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Bell Co 30 Whitley Co 16
Bell wins at Whitley.
Not only did Bell beat Whitley they also beat the refs. Go Cats!
Congrats BC
Way to go bobcats it was a tough one
Bell came out flat and Whitley was ready to play, Bell needs to realize we are going to get everybodys best shot. They have to play for 4 qtrs. Whitley has a nice ball club and they will win a bunch of games this year.
Hats off to the bobcats! They overcome alot mistakes of their own doing and some horrible " homecookin" calls. They didn't play very well in the first half, but they come out and showed that they are a tough team. The Mills kid for Whitley is a hard nose player!! Bell just showed they have more talent and hard hitters on both sides of the ball!! I still thinks the bobcats are gonna get alot better because they are hard workers and have the desire to be the BEST!! Go Cats:Thumbs:
Congrats to Chaney and the Cats!
Congrats Bell.
How did Whitley look? how many did they appear to have out.

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