a blue or black Mini Van (Acting like it was broken down) on the rt. 80 overpass of U.S. 23 shooting (Laser) the cars and trucks coming from Pikeville with 4 DOT'S chasing them. I think thats getting rediculous....
TATE_64 Wrote:Yesterday down in P-burg there was a blue or black Mini Van (Acting like it was broken down) on the rt. 80 overpass of U.S. 23 shooting (Laser) the cars and trucks coming from Pikeville with 4 DOT'S chasing them. I think thats getting rediculous....

Why is it rediculous if your breaking the law your breaking the law. I spped every day and if I get busted I deserve. Not to say I won't try to use my connections to get out of it but if I can't so be it I shouldn't have broken the law. And if one of those same speeders that were getting busted had struck and injuried or killed a family member of yours I bet you would see that differently. No one made them speed.
Midee1 Wrote:My son has an uncanny ability to get tickets and get out of them. He had 4 in 3 months and ended up only paying 1 and getting out of all the others. He is scheduled to go to court on 01-11-06 (The day after his 18th birthday) but he as already talked to the judge (he's good friends with his step daughter + they won the state championship) So I figure he'll get out of that one as well. It's good for my insurance but I don't think that it has tought him anything.:HitWall:

Do you really want him to learn from this?

If you do it's real simple. You go ahead and issue the same punishment and fines that the courts would have issued him. If it would have cost him 175 dollars for the ticket and court cost then he should be paying you. You can find out the cost from the court. You can then check with your insurance company to see how that ticket would have affected your insurance and make him pay that difference also. Plus throw in the punishment that you would have thrown at him. If you really want him to learn from it you can and it doesn't have to affect your insurance rates at all. This works I've suggested this to family members and friends that have used it and it works.
TATE_64 Wrote:Yeah if you get one in Wolfe co. you can just about gaurantee you will have to pay it. I only know of one person that has gotten one taken care of there....

Yesterday down in P-burg there was a blue or black Mini Van (Acting like it was broken down) on the rt. 80 overpass of U.S. 23 shooting (Laser) the cars and trucks coming from Pikeville with 4 DOT'S chasing them. I think thats getting rediculous....

Mine in Wolfe Co was hard to get taken care of.. the judge even missed up and called my name on the court date and everything.. for some reason my bf's aunt was down there and heard it.. so dad called and asked and they said it was a mistake and they didn't have the warrant out on me lol.. so i'm very happy i didn't have to pay because it was a lot and would have made my parents very mad at me lol
I have no room to talk about speeding i have done it and been caught myself, but its nothing to brag about on here.

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