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which moutain team has impressed you the most in the first two weeks???
Perry Central
Perry Central.
Somerset has laid it to a few teams and looked really good so far. Knox looks like they haven't missed a step since Coach Mills left. And of course my own school Perry Central has surprised me a little, I knew they would be good but after looking at the first 2 games I didn't think we'd be off to a 2-0 start.
JCHS Alumni Eagle Wrote:What I am saying is that in every other sport there is no class system. We hear all the time about a single A school winning the state tournament in Basketball, and we have had very good outings in baseball. The reason many smaller schools struggle is because the school places an emphasis on one sport rather then pushing athletes to play all sports. If it doesn't affect the outcome in these sports then why is such a fuss made over football. Most schools use the same great athletes on both sides of the ball at the specialty position for the most part. You can't afford not to in high school sports. The only big advantage the larger schools really rely on is up front. I just don't understand the big deal with the classes. As far as playing larger schools, there comes a point in time where travel and distance is an issue. No school can travel 3 or 4 hours in our area both directions to play a football game every weekend.
You must know very little about football.

A class system in football is in place for a reason.

It is a lot harder for a small school to compete in football aginst the larger schools.... due to roster size alone, not to mention the larger student body to pick the roster from.

When everyone or almost everyone plays both ways for the smaller school, and the larger school changes for Offense and Defense its just a matter of time until the guys on the smaller roster wear out and the bigger school takes control.

This is why when a 1A or 2A team beats a 4A, 5A, or 6A school its something special, and that small school must really have talented kids. (Assuming its a good team)

That being said I'm gonna have to go with PCC as my most impressive team, they beat Pburg and JC...
I gotta go with the Commodores!
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:The larger team has a larger talent base. It is relatively easy to find 12 kids to play Basketball or even 15-20 for soccer/baseball. But to get the 45 plus needed for a good football program it helps to have 400 boys in the school.

On a side note Kentucky is one of the few states without a basketball class system. Central fans should be very glad of this. Because in any other state losing to a school the size of Paintsville would be an embarrasment. But in kentucky it is the norm.

Here we go another Paintsville fan running his trap. The issue is Public vs private schools. You should be thankful to Johnson County teachers and Coachs. Lets see, Start with Joey Couch , anybody that has followed sports in Johnson CO, knows he came up in the Public school system heck his mother was a teacher at Central Elem. The home he lived in was in a JC school district. Without him there goes a State runner finish in Football and few 15th Regional titles in Basketball. Now lets look at your 1990 state title in Baseball, hmmm without Mick Vanhoss and Greg Slone you don't win it, seems Slone went to JCHS for 2 years and Mick 3. Okay now lets look at the 96 state Title in BB , hmm ,Craig Ratliff,,, his Brother and Sister both are Grads of JCHS he went to JCHS a year or so also. Without him there goes the State title in Basketball. Seems that ever since Matney has come to JCHS the Mighty Tiger Football has failed to beat a team with a winning record and Chickened out of playing the Apple Bowl. Talk about a Embarrament. Seems you guys need a few County boys on your team so you can win something again!
potlimit2002 Wrote:Here we go another Paintsville fan running his trap. The issue is Public vs private schools. You should be thankful to Johnson County teachers and Coachs. Lets see, Start with Joey Couch , anybody that has followed sports in Johnson CO, knows he came up in the Public school system heck his mother was a teacher at Central Elem. The home he lived in was in a JC school district. Without him there goes a State runner finish in Football and few 15th Regional titles in Basketball. Now lets look at your 1990 state title in Baseball, hmmm without Mick Vanhoss and Greg Slone you don't win it, seems Slone went to JCHS for 2 years and Mick 3. Okay now lets look at the 96 state Title in BB , hmm ,Craig Ratliff,,, his Brother and Sister both are Grads of JCHS he went to JCHS a year or so also. Without him there goes the State title in Basketball. Seems that ever since Matney has come to JCHS the Mighty Tiger Football has failed to beat a team with a winning record and Chickened out of playing the Apple Bowl. Talk about a Embarrament. Seems you guys need a few County boys on your team so you can win something again!
Lol. Did you really just call Paintsville a private school?

You do realize that Paintsville is a public school, correct?
Lots of times Johnson Co athletes have dominated and you just didn't relize it! Take Joey Couch he grew up in the County system and was a key member of Paintsville 1985 Class A football team and three 15th Region BB titles his Brother David was First team ALL-State in Basketball at JCHS. Craig Ratliff, Greg Slone, Matt Williams, , Mick Vanhoosse are all memebers of Paintsville teams that won State Championships but came up in the JC system. You can't blame none of these guys for going to Paintsville , JCHS was famous for playing a Kid because his mom or dad was teacher in the School system or playing a rich booster's son over a really gifted player. I will never forget the Great Paintville Football Coach seeing a JCHS Athlete High Jump 6 feet 7 inchs and dominate the 110 High Hurldes Brugh ask the Kid "why he didn't Play Football"? The Kid replied "I did Coach , I played Offensive tackle". Old Brugh just took his hat off and Said "I be dammed"! Turns out a "Real High UP" at JCHS had a "pet" player that he Loved! The "PET" player was 5 feet 6 inchs 145 lbs and got the starting FULLback spot over the 6feet 2 inch 215 lbs track Star. I
Doesn't everyone understand that this thread was started so everyone could pat PCC on the back. They have played very well, I give them that straight up, but you don't need to start threads to get patted on the back. Let your team do the proving on the field.
OutsideLogic Wrote:Doesn't everyone understand that this thread was started so everyone could pat PCC on the back. They have played very well, I give them that straight up, but you don't need to start threads to get patted on the back. Let your team do the proving on the field.

actually i started this thread to see what everyones opinon was! you seem a little butt hurt over your team tho, was they not impressive????:Shaking:
ole_blue_sack_15 Wrote:actually i started this thread to see what everyones opinon was! you seem a little butt hurt over your team tho, was they not impressive????:Shaking:

Has nothing to do with it. Just get tired of getting on here and seeing everyone looking for an excuse to pat them on the back. I think they played very well the other night and I have to say they have my vote for biggest surprise of the season so far. But, like I said let your team do the talking and quit taking pop shots at other teams. By the way, read your posts before you hit the send button before you start calling out other people. (seem a little butt hurt)
OutsideLogic Wrote:Has nothing to do with it. Just get tired of getting on here and seeing everyone looking for an excuse to pat them on the back. I think they played very well the other night and I have to say they have my vote for biggest surprise of the season so far. But, like I said let your team do the talking and quit taking pop shots at other teams. By the way, read your posts before you hit the send button before you start calling out other people. (seem a little butt hurt)

I can't believe no one has given the Black Bears of Harlan Co a mention in this debate. They have mauled both of their opponents, and have reached the top of the mountain Top Ten.
Mountain pride 10 Wrote:I can't believe no one has given the Black Bears of Harlan Co a mention in this debate. They have mauled both of their opponents, and have reached the top of the mountain Top Ten.

I have to agree, they are playing some very good football so far this season.
As a Belfry fan, I'll go with Prestonburg. That is to take NOTHING away from Perry Central - who frankly seems to be on the rapid rise with perhaps the next great coach in the Mountains.

But Pburg hung blow for blow with Perry. Dominated Sheldon Clark - who isn't as bad as we all sorta think they are - wait for Hager to shape em up.

Derrosset has been on fire the last few years, and has a lot of experience and talent on his roster.

I love the respect the Blackcat fans have been giving the Belfry Pirate program on some of the threads I have checked so far this young season. Here is LOT of respect back. I only hope we can swing that pendulum back our way. I know it will be a heck of a game.
Well obviously, with Perry Central's big win over Johnson Central, I think this make them the overwhelming favorite for the most impressive team so far this season!
Paintsville is a Independent School System "private" is probably the wrong term to use. I think at onetime they were considered a Private school.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Lol. Did you really just call Paintsville a private school?

You do realize that Paintsville is a public school, correct?

Sorry I should have used the term Independent School system.
Mountain pride 10 Wrote:I can't believe no one has given the Black Bears of Harlan Co a mention in this debate. They have mauled both of their opponents, and have reached the top of the mountain Top Ten.

But it's not really that surprising, everyone knew the Black Bears were going to be extremely good this year and they have lived up to that so far.
potlimit2002 Wrote:Sorry I should have used the term Independent School system.
It's all good.
Perry Central, Harlan Co, Rockcastle Co, Knox Co, and P-burg have all been impressive thus far. Perry has been the biggest surprise though. Before the season started, most thought they'd start the year off 0-2.
1. Perry Central
2. Harlan County
3. Prestonsburg
4. Somerset
5. Bell County
I have often questioned the class system. If one sport uses this system, then why wouldn't it be used for all sports?
No actually I played high school and college football. I know a little about the sport, lol. But either way its a difference of opinion on the matter I guess. I guess I just don't get the fuss over kids playing 2 ways.
We Bleed Blue Wrote:I have often questioned the class system. If one sport uses this system, then why wouldn't it be used for all sports?

I love that Kentucky is one of only two states that don't use the class system in basketball. I also love the fact that we have one true champion, not a champion for 6 different classes. But in football, the class system is a must.
Anyway, ttt.
Harlan Co fan here, and I have to give some props to Harlan Ind. Despite being 1 - 1 they hung with Pikeville, and put a whippin' on Williamsburg. I think they are much better than everyone thought they would be.
The Rock has looked great
Perry Central and Harlan so far.
I have to say:

1. Perry Central (As previously mentioned, could easily be 0-2)
2. Harlan Co. (Two impressive performances so far)
3. Somerset (They were supposed to be down this year due to the # of players they lost)
4. Rockcastle Co. (Points scored vs points allowed is just flat impressive)
PaytoPlay Wrote:As a Belfry fan, I'll go with Prestonburg. That is to take NOTHING away from Perry Central - who frankly seems to be on the rapid rise with perhaps the next great coach in the Mountains.

But Pburg hung blow for blow with Perry. Dominated Sheldon Clark - who isn't as bad as we all sorta think they are - wait for Hager to shape em up.

Derrosset has been on fire the last few years, and has a lot of experience and talent on his roster.

I love the respect the Blackcat fans have been giving the Belfry Pirate program on some of the threads I have checked so far this young season. Here is LOT of respect back. I only hope we can swing that pendulum back our way. I know it will be a heck of a game.

As the #1 Blackcat Fan, i would like to say thank you. I was just talking with a Belfry fan/friend of mine today & we where just saying how much respect we had for each others team & how we used them as a measuring stick for the rest of the year. Good luck on the year except of course 9-9-11.

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