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Is President Obama Jimmy Carter II or will he follow in LBJ 's footsteps?
Will Obama withdraw from the 2012 campaign for the good of his country and his party or will he continue to drag the economy down by running a race that he cannot win?

Signs are growing that we are headed into a double-dip recession. The most optimistic forecasts predict that unemployment will remain above 9 percent through 2012. Even the Black Congressional Caucus has begun to publicly question Obama's dismal economic record.

What say you? Will Obama take the Democratic Party down with him or will he turn to the Clintons to bail him out?

I say he will go down in flames and take his party with him. The question is how much more damage he will do before the keys to the White House are taken away from him.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Will Obama withdraw from the 2012 campaign for the good of his country and his party or will he continue to drag the economy down by running a race that he cannot win?

Signs are growing that we are headed into a double-dip recession. The most optimistic forecasts predict that unemployment will remain above 9 percent through 2012. Even the Black Congressional Caucus has begun to publicly question Obama's dismal economic record.

What say you? Will Obama take the Democratic Party down with him or will he turn to the Clintons to bail him out?

I say he will go down in flames and take his party with him. The question is how much more damage he will do before the keys to the White House are taken away from him.

I couldn't agree more; Obama has already dragged his party down to the point of losing a few of his strongest supporters.

Now, the real question is, can the GOP provide a candidate that can and should win the Presidency?

I don't know about anyone else, but I think the pickins' have been slim.
Granny Bear Wrote:I couldn't agree more; Obama has already dragged his party down to the point of losing a few of his strongest supporters.

Now, the real question is, can the GOP provide a candidate that can and should win the Presidency?

I don't know about anyone else, but I think the pickins' have been slim.
I think that the GOP field contain some solid candidates but the media is trying to pick a Republican candidate who Obama can beat in a general election. The debates have been rigged to knock down the front runners, while not allowing potentially strong candidates an opportunity to be adequately heard. Herman Cain is a good example. He has received very favorable reviews based on how he has fielded the few questions that he has been asked, yet he is not receiving any more questions. Instead, the media attempts to highlight areas that they feel are sore spots for the leading candidates. So far, the debates have been nothing but a game of whack a mole.
Obama has made a mockery out of our nation. This has been the most rediculous thing that the American nation has done to themselves since allowing gay marriages!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that the GOP field contain some solid candidates but the media is trying to pick a Republican candidate who Obama can beat in a general election. The debates have been rigged to knock down the front runners, while not allowing potentially strong candidates an opportunity to be adequately heard. Herman Cain is a good example. He has received very favorable reviews based on how he has fielded the few questions that he has been asked, yet he is not receiving any more questions. Instead, the media attempts to highlight areas that they feel are sore spots for the leading candidates. So far, the debates have been nothing but a game of whack a mole.

I did a little research on Herman Cain, Hoot.
You have a valid point.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Will Obama withdraw from the 2012 campaign for the good of his country and his party or will he continue to drag the economy down by running a race that he cannot win?

Signs are growing that we are headed into a double-dip recession. The most optimistic forecasts predict that unemployment will remain above 9 percent through 2012. Even the Black Congressional Caucus has begun to publicly question Obama's dismal economic record.

What say you? Will Obama take the Democratic Party down with him or will he turn to the Clintons to bail him out?

I say he will go down in flames and take his party with him. The question is how much more damage he will do before the keys to the White House are taken away from him.
Nope, signs are that we are not heading toward a double dip recession.
Damn the torpedoes full stream ahead
nky Wrote:Damn the torpedoes full stream ahead
It's a slow growth, but it's a growth. We had a helluva a hole to try to dig out of.
DOW is up 33% percent since Obama took office.
We hear all about the President and the election but one of the major problems with this country is Career Politicans in the House and Senate. The office of President in limited to 8 years which is good for both parties. That gives each party a fair chance. Every Senate and House seat should be limited to 8 years too, this would get rid of the career Politicans and put people in office that want to work for the good of the people, not their own career. I am a member of the Democratic party but that Nancy Pelosi makes me sick. I own Chickens smarter than that women! She thinks everybody in the USA wants life to be like it is in California. If I wanted to live the California life I would go to California! If we had a term limit she would have been gone a long time ago!
TheRealVille Wrote:DOW is up 33% percent since Obama took office.
You can't fake an economy. People who have been unemployed long term under the current president or seriously fear that they will become unemployed during a second Obama term will be highly motivated to vote "Other" next November. Obama is toast.
TheRealVille Wrote:DOW is up 33% percent since Obama took office.
It's those evil wall streeters making money off the back of the working people:lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You can't fake an economy. People who have been unemployed long term under the current president or seriously fear that they will become unemployed during a second Obama term will be highly motivated to vote "Other" next November. Obama is toast.
I agree Obama is toast all the GPO has to do is get out and vote.

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