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Pike centrals Cory Shouse with a huge hit!!
Kentucky Sports Fan Wrote:I think you have moderator out from your name. This comment about this being the transfer kid was uncalled for. It's bad when the moderators are trying to get sh@@ started. This young man did not post his video on bluegrass rivals, someone else did and I'm sure no one cares whether you are impressed or not.

1) My personal opinion on Pike Co Central has nothing to do with my moderator abilities.

2) I was just trying to verify who this kid was. I have never heard of him, so just assumed.

3) You must care if you took the time out of your day to try and troll me.

Bad Man you put a question mark after your statement, "This is that guy that transferred". If what your now saying is true you should have said, Is this the guy that transferred? My personal opinion remains the same.
He and bogs were the ones riding with Chapman i also heard they had one form Tug valley and one that returned to PCC. If thees guise win it wont be from the kids they have and that is a shame.
Kentucky Sports Fan Wrote:Bad Man you put a question mark after your statement, "This is that guy that transferred". If what your now saying is true you should have said, Is this the guy that transferred? My personal opinion remains the same.

A horse is a horse of course, of course....

WOW! He knocked that kid to Breathitt County.

I hope he gave him a spot in the carpool so he could get to school on Monday.
I see it like this, football is a game of collision, you win some you lose some.
Unregistered Wrote:He and bogs were the ones riding with Chapman i also heard they had one form Tug valley and one that returned to PCC. If thees guise win it wont be from the kids they have and that is a shame.

How many kids does coach haul every day? Who pays for the gas? :eyeroll
You know very little about ths situation and I would keep my mouth shut until I knew all the facts.
OH Napier Jr Wrote:WOW! He knocked that kid to Breathitt County.

I hope he gave him a spot in the carpool so he could get to school on Monday.

Corey Shouse is one of the hardest hitters around. I haven't seen him since his freshman year but during the "09" season he layed some dudes out. I sure would like to see him back in blue and white but I wish him and Coach Chapman the best at PCC.
Keep up the hard work Corey......the only ones complaining are the ones that aren't worthy of getting a ride.:biglmao:

Jealousy rears its ugly head againConfusednicker:Confusednicker:
OH Napier Jr Wrote:WOW! He knocked that kid to Breathitt County.

I hope he gave him a spot in the carpool so he could get to school on Monday.



but Wow!
It's to bad that everyone does not have to put their age on here. I would love to know if it's the kids or the adults that are doing most of the bashing. If it's the adults, shame on you. TeHe Haha, you think everything is funny but it's at someone elses expense. Keep on laughing.What did one of the other posters say, " what comes around goes around". You or someone close to you may one day find yourself in a situation not of your making. Let's hope everyone doesn't treat you the way you've treated this young man. By the way, Shouse does not ride a bus he drives a Dodge Challenger that travels down 194 ( phyllis, Ky. in Pike County) to 119 strait to Pike County Central.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Wow....


but Wow!
Kentucky Sports Fan Wrote:It's to bad that everyone does not have to put their age on here. I would love to know if it's the kids or the adults that are doing most of the bashing. If it's the adults, shame on you. TeHe Haha, you think everything is funny but it's at someone elses expense. Keep on laughing.What did one of the other posters say, " what comes around goes around". You or someone close to you may one day find yourself in a situation not of your making. Let's hope everyone doesn't treat you the way you've treated this young man. By the way, Shouse does not ride a bus he drives a Dodge Challenger that travels down 194 ( phyllis, Ky. in Pike County) to 119 strait to Pike County Central.

Funny thing about that is; Phyllis is supposedly in East Ridge territory.
Real Badman Wrote:Funny thing about that is; Phyllis is supposedly in East Ridge territory.

I wouldn't know, why don't you call the Pike County Board of Education and ask them why the East Ridge and Pike Central busses pick up kids that live on Phyllis. Maybe they can give you a better explanation than I can.
Got to love immature adults who pick on kids and talk about how a young man plays the game. Let's see some of you all suit up and go hit somebody now
HawksRule Wrote:Got to love immature adults who pick on kids and talk about how a young man plays the game. Let's see some of you all suit up and go hit somebody now

Nobody said anything derogatory about how that young man plays the game, only that a high number of high school athletes could have made that same hit being it was on a receiver that wasnt expecting the hit. And most of us on here dont have to suit up and hit anyone anymore, we've been down that road years ago and I would say most of us actually played where we were supposed to instead of grabbing the brass ring and being recruited by a very shady head coach. Take it how you want to but that program has been found guilty of recruiting (illegally) and if snide remarks about the truth irk you then sorry but Pike Central made their bed, now they have to lie in it.
wooderson Wrote:Nobody said anything derogatory about how that young man plays the game, only that a high number of high school athletes could have made that same hit being it was on a receiver that wasnt expecting the hit. And most of us on here dont have to suit up and hit anyone anymore, we've been down that road years ago and I would say most of us actually played where we were supposed to instead of grabbing the brass ring and being recruited by a very shady head coach. Take it how you want to but that program has been found guilty of recruiting (illegally) and if snide remarks about the truth irk you then sorry but Pike Central made their bed, now they have to lie in it.

HawksRule Wrote:Lovely....

Thank you very much for your kindness in agreement. :thatsfunn
wooderson Wrote:Nobody said anything derogatory about how that young man plays the game, only that a high number of high school athletes could have made that same hit being it was on a receiver that wasnt expecting the hit.

Agree with this.

I didn't see anyone on this thread disparage the young man's football ability, or even this play in particular. I only saw ONE poster state that it should have been a penalty, which I disagree with.

But what I did see was several posters who stated something similar to what wooderson stated, which is that the "huge hit" was nothing special. No one was putting him down or saying he made a bad play. On the contrary, he made a good play, albeit one that several other local players could have made as well. Nailing a receiver who has been hung out to dry like that sure makes for a nice THUMP, but it isn't anything particularly amazing.

Again, I see no one on here disparaging this young man's football ability, of which he has been amply blessed. I DO think more than a couple of people on this thread need to stop getting their panties in a bunch, whenever someone makes an objective observation about a play that differs from what they themselves feel about it. That's all.

Shouse, don't worry about these straight up retards saying "any backer can do this" and "this is so dirty!". The hit was a clean bro, not every LB can lay hits like yourself, and it was 100% clean. Really no other way to make a tackle like that, it was a normal hard ass trucking. This is what we expect in football, but haters gon hate.

Don't worry about it bro. Go out and rock some more heads so we can laugh at these idiots crying over the VIDEO of it.
vundy33 Wrote:Shouse, don't worry about these straight up retards saying "any backer can do this" and "this is so dirty!". The hit was a clean bro, not every LB can lay hits like yourself, and it was 100% clean. Really no other way to make a tackle like that, it was a normal hard ass trucking. This is what we expect in football, but haters gon hate.

Don't worry about it bro. Go out and rock some more heads so we can laugh at these idiots crying over the VIDEO of it.

Who said it wasn't clean? One poster said it deserved a penalty. That's it, just one.

Who acted like they were "crying" over the video? No one as far as I could tell. What's to cry about?

Who said it was a good, solid hit? Pretty much everybody on here, me included.

What I DO see is several people who recognized this play as one that MOST linebackers should be able to make. When a receiver gets hung out to dry like that, if he DOESN'T get laid out then someone's going to catch an earful if I'm the coach.

Again, I think most people know that Cory is a very talented football player who has really helped the Pike Central program these last couple years. You don't need to conjure up an "us-against-the-world" scenario just to make him sound even better. The bottom line is it was a GOOD hit, a CLEAN hit, and one that I would hope most linebackers would have also made.

But sure, go ahead and get upset, because apparently this whole thread is FILLED with people crying over the video and saying "this is so dirty". Not sure what thread you've been reading, but it sure ain't this one. Rolleyes

OH Napier Jr Wrote:WOW! He knocked that kid to Breathitt County.

I hope he gave him a spot in the carpool so he could get to school on Monday.

Holy crap thats funny stuff right there. :lmao: :hilarious:

To the kid, I think your better off just reading. Getting on here and defending yourself is only going to cause you headaches. Leave the talking to the has beens and never weres. You do your talking on the field.
More Cowbell Wrote:Who said it wasn't clean? One poster said it deserved a penalty. That's it, just one.

Who acted like they were "crying" over the video? No one as far as I could tell. What's to cry about?

Who said it was a good, solid hit? Pretty much everybody on here, me included.

What I DO see is several people who recognized this play as one that MOST linebackers should be able to make. When a receiver gets hung out to dry like that, if he DOESN'T get laid out then someone's going to catch an earful if I'm the coach.

Again, I think most people know that Cory is a very talented football player who has really helped the Pike Central program these last couple years. You don't need to conjure up an "us-against-the-world" scenario just to make him sound even better. The bottom line is it was a GOOD hit, a CLEAN hit, and one that I would hope most linebackers would have also made.

But sure, go ahead and get upset, because apparently this whole thread is FILLED with people crying over the video and saying "this is so dirty". Not sure what thread you've been reading, but it sure ain't this one. Rolleyes

No, he should get an earful if he simply MISSES the tackle. It's not easy to hit someone so hard that they concussed so bad they can't walk. Or to make the guy look like a girly bitch. This is what Shouse did, and does on most Friday's, and cleanly.

You're full of it brother. You don't think Shouse is a top football player. Alot of LBs couldn't, again and again, on screen plays, run plays, special teams, any kind of play you want, make those beastly, clean hits.

You have something against Central. Simple as that. I haven't been reading the thread huh? No one is degrading this kid and trying troll?

Big Don Wrote:How many kids does coach haul every day? Who pays for the gas? :eyeroll

Real Badman Wrote:Funny thing about that is; Phyllis is supposedly in East Ridge territory.

Cat Daddy Wrote:Corey Shouse is one of the hardest hitters around. I haven't seen him since his freshman year but during the "09" season he layed some dudes out. I sure would like to see him back in blue and white but I wish him and Coach Chapman the best at PCC.

^^^Shouse is a top player and hitter, and DOES make plenty of hard hits, no matter what kind of play/situation it is. You're just a hater. This thread was just meant to show a nice hit, because, ya know, that's what makes the game of football so awesome. But yet we get convo's on where he's from, him "transferring", a damn coach driving it, people, including yourself, saying any LB could make that play, which is wrong if you've ever played high school football. This thread turned to bullshit. Stop trolling.
vundy33 Wrote:No, he should get an earful if he simply MISSES the tackle. It's not easy to hit someone so hard that they concussed so bad they can't walk. Or to make the guy look like a girly bitch. This is what Shouse did, and does on most Friday's, and cleanly.

You're full of it brother. You don't think Shouse is a top football player. Alot of LBs couldn't, again and again, on screen plays, run plays, special teams, any kind of play you want, make those beastly, clean hits.

You have something against Central. Simple as that. I haven't been reading the thread huh? No one is degrading this kid and trying troll?

^^^Shouse is a top player and hitter, and DOES make plenty of hard hits, no matter what kind of play/situation it is. You're just a hater. This thread was just meant to show a nice hit, because, ya know, that's what makes the game of football so awesome. But yet we get convo's on where he's from, him "transferring", a damn coach driving it, people, including yourself, saying any LB could make that play, which is wrong if you've ever played high school football. This thread turned to bullshit. Stop trolling.

Oh brother, let it go. The majority of posters on here know Shouse is a heck of a football player, including myself, but quit trying to pretend like it was the hit of the century. It seems to me that the thin skin of many Pike Central posters is becoming worse everyday. If I have to hear anymore about the great hits, how they deserve a better ranking and this is the year they beat Belfry Im gonna puke. Build a tradition, stop being so fanatic and do things the right way and that program might start to get some respect, until then quit calling people out like Buckleys Creek is the center of the football universe.
If I am not mistaken, which I am pretty sure that I'm not, Shouse got separated from the ball last night himself. Powell's QB/S came up on a pass over the middle and stuck him pretty good. There were some good hits all around last night. He also made a good hit or 2
Perhaps if Shouse wouldn't have had his mind on getting a YouTube hit, or posting on BluegrassRivals his Hawks wouldn't have gotten beat Friday night. I can't remember a time where a player posted on here that his team DIDN'T lose the next Friday. His comment makes it obvious he doesn't care about a good hit, it's all about hurting people. Good attitude! .. only not really. Wins > Hits.
Unregistered Wrote:Perhaps if Shouse wouldn't have had his mind on getting a YouTube hit, or posting on BluegrassRivals his Hawks wouldn't have gotten beat Friday night. I can't remember a time where a player posted on here that his team DIDN'T lose the next Friday. His comment makes it obvious he doesn't care about a good hit, it's all about hurting people. Good attitude! .. only not really. Wins > Hits.

It's obvious from your comment that you don't know anything about the type of person Shouse is, that is not what he cares about at all, and that comment is just ignorant. I highly doubt he was worried about a YouTube hit considering he isnt even the one who posted the video or shot the video for that matter. Stop attacking a child, that doesn't make you the bigger person.

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