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Big Game Hunter
I was hoping. lol
I know what you mean I was there a few years ago.
Jup jup.
I love to take them drinking challenges, how many start shots of that nasty stuff did i drink minus the worm in it.
I got a drinking game for Christmas.
It was a wooden box that held the shot glasses but all of them have X's and O's on it so you play tic tac toe on the glass top and stuff.
It tooks pretty good.

Drunk driver is the best drinking game ever.
Batp I lost count I want to say 40 something. I still can't believe you didn't get alcohol poisoning that night. Because you had already been drinking prior to that.
They told me the most they have ever seen was like 15 or 20 straight shots and ofcourse i had to out do them.
but cd only knows how many i took.
yea because i had to work until midnight and then it was playing catch up with everyone else.
yea it started out as tequila popers and after about 3 it was just straight teguila.
Funny now and a little then.
The last time that I partied I drank tequila at the beginning of the night and chased it with Dr. Pepper and then I went to aged Jim Beam and Dr. Pepper chasers...let's just say that I almost broke every knuckle on one hand by the end of the night, break someone's heart, ended someone else's friendship, called Reizvoll about 80 times, and cried alot. lol
See that's why you need to stop drinking and just watch everyone else. Its alot more fun.
all i remember is trying to give field sobriety test and getting throwed outside onto deck in the snow to sleep it off.
Something like that.
Well, it was fun to watch everyone else then too.

A friend of a friend came in the front door, almost fell and busted out the glass, he went out to his crappy car and passed out with country music turned all the way up. He came back in and was like "I'm going to leave now but I can't find my keys!" They were in his jacket pocket. A girl that I had never met showed everyone her piercings, one was upstairs one was downstairs. lol Chris...who is not gay...done stuff with a boy...It was funny.
Sounds like a crazy party.
yea sounds like a party for me
Yes but your single.
single and wishing i wasnt.
It was a great party, lemme tell you.
Lol, sorry.
Sorry about what?
You were just like okay so I got sad.
No reason to get sad. I was saying OK to you saying let me tell you about it. So I said OK as in tells us.
Oh oh, my bad.
Tell me would i have loved it.
I think she's getting tired or something can't think straight. LOL

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