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Highlands makes a statement...35 - 14
surgeon Wrote:Guys get serious Boyle County is not even in Highlands league. Without a doubt the best team in the State.

No blooming way. Trinity is the best team in the state and it's not close.
charlie22 Wrote:No blooming way. Trinity is the best team in the state and it's not close.

But Highlands is by far the best PUBLIC school in Kentucky.
^ Fair and I would agree with you!
Wise one Wrote:But Highlands is by far the best PUBLIC school in Kentucky.

Don't care. If they wind up the season as the 4A champion, THEN I'll call them the best. Until December, they're just another team fighting for position.
Haha I guess we will see won't we Rebel Pride? Isn't he in the same class that only won 2 games as 8th graders?
Can you dig it? Wrote:Don't care. If they wind up the season as the 4A champion, THEN I'll call them the best. Until December, they're just another team fighting for position.

I'm sure the program is waiting with bated breath for your endorsement.:biggrin:
NCC41 Wrote:I'm sure the program is waiting with bated breath for your endorsement.:biggrin:

Probably not, but to be fair to CYDI, it is rather premature for people to be saying that Highlands is the best public school football team in Ky this year. Lots of games to be played before the opinion that Highlands is the best public school team can have much credibility. Heck, at this point we don't even know if they are the best public school team in Ky in 4A.
know1 Wrote:I know this is OT, but I don't understand this mentality. I think it's just fine to be a fan of a team but objectively predict they will lose if they are playing someone like the New England Patriots.

It kind of makes the prediction threads useless if everyone is just going to blindly pick their own team.

To each his own. I will always pick Boyle County to win. Period. When I go watch Boyle County play I want them and expect them to win. I don't understand the mentality of going to a game as a fan of a team expecting that team to lose for the sake of being objective. Whatever. I'll continue to expect Boyle County(and Bowling Green for that matter) to win each game and remain the blind and loyal fan/supporter/booster/parent that I am.
cctiger Wrote:Haha I guess we will see won't we Rebel Pride? Isn't he in the same class that only won 2 games as 8th graders?

Our middle school program has never truly reflected the success of the varsity program. To believe their success mirrors one another is a horrible judgement. We have had great middle school teams do great and lose at the varsity level and vice versa. That same class that won 2 games as 8th graders won the JV Conference Championship last year. Believe they aren't any good if you want. They'll be just fine.
RebelPride12 Wrote:To each his own. I will always pick Boyle County to win. Period. When I go watch Boyle County play I want them and expect them to win. I don't understand the mentality of going to a game as a fan of a team expecting that team to lose for the sake of being objective. Whatever. I'll continue to expect Boyle County(and Bowling Green for that matter) to win each game and remain the blind and loyal fan/supporter/booster/parent that I am.

I think you can objectively predict your team to lose and still go to the game pulling as hard as you can for them to win.

I'm just saying that if everyone would automatically pick their own team to win in the predictions threads regardless of the competition, than those threads wouldn't mean much, would they?
know1 Wrote:I think you can objectively predict your team to lose and still go to the game pulling as hard as you can for them to win.

I'm just saying that if everyone would automatically pick their own team to win in the predictions threads regardless of the competition, than those threads wouldn't mean much, would they?

I understand what you are saying. I am the kind of person who loves to be right. I can't objectively pick against Boyle County or Bowling Green because if they did lose I would be happy because I was right. I'd rather pick us to beat the Pats and lose with my Rebels/Purples than pick against them and be happy after our loss because I was right. Me picking against them would effectively cause me to root against them. If I truly felt in my heart that Boyle/BG were going to lose a game I guarantee you won't see me on any thread in any forum predicting that loss. I'd just as soon avoid the threads and the negativity than just jump in and pile on. One Hearteat. I live and will die loyal to my teams even if it makes me blindly loyal to a fault. So be it.
NCC41 Wrote:I'm sure the program is waiting with bated breath for your endorsement.:biggrin:

:oYeah, that read different than it sounded in my head. I just meant that it was too early to be talking about them as the best anything.
Can you dig it? Wrote::oYeah, that read different than it sounded in my head. I just meant that it was too early to be talking about them as the best anything.

Fair enough "Can you dig it?"
Is there a rebroadcast from the game on IHigh or is this one in the can? Couldn't find it in the archives.
RepeatRings Wrote:Is there a rebroadcast from the game on IHigh or is this one in the can? Couldn't find it in the archives.

I looked for it also the day after the game and could not find it. Found every other game in the state on Ihigh just not the Highlands /Boyle game. What's up with that.:HitWall:
Time to put this one to rest and move on:argue:

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