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Highlands makes a statement...35 - 14
Birds take a knee in the Red Zone...Ends Boyles 30 game streak
Highlands looking in mid-season form already. Impressive!
Well that is the final score I predicted in the Football Pick'em this week so might help with all the games I picked wrong.
Boyle looked good; just not as good as Highlands tonight. Kind of surprised at all of the turnovers by both teams. Might expect a closer game in a rematch but Boyle's offense is going to have to find a way to move the ball better. Highland's offense looked really good for the first game.
congrats to Highlands
Congrats to the Highlanders, it sounded like a good game for an opener.
ihigh game announcers said Boyle was basically robbed of momentum by the officials. They said "what comes around goes around in November." Said Highlands wasn't called for alot of penalties and played some dirty football.....I thought it was classy of Dales Birds to take a knee. Bird turnovers and penalties at inopportune times potentially cost them a couple more scores......I thought it was a hard fought game by the kids on both sides and didn't see alot of what the announcers claimed was terrible officiating.
Congrats to Highlands. I thought they would win.

The game may have had a slightly different turn if Boyle could have scored after the Highlands turnover and went up 14-7 instead of the pick 6 and Highlands going up 14-7.

I think Boyle has a pretty good upside this year.
In the 2nd half, money time, birds left no doubt!
Congrats Highlands,Boyle made way to many mistakes to play with the birds tonight.4 turnovers will kill ya against Highlands.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:ihigh game announcers said Boyle was basically robbed of momentum by the officials. They said "what comes around goes around in November." Said Highlands wasn't called for alot of penalties and played some dirty football.....I thought it was classy of Dales Birds to take a knee. Bird turnovers and penalties at inopportune times potentially cost them a couple more scores......I thought it was a hard fought game by the kids on both sides and didn't see alot of what the announcers claimed was terrible officiating.
:please: were they neutral announcers or Boyle's. Funny how when you're down the refs are making terrible calls. I guess they got homered at Home?
Jack Lambert Wrote:Congrats Highlands,Boyle made way to many mistakes to play with the birds tonight.4 turnovers will kill ya against Highlands.

Made too many, or forced into too many!
Highlands could've run at will against Boyle all night, but chose to air it out most of the game. This game could've and should've been much worse for the Rebels. Highlands has some things to work on but make no mistake they will be in top form come November when the prophecy of " what comes around goes around" from the Boyle announcers comes to a head.
Went to the game. Will post about my observations tomorrow.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

First: Congrats to the Birds and their fans. They proved the better team tonight and hope the Rebels can improve enough to get the chance to play them in late November.

Second: If they were IHigh announcers, are they automatically Boyle announcers? I don't know that such is the case. Didn't get to see the stream so can't comment but I doubt officiating had anything to do with the out come of this one.

HHS made plays in crucial moments it appears and Boyle did not. And that is usually "winner, winner chicken dinner." :Thumbs::Thumbs:

Congrats again to the Bluebirds.
Stardust Wrote:Made too many, or forced into too many!

Made to many,our young QB made some bad not making any excuses Highlands was the better team tonight.I was more dissapointed in our coaching staff than our players.
Devin Cox went out at the start of the second half with an injury.does anyone from Boyle know the extent of his injury?
First of all, I gotta give credit where it's due. Highlands was the best team on the field tonight. Towles was as good as advertised; I had definitely underestimated him. /And I was pleasantly surprised at how classy the Highlands fans and team were. Highlands exposed several areas that Boyle needs to get better at, and this is a game that is only going to make Boyle better. Good luck to Highlands the rest of the season, maybe we'll get another shot at em in November.
Jack Lambert Wrote:Devin Cox went out at the start of the second half with an injury.does anyone from Boyle know the extent of his injury?

Heard it was just cramping
He never came back into the game on offense or defense afterwards.
Highlands was clearly the better team. Make no mistake about it. Not sure about the announcers making excuses being from Boyle, cause it doesn't sound like our kind of fans. We don't make excuses. I thought the officiating was completely awful the 2nd half and ruined a great game, but in no way, shape, or form affected the outcome of the game.

I'll leave the rest of the... Highlands took it easy on Boyle, Could've been much worse, etc comments alone. You won and you should take the win with class. Hopefully, we can improve enough to meet again and give you a better game..
The announcers were the Boyle County radio station announcers.
Yes, they were Boyle announcers on the video stream. The main guy was relatively fair and consistent (for a home announcer) but did complain about some close calls and no calls that went Highland's way. Kind of to be expected and, in all fairness, the two calls that I remember them complaining about were controversial. However, the color guy saw Highlands clipping and being unsportsmanlike on almost every play and the main guy had to interrupt him on more than one occasion and clarify that if there wasn't a flag, it didn't happen. I'd still say that they were above average for both home field and high school announcers.

Also listened to the Highlands announcers on the audio stream for a while. Those guys were also pretty good and fairly objective -- would have left it on with the Boyle video if there wasn't such a large time lag.

No real complaints with the announcers except for the Boyle guy who said something to the effect 'that what goes around, comes around' to insinuate that Boyle would take the opportunity to return cheap shots against Highlands if there were a future match up. Obviously won't happen and there was no call for that type of comment. The players for both teams were very sportsmanlike afterwards so the animosity, if any, appeared to be limited to former athletes in the booth.
LWC Wrote:The announcers were the Boyle County radio station announcers.

Really? Wow, then I apologize from us Boyle fans. I thought the officiating was bad but wouldn't had changed the outcome. Highlands is the better team.
Went to the game. Highland looked like the better team. I was supprised to hear the stats that Towles only completed 9 passes, it sure looked like more than that. Boyle "D" had a hard time containing the ends and they looked deflated after the late 1st half score by the Birds. I have seen several Boyle games in the past and don't know that I have ever seen them act like they were beaten after only one half of football?

- Towles has a CANNON for an arm
- Highlands receivers need to work harder to exploit the weapon they have at QB.
- Boyle's QB needs to gain some confidence (thought their second score would help, but it didn't look like it did)
- Boyle's "D" did not look like what they have shown in the past, no "Fly to the Ball"
- The Birds seem to be a very well rounded team, capable of making a VERY DEEP run into the post season.
Great game. Hope to see these two teams meet up again in November.
Great 1st Half and the 2nd Half turned into Towles Time!!
Highlands definitely proved a point and congrats to the Bluebirds. The Boyle County fans brainwashed me enough that I picked them to win. I should have known better. I will never pick against Highlands again. No matter who it is against. I think some of the Rebel fans got brought back down a few notches.
smee Wrote:Went to the game. Highland looked like the better team. I was supprised to hear the stats that Towles only completed 9 passes, it sure looked like more than that. Boyle "D" had a hard time containing the ends and they looked deflated after the late 1st half score by the Birds. I have seen several Boyle games in the past and don't know that I have ever seen them act like they were beaten after only one half of football?

- Towles has a CANNON for an arm
- Highlands receivers need to work harder to exploit the weapon they have at QB.
- Boyle's QB needs to gain some confidence (thought their second score would help, but it didn't look like it did)
- Boyle's "D" did not look like what they have shown in the past, no "Fly to the Ball"
- The Birds seem to be a very well rounded team, capable of making a VERY DEEP run into the post season.
Towles is a very good QB. He was 11-24 tonight passing and 3-4 of the incomplete passes were dropped INT's. He runs the ball better than he throws it.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

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