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Brad Lowe most versatile player in 15th?
I went to PC with Brad I also played on the team with him, he can shoot great, and can also work the post, anyone else in the region that can do this? He can do damage if left open or mismatched.
Brandon May
No one comes to mind...
I would have to say that he is one of the best players in the 15th....hes got the total package he can do it all
definately brad lowe
Brad is the man.
Brad Lowe is definatley one of the most versatile. Like someone said earlier he can shoot the lights out. When this kid walks in the door you better be guarding him. This year he has also added a pivot game to go along with the jumper and has become near un-stopable. Brandon May is the only player that comes to mind as capable of doing what Lowe does. He is bigger than Lowe and a little stronger, but not as consitent from the outside. He is more of a streaky shooter where as Lowe is AUTOMATIC.
Kidd IMO is one of the most over-rated players in the region.
Lowe had 37 tonight :-)
Lewis Barnete can shoot and can work the post. Hes not as good as the ones said but he is good.
Lowe is a the best offensive player in the region but Brandon May is the most versatile. Lowe is a better shooter and quicker and May is stronger and sees the floor better. Both are very good players.
Brad Lowe and Brandon May are both very good, but I'd say Lowe is more versatile. In the past when I seen May play it didn't seem like he had the aggressiveness that Brad Lowe has, maybe that's what seperates the two.
If Lowe is not the best, then he is in the top 2 or 3 in the region
Brad Lowe could shut Brandon May down any day of the week
"Pike Central Fan" Wrote:Brad Lowe could shut Brandon May down any day of the week

I'll take that bet any day of the week . Neither one could stop the other.
Kidd is not the best player in the region, he would be lucky to make top 5.
Brandon Kidd is definately not one of the best in the region. Plenty of other players are above him, IMO.
I agree
Brad Lowe,Vanhoose from Paintsville,Riddle-SV,Maynard-Belfry are the most versatile players in the region. I hear people on here saying Kidd is not a top 5 in the region but I see no one stopping him....including my boys from AC. :help:
i dont see maynard or riddle being a basketball prospect maynard has a decent chance in football but very unlikely he will prob go to a good Naia school...Riddle just doesnt have a chance at D-1...Vanhoose mayb but unlikely now his teammate Slone will be one of the more highly recruited players in the state come his senior year...Lowe we have established that one...Kidd i think many people will shut him down i think there is a good chance that his buddy Tyler Hamilton that goes to PC will...
to bad i just screwed up so bad i thought i was in the which players will go D-1 def need a mod to delete that post...
Thought you were drinking benadryl again there slamma:beer:
ive been trying to stop :-( lol....sorry about that...
IMO Brad Lowe is the best offenseive player in the mountains!
"DTA" Wrote:Brad Lowe,Vanhoose from Paintsville,Riddle-SV,Maynard-Belfry are the most versatile players in the region. I hear people on here saying Kidd is not a top 5 in the region but I see no one stopping him....including my boys from AC. :help:
Based on your boys record (1-7), I'd say they are having trouble stopping anyone so them not stopping Kidd may not be that big of a deal. I agree with the others that Kidd is not a "Top 5 In The Region" and he has done nothing to make me think other wise.
[QUOTE]IMO Brad Lowe is the best offenseive player in the mountains!

And thats all the kid could be great if he played defense and went for the boards every now and then even if he does play alot out side hes at least 6'3 and even though it looks nice to put up 30 a game to help his team win more games hes going to have to start playing D
[QUOTE="Baller 12"]
Quote:IMO Brad Lowe is the best offenseive player in the mountains!

And thats all the kid could be great if he played defense and went for the boards every now and then even if he does play alot out side hes at least 6'3 and even though it looks nice to put up 30 a game to help his team win more games hes going to have to start playing D

If i recall there Baller against ER Lowe have 2 or 3 block and 2 or 3 steals that is pretty good he plays defence so obviously you have not watched this kid play much...He fouled out against Leslie for playing defence...Oh and he is by far the best offensive player in the mountains...I'm sorry that b/c he scores 30 points a game ppl think he doesnt play defence...
I have to disagree your hard on brandon kidd if you think he isn't in the top 5 he should be close this kid has hustled his ass off so far this year he has been avaraging over 20 points a game and 12 rebounds and has been good in the post this year, Brad Lowe is a good player but you shut him down pike central has nothing left I haven't seen anyone who can step up and score like he does
Brad is good. Where does he want to play college ball at?
The thing though is b-ball08 this is talking who is the most versatlile meaning can they play post and then step outside and play too which Kidd while i have watched grade school and or high school has never done...He did hit the shot that tied the Pike Central game up today...Central won it by 2 or 3 though...But Kidd is a good player but one demnsional meaning he can only play post...

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