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Hold Backs
"-STAT-" Wrote:Disagree.....but the only reason a kid should be held back is for Academic Reasons....not Athletic
I agree 100% !!
There should be so many factors considered when holding someone back and it should be a case by case basis. However, I am generally for the idea as most kids could use another year of physical maturity before heading off to college/work after high school. If it helps them in sports, so be it.
I tink you should lose a year of eligibility if you are held back for purely athletic purposes.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:I tink you should lose a year of eligibility if you are held back for purely athletic purposes.
And it should be your "senior" or last year in high school.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:I tink you should lose a year of eligibility if you are held back for purely athletic purposes.

Nothing against your post, but I would like to hear some debate on how could you ever prove the motive was purely athletic?

Do you have to be a mental midget or slobbering on yourself to be held back for any other reason than athletics? What should be the qualifications to be held back?

Here is a scenario, you're kid is an A student, but he is one of the youngest in his class and you feel he shouldn't be starting college at 17. He happens to play sports, but has only mediocre talent at best. Never an all-star. Kinda of a nerd. You keep him back in hopes that he matures physically & socially because it is a debatable fact that at earlier ages physically mature kids are leaders socially. He happens to hit a growth spurt and now is bigger than most in his new class. Combine that with his mediocre talent and he is now better than most and he becomes an athlete in that class. With hard work he goes on to be better than was ever expected and the results turn out well for him. He even gets an athletic/academic scholarship to play at a small college, keeping his parents from paying his tuition.

Was this hold back purely athletic driven or were there other factors involved? Could those factors have been seen by anyone other than the parents?
"JMac" Wrote:Nothing against your post, but I would like to hear some debate on how could you ever prove the motive was purely athletic?

Do you have to be a mental midget or slobbering on yourself to be held back for any other reason than athletics? What should be the qualifications to be held back?
If it was for any other reason but athletics, then the parents and players shouldnt object to them having to sit out sports for there second year in the same grade. It really cant be because of grades, because you have to pass your classes with a 2.0 GPA to be able to play sports anyways. Some schools have even have people on the honor roll being held back.

"JMac" Wrote:You keep him back in hopes that he matures physically & socially because it is a debatable fact that at earlier ages physically mature kids are leaders socially.
hold backs wont make you mature any ealier in age, only by keeping you back a grade. You will still get full maturity at the same age you normally would. Yes, a player could grow during the year they are held back. And that is normal for middle school players. But if they was getting held back for any other reason besides sports, then the parents and coaches should not have a problem with them sitting out the second year in the same grade. If they do have a problem with it, then most likely it was because of sports. And if at 17 you are not fully mature, then sit out a year between high school and college. If parents would make there children work a year between HS and college, then they would try harder in college to get a job where it isnt all physical labor or minimum wages.

"JMac" Wrote:Was this hold back purely athletic driven or were there other factors involved? Could those factors have been seen by anyone other than the parents?

If a school, or excuse me, a ballteam was to hold back one or two or more year in and year out, then yes, that also shows that it was for athletics. Also, why dont parents wait till the children get older to see if there maturity level catches up with the in high school? Let them try their freshman year and if they are not mature enough, hold them back then. The reason why is simple. If they get held back there freshman year, they do not get to play all 4 years. If they was holding them back for maturity or any other reason, then they should be more worried about their childrean instead of how they preform on the court or field.
"JMac" Wrote:Nothing against your post, but I would like to hear some debate on how could you ever prove the motive was purely athletic?

Do you have to be a mental midget or slobbering on yourself to be held back for any other reason than athletics? What should be the qualifications to be held back?

Here is a scenario, you're kid is an A student, but he is one of the youngest in his class and you feel he shouldn't be starting college at 17. He happens to play sports, but has only mediocre talent at best. Never an all-star. Kinda of a nerd. You keep him back in hopes that he matures physically & socially because it is a debatable fact that at earlier ages physically mature kids are leaders socially. He happens to hit a growth spurt and now is bigger than most in his new class. Combine that with his mediocre talent and he is now better than most and he becomes an athlete in that class. With hard work he goes on to be better than was ever expected and the results turn out well for him. He even gets an athletic/academic scholarship to play at a small college, keeping his parents from paying his tuition.

Was this hold back purely athletic driven or were there other factors involved? Could those factors have been seen by anyone other than the parents?
If your kid is an A student and you held him back for those reasons you would be doing such a ridiculous disservice to that kid that if you can't see that then there is no point even having this discussion with you.
Floyd County requires middle/elementary school students to maintain a 2.5 GPA to be eligible to play sports. So you know they student isn't struggling to much if they are eligible all season. There are A students repeating a grade this year.
I just personally think it is funny when people say they are being held back for maturity reasons. I mean, if a 13 or 14 year old isnt mature enough to stay in the grade they are in, why move then down to people younger than them. Do you think that would make them more mature? I think it would be better to have them with other kids there own age group to mature more with them.
I agree with much of what you say Basketballonlyfan. I think it would be good to have a kid either sit out when they stay back the same grade or have to play athletics with the grade they should be in the next year. (i.e. stay back in the 6th have to sit out or play with the 7th/8th. Stay back in the 8th have to play Freshman or sit out.) Eventually they catch up in high school, but it doesn't have quite the same effect at that point.

I also agree that holding a child back won't help with some types of maturity. It can help with physical and social maturity, but not in other types. I'm a believer that pecking orders are established early in school and mostly based on physical behaviors. Social maturity can go along way toward a child's development.

A big reason I agree with hold backs at a younger age is that I feel children are molded and build their base on life in the early grades. Given the cir***stances in many high schools, it can be too late to deal with it at that age and grade levels.

Thanks for the great input.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:there is no point even having this discussion with you.

I thought the point was to discuss the issue!?!?

you would be doing such a ridiculous disservice

The next question is who is in a better position to judge whether a child should be held back?

Mom/Dad, a teacher, the principle, the superintendent, the school board, the court system, the Government? For whatever reason, I generally feel that mom/dad have a better idea of what is good for their child than an outsider, although consulting with someone such as a guidance counselor would be a very good idea.
You're seriously going to argue holding a kid back to repeat a grade when he/she has straight A's?

Step away from the keyboard and think about what you're saying.
I would absolutely argue that there are more factors to be considered than grades or athletics. Neither one of those alone can prepare you for life after highschool.
BL has a few hold backs.
"98NCCalum" Wrote:If your kid is an A student and you held him back for those reasons you would be doing such a ridiculous disservice to that kid that if you can't see that then there is no point even having this discussion with you.

I agree. I SAW this happen first hand. Two boys that I watched grow up were held back to play basketball another year in middle school. One was my good friend's brother and the other was his little cousin. All three of the boys were athletes. The younger brother and cousin were short growing up but were good atheletes, they played all of their lives, and as they got older they did get taller so it wasn't a size factor. It couldn't have been a maturity factor because their parents let them run around by themselves all the time and trusted them enough to let them loose at events with many, many, many people around and both boys were top of their class, always had straight A's growing up. It was purely to play basketball, no questions asked. My mom even talked to one of the boys' mom about it and was telling her that she thought that it was crazy that she held her son back because he was doing perfect in school and stuff. The mom just laughed and shrugged....Like was said before, if your kid has the grades to be eligible to play sports then they should not be held back for "academic reasons"..that is b.s.
I am considered a hold back I am a 14 yr old( turn 15 next month) 8th grader
I am in the top of my class in athletics and academics
I made homecoming which means i am very well liked
I was not held back in middle or elementary school
I started school i yr late because my MOM wanted me to spend a extra at home with her
People complain about my age and how stupid it is for me getting held back
But i see no problem in what my parents did
I was also held back because my dad graduted high school at 17 and felt like a young man shouldn't be on his own at that age
Now let me ask you a question
Is it so wrong what my parents did?
"thebestplayerever" Wrote:i disagree, if someone cant play with people there own age then they shouldnt play at all

yes yes, its jus not fair for kids the right age u kno??
"THE BUS" Wrote:I am considered a hold back I am a 14 yr old( turn 15 next month) 8th grader
I am in the top of my class in athletics and academics
I made homecoming which means i am very well liked
I was not held back in middle or elementary school
I started school i yr late because my MOM wanted me to spend a extra at home with her

People complain about my age and how stupid it is for me getting held back
But i see no problem in what my parents did
I was also held back because my dad graduted high school at 17 and felt like a young man shouldn't be on his own at that age
Now let me ask you a question
Is it so wrong what my parents did?

That makes all of the difference. Holding you back one year before you were even in school doesn't make you a better athelete...you weren't playing sports at the time nor did it give you any sort of advantage besides maybe height over other kids in your grade..see my point?
i disagree with hold backs if you cant play people your own age you should not play at all
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Just a point to make, South Floyds freshman team beat Valleys freshman team. SF's team does not have any hold backs, how many on Valleys team are hold backs?

Are you positively sure that South Floyd has no holdbacks? I know that Valley has at least 2--Logan Bryant and Matt Adkins. They only have 5 freshman though. Elisha Justice from Dorton is a holdback and he is playing with them along with Cody Varney who is only 13 years old.
"DortonWildcat5" Wrote:Are you positively sure that South Floyd has no holdbacks? I know that Valley has at least 2--Logan Bryant and Matt Adkins. They only have 5 freshman though. Elisha Justice from Dorton is a holdback and he is playing with them along with Cody Varney who is only 13 years old.
Yep, I am sure... no hold backs at South Floyd for the last two years. They have one now though in Shannon Turner, but he doesnt play freshman ball.
I mean all I hear is complants about my age and how im cheating and
i should be in high school and all this crap
and this is from parents
I'm talking 30 and 40 yr olds sayin this to a 14 yr old child i think it's sad and ridiclous
i was not held back for athletics it had nothing to do with it
And you know
I think starting school late was the best choice my parents could have made and i recomend for every child
"THE BUS" Wrote:I mean all I hear is complants about my age and how im cheating and
i should be in high school and all this crap
and this is from parents
I'm talking 30 and 40 yr olds sayin this to a 14 yr old child i think it's sad and ridiclous
i was not held back for athletics it had nothing to do with it
And you know
I think starting school late was the best choice my parents could have made and i recomend for every child
If you dont want to hear what people think, dont ask the question... are we supposed to say something like.... it is ok to be held back to play ball even if your grades are good....

If you was not held back for athletic reasons, then how was you able to play because your grades have to be up to be able to play anyways.

Maturity? yea, but a 14 yr old in a room full of 12 and 13 year olds to gain maturity. That is a good idea, dont leave them in a room full of older more mature children.
In general, holding a child back for purely athletic reasons is inherently wrong. Not becasue of the hold back, but for not taking all factors into account.

Holding a child back that is a good students is not wrong per se. So long as all factors are taken into account and it was the best decision for that child.

It is not a black and white issue. In the end it is what is best for that particular child. I have never seen instances where a child that was academically successful and then held back did not flourish. That is no indicator that they wouldn't have flourished anyway, but it is all what is best for the children and that can't be determined in the vacuum of a message board.
If your parents entered you in school a year late then technically you are not a hold back. So what did you want to know when you started the thread? Holding a child at home a year before entering first grade has nothing to do with sports of any kind and therefore really doesn't belong in the basketball forum. General discussion maybe? As far as you thinking people are being mean to a 14 yr old child, well, you didn't start the post with "I'm a 14 yr old child." People do tend to get a rough on here sometimes. If you and your parents all agree that holding you out a year before beginning school was best for you, why do you care what people think? I wouldn't if I were you.
its not fair at all to athletes who are both academically and athletically talented,
it gives an advantage to those not gifted in school
certain athletes get longer to develope, and more time to grow and mature as well as learn how to play a sport correctly
"THE BUS" Wrote:I mean all I hear is complants about my age and how im cheating and
i should be in high school and all this crap
and this is from parents
I'm talking 30 and 40 yr olds sayin this to a 14 yr old child i think it's sad and ridiclous
i was not held back for athletics it had nothing to do with it
And you know
I think starting school late was the best choice my parents could have made and i recomend for every child
STOP WHINING!!!! Wasn't it you that had a thread on here about making excuses? I have noticed you have no problem putting down kids younger than you in a lot of your posts. (I know that now since you have given your age) Now you get on here, ask for people's opinions and then cry when they say things you don't want to here. Why don't you show some of that maturity you claim to have gained by being held back and suck it up. If your old enough to dish it out, your old enough to take it.:lame:
Dude im not talking about ppl complain on here
i think everyone has thier opinions
when im talking about
Adults coming up to my face and telling my this
We won a EKY touranment and a elder women came on the floor and started yelling at us because we beat their team
I police officer had to excourt a guy off the court because he came after us
No im not whining
I am just telling you my opinion just like you told me yours
I mean i just think it sad that an adult around 30 yrs older then me would come after a ball team
i know getting held back is the thing to do these days but look at the number of hold backs at virgie compared to other schools...
virgie has at least 4 if not all of their starting five has been held back..if im not mistaking!!!
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