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Have you ever broken a bone?
I have broke my arm in 4 places, both my jaws and my fingers. I must say my arm hurt the most.....What are some of the injuries you have suffered?
I've never had any broken bones ever! Thank Goodness!
my knee cap, my arm, my little toe, and my little toe hurt the worse.
In order of occurance:

Broken arm
Lost my big toe
Reconstructive knee sugery
Dislocated shoulder 6 times- surgery to correct
Dislocated other shoulder

Not to mention about 25 sprained ankles.
Collar bone, wrist, & nose
collarbone, wrist, several sprained ankles due to basketball( not the most graceful gal)
I have broken my right wrist 3 times
Both legs in a dirt bike wreck
Three ribs
Cracked my left elbow
dislocated both shoulders at the same time, water skiing
Collar bone on the right side
Both big toes
Herniated two disc in my lower back
Thats all I can remember right now. I'm a walking puzzle.Smile
I have never broken a bone in my body, and I would have to thank God for protecting me.
However, sometimes when I run my kneecap slides out of place and back in, and that hurts really really bad. But I play through the pain. Cool
Ive broke my little toe, and all the bones in my hand like on the top of my hand I think they are called metatarsals i didnt break them I crushed them actually
I have only broke my little toe and I couldn't believe how bad it hurt.
I have had:

3 Concussions
fractured shoulder
many sprained ankles
rote plenty of cartialage in my knee
I have had:

3 Concussions
fractured shoulder
many sprained ankles
tore plenty of cartialage in my knee
broken wrist twice
plenty of sprained ankles
broken nose
torn ligaments in my knee
I have a metal plate and 6 screws in my arm to hold my bone together.
In fourth grade I broke the bone on top of my right hand that connects to my index finger. WhenI i was in eighth grade I broke both bones in my left fore arm. Both were due to my lack of coordination whille trying to catch my self when falling.
Most of my injuries happened in a car wreck.
I fell out of a tree stand and broke by arm, legs and jaw..
When I broke my jaws I had my teeth wired together for a while so when I wanted to eat I had to put it in a blender then drink it with a straw.
Jesus Shuttlesworth Wrote:When I broke my jaws I had my teeth wired together for a while so when I wanted to eat I had to put it in a blender then drink it with a straw.

Ouch!! :omg:
toolbox Wrote:I fell out of a tree stand and broke by arm, legs and jaw..

:lol:Sorry dude I had to laugh at that one:mad:
I lost about 20 pounds during all this...But as soon as I got the wires off I bet I gained 10 back.
Jesus Shuttlesworth Wrote:I lost about 20 pounds during all this...But as soon as I got the wires off I bet I gained 10 back.

Smile Not the best of diet plans. That had to suck eating through a straw.:eek:
It did suck, but I mostly just drank milkshakes.
LOL, I was going to put I broke a few noses playing ball, but I myself have never had a broke bone....
I was playing football with my friends one time and everything was going fine.... Then after a play was over one of them turned around and started walking back to the huddle and sprained his ankle.
football05 Wrote:Ive broke my little toe, and all the bones in my hand like on the top of my hand I think they are called metatarsals i didnt break them I crushed them actually
Close, they are metacarpals. :Thumbs:
I've broken a few fingers in basketball..

My first cousin broke both of his jaws while sledding and had to have his mouth wired shut and eat through a straw for a long time too Jesus. It sucks. I had to fix him milkshakes and soup and stuff and watch him go through all of that aggrevation.
Having my mouth wired like that sure was one of the worst experiences I have ever had in my life.
He says the same.
I used to blend Reese's cups up sooooooooooooooooooooo fine and put them in there and he lived on milkshakes and strained cream of chicken soup.
He too lost ALOT of weight.
I don't think I have drank a milkshake since I have had my wires removed.
Aww, love your heart.

I know what you mean though. I haven't ate applesauce since they put some medicine in it for me when I had bronchitis.

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